JavaScript in Depth
This is the best JavaScript tutorial in DEPTH, in English language, printed or online.
The JavaScript Basics section is suitable for beginners. It is concise. Pre-requisite is familarity with a scripting language such as Python, Ruby .
This tutorial is:
- Written in the most simple way you can understand.
- Standalone code examples you can run for every concept.
- Written in a cold style. No ninja no zen no joke. Every sentence counts.
- No framework, no library, no design patterns, no extraneous jargon, no fad.
- In depth. Based on JavaScript language specification for correctness.
- Covers JS2015 and updated every year with JavaScript new features.
- π means it's a new feature in JS2015 or later.
- π means it's a user-defined function not in JS.
- π means it's a old and bad feature of JavaScript of 1990s, you should not use.
Test Your JavaScript Knowledge
- null vs undefined
- Array vs Array-Like Object
- Object vs Map
- for-in loop vs for-of loop
- Reflect.Set vs Property Assignment Syntax
- typeof, instanceof, constructor property
- Function Declaration vs Function Expression
- getPrototypeOf vs __proto__ Property
- Reflect.getPrototypeOf vs Object.getPrototypeOf
- window.isNaN vs Number.isNaN
- String() vs new String()