The Pain of Ampersand in HTML
Tip: whenever you want to write the ampersand symbol in HTML/XML, don't use &
, use FULLWIDTH AMPERSAND & instead. For example:
Here is how your browser renders it: AT&T vs AT&T
You can set up in emacs to easily type it, or setup a key layout in any of {Windows, Mac, Linux}. See: Create Math APL Keyboard Layout
See also: Semantic of Symbols: HTML Entities, Ampersand, Unicode
- Unicode: Full-Width Characters
- HTML: Charset and Encoding
- HTML XML Entities
- Using Unicode in HTML Attributes
- Syntax Design: Use of Unicode Matching Brackets as Specialized Delimiters
- Syntax Semantics Design: Use of Unicode Ellipsis Symbol vs Dot Dot Dot
- URL Percent Encoding and Unicode
- Unicode Semantics: the Ɐ in Turn A Gundam