HTML Entity List

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

A HTML “entity” lets you display a character without having the character itself.

For example, • display in browser as

There are 3 forms of character entities.

where number is the character's Codepoint.
where number is the character's Codepoint in hexadecimal.
Named entity. (only some characters have named entities)

To find any character's codepoint see: Unicode Search 😄

Here is most important named entities:

Complete List of Named Entities

Add a ampersand & before and a colon after ;

Those rendered in a style like this are unicode compound characters. In many cases, there is a single unicode character for it, but i don't know why the HTML standard specified a compound.

Aacute Á aacute á Abreve Ă abreve ă ac acd acE ∾̳ Acirc  acirc â acute ´ Acy А acy а AElig Æ aelig æ af Afr 𝔄 afr 𝔞 Agrave À agrave à alefsym aleph Alpha Α alpha α Amacr Ā amacr ā amalg ⨿ AMP & amp & And and andand andd andslope andv ang ange angle angmsd angmsdaa angmsdab angmsdac angmsdad angmsdae angmsdaf angmsdag angmsdah angrt angrtvb angrtvbd angsph angst Å angzarr Aogon Ą aogon ą Aopf 𝔸 aopf 𝕒 ap apacir apE ape apid apos ' ApplyFunction approx approxeq Aring Å aring å Ascr 𝒜 ascr 𝒶 Assign ast * asymp asympeq Atilde à atilde ã Auml Ä auml ä awconint awint backcong backepsilon ϶ backprime backsim backsimeq Backslash Barv barvee Barwed barwed barwedge bbrk bbrktbrk bcong Bcy Б bcy б bdquo becaus Because because bemptyv bepsi ϶ bernou Bernoullis Beta Β beta β beth between Bfr 𝔅 bfr 𝔟 bigcap bigcirc bigcup bigodot bigoplus bigotimes bigsqcup bigstar bigtriangledown bigtriangleup biguplus bigvee bigwedge bkarow blacklozenge blacksquare blacktriangle blacktriangledown blacktriangleleft blacktriangleright blank blk12 blk14 blk34 block bne =⃥ bnequiv ≡⃥ bNot bnot Bopf 𝔹 bopf 𝕓 bot bottom bowtie boxbox boxDL boxDl boxdL boxdl boxDR boxDr boxdR boxdr boxH boxh boxHD boxHd boxhD boxhd boxHU boxHu boxhU boxhu boxminus boxplus boxtimes boxUL boxUl boxuL boxul boxUR boxUr boxuR boxur boxV boxv boxVH boxVh boxvH boxvh boxVL boxVl boxvL boxvl boxVR boxVr boxvR boxvr bprime Breve ˘ breve ˘ brvbar ¦ Bscr bscr 𝒷 bsemi bsim bsime bsol \ bsolb bsolhsub bull bullet bump bumpE bumpe Bumpeq bumpeq Cacute Ć cacute ć Cap cap capand capbrcup capcap capcup capdot CapitalDifferentialD caps ∩︀ caret caron ˇ Cayleys ccaps Ccaron Č ccaron č Ccedil Ç ccedil ç Ccirc Ĉ ccirc ĉ Cconint ccups ccupssm Cdot Ċ cdot ċ cedil ¸ Cedilla ¸ cemptyv cent ¢ CenterDot · centerdot · Cfr cfr 𝔠 CHcy Ч chcy ч check checkmark Chi Χ chi χ cir circ ˆ circeq circlearrowleft circlearrowright circledast circledcirc circleddash CircleDot circledR ® circledS CircleMinus CirclePlus CircleTimes cirE cire cirfnint cirmid cirscir ClockwiseContourIntegral CloseCurlyDoubleQuote CloseCurlyQuote clubs clubsuit Colon colon : Colone colone coloneq comma , commat @ comp compfn complement complexes cong congdot Congruent Conint conint ContourIntegral Copf copf 𝕔 coprod Coproduct COPY © copy © copysr CounterClockwiseContourIntegral crarr Cross cross Cscr 𝒞 cscr 𝒸 csub csube csup csupe ctdot cudarrl cudarrr cuepr cuesc cularr cularrp Cup cup cupbrcap CupCap cupcap cupcup cupdot cupor cups ∪︀ curarr curarrm curlyeqprec curlyeqsucc curlyvee curlywedge curren ¤ curvearrowleft curvearrowright cuvee cuwed cwconint cwint cylcty Dagger dagger daleth Darr dArr darr dash Dashv dashv dbkarow dblac ˝ Dcaron Ď dcaron ď Dcy Д dcy д DD dd ddagger ddarr DDotrahd ddotseq deg ° Del Delta Δ delta δ demptyv dfisht ⥿ Dfr 𝔇 dfr 𝔡 dHar dharl dharr DiacriticalAcute ´ DiacriticalDot ˙ DiacriticalDoubleAcute ˝ DiacriticalGrave ` DiacriticalTilde ˜ diam Diamond diamond diamondsuit diams die ¨ DifferentialD digamma ϝ disin div ÷ divide ÷ divideontimes divonx DJcy Ђ djcy ђ dlcorn dlcrop dollar $ Dopf 𝔻 dopf 𝕕 Dot ¨ dot ˙ DotDot ◌⃜ doteq doteqdot DotEqual dotminus dotplus dotsquare doublebarwedge DoubleContourIntegral DoubleDot ¨ DoubleDownArrow DoubleLeftArrow DoubleLeftRightArrow DoubleLeftTee DoubleLongLeftArrow DoubleLongLeftRightArrow DoubleLongRightArrow DoubleRightArrow DoubleRightTee DoubleUpArrow DoubleUpDownArrow DoubleVerticalBar DownArrow Downarrow downarrow DownArrowBar DownArrowUpArrow DownBreve ◌̑ downdownarrows downharpoonleft downharpoonright DownLeftRightVector DownLeftTeeVector DownLeftVector DownLeftVectorBar DownRightTeeVector DownRightVector DownRightVectorBar DownTee DownTeeArrow drbkarow drcorn drcrop Dscr 𝒟 dscr 𝒹 DScy Ѕ dscy ѕ dsol Dstrok Đ dstrok đ dtdot dtri dtrif duarr duhar dwangle DZcy Џ dzcy џ dzigrarr Eacute É eacute é easter Ecaron Ě ecaron ě ecir Ecirc Ê ecirc ê ecolon Ecy Э ecy э eDDot Edot Ė eDot edot ė ee efDot Efr 𝔈 efr 𝔢 eg Egrave È egrave è egs egsdot el Element elinters ell els elsdot Emacr Ē emacr ē empty emptyset EmptySmallSquare emptyv EmptyVerySmallSquare emsp emsp13 emsp14 ENG Ŋ eng ŋ ensp Eogon Ę eogon ę Eopf 𝔼 eopf 𝕖 epar eparsl eplus epsi ε Epsilon Ε epsilon ε epsiv ϵ eqcirc eqcolon eqsim eqslantgtr eqslantless Equal equals = EqualTilde equest Equilibrium equiv equivDD eqvparsl erarr erDot Escr escr esdot Esim esim Eta Η eta η ETH Ð eth ð Euml Ë euml ë euro excl ! exist Exists expectation ExponentialE exponentiale fallingdotseq Fcy Ф fcy ф female ffilig fflig ffllig Ffr 𝔉 ffr 𝔣 filig FilledSmallSquare FilledVerySmallSquare fjlig fj flat fllig fltns fnof ƒ Fopf 𝔽 fopf 𝕗 ForAll forall fork forkv Fouriertrf fpartint frac12 ½ frac13 frac14 ¼ frac15 frac16 frac18 frac23 frac25 frac34 ¾ frac35 frac38 frac45 frac56 frac58 frac78 frasl frown Fscr fscr 𝒻 gacute ǵ Gamma Γ gamma γ Gammad Ϝ gammad ϝ gap Gbreve Ğ gbreve ğ Gcedil Ģ Gcirc Ĝ gcirc ĝ Gcy Г gcy г Gdot Ġ gdot ġ gE ge gEl gel geq geqq geqslant ges gescc gesdot gesdoto gesdotol gesl ⋛︀ gesles Gfr 𝔊 gfr 𝔤 Gg gg ggg gimel GJcy Ѓ gjcy ѓ gl gla glE glj gnap gnapprox gnE gne gneq gneqq gnsim Gopf 𝔾 gopf 𝕘 grave ` GreaterEqual GreaterEqualLess GreaterFullEqual GreaterGreater GreaterLess GreaterSlantEqual GreaterTilde Gscr 𝒢 gscr gsim gsime gsiml GT &gt; Gt gt &gt; gtcc gtcir gtdot gtlPar gtquest gtrapprox gtrarr gtrdot gtreqless gtreqqless gtrless gtrsim gvertneqq ≩︀ gvnE ≩︀ Hacek ˇ hairsp half ½ hamilt HARDcy Ъ hardcy ъ hArr harr harrcir harrw Hat ^ hbar Hcirc Ĥ hcirc ĥ hearts heartsuit hellip hercon Hfr hfr 𝔥 HilbertSpace hksearow hkswarow hoarr homtht hookleftarrow hookrightarrow Hopf hopf 𝕙 horbar HorizontalLine Hscr hscr 𝒽 hslash Hstrok Ħ hstrok ħ HumpDownHump HumpEqual hybull hyphen Iacute Í iacute í ic Icirc Î icirc î Icy И icy и Idot İ IEcy Е iecy е iexcl ¡ iff Ifr ifr 𝔦 Igrave Ì igrave ì ii iiiint iiint iinfin iiota IJlig IJ ijlig ij Im Imacr Ī imacr ī image ImaginaryI imagline imagpart imath ı imof imped Ƶ Implies in incare infin infintie inodot ı Int int intcal integers Integral intercal Intersection intlarhk intprod InvisibleComma InvisibleTimes IOcy Ё iocy ё Iogon Į iogon į Iopf 𝕀 iopf 𝕚 Iota Ι iota ι iprod iquest ¿ Iscr iscr 𝒾 isin isindot isinE isins isinsv isinv it Itilde Ĩ itilde ĩ Iukcy І iukcy і Iuml Ï iuml ï Jcirc Ĵ jcirc ĵ Jcy Й jcy й Jfr 𝔍 jfr 𝔧 jmath ȷ Jopf 𝕁 jopf 𝕛 Jscr 𝒥 jscr 𝒿 Jsercy Ј jsercy ј Jukcy Є jukcy є Kappa Κ kappa κ kappav ϰ Kcedil Ķ kcedil ķ Kcy К kcy к Kfr 𝔎 kfr 𝔨 kgreen ĸ KHcy Х khcy х KJcy Ќ kjcy ќ Kopf 𝕂 kopf 𝕜 Kscr 𝒦 kscr 𝓀 lAarr Lacute Ĺ lacute ĺ laemptyv lagran Lambda Λ lambda λ Lang lang langd langle lap Laplacetrf laquo « Larr lArr larr larrb larrbfs larrfs larrhk larrlp larrpl larrsim larrtl lat lAtail latail late lates ⪭︀ lBarr lbarr lbbrk lbrace { lbrack [ lbrke lbrksld lbrkslu Lcaron Ľ lcaron ľ Lcedil Ļ lcedil ļ lceil lcub { Lcy Л lcy л ldca ldquo ldquor ldrdhar ldrushar ldsh lE le LeftAngleBracket LeftArrow Leftarrow leftarrow LeftArrowBar LeftArrowRightArrow leftarrowtail LeftCeiling LeftDoubleBracket LeftDownTeeVector LeftDownVector LeftDownVectorBar LeftFloor leftharpoondown leftharpoonup leftleftarrows LeftRightArrow Leftrightarrow leftrightarrow leftrightarrows leftrightharpoons leftrightsquigarrow LeftRightVector LeftTee LeftTeeArrow LeftTeeVector leftthreetimes LeftTriangle LeftTriangleBar LeftTriangleEqual LeftUpDownVector LeftUpTeeVector LeftUpVector LeftUpVectorBar LeftVector LeftVectorBar lEg leg leq leqq leqslant les lescc lesdot ⩿ lesdoto lesdotor lesg ⋚︀ lesges lessapprox lessdot lesseqgtr lesseqqgtr LessEqualGreater LessFullEqual LessGreater lessgtr LessLess lesssim LessSlantEqual LessTilde lfisht lfloor Lfr 𝔏 lfr 𝔩 lg lgE lHar lhard lharu lharul lhblk LJcy Љ ljcy љ Ll ll llarr llcorner Lleftarrow llhard lltri Lmidot Ŀ lmidot ŀ lmoust lmoustache lnap lnapprox lnE lne lneq lneqq lnsim loang loarr lobrk LongLeftArrow Longleftarrow longleftarrow LongLeftRightArrow Longleftrightarrow longleftrightarrow longmapsto LongRightArrow Longrightarrow longrightarrow looparrowleft looparrowright lopar Lopf 𝕃 lopf 𝕝 loplus lotimes lowast lowbar _ LowerLeftArrow LowerRightArrow loz lozenge lozf lpar ( lparlt lrarr lrcorner lrhar lrhard lrm lrtri lsaquo Lscr lscr 𝓁 Lsh lsh lsim lsime lsimg lsqb [ lsquo lsquor Lstrok Ł lstrok ł LT &lt; Lt lt &lt; ltcc ltcir ltdot lthree ltimes ltlarr ltquest ltri ltrie ltrif ltrPar lurdshar luruhar lvertneqq ≨︀ lvnE ≨︀ macr ¯ male malt maltese Map map mapsto mapstodown mapstoleft mapstoup marker mcomma Mcy М mcy м mdash mDDot measuredangle MediumSpace Mellintrf Mfr 𝔐 mfr 𝔪 mho micro µ mid midast * midcir middot · minus minusb minusd minusdu MinusPlus mlcp mldr mnplus models Mopf 𝕄 mopf 𝕞 mp Mscr mscr 𝓂 mstpos Mu Μ mu μ multimap mumap nabla Nacute Ń nacute ń nang ∠⃒ nap napE ⩰̸ napid ≋̸ napos ʼn napprox natur natural naturals nbsp &nbsp; nbump ≎̸ nbumpe ≏̸ ncap Ncaron Ň ncaron ň Ncedil Ņ ncedil ņ ncong ncongdot ⩭̸ ncup Ncy Н ncy н ndash ne nearhk neArr nearr nearrow nedot ≐̸ NegativeMediumSpace NegativeThickSpace NegativeThinSpace NegativeVeryThinSpace nequiv nesear nesim ≂̸ NestedGreaterGreater NestedLessLess NewLine nexist nexists Nfr 𝔑 nfr 𝔫 ngE ≧̸ nge ngeq ngeqq ≧̸ ngeqslant ⩾̸ nges ⩾̸ nGg ⋙̸ ngsim nGt ≫⃒ ngt ngtr nGtv ≫̸ nhArr nharr nhpar ni nis nisd niv NJcy Њ njcy њ nlArr nlarr nldr nlE ≦̸ nle nLeftarrow nleftarrow nLeftrightarrow nleftrightarrow nleq nleqq ≦̸ nleqslant ⩽̸ nles ⩽̸ nless nLl ⋘̸ nlsim nLt ≪⃒ nlt nltri nltrie nLtv ≪̸ nmid NoBreak NonBreakingSpace &nbsp; Nopf nopf 𝕟 Not not ¬ NotCongruent NotCupCap NotDoubleVerticalBar NotElement NotEqual NotEqualTilde ≂̸ NotExists NotGreater NotGreaterEqual NotGreaterFullEqual ≧̸ NotGreaterGreater ≫̸ NotGreaterLess NotGreaterSlantEqual ⩾̸ NotGreaterTilde NotHumpDownHump ≎̸ NotHumpEqual ≏̸ notin notindot ⋵̸ notinE ⋹̸ notinva notinvb notinvc NotLeftTriangle NotLeftTriangleBar ⧏̸ NotLeftTriangleEqual NotLess NotLessEqual NotLessGreater NotLessLess ≪̸ NotLessSlantEqual ⩽̸ NotLessTilde NotNestedGreaterGreater ⪢̸ NotNestedLessLess ⪡̸ notni notniva notnivb notnivc NotPrecedes NotPrecedesEqual ⪯̸ NotPrecedesSlantEqual NotReverseElement NotRightTriangle NotRightTriangleBar ⧐̸ NotRightTriangleEqual NotSquareSubset ⊏̸ NotSquareSubsetEqual NotSquareSuperset ⊐̸ NotSquareSupersetEqual NotSubset ⊂⃒ NotSubsetEqual NotSucceeds NotSucceedsEqual ⪰̸ NotSucceedsSlantEqual NotSucceedsTilde ≿̸ NotSuperset ⊃⃒ NotSupersetEqual NotTilde NotTildeEqual NotTildeFullEqual NotTildeTilde NotVerticalBar npar nparallel nparsl ⫽⃥ npart ∂̸ npolint npr nprcue npre ⪯̸ nprec npreceq ⪯̸ nrArr nrarr nrarrc ⤳̸ nrarrw ↝̸ nRightarrow nrightarrow nrtri nrtrie nsc nsccue nsce ⪰̸ Nscr 𝒩 nscr 𝓃 nshortmid nshortparallel nsim nsime nsimeq nsmid nspar nsqsube nsqsupe nsub nsubE ⫅̸ nsube nsubset ⊂⃒ nsubseteq nsubseteqq ⫅̸ nsucc nsucceq ⪰̸ nsup nsupE ⫆̸ nsupe nsupset ⊃⃒ nsupseteq nsupseteqq ⫆̸ ntgl Ntilde Ñ ntilde ñ ntlg ntriangleleft ntrianglelefteq ntriangleright ntrianglerighteq Nu Ν nu ν num # numero numsp nvap ≍⃒ nVDash nVdash nvDash nvdash nvge ≥⃒ nvgt >⃒ nvHarr nvinfin nvlArr nvle ≤⃒ nvlt <⃒ nvltrie ⊴⃒ nvrArr nvrtrie ⊵⃒ nvsim ∼⃒ nwarhk nwArr nwarr nwarrow nwnear Oacute Ó oacute ó oast ocir Ocirc Ô ocirc ô Ocy О ocy о odash Odblac Ő odblac ő odiv odot odsold OElig Œ oelig œ ofcir ⦿ Ofr 𝔒 ofr 𝔬 ogon ˛ Ograve Ò ograve ò ogt ohbar ohm Ω oint olarr olcir olcross oline olt Omacr Ō omacr ō Omega Ω omega ω Omicron Ο omicron ο omid ominus Oopf 𝕆 oopf 𝕠 opar OpenCurlyDoubleQuote OpenCurlyQuote operp oplus Or or orarr ord order orderof ordf ª ordm º origof oror orslope orv oS Oscr 𝒪 oscr Oslash Ø oslash ø osol Otilde Õ otilde õ Otimes otimes otimesas Ouml Ö ouml ö ovbar OverBar OverBrace OverBracket OverParenthesis par para parallel parsim parsl part PartialD Pcy П pcy п percnt % period . permil perp pertenk Pfr 𝔓 pfr 𝔭 Phi Φ phi φ phiv ϕ phmmat phone Pi Π pi π pitchfork piv ϖ planck planckh plankv plus + plusacir plusb pluscir plusdo plusdu pluse PlusMinus ± plusmn ± plussim plustwo pm ± Poincareplane pointint Popf popf 𝕡 pound £ Pr pr prap prcue prE pre prec precapprox preccurlyeq Precedes PrecedesEqual PrecedesSlantEqual PrecedesTilde preceq precnapprox precneqq precnsim precsim Prime prime primes prnap prnE prnsim prod Product profalar profline profsurf prop Proportion Proportional propto prsim prurel Pscr 𝒫 pscr 𝓅 Psi Ψ psi ψ puncsp Qfr 𝔔 qfr 𝔮 qint Qopf qopf 𝕢 qprime Qscr 𝒬 qscr 𝓆 quaternions quatint quest ? questeq QUOT " quot " rAarr race ∽̱ Racute Ŕ racute ŕ radic raemptyv Rang rang rangd range rangle raquo » Rarr rArr rarr rarrap rarrb rarrbfs rarrc rarrfs rarrhk rarrlp rarrpl rarrsim Rarrtl rarrtl rarrw rAtail ratail ratio rationals RBarr rBarr rbarr rbbrk rbrace } rbrack ] rbrke rbrksld rbrkslu Rcaron Ř rcaron ř Rcedil Ŗ rcedil ŗ rceil rcub } Rcy Р rcy р rdca rdldhar rdquo rdquor rdsh Re real realine realpart reals rect REG ® reg ® ReverseElement ReverseEquilibrium ReverseUpEquilibrium rfisht rfloor Rfr rfr 𝔯 rHar rhard rharu rharul Rho Ρ rho ρ rhov ϱ RightAngleBracket RightArrow Rightarrow rightarrow RightArrowBar RightArrowLeftArrow rightarrowtail RightCeiling RightDoubleBracket RightDownTeeVector RightDownVector RightDownVectorBar RightFloor rightharpoondown rightharpoonup rightleftarrows rightleftharpoons rightrightarrows rightsquigarrow RightTee RightTeeArrow RightTeeVector rightthreetimes RightTriangle RightTriangleBar RightTriangleEqual RightUpDownVector RightUpTeeVector RightUpVector RightUpVectorBar RightVector RightVectorBar ring ˚ risingdotseq rlarr rlhar rlm rmoust rmoustache rnmid roang roarr robrk ropar Ropf ropf 𝕣 roplus rotimes RoundImplies rpar ) rpargt rppolint rrarr Rrightarrow rsaquo Rscr rscr 𝓇 Rsh rsh rsqb ] rsquo rsquor rthree rtimes rtri rtrie rtrif rtriltri RuleDelayed ruluhar rx Sacute Ś sacute ś sbquo Sc sc scap Scaron Š scaron š sccue scE sce Scedil Ş scedil ş Scirc Ŝ scirc ŝ scnap scnE scnsim scpolint scsim Scy С scy с sdot sdotb sdote searhk seArr searr searrow sect § semi ; seswar setminus setmn sext Sfr 𝔖 sfr 𝔰 sfrown sharp SHCHcy Щ shchcy щ SHcy Ш shcy ш ShortDownArrow ShortLeftArrow shortmid shortparallel ShortRightArrow ShortUpArrow shy ­ Sigma Σ sigma σ sigmaf ς sigmav ς sim simdot sime simeq simg simgE siml simlE simne simplus simrarr slarr SmallCircle smallsetminus smashp smeparsl smid smile smt smte smtes ⪬︀ SOFTcy Ь softcy ь sol / solb solbar Sopf 𝕊 sopf 𝕤 spades spadesuit spar sqcap sqcaps ⊓︀ sqcup sqcups ⊔︀ Sqrt sqsub sqsube sqsubset sqsubseteq sqsup sqsupe sqsupset sqsupseteq squ Square square SquareIntersection SquareSubset SquareSubsetEqual SquareSuperset SquareSupersetEqual SquareUnion squarf squf srarr Sscr 𝒮 sscr 𝓈 ssetmn ssmile sstarf Star star starf straightepsilon ϵ straightphi ϕ strns ¯ Sub sub subdot subE sube subedot submult subnE subne subplus ⪿ subrarr Subset subset subseteq subseteqq SubsetEqual subsetneq subsetneqq subsim subsub subsup succ succapprox succcurlyeq Succeeds SucceedsEqual SucceedsSlantEqual SucceedsTilde succeq succnapprox succneqq succnsim succsim SuchThat Sum sum sung Sup sup sup1 ¹ sup2 ² sup3 ³ supdot supdsub supE supe supedot Superset SupersetEqual suphsol suphsub suplarr supmult supnE supne supplus Supset supset supseteq supseteqq supsetneq supsetneqq supsim supsub supsup swarhk swArr swarr swarrow swnwar szlig ß Tab target Tau Τ tau τ tbrk Tcaron Ť tcaron ť Tcedil Ţ tcedil ţ Tcy Т tcy т tdot ◌⃛ telrec Tfr 𝔗 tfr 𝔱 there4 Therefore therefore Theta Θ theta θ thetasym ϑ thetav ϑ thickapprox thicksim ThickSpace    thinsp ThinSpace thkap thksim THORN Þ thorn þ Tilde tilde ˜ TildeEqual TildeFullEqual TildeTilde times × timesb timesbar timesd tint toea top topbot topcir Topf 𝕋 topf 𝕥 topfork tosa tprime TRADE trade triangle triangledown triangleleft trianglelefteq triangleq triangleright trianglerighteq tridot trie triminus TripleDot ◌⃛ triplus trisb tritime trpezium Tscr 𝒯 tscr 𝓉 TScy Ц tscy ц TSHcy Ћ tshcy ћ Tstrok Ŧ tstrok ŧ twixt twoheadleftarrow twoheadrightarrow Uacute Ú uacute ú Uarr uArr uarr Uarrocir Ubrcy Ў ubrcy ў Ubreve Ŭ ubreve ŭ Ucirc Û ucirc û Ucy У ucy у udarr Udblac Ű udblac ű udhar ufisht Ufr 𝔘 ufr 𝔲 Ugrave Ù ugrave ù uHar uharl uharr uhblk ulcorn ulcorner ulcrop ultri Umacr Ū umacr ū uml ¨ UnderBar _ UnderBrace UnderBracket UnderParenthesis Union UnionPlus Uogon Ų uogon ų Uopf 𝕌 uopf 𝕦 UpArrow Uparrow uparrow UpArrowBar UpArrowDownArrow UpDownArrow Updownarrow updownarrow UpEquilibrium upharpoonleft upharpoonright uplus UpperLeftArrow UpperRightArrow Upsi ϒ upsi υ upsih ϒ Upsilon Υ upsilon υ UpTee UpTeeArrow upuparrows urcorn urcorner urcrop Uring Ů uring ů urtri Uscr 𝒰 uscr 𝓊 utdot Utilde Ũ utilde ũ utri utrif uuarr Uuml Ü uuml ü uwangle vangrt varepsilon ϵ varkappa ϰ varnothing varphi ϕ varpi ϖ varpropto vArr varr varrho ϱ varsigma ς varsubsetneq ⊊︀ varsubsetneqq ⫋︀ varsupsetneq ⊋︀ varsupsetneqq ⫌︀ vartheta ϑ vartriangleleft vartriangleright Vbar vBar vBarv Vcy В vcy в VDash Vdash vDash vdash Vdashl Vee vee veebar veeeq vellip Verbar verbar | Vert vert | VerticalBar VerticalLine | VerticalSeparator VerticalTilde VeryThinSpace Vfr 𝔙 vfr 𝔳 vltri vnsub ⊂⃒ vnsup ⊃⃒ Vopf 𝕍 vopf 𝕧 vprop vrtri Vscr 𝒱 vscr 𝓋 vsubnE ⫋︀ vsubne ⊊︀ vsupnE ⫌︀ vsupne ⊋︀ Vvdash vzigzag Wcirc Ŵ wcirc ŵ wedbar Wedge wedge wedgeq weierp Wfr 𝔚 wfr 𝔴 Wopf 𝕎 wopf 𝕨 wp wr wreath Wscr 𝒲 wscr 𝓌 xcap xcirc xcup xdtri Xfr 𝔛 xfr 𝔵 xhArr xharr Xi Ξ xi ξ xlArr xlarr xmap xnis xodot Xopf 𝕏 xopf 𝕩 xoplus xotime xrArr xrarr Xscr 𝒳 xscr 𝓍 xsqcup xuplus xutri xvee xwedge Yacute Ý yacute ý YAcy Я yacy я Ycirc Ŷ ycirc ŷ Ycy Ы ycy ы yen ¥ Yfr 𝔜 yfr 𝔶 YIcy Ї yicy ї Yopf 𝕐 yopf 𝕪 Yscr 𝒴 yscr 𝓎 YUcy Ю yucy ю Yuml Ÿ yuml ÿ Zacute Ź zacute ź Zcaron Ž zcaron ž Zcy З zcy з Zdot Ż zdot ż zeetrf ZeroWidthSpace Zeta Ζ zeta ζ Zfr zfr 𝔷 ZHcy Ж zhcy ж zigrarr Zopf zopf 𝕫 Zscr 𝒵 zscr 𝓏 zwj zwnj