
By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

what is ripgrep

ripgrep is a command line program to find text of all files in a dir. Supposedly the fastest one.

is ripgrep speed worth it?

lol. got the ripgrep author sulky and replied to my post

ripgrep andrew gallant response 2022-08-07
ripgrep andrew gallant response 2022-08-07 ❮❯

ripgrep vs ugrep, which is faster

lol, there is some disagreement on which is faster

ugrep vs ripgrep 2022-08-06 qtW3x
ugrep vs ripgrep 2022-08-06

can ripgrep do replace?

lol. for some odd reason, he's adamant about not adding replace text feature.

ripgrep no replace file 2022-08-07
ripgrep no replace file 2022-08-07

fastmod for find replace

if you need find and replace, seems fastmod is a new choice. replacing sed.

fastmod ripgrep 2022-08-07 v7FhH
fastmod ripgrep 2022-08-07

turns out, fastmod is not interesting, because it does interactive yes/no. emacs does this some 20 years ago. Emacs: Interactive Find Replace Text in Directory

ripgrep vs xah find go

i have written grep and sed in many programing languages over the past 20 years.

ripgrep vs xah-find-go 2022-08-07 g2K48
ripgrep vs xah-find-go 2022-08-07 g2K48

ripgrep is about 2 times faster than xah find go. searching over 7k files on a simple word. (but filtering over about 20k files. only about 7k of them are target suffix .html)

ripgrep vs xah find go, output

ripgrep vs xah-find-go 2022-08-07 pJfpw
ripgrep vs xah-find-go 2022-08-07 pJfpw
ripgrep vs xah-find-go 2022-08-07 TKFvX
ripgrep vs xah-find-go 2022-08-07 TKFvX
ripgrep vs xah-find-go 2022-08-07 RxGhD
ripgrep vs xah-find-go 2022-08-07 RxGhD