Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary?

By Xah Lee. Date:

[The following are edited version of posts originally to comp.lang.lisp.]

I've been programing Mathematica since 1993, worked as intern at Wolfram Research Inc in 1995. And since have been coding Mathematica daily up to 1998, and on and off since then.

I started to learn emacs in around 1997, and use it daily, about 8 hours a day, ever since and still today.

I started to learn lisp in about 1997. Mostly, i readed word-for-word, 3 chapters of the book Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) by Harold Abelson et al. (there are a total of 5 chapters) And, i have readed maybe half of the Scheme lisp's language spec Revised(4) Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme. These are all during 1997 to 1998. However, at the time i've never really wrote any programs in lisp other than toy factorial function.

In 2005, i started to casually learn emacs lisp Because i use emacs extensively and daily since 1998, thus emacs lisp is quite practical for me, and i have kept learning it and in fact have wrote quite a few small scale, but nevertheless practical, programs. (typically less than a thousand lines of code; for text processing tasks)

I was trying to write a emacs major mode and also writing a tutorial about it, in the past week. In this process, i find it quite hard. Writing a complete, robust, major mode for public consumption will require knowledge of:

(the list gives a rough idea, not meant to be complete or exact in some way. ( Major Mode Conventions (ELISP Manual) )) (2009-01-23 Addendum: since, i have written a emacs mode tutorial, see: Elisp: Write a Major Mode for Syntax Coloring.)

Some of the above are related to a editing programing system and are inherently inevitable (such as hooks, font system, buffer local variable system, abbrev system). Some are more related to the language. For example, keymaps and syntax table themselves are editing-programing-system related concepts, but the data themselves ultimately calls for understanding of lisp's char-table data type. Then, writing a mode will also need to understand “defvar”, “defcustom” and others, which ultimately involves good understanding of lisp's symbols, macros, forms, and evaluation model …

In short, the study of writing a major mode forced me to start to read some of the lisp reference chapters that deals with the technical details of lisp language, such as chapters on “Symbols”, “Variables”, “Functions”.

What prompted me to write this post, is that yesterday i thought a bit about lisp's objects, why Mathematica doesn't have it, and realized:

Mathematica, being high level as it is, essentially merged the concept of read-syntax, print-syntax, and objects, into just one concept of “What you see is what you get” _Expressions_ (i.e. the code programer types). That is, the code is the object, the object is the code. In other words, there is no such “internal” concepts as objects. The code you type is called expressions, and they have meanings.

For example, let's say a list:

In lisp:
  (list 1 2 3)


In lisp, we say that the text “(list 1 2 3)” is the read syntax for the lisp's list object. So, the lisp interpreter reads this text, and turns it into a list object. When the lisp system prints a list object, it prints “(1 2 3)”, which is the print syntax for list.

In Mathematica, there is no such steps of concept. The list “List[1,2,3]” is just a list as is. There is no such intermediate concept of objects. Everything in Mathematica is just a “expression”, meaning the textual code you type.

This is a high level beauty of Mathematica.

Now, one might think further, that if for a modern language to be high level (such as Mathematica, or to a lesser degree PHP, JavaScript, Lisp), but if the language also needs to deal with general programing with tasks such as writing a compiler, operating system, device drivers (such as those usually done with “compiled langs” such as C, Java, Haskell and lisp too), then is lisp's internal concept “object” necessary in a language such as lisp?

Does anyone know?

(Note: typically all compiled language have some behind-the-scene model of sorts and almost always idiosyncratic to itself. For example, Java has “objects” (which is very different from lisp's) and references. Another good example to illustrate the point are the terms “list”, “array”, “vector”, “sequence”, which engenders huge amount of confusion. Typically, in online language forums, each language proponent sees and understands only their own version of these terms.)

Sometimes its quite frustrating when discussing things in newsgroups.

As most know, newsgroups discussions are characterized by ignorance, massive confusion, one-upmanship, and in general a showcase of the loneliness of the tech geekers in technological societies …

But in this particular thread, a contributing factor is that most people don't know Mathematica to the degree that nobody ever seen one single line of code in Mathematica, and of the very few who have actually used Mathematica (maybe in their school days in the computer lab), most don't have the basic knowledge of programing it. (Mathematica 6 sells for over 2 thousands dollars i think (check their web to be sure), and before that version, it's over one thousand dollars, and i guess it is sold perhaps 10 or hundreds times than lisps sold by all lisp companies combined)

This doesn't mean that all newsgroup posters are morons, or that all messages are of low quality, or that they are not valuable. (many, perhaps as much as half of posts in comp.lang.* groups, are highly technical, and highly valuable to the questioner or participants) But what i'm trying to say here, is that a significant portion of messages, esp in debate or opinion oriented discussions (which comprise perhaps 50% of posts), most of them missed the mark completely. (as in this thread) Often resulting in divisions and debates into technical details and facts.

In this thread, my question is about the necessity of lisp's object concept. Most simply don't understand this question. This question, certainly isn't a typical computer language designing question. (the bag of problems the typical language designer have, esp compiler experts, are exemplified by recent post of Ray Dillinger (comp.lang.lisp, 2008-01-09, “Re: Java as a first language ‘considered harmful’” (Source

What do i mean by “necessity of lisp's object concept”? I thought i gave sufficient explanation in my post, but so far nobody actually addressed it squarely. The closest is Rainer Joswig, who gave a valuable and technical examination of lisp's objects and why it is necessary. (i still need to digest its technicalities detail) Though in my opinion it does not address this problem head on, because it is addressed from a lisp expert's point of view with not much consideration of computer languages in general, and who is also a ardent lisp advocate.

To help understand the problem and related issues, perhaps we can ask a series of concrete questions that are either a paraphrase of the original question or very much related to it.

• Does a lisp variant or descendant, such Logo, Dylan, (and perhaps Tcl), all intimately require its programer to have the notion of objects? And, how close or remote, is their notion of object differ than lisp's object? Do they actually use the term “object”? (note here that the word “object” is not to be confused with the term “object” in the lang's Object-Oriented Programing facility. The “object” in our context is certain “thing” or “entity” type of concept that are required understanding for the programer to be proficient in using the language. (even almost all languages have certain “internal” or “behind-the-scenes” concept that are exposed to the programer, particularly “compiled languages”, but as far as i know they do not all necessarily all require the programer to understand a notion of a “entity” that represent all things/objects/items/living-units of the language. (some will just speak of data types)))

• Consider one of emacs lisp, common lisp, or scheme lisp. Suppose we make purely documentation changes, such that all mention of the object is deleted. In their place, if necessary, the manual talks about expressions instead, or, use wordings so that all discussion of lisp objects is replaced by speaking about particular instance of its print syntax. (in other words, do it like Mathematica does) What is the practical effect of this? Is this reasonably doable?

• Does languages like Haskell , Clean , Erlang , F Sharp , has a concept of language's running unit a la lisp's objects?

A few notes about the idea of a “behind the scenes model” of a language.

First of all, all computer languages as we know it, necessarily has a textual representation (for simplicity of discussion, we exclude here GUI based languages (e.g. Prograph), databases, spreadsheets, cellular automata, etc.) Now, since all these languages runs on a silicon chip based hardware (we exclude exotic or theoretical hardwares such as quantum, DNA, optical etc), inevitably there is a concept of “process” when the program runs, and this process may be further broken down to as to be constructed out of abstract entities that corresponds to the textual elements of the language the programer types. So, it is very silly, to answer to the effect that “yes lisp's object is necessary because there is a non-textual hardware it runs on”.

Another point, perhaps obvious, to note is that many languages, especially high-level ones such as Mathematica, PHP, JavaScript, do not have such concepts of entities (a la lisp's objects). Also note, as stated in my first post, that many other languages, does have certain “behind the scenes” language model that the programer need to understand before becoming proficient with the language. For example, Java has its own “objects” and “references”. Perl has “references”, “file handles”. C has pointers …

I think another important thing we need to realize is that what constitute the word “necessity” in the phrase “the necessity of lisp's object's concept”. For example, in almost all languages, a programer can have a working knowledge, perhaps employed as a junior programer, without understanding the “behind the scenes” concept of these languages. In fact, i assert that one can program in lisp and write large scale or significant number of software, without actually having a good understanding that lisp's expressions are compiled into entities called lisp objects. (certainly i have programed rather a lot useful functions in emacs lisp before getting a clear idea of the terminology “lisp object” used throughout its manual) For another example, in Java, i venture to say that majority of professional Java programers (“majority” means greater than 50%; “professional” means those who makes a living primarily by coding), do NOT understand any of the behind-the-scenes Java language model. (specifically, what i mean by java's “behind-the-scenes Java language model” are those you acquire when you read the Java Language Specification ❮❯ , but many of its terminology and concepts is also used throughout the Java manual (aka the Java API ❮❯ ) without much explanation)

Given a computer language, to what extent it has “behind the scenes language model” concepts, and to what degree that understanding this concept is necessary in being practically proficient in the language. I think these are all relevant questions.

(I think this is a extremely important realization, that modern languages are progressively getting more higher level and they all have less and less any “behind the scenes language model” concepts. Or, put in somewhat equivalent way, a programer can be highly proficient without needing to understand the language's technical specification. This “behind the scenes language model” concept is intimately tied to compiler/speed concepts that are exposed to the programer in the language. (this i've detailed somewhat in my essay “jargons and high level languages”))

I do not really know what's so-called “denotational semantics” by computer “scientists”. However, for the past decade, i always inferred that the term denotational semantics describes Mathematica. Basically, the gist of the idea to me is that there is no “behind the scenes language model” that exists for just about every other language and each idiosyncratic and totally mutually incompatible. The word “denotational”, means to me that the language works by notations, denote its meaning by notations, which fits my concept of what Mathematica is. In other words, a language that has denotational semantics just means to me that it is like a live, computable system of mathematics as a _formal system_. (for those of you don't know, a “formal system” in the context of mathematics, and in our context of programing languages, is a language whose computation model is based on string transformation or similar notational model, and all meanings of the language are completely represented by just the symbol sequences (no “behind the scenes language model” stuff). (another way to easy understand this for people who never touched term-rewriting based systems is to think of programing in a language that understand strings and transformation of strings but nothing else. (no numbers, for example)))

(i'd have answered many of my questions if i knew Haskell well … but never did)

Ken Tilton wrote:

If I say (eq (list 1)(list 1)) in Lisp I get nil, aka, nope, they are not EQ, EQ being the test for object identity. (They happen also not to be EQL, just EQUAL (the one that digs into structure)) What happens in Mathematica?



This is the beauty of mathematica. Simple, easy to understand. What you see is what you get. No behind the scenes stuff.

The advantage to me in Lisp is that I can have two lists starting with the same textual expression and they will, well, be two different lists, not one.

This is exactly the point of confusing, behind-the-scenes language model, i mean. Depending on the language, they can get quite convoluted. (in particular, Java, with its access specifiers, constructors, objects, arrays, references etc.)

I can mutate one without mutating the other, holding references to each in different places, and then see different lists when those two places are compared, or (the flip side) see “the same” list even when the contents of the list have changed. ie, I might have two Lisp “places” bound to the same list and want changes to be visible regardless of the binding.

Note here that Mathematica language programing doesn't have any concepts of memories, pointers, or references in any way. So, this means, you can't like change one entity and expect some other entity will also be changed mysteriously or magically.

Remember, everything is textual, “what u see is what get”, thinking it as a formal mathematics system. (formal means FORM-al. (think of lisp's concept of “forms” as in critical in its macros))

Kenny wrote:

Mind you, this all comes down to the question of state. Does Mathematica have that concept, or is it purely functional? (not that I am conversant with FPL either). If not, sure all list[1,2,3]s can be collapsed into one, no need for object identity, there it is, list[1,2,3]. But in Lisp we can have two variables bound to the same list:

(setf x (setf y (list 1 2 3))

… and then (delete 2 y) and see the result in x because x is “/the same/ list as y”, it is /not/ “the list of 1, 2, and 3”.

Is that necessary? It is what it is, which is different than Mathematica it seems, but I do not see an interesting issue here.

Excellent example to illustrate the issue. I'd pick on your characterization about this being stateful vs not-stateful. What the behind-the-scenes hard-linked kinda thing is basically modeled on a state machine kinda thinking. (actually, more just because it's easy to implement)

Mathematica does not use “behind the scenes” language model but you can assign vars in Mathematica and change it later in your program. The Mathemtica programing culture is more like “whatever works”, in this sense a lot like Common Lisp as contrasted to Scheme lisp.

In Mathematica, if you want the behavior as of hardlinking 2 behind-the-scene things, just assign them to the same var … like this:

  x := data;
  y := data;







The “:=” is syntax shortcut for “SetDelayed[]”, while “=” is “Set[]”. The difference, is that the Set evaluate the rhs before assignment, while SetDelayed evaluate the rhs only when it is called.

In my 2 decades of progaming experiences, with 5+ years of geometry programing and 5+ years in web application development and unix sys admin, expert at several languages, i don't think there is a instance where i needed 2 things to be linked in some hard way. And, whenever a language support such a idea, it usually just hamper the use of the language. (one example is unix file system's hardlinks)

Basically, i think the concept of linking things is one of those easy-to-implement paradigm that just gets rooted in the early time of computing, when hardware (as well as software techs) are rather primitive. Over time, these types of paradigms gets shifted and eliminated. (e.g. dynamic/lexical scope, pointers vs so-called garbage-collection, primitive statics typing (a la C, Java) vs dynamic typing (lisp, Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript … on and on) or typing with inference (haskell) or no types and mathematical types (Mathematica))

People unfamiliar with ultra high level languages such as Mathematica (or perhaps haskell too), can understand this “what u see is what u get” by comparing to dynamic and lexical scope. Lexical scope, in a sense, is of the model “wysiwyg”, while dynamic can be likened to “behind the scenes happenings”. The behavior of Mathematica expression is wysiwyg, while lisp's expressions with its “objects” is “behind the scenes happenings”. Also, the “behind the scenes” style are often the brainless of the two to implement, that's why they are everywhere. But as i repeated quite a few times, as computer languages throughout the past 2 decades, we see a progress towards higher level with less and less these behind-the-scenese language model kinda langs.

Kenny wrote:

No beauty either way, just different.

There is much beauty far beyond lisp, Kenny.

I get frustrated seeing how people truly are moronic in comparison to me, having no idea what i'm talking about while i fully understand what they are talking about. In the past few years i began to reckon that i'm just a genius, whose views are maybe 30 years into the future beyond the average computer scientists or industrial programers. (a bit scary to say this myself, i know.)

In this particular thread, i claim, that high level languages of the future is getting rid of the “behind the scenes” language model, as i have repeatedly voiced it in this thread. When i posted my first post, i had some reservations, thinking that lisp's objects concept are perhaps necessary in some way for the lang's area of applications. Now having seen the many replies and have thought more about it, i more inclined to think it's simply another baggage of 1970s computing era, and probably can be eliminated without effecting the power of the language in any way.

Kenny wrote:

I do find things like C++ pretty scary in this respect, mostly because of that whacky syntax. ☺ I am just not sure mutable state is necessarily confusing. I suppose (but am prepared for rectification) you are OK with slots of structs and classes (does Mathematica have such things?)

struct as in C's “record” data type? Classes as in Java? Mathematica doesn't have these things. For Class, it depend on what you mean. As a language's data type, no. As a function that contains data ond inner functions one can implement in just about any well designed lang, yes.

Kenny wrote:

being mutable, such that a change to a slot of an instance is visible from any reference that might be held to that instance. And I surmise also you do not consider this magic nor even behind-the-scenes? If so (and again I understand you might not in fact agree so far), then all we have in Lisp is that our lists (and other things other than numbers and characters) also have object identity, so if there are multiple references to the same thing they all change together, like an in-memory database if you will.

As i repeated many times now, programing in Mathematica does not have any concept of memory, reference, pointer, WHATSOEVER. There is NO behind-the-scene memory, object, abstract storage location, where some other entities “reference” to it.

As i repeated many times, one can think of Mathematica as graph-rewriting, term-rewriting, symbol-sequence transformation, or a formal system. Where, the formal here means mathematical _formalism_ (lookup in wikipedia, folks!). Or, think of it as lisp's concept of “forms” that are used everywhere in emacs lisp documentation, it is essentially the principal concept one needs to understand for lisp's macros. So, practically speaking, one could think of Mathematica language as if it is programing in lisp using macros and nothing but macros. (So, if you think of this way, you'll see what i mean by no “behind the scene”, a wysiwyg model of language. I repeat, think of it as pure lisp macro and form programing. _Textual_. No “behind the scenes” stuff! WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET! _Textual_. No “behind the scenes” stuff! WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET! _Textual_. No “behind the scenes” stuff! WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET! _Textual_. No “behind the scenes” stuff! WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET!)

Of course, despite my profuse talking, i guess it is nigh impossible to convey the idea unless one actually start to program or spend a few hours in Mathematica. In analogy, imagine yourself trying to preach the gospel of lisp to Java programers. You can spend hours and few thousands words, on some concept that's so crystal clear and basic to you, but the Java guy wouldn't be able to comprehend it. (and if the Java person happens to be a hotshot or have years of industrial experience, or if you happen to not kiss their asses (why should you?), he'll deem you a troll)

The thought has come to my mind to write a few pages of tutorial of mathematica for lisp programers. Written in a way such that every mathematica construct has a exact analogous counter part in lisp, in both syntax and semantics, so that the tutorial actually also functions as a fun-oriented lisp programing excursion. (in fact, if you are a lisp expert, you can consider yourself already half of a Mathematica expert. (lisp's major concepts of fully functional nested syntax, forms, macros, lambda, lists, function application are just about the same set of fundamental ideas in Mathematica, almost token for token identical except few syntax quirks or when we get into hairy stuff of evaluation model exhibited in lisp as “quote”, “eval” … or in Mathematica as Hold[], HoldForm[], Evaluate[], ReleaseHold[] …) For any seasoned lisper, if you actually just spend 1 month studying Mathematica, you can boast 1 year of Mathematica experience in your resume. And if you code Mathematica for 1 year, you can boast being a Mathematica expert. (in this regard of Lisp/Mathematica, its the same with Perl/PHP, Scheme/Common Lisp, and probably similar with Java/C#, due to, their intimacies))

In many of my post about lisp here in 2007, often i have hoped that my discussion may lead to the discourse of hows and technicalities of a writing lisp extension that emulates Mathematica. (am ambivalent in leading into this direction since if successful, will piss off Stephen Wolfram (robbing his business), possibly entail legal issues, and i myself am not ready to gratuitously offer my services to lisp community given the way lisper MORONS reacted to my criticisms and amidst the militant Open Source collectivism ambiance)

Lisp can actually relatively easily do it, emulating the full Mathematica's systematic list/tree extraction/manipulation functions (getting rids of the cons problem for good), as well getting rid of the lisp “behind the scenes” object concept with some practical benefits, a full automatic code formatter (beyond emacs current offerings) that get rid of the endless manual “how you should indent parens” once for all (as in the benefit transparently offered by Python), and also layer on top of sexp a infix notation while maintaining absolutely the full sexp benefits, and even more, if lisp experts are interested in spending now quite a lot energy, go as far as making lisp a full 2D Mathematical notation display system, and a notebook system (think of it as a language feature so powerful that the SOURCE CODE actually transparently functions like a Word Processor file format that can contain structures and images).

But before any of the above discussions can sprout, it is already shot down by the army of sensitive and clueless lisper morons. Guarding their ways in high anxiety, dismissing the FREQUENT and PERSISTENT criticisms of lisp (many of these criticisms are from renowned lisp luminaries), and kept thinking somehow that a language designed 40 years ago are destined to be perpetually perfect. (meanwhile grudgingly witnessing facts that relative stupid languages like Perl, Python, PHP, Java, Ruby, born and rose beyond lisp's combined applications in its entire history) Many old lispers still fancy that lisp is the only unique, all-powerful, all-living creature that rule all languages.

This is a social and psychological problem of lisp mainly caused by the old timers. Besides fixing problems of the lisp the language proper, other problems and possible solutions such as frequent complain of its libraries are similarly thwarted and smiten.

Whenever there's a new lisp, such as Dylan or the vapour-ware Arc Lisp, there's a high sentiment of hate-love brouhaha. All Common lispers are anxious and giddy, throwing remarks of excitement and belittlement intertwined. The Scheme Lispers live in a fantasy world of their own, simultaneously wishing for popularity and aloofness, culminating in the R6RS faakup in late 2007. (if my chances of becoming a Common Lisper anytime soon is 1%, my chances to become a Scheme lisper is 0.1%, by sheer will.)

Kenny wrote:

Now if I am wrong and you do find mutable state in general confusing, well, I guess many agree with you, namely the entire FP community. And even I agree: the functional paradigm is a huge win for transparency and program correctness. I just never enslave my self to good principles like FP, I always reserve the right to do what I want, shucks, even use tagbody-go in moments of weakness. :)

KENNY!! IT'S NOT A QUESTION OF MUTABILITY! Mutability — another computer “scientist-moron” jargon. What you mean by mutability? As i have repeatedly explained in different contexts in posts here, opaque jargons begets confusion. By mutability, do you mean ultimately the ability to reference to the same memory address exhibited in lisp as lisp objects? By mutability do you mean Haskell's prevention of a variable being assigned twice?

As i tried to explain in previous message … regarding Mathematica, if by mutability you mean pointers/references/behind-the-scene-objects, then No, mathematica doesn't have any of such notions. If by mutability you mean whether a variable can have its values changed, then yes, Mathematica do.

The “mutable/mutability/immutable” is another jargon that refuse to die precisely because it's a moronic imprecise and gaudy jargon. It has different meanings as applied to data types, languages, language models, computational models. Every tech geeker latches onto it their own conception and brandish it to no ends.

Note here, as i have also repeated in different posts in the past, that among Mathematica's over 1 thousand pages of manual, containing over 1 thousand build-in functions, with maybe a few hundred advanced mathematical functions that only a few handful mathematicians in the world understands their meaning, and containing all the fancy constructs exhibited by jargons such as lambda, HOF (higher order function), first class citizens, “closures”, mutabilatilabilalilaty, M'm'mmmmacros, the over 1 thousand pages of Mathematica manual doesn't mention any of these idiotic terms and is extremely easy to read and understand. (i happened to have read the over 1 thousand pages of mathematica manual, word for word, cover to cover, 3 times during 1990s in different years)

Kenny wrote:

Well, the c.l.l savages always ridicule me on this, but one /does/ have to master the cons to do well with Lisp. And I guess you are right, many a noob (all?) trips over Lisp lists early on. Hell, I have always maintained Lisp lists should be explained this way: there is no such thing as a list, there are just conses with cars and cdrs.

Exactly. When will these lispers die?


   x := data;
   y := data;




Kenny wrote:

Can I go the other way, Delete[x,2] and see it back in data?

No, not in the above. Remember, in Mathematica, everything is textual, or copies. All functions return copies. There's no such thing as some “object” that lives in some ether space that if changed effects others entities “pointing/referencing” to it. There is no concept of reference/pointer/memory whatsoever. Again, think of programing only using lisp's macros. It's all about form changing. What you see is what you get. WYSIWYG.

Kenny wrote:

Or has x become like a symbol-macro for data?

Yes. If i understand you correctly, yes.

Xah wrote:

The “:=” is syntax shortcut for “SetDelayed[]”, while “=” is “Set[]”. The difference, is that the Set evaluate the rhs before assignment, while SetDelayed evaluate the rhs only when it is called.

Kenny wrote:

And once it is called? What if you had evaluated x /first/ and seen 1,2,3 and /then/ deleted 2. Would a second evaluation of x still return 1,2,3? If it returns 1,2, then := in a sense gives one the same thing as object identity, except (and this may be an advantage, if I want to achieve this behavior I must remember to use :=. ie, if I now want to have z refer to the same list, I must say z := x.)


Again, if a programer actually wants the behavior of certain things linked together, you can do it just as one can in any well-designed lang. (e.g. in lisp, you can program the hard link behavior without resorting to lisp's default objects concepts) The concept of linked behavior as exhibited by languages that come with the “behind-the-scenes” “language model” is essentially having the variables defined in terms of another variable, since the hard link concept is basically just references pointing to the same memory address.

I'd be happy to show how it can be done in Mathematica if you provide lisp code of certain linked behavior you want.

The thing to understand here is high-level-ness. It seems to me, programers accustomed to compiled languages as well as lispers, have a extremely difficult time understanding the concept of computer language as a textual interface to computation. In particular, compiler writers or those acquainted with compiler knowledge, are spectacularly incapable in understanding this because their brain has been permanently damaged by low-level exposure. (in this thread, that Kaz Kylheku guy is the best example, voicing his dips and jumpers mumble jumble into this thread. (if we switch the underlying hardware to DNA or quantum qubits, his dips and jumpers goes haywire))

Kenny wrote:

But if we cannot mutate lists we lose expressive power. Lisp programs that always copy structure cannot scale beyond toy size. So mutable state is not there just to confuse people, it extends the language (so, yes, there is more to be learned).

I object your use of the term mutable here as discussed above. However, if i understand you correctly … here's the issue.

My issue here, is the complete separation of language as a interface to computation, and elements in the language as hints/declarations/helpers for the current technology of compilers to achieve speed or certain low level issues (such as reference to memory, number size in bits), which are necessary when the language is used in certain applications (such as writing a OS, compiler, device driver) that by definition needs to have direct access to hardware elements.

As i've tried to explain above, the behavior of linked things (of which you are calling it “mutability” here), is essentially having 2 vars pointing to another var that holds the value. As i tried to explain, this can be easily done in any well-designed lang, without having the language having a behind-the-scenes reference/pointer/object model. (how exactly it is done depends on the language, of course) As stated before, if you give a code example in lisp that shows some linked behavior, i can provide the some behavior coded in Mathematica, or i can even try to code the same behavior in emacs lisp but implemented without utilizing what you'd call the “mutability” concept (what i'd call behind-the-scenes language model, or pointers/references/“memory addr”/“lisp's object”.).

In yet another way to see this, is to focus on the _behavior_ of computation as a function of the language's textual input (the source code). Put it in yet another way, any of the idiosyncratic behind-the-scenes language model of Lisp/Java/C are all having no mathematically meaningful utility. They are by-products of computer engineering constrained by today's hardware, often necessary due to practical, speed issues. (and in the case of C and Java or most imperative langs, it's mostly because it's brainless to implement)

Kenny wrote:

OK, but if one thinks of dynamic scope as up the stack instead of behind the scenes, it is not so scary. Mind you, this means using special variables with discipline, only ever binding them in let clauses.


First of all, please don't use the word stack. I don't know what the faak is a stack, and i know it is mathematically meaningless. What i do know, is that one can insert ping pong balls into a pussy, and the last one inserted will come out first. Now, that is mathematics.

Dynamic scope is another stupidity, just like the behind-the-scenes things i've spoke above, that it has no meaningful mathematical value. Its existence, is just a by-product of computer engineering constrained by computer hardware (in this case, the hardware of few decades ago). As a “proof” of this, you do realize that dynamic scope basically disappeared in languages of the past 2 decades.

Of course, as a review of computing history, we note that the behavior of the fortuitous “dynamic scope” of the past is actually desirable sometimes. And, it can be easily implemented in any well designed langs, without the language itself having a behind-the-scene stuff. Exactly how this can be implemented on top depends on the language of course.

Again, let me emphasize, the issue here, is a clear separation of what is mathematically meaningful in a language that specifies computation, from what's practical, speed, or hardware issues. If one wants to design a language that's not just high-level like mathematica, but also as speedy as C, then as i have wrote long esasy before, this should be done by having special declarative/hint constructs that clearly indicate to user of the language that such is for the compiler, and having nothing to do with his computation.

Kenny wrote:

I wish I knew more about FP, it sounds like you would prefer that to the extra mental housekeeping we Lispers take for granted (and sometimes screw up).

I think i'm even aversive to the use of the jargon Functional Programming. It smacks of certain elitism and generates confusion. So-called Functional programing practically is just to define your subroutine so it doesn't call or set global vars. Of course, in a more strict sense, it entails all that lambda, currying, recursion, higher-order-functions, function sequencing aka filters or streaming, function composition, “referential transparencies”, monads (whatever that is) … and all that good shit.

… now a bit rambling about jargons:

Jargons, first of all, we should understand, are terms that arise in particular field by its professionals, for the practical purpose of communication. More specifically, the need is usually as a shorthand of communicating complex ideas, and a way to make the idea precise. As i have said profusely in my various essays, jargons, being a part of language, which is a social element of human animals, it also serve a social function of class differentiation (think of how you dress represent who you are; and your diction and accent gives out who you are; and human animals in general go out of their way to dress/speak in hope to give impressions, hide, or to emphatically be themselves). Jargons, as in this social role, tend to become abused, in the sense that often jargons are thrown by people without actually intending to use it as its original, professional purpose of ease in communicating specialized ideas. More specifically, jargons are thrown by people without understanding what it means nor intend to discuss any issue. (see the many literary, highbrow words i used in this post? They are not really there for the purpose of clear communication. They are there, to tell my detractors, that they are faaking morons in comparison to me in the department of english writing. Too.)

Now, a jargon, or the naming of things, has a quality aspect. That is, as a professional in some field, we can judge, the quality of a jargon according to the degree the term communicates its meaning or by other criterion such as terseness, familiarity, religious/cultural issues, and so on. For example, there are standardized jargons in almost all professional fields with published tomes, and many times how a new concept or thing is named is much debated for its merits before it is actually standardized or adopted by some standardizing organization in the field. (think of jargons in law, physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, psychology, literature, linguistics … and in general any science. (try to come up with examples of jargons in each of these field yourself))

Now, let's consider the jargon “functional programing” a bit. The jargon “functional programing”, in my opinion, is a jargon of good quality. It communicates its meaning quite well, based on the similarity of math concept of function. Not too long, culturally ok, not offensive …, using words that are commonly understood (sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes not) …

Now, let's consider the jargon “functional programing” in the context of social, class differentiation context. When the jargon Funtional Programing is abused, in what way it is abused? what are some of the particular effects or ramifications of its abuse? I don't have some elaborate analysis of this … but one observation i can think of, is that it confounds the very essence of the idea functional programing, namely that of coding subroutines such that it doesn't use global vars. So, especially when in tech geekers group as in comp.lang.*, it often gives the impression to laymen (imperative programers) that it is something very complex, involving a bunch of “advanced” and esoteric concepts of math. Essentially, distorting its essential meaning and generates non-understanding for something that is otherwise trivial.

(again, i note here that in the Mathematica language's one-thousand pages of manual, it does not emphasize or give the reader any impression of the jargon “functional programing” at all. (am not sure if the term is actually found in the manual other than in a intro section showing briefly how Mathematica can do various styles of programing) This is a extreme beauty and savviness of Stephen Wolfram. The effect of this proper technical writing, avoids the problem of programers sensationally discuss things that is divisive of programing (i.e. writing specifications for a desired computation). In contrast, the worst shit of abuse of jargon and its damaging effects happen in Haskell, Scheme, Perl, Python documentations. Perl and Python docs are in different class of stupidity than the Haskell and Scheme. Haskell and Scheme people actually understand the meaning of the jargons they use, and they used it properly, only not understanding its social aspects. While, the Perl and Python morons do not understand the technical aspects of the jargons they use, but also so faaking stupid to litter them profusely in their docs)

Kenny wrote:

No, mutable lists rock and are one of the great bits of genius behind Lisp, the idea that the singly-linked list is an incredibly versatile data structure. To have that and all the list-processing functions just sitting there at ones fingertips while dashing off little algorithms is simply huge, explaining Greenspun's Tenth (the replication of Lisp in other HLLs).

O my god Kenny. By now i hope you understand my idea of the separation of computer language issues of: (1) language elements that have do to with constructing computation and algorithms. (2) language elements that are by-products of computer engineering constrained by hardware technologies; mathematically valueless but necessarily anyway for practical, speed, or hardware-device-controlling aspects.

If you understand the above, you'll see that the “linked list” belongs to the second category. In other words, it is a mathematically meaningless concept as far as computation is concerned.

And, if you understand the above, then the linked list as exhibited in lisp's cons cells, is detrimental and hampers the programer's job of using the language to specify computations. To you, a lisper, you might not see this, and think cons being great because the lang's technical details is ingrained in your mind. But let me put to you a mirror: suppose i present to you the idiosyncratic, behind-the-scene, language model thingamajig used in Java or C or C++ language, you probably are very confounded by them, and find them quite a fetter and distraction to specifying computations you have in your mind.

In the above, i have expressed the idea of separation of mathematically meaningful elements of a computer language, from elements in the language that are necessitated by hardware and speed constraints.

Stephen Wolfram — a certified genius — resorts to not words but deeds and created Mathematica some 20 years ago, based on this priciple. (i do not know if he explicitly thought in this way, nor, whether this is the dominant priciple he had in mind when creating Mathematica. However, it is my ascription, that Mathematica the language is a language based on the above priciple. Furhter, Stephen is fully aware of this priciple and this is exhibited in a lot places in his writings. (side note: there are other languages based on this principle, also, i'm not the only person who have this idea. This idea of a language being a pure tool for specification of computation without computer-engineering-hardware issues, is certainly not new. However, it is probably the case that 99% of computer scientist who work on languages, have no idea of it.))

I hope i have made this idea clear. A recent essay on this is at: Jargons and High Level Languages

(and read the related essays linked at the bottom if you want to know more)

Is there any lispers who are still very confused and don't know what i'm talking about? Raise your hands please, so i can kick you in the ass.

Kenny wrote:

If it helps, what I notice is the character-orientation of your summary. eg, What happens if my last sentence instead was, “That summary is character-oriented?” You and I just disappeared, and the chance of interpersonal conflict diminishes. On those rare occasions when I am not actively making trouble here, I sometimes go back and rewrite so all the pronouns disappear. Fascinating exercise.

You worried above about being a genius, here's something you might like. I got the idea from a bumper sticker, so you know it's good: “If you think you can do anything, try sailing.” Made relevant, nothing is harder or more rewarding for folks like us than getting along with others. So if you think you are a genius, Xah, figure out how to get along with folks on Usenet. I'll give you a headstart from your roots: “Win without fighting.”

Thank you for the kind gesture.

Though, the question here, is whether i'm willing.

Further, the underlying assumption is hostility and benevolence. In general, i'm probably one of the most loving person here. I quote:

«The best index to a person's character is (a) how he treats people who can't do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can't fight back.»
— Abigail Van Buren (of Dear Abby))

(Compare, the loving, caring, moralists and mother-faak-faces such as George W Bush, who caused the death of 40 thousand to 260 thousand people)

Also, consider in a smaller scale of those “benign” and “Open Source is morally good” tech geekers who hold power. Namely, those ops/admins/“first-click”-creators in IRCs, blogs, mailing lists, online forums, newsgroups … many have banned/kicked and harassed me (one of them in a legal way), some i'd guess wish to do me harm because they think i'm a “troll”.

(perhaps i should note here, publicly for the first time, that i was banished in freenode's irc emacs channel in 2006 (and still banned to this day), by a FSF-abiding (and employee), morality-sensitive, vegetarian, faakface one John Sullivan (aka johnsu01), despite that i'm perhaps one of the most helpful member in that channel at the time (and i offered verifiable proof on this assertion) For detail, see: Freenode IRC Emacs Channel Ban on Xah Lee (2008) )

Kenny wrote:

Ironically, that is hard for you because you are /too/ social an animal. The sociopath feels no connection to others and so can charm them into doing anything. Your thin skin (a great metaphor, btw) leaves you no way to keep people out, no way to shrug off those whose e-company you do not enjoy. In a sense, by reacting strongly to others you make their problems your problem, in that you cannot be comfortable as long as they are jerks. Not a recipe for contentment. There are billions of people on this planet, put your energy into those you enjoy, not so much into those you do not. When your will weakens, well, hey, what's a killfile for? ☺

Yeah … i appreciate your comments. I like writing. I used to despise writing when i was 20ish (~1990), thinking it a second-rate activity that should be allotted to writers as opposed to mathematicians. (apparently, this is not a uncommon thought among scientists, among which is Einstein) But since about maybe mid 1990s, i find that i enjoy writings. I guess there are several reasons i can trace back. One is my habit of reading dictionaries. I, perhaps, have checked English dictionary entries more number of times than all persons ever visited comp.lang.lisp in their lifetimes since the existence of comp.lang.lisp, combined. (unless, one of them happens to be a lexicographer) (or, alternatively: i looked up dictionary entries more than any one from 99% of persons of who have a PHD in literature or English) Secondly, my study of logic has made me practiced extensive writing in a most austere, logical style possible, during mid 1990s. This happenstance also trained me greatly in critical thinking and made me aware of many deep problems and levels of logic and philosophy, esp in communication and English expressions. (and i have since come to faaking despise grammarians and English writing pedants (because i find their ideas and teachings moronic))

Another comment to your above paragraph, is the concept of living by hatred. You have seen Star Wars right? In Star War, there's the Siths, who live and thrive by hatred. Y'know, there's saying among them, that the hatred leads to power. I just found the following verse on the web:

 The Sith Philosophy

   Fear leads to anger.
   Anger leads to hate.
   Hatred leads to power.
   Power leads to victory.
   Let your anger flow through you.
   Your hate will make you strong.
   True power is only achieved through testing the limits of one's anger, passing through unscathed.
   Rage channeled through anger is unstoppable.
   The dark side of the Force offers unimaginable power.
   The dark side is stronger than the light.
   The weak deserve their fate.

Speaking of hatred, one has to wonder, whence does hatred origin? According to the above, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, but that's just a theatrical composition. Fear is inherent in every human animal, in particular, the fearing of other human animals, but fear doesn't necessarily leads to anger, and fear isn't the dominant emotion among a human animal's emotions. So, at this point, the verse's logic of the origin of hatred breaks down. After all, it is theatrical. Now, back in reality, hatred nevertheless usually has a cause. You don't hate unless someone, something, made you.

The US American culture, in general believes in some pure form of evil (such as Sadam Hussein). This can be seen in their comic book stories of superheros they are brought up with, where the story line can almost always be characterized as a clearly divided forces of good vs evil, and the bad guys usually take the form of some pure dark evil lord. It is also cultivated from their God-Believing-Sect's scriptures of the concept of devil. (contrast this to the Greek mythologies, where gods or mortals, good deeds and bad deeds, are all complex and human, and nearly impossible to say who is the “bad guy”.)

Although i live by love and knowledge, but I thrive by hatred. Hatred gives I a reason to live. Hatred gives me hope. Hatred empowers me. It is hatred, indignation, defiance, that drove me to a quest for knowledge. It is hatred, of matherfaaking lisping _idiots_ with PHD tattooed to their faces, that drove the production of this essay that explicates a view of high-level language i long had. (will be archived on my website soon)

A couple more quotations for the road:

Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are not even capable of forming such opinions. — Albert Einstein, 1954

It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.
— Thomas Sowell