Elisp: Write a Major Mode for Syntax Coloring
You are writing a major mode for a new language. You want keywords of the language syntax colored.

You want the words Sin Cos Sum, colored as functions, and Pi Infinity colored as constants.
Save the following in a file.
;; a simple major mode, mymath-mode (setq mymath-fontlock '(("Sin\\|Cos\\|Sum" . 'font-lock-function-name-face) ("Pi\\|Infinity" . 'font-lock-constant-face))) (define-derived-mode mymath-mode fundamental-mode "mymath" "major mode for editing mymath language code." (setq font-lock-defaults '(mymath-fontlock)))
Now, copy and paste the above code into a buffer, then Alt+x eval-buffer
Now, type following code into a buffer:
Sin[x]^2 + Cos[y]^2 == 1 Pi^2/6 == Sum[1/x^2,{x,1,Infinity}]
Now, Alt+x mymath-mode, you see words colored.
How Does it Work
The string "Sin\\|Cos\\|Sum"
is a Regular Expression
The font-lock-function-name-face is a predefined Font Face
The line define-derived-mode
a Major Mode
named “mymath-mode”, based on the
Fundamental Mode,
and with display name “mymath”
The line (setq font-lock-defaults '(mymath-fontlock))
sets up the syntax highlighting,
Font Lock Mode
Writing a Mode for a Language that Has Hundreds of Keywords
Typically, a language has hundreds of keywords. Elisp has a way to generate regex for your keywords.
Suppose you are writing a mode for the Linden Scripting Language (LSL). LSL has about 553 keywords. First, here's a sample of LSL source code so you get some idea of how we want it colored.
// sample LSL file // Examples of variable declaration and assignment: integer score = 0; string mySay = "i ♥ you"; vector v = <3,4,5>; list myList= [2,4,7,3]; // Example of defining a function. // built-in function's names start with “ll” (Linden Library). integer sum(integer a, integer b) { integer result = a + b; return result; } default { state_entry() { llSay(0, mySay); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if (score == 1) { llSay(0, mySay); } else { llWhisper(0, "Ouch!"); } } }
Each type of keyword uses a different color.
Here's the code.
;;; xls-mode.el --- sample major mode for editing LSL. -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t; -*- (defvar xls-keywords nil "lsl keywords") (setq xls-keywords '("break" "default" "do" "else" "for" "if" "return" "state" "while")) (defvar xls-types nil "lsl types") (setq xls-types '("float" "integer" "key" "list" "rotation" "string" "vector")) (defvar xls-constants nil "lsl constants") (setq xls-constants '("ACTIVE" "AGENT" "ALL_SIDES" "ATTACH_BACK")) (defvar xls-events nil "lsl events") (setq xls-events '("state_entry" "touch_start" "attach")) (defvar xls-functions nil "lsl functions") (setq xls-functions '("llWhisper" "llSay" "llAddToLandBanList")) (defvar xls-fontlock nil "list for font-lock-defaults") (setq xls-fontlock (let (xkeywords-regex xtypes-regex xconstants-regex xevents-regex) ;; generate regex for each category of keywords (setq xkeywords-regex (regexp-opt xls-keywords 'words)) (setq xtypes-regex (regexp-opt xls-types 'words)) (setq xconstants-regex (regexp-opt xls-constants 'words)) (setq xevents-regex (regexp-opt xls-events 'words)) (setq xfunctions-regex (regexp-opt xls-functions 'words)) ;; note: order matters, because once colored, that part won't change. In general, put longer words first (list (cons xtypes-regex 'font-lock-type-face) (cons xconstants-regex 'font-lock-constant-face) (cons xevents-regex 'font-lock-builtin-face) (cons xfunctions-regex 'font-lock-function-name-face) (cons xkeywords-regex 'font-lock-keyword-face)))) ;;;###autoload (define-derived-mode xls-mode c-mode "xls mode" "Major mode for editing Linden Scripting Language" ;; code for syntax highlighting (setq font-lock-defaults '((xls-fontlock)))) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.lsl\\'" . xls-mode)) ;; add the mode to the `features' list (provide 'xls-mode) ;;; xls-mode.el ends here
Now, Alt+x eval-buffer
〔see Evaluate Emacs Lisp Code〕
Open the LSL language sample file given above, then Alt+x xls-mode
. Here's the result:

The line:
(provide 'xls-mode)
adds the symbol xls-mode
to the variable features list.
〔see Elisp: provide, require, features〕
Font Lock Mode Basics
For many languages, the syntax coloring are not fixed set of strings. For example, in XML, you have
pattern where the
can be anything.
for detail, see Elisp: Font Lock Mode
Emacs Lisp, writing a major mode. Essentials
- Elisp: Write a Major Mode for Syntax Coloring
- Elisp: Font Lock Mode
- Elisp: Syntax Color Comments
- Elisp: Write Comment/Uncomment Command
- Elisp: Keyword Completion
- Elisp: Create Keymap (keybinding)
- Elisp: Create Function Templates
- Emacs: Command to Search Web 🚀
- Elisp: Create a Hook
- Elisp: Major Mode Names
- Elisp: provide, require, features
- Elisp: load, load-file, autoload
- Elisp: Syntax Table