JS: Array.prototype.includes

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

New in JS2016.


Return true if searchElement is in arrayX. Else, false.
arrayX.includes(searchElement, fromIndex)
Begin search at fromIndex.
[3,4,5].includes (4) 

NaN example:


undefined example:


Sparse Array example:

const arr = [3,4];
arr.length = 100; // make it a sparse array, lots of non-existent elements

// includes will consider non-existent element as undefined
console.log( arr.includes(undefined) ); // true

// indexOf will consider non-existent element as undefined
console.log( arr.indexOf ( undefined ) === -1 ); // true
// it returns -1, which means not found

What's the difference between includes vs indexOf

The includes method differs from Array.prototype.indexOf in two ways.

JavaScript, Array Search