Mathematician Grigori Perelman, Decline 1 Million Prize

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

One of the Millennium Prize Problems is solved, by Grigori Perelman (born 1966).

Grigori Perelman on subway
Grigori Perelman on subway

The Millennium problem is a award of 1 million dollars for solving any one of the 7 most important math problems, proposed by the Clay Math Institute.

[Prize For Resolution of the Poincaré Conjecture Awarded to Dr. Grigoriy Perelman By Clay Mathematics Institute. At , accessed on 2012-04-29 ]

Grigori Perelman
Grigori Perelman

Who is Grigori Perelman?

This guy, lives in poverty, and solved one of the million dollar problem in 2003. He is awarded the Fields Medal in 2006, which is highest recognized award for math, comes with $15k USD, but he declined. $15k? what a peanut. That's barely enough for 1 year's subsistence in most developed countries.

For recognition of achievement, one needs not endorsement from these stinking social organizations. Grigori has rightfully expressed this view. The New Yorker reported:

“He proposed to me three alternatives: accept and come; accept and don't come, and we will send you the medal later; third, I don't accept the prize. From the very beginning, I told him I have chosen the third one.” The Fields Medal held no interest for him, Perelman explained. “It was completely irrelevant for me,” he said. “Everybody understood that if the proof is correct then no other recognition is needed.”

Grigori Perelman Manifold Destiny newyorker wn8zk
[Manifold Destiny: A legendary problem and the battle over who solved it. By Sylvia Nasar, David Gruber. At , accessed on 2010-04-20 ]

However, now in 2010-03-18, Clay announced that his work also qualified their $1 mega USD award. Would he still decline it? Not sure if he made a decision yet. I wouldn't decline.

For practical considerations, awards of cash is a practical, substantiated, recognition, as opposed to political or mouthing ones. (Nobel is one of the worst faak, especially with their Peace department) Sure, if you are haughty and or with a ascetic life style, you can still decline. I wouldn't. Even living in a ascetic lifestyle that's technically below poverty, i'd still enjoy the security of permanent supply of bread and butter, and mostly a shelter. And even if one does not need the money, he could turn the money to orgs he consider worthwhile, or whatever causes he sees fit for improving society. He earned the money.

Did Grigori Perelman Accept the Million Dollar Prize


Grigori Perelman no million 7j5ws
[Russian mathematician rejects $1 million prize By Malcolm Ritter. At , accessed on 2012-04-29 ]

Video of Grigori Perelman

Grigori Perelman shopping grocery 2012
Grigori Perelman [MMV] (background song is Rasputin, sung by Boney M) 2020-06-10 from YouTube
