Windows Keyboard Software Guide

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Here's a list of the best productivity tools for keyboard remap, keyboard shortcut, keyboard macro, and launching apps.

Here's a list of keyboard tools and solutions.

Programable Keyboard

Best solution is actually a programable keyboard. See:

Microsoft PowerToys, Keyboard Manager

This is for basic key remapping and key macro. Very easy to use.


AutoHotkey is a the most powerful scripting engine that also lets you assign keys to any script or run any app, or insert some text, or act as pressing other keys. This is the most versatile.

The disadvantage is that you'll take time to learn how to write AutoHotkey code.

To get started, see:

Switch Keyboard Layout

Windows: Switch to Dvorak Keyboard Layout

Switcheroo: Type to Switch Windows

Switcheroo windows 2023-05-22 5jxqC

Find Key Press and Keycode

To program keys, often you need to know the keycode. Or, if you have a programable keyboard, but you forgot what a key does. You need a app that shows key presses and its keycode.

switch hitter 2022-05-15 wYNg6
2022-05-15 Switch Hitter
lets you see what key you pressed and its keycode.
keyboard state view 87m7h
Keyboard State View
lets you see what key you pressed and its keycode.

Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator

[Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator By Microsoft. Search the web. The download link changes every few years.]

I have not used this one but heard good things about it.

X-Mouse Button Control

[X-Mouse Button Control By Phillip Gibbons. At , accessed on 2012-11-19 ]

I have not used this one but heard good things about it.

However, i recommend a gaming mouse with programable buttons instead. see Mouse Reviews 🖱

What Can Keyboard Tools Do?

Different tools have different features and purposes. Here's a list of possible features. Each tool can do only SOME of the following: