Windows: Screenshot Keyboard Shortcuts

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Windows Screenshot Key Shortcuts

❖ Window+Shift+s Start screenshot.
PrintScreen Copy whole screen as image into clipboard.
Or, it launchs the snip and sketch app.
Need to set it up in “Settings → Ease of Access → Keyboard”. Even so, may not work in all apps.
Windows 10 print screen key setting 2021-09-20
Windows 10 print screen key setting 2021-09-20
Shift+PrintScreen Screenshot whole screen to clipboard.
Ctrl+PrintScreen Screenshot whole screen to clipboard.
Alt+PrintScreen Screenshot current window to clipboard.
❖ Window+PrintScreen Screenshot whole screen to file, at ~/Pictures/Screenshots/ folder.
❖ Window+Alt+PrintScreen Screenshot current window to file, at ~/Videos/Captures/ folder.

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts