Xah Talk Show 2019-10-02 nodejs, asynchronous vs currency vs parallel programing, golang, lisp cons
topics talked:
- how nodejs became popular
- advantage of nodejs. ohm impedance, of diff techs. programing languages, oops vs functional programing, etc.
- asynchronous programing
- currency programing vs parallel programing
- Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string
- Guy Steele Says: Don't Iterate, Recurse, and Get rid of lisp cons!
- Ryan Dahl, on History of Node.js 📺
- Node.js Video Tutorial by Ryan Dahl
- show the article about nodejs video, of asynchronous programing Tech Humor: Apache vs Node.js vs NGINX 📺
- Golang: Script to Find Replace Multi-Pairs of Regex in a Directory
- why cons sucks. linked list vs smart array.