Xah Talk Show 2020-10-03 Dumang Dk6 Keyboard, Idiocy of Typography, emacs, python MapThread
- Timestamp
- 10:14 why typography sucks.
- Dumang DK6 Keyboard
- IOSEVKA font Best Unicode Fonts for Programer
- Emacs: Cycle Fonts by Command
- typography, ligature, kerning
- oxford comma English Writing Style: Oxford Comma and Strippers
- 常用汉字 Most Used Chinese Chars
- The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe
- JavaScript coding challenge. write a python zip https://docs.python.org/3.3/library/functions.html#zip Also, Mathematica has far more advanced MapThread https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/MapThread.html