Xah Talk Show 2023-02-26 Design of Nested Syntax (Lisp XML Python), Search Engine War, Google, chatGPT
- https://youtu.be/f0jHXR1AvEo
- https://odysee.com/@XahLee:b/xah-talk-show-2023-02-26-random-topic,:9
- Xah Talk Show 2023-02-26 Design of Nested Syntax (Lisp XML Python), Search Engine War, Google, chatGPT
- Timestamp
- 25:16 Design of Nested Syntax (Lisp XML Python)
- HTML6, JSON SXML Simplified
- Nested Syntax: Brackets vs Begin/End vs Indentation
- Nested Syntax: XML vs LISP
- List of HTML Self-Closing Tags
- SVG: Basic Examples
- Brave Search
- Duckduckgo Censor Results
- ❮https://www.ecosia.org/❯
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