Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-07

i'm doing more and more JavaScript. Visit my Xah Web Dev Blog for goodies. Click subscribe web dev blog.xml .

updated on the JavaScript + svg. Computer Languages Characters Frequency

See also: Practical SVG Tutorial

Idiocy of International Keyboard Layouts (minor update)

atom feed broken relative link, base url. No, hackers are broken.

in atom feed (aka webfeed, rss), by spec one can have a base url where other url are relative to, e.g.

<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:base="http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/">

this is required by spec.

but it's quite annoying that most webfeed/rss clients are broken about it. i regularly got complaints about my feed links being broken. My guess is that many saw the broken links and simply stopped subscribing.

(many clients, simply don't support the atom feed to this day. This include Emacs GNUS at least last year.) (Atom feed format is far superior than rss created by the scmbg Dave Winer. see [Atom vs. RSS By Christopher Wellons. At http://nullprogram.com/blog/2013/09/23/ , accessed on 2014-07-18 ])

many moons ago, when Google Reader was around, in the beginning, it was also broken, but later on they fixed it. Same for yahoo.

recently, Christopher Wellons's https://github.com/skeeto/elfeed/issues/37 also had this problem.

No, the hacker idiots are broken. The hackers, the industry coders, the agile fk, the extreme programing fk, the google io fk, the linux fk, and the RFC fffffffffkk, n one thousand frameworks fk.

see the section “Webfeed Reader Bug on Relative Link” at Atom Webfeed Tutorial

see also Complexity and Tedium of Software Engineering

comment at https://plus.google.com/+XahLee/posts/5JrhNjhtXRT

How to unadd a file in git?

Git: Frequently Asked Questions

is programing math?

How to Stop Xfce from Loading Last Session

marketing is the primary government of lang popularity. If JavaScript was named LispScript with nested parens, it'd have failed.

LispyScript. A javascript With Lispy Syntax And Macros! http://lispyscript.com/

just wtf is closure❓

One of the things i'm most annoyed with hacker types is closure. The hacker types, always clamor about closure, how powerful it is.

but, functionally, mathematically, closure is equivalent to using global variables. But the hacker types, don't get it.

Mathematica Expression Forms

mathematica7 expression forms 2014-07-11
Mathematica expression forms. Top: InputForm. Middle: StandardForm. Bottom: FullForm.

note: the indentation is automatic. There's no Tab character anywhere.

The FullForm at bottom, is isomorphic to lisp's sexp. In lisp, you have (f a b c). In Wolfram Lang, it's f[a,b,c].

[see Concepts and Confusions of Prefix, Infix, Postfix and Lisp Notations]

comment at https://plus.google.com/+XahLee/posts/apFFHAZtksB

JavaScript functional programing flexible coding style problem

Problem of Expressive Programing Languages

Linux: Change Sound Level by Command (on its own page)

Java Tutorial: The “extends” Keyword (minor update)

The Sounds of Obsolete Technologies 1990 to 2000 (repost)

(xd.draw_vertical_grids(0,φwidth,0,φheight, lang_chars.length + 1)).map(function (x) {φsvg_element.appendChild(x);});

am starting to code javascript like Mathematica. Sweet!

and this is a major problem that lisp can't do, due to the nested paren. see LISP Syntax Problem of Piping Functions

this is a syntax induced semantic problem. similar happens to python, see Why Python Lambda is Broken and Can't be Fixed

Concerning the Cut Off of the Flow of the Code

so, i have this nice code:

// …

var xlink = getRandomPath();

// 338 pages. 1/338 = 0.002958
if (xlink.search(/hrefgram2/) !== -1) {
  if (Math.random() < 0.0029 * 0.0029) {
    return xlink;
  } else {return getRandomPath()};

// 203 pages. 1/203 = 0.004926
if (xlink.search(/monkey_king\//) !== -1) {
  if (Math.random() < 0.0049 * 0.0049) {
    return xlink;
  } else {return getRandomPath()};

return xlink;

jslint is telling me:

Unnecessary 'else' after disruption.

after looking up, it means that my else is redundant, that i should do

if (xyz) {
  return xlink;
return getRandomPath();

Redundant his ass.

didn't my mom say, if you can't say things nice, shuddayap?

actually, after thinking about it, i think the jslink style is better. My thought flow goes like this:

comment at https://plus.google.com/u/0/+XahLee/posts/F7CpXB3w3ES

Programing Language: Function Dependency

Hackers and the Foobar Phrase

JavaScript variable hosting, should you move variables declaration to top?

so, recently i've been thinkin about JavaScript's name hoisting. [see JS: Variable/Function Declaration Order, Name Hoisting]

am thinking, what a bizaro behavior. Was it accidental or by design? I think it must be design, because it can't happen by accident. But who would design a loon like that?

then, it just dawn'd on me now, there's precedence: lisp!

(let (x y z)
 ; ...

so, thinking about it, it's really alright. A bit odd, but alright.

i think i'll adopt to actually do move all my var declarations to top.

see this for context: JS: Should You Move Variables to the Top?

comment at https://plus.google.com/+XahLee/posts/A4QLPLNi2QB

Fundamental Problems of Lisp

Programer Humor: Wolfram Alpha Ad: Python Unladen Swallow