Xah on Lisp

Lisp History
lisp syntax
- Fundamental Problems of Lisp, Syntax Irregularity
- Fundamental Problems of LISP, the Cons Cell
- Racket Doc on Lisp Cons Problem
- Concepts and Confusions of Prefix, Infix, Postfix and Lisp Notations
- Is Lisp Syntax Readable
- LISP, What Does Symbolic Language Mean?
- Can Lisp Macro Change Lisp Syntax?
- Lisp Apostrophe Quote 'f Came From MacLisp
- WolframLang vs Lisp Syntax
- Nested Syntax: XML vs LISP
- Systematic Syntax: Lisp vs Mathematica
- Nested Syntax: Brackets vs Begin/End vs Indentation
- LISP Syntax Problem of Piping Functions
- Lisp vs Perl Syntax, the Cult Problem
- XML is not S-Expressions (By Paul Prescod) (2003)
- Is XML Inferior Version of Lisp Syntax?
- LISP Infix Syntax Survey
- racket2 lisp ditching parenthesis
lisp problems
- Erik Naggum, Analogy vs Analysis, and lisp-1 lisp-2 Meaning-Space
- Lisp Celebrities and Computing History from “Worse Is Better”
- LISP is Not Functional
- Elisp: read-from-minibuffer Propels Deep Questions
- Lisp at JPL, by Ron Garret 📺
- Lisp Programer Daniel Weinreb Died (1959 to 2012)
- Death of a Troll, My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009)