Elisp: Character Type

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

What is Char Type

In emacs lisp, character is represented as integer of the character's Codepoint .

For example, the char “a” in elisp is just 97, because its codepoint is 97.

There is no actual character type. Whether a integer is a character depends on programer's intention.

Readable Char Syntax

Char is just a integer.

Char can also be represented like this ?a for easy human reading. ?a means the character “a”. Some characters, such as backslash, require a backslash. e.g. ?\\

You can also represent char by (string-to-char "a")

(equal 97 ?a ) ;; t
(equal 97 (string-to-char "a")) ;; t

ASCII Control Chars and Backslash

Syntax of the form ?\char may have special meaning, depending what char is. They either represent a ASCII control character, or just the character char. For example, ?\n is the newline char. ?\\ is backslash char.

Here's a list of special meaning with the backslash:

?\n10line feedC-j
?\v11vertical tabC-k
?\r13carriage returnC-m
?\d127delete characterDEL

[see ASCII Characters]

Find a Char's Codepoint Interactively

use describe-char

Get Char from Buffer


return the codepoint (integer) of character before cursor.


return the codepoint (integer) of character after cursor.

Convert Char and String


(char-to-string CHAR)

convert a CHAR (codepoint (integer)) to string of single character.


(string-to-char STRING)

return the first char in string. (return a integer that's the char's codepoint)


convert chars to string

Equality Test, Check is Char or String


(char-equal C1 C2).

Return t if two characters match, but dependent on a Buffer Local Variable case-fold-search.

Case is ignored if case-fold-search is non-nil in the current buffer.

🛑 WARNING: when at beginning of buffer, char-before return nil. Using char-equal result error because argument needs to be integer. So, in general, better use eq if you don't care about letter case. [see Elisp: Equality Test]

;; check if char before is a newline
(char-equal (char-before) 10)
;; depends on case-fold-search for letter characters

;; better use eq for single case characters, because char-before return nil if point is at beginning, and char-equal would error because it expect integer
(eq (char-before) 10)

check if object is char or string.


Elisp, String

Elisp, character and syntax table