Emacs: Jump to Matching Bracket 🚀

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

put this in your Emacs Init File:

(defvar xah-brackets '("“”" "()" "[]" "{}" "<>" "<>" "()" "[]" "{}" "⦅⦆" "〚〛" "⦃⦄" "‹›" "«»" "「」" "〈〉" "《》" "【】" "〔〕" "⦗⦘" "『』" "〖〗" "〘〙" "「」" "⟦⟧" "⟨⟩" "⟪⟫" "⟮⟯" "⟬⟭" "⌈⌉" "⌊⌋" "⦇⦈" "⦉⦊" "❛❜" "❝❞" "❨❩" "❪❫" "❴❵" "❬❭" "❮❯" "❰❱" "❲❳" "〈〉" "⦑⦒" "⧼⧽" "﹙﹚" "﹛﹜" "﹝﹞" "⁽⁾" "₍₎" "⦋⦌" "⦍⦎" "⦏⦐" "⁅⁆" "⸢⸣" "⸤⸥" "⟅⟆" "⦓⦔" "⦕⦖" "⸦⸧" "⸨⸩" "⦅⦆")
 "A list of strings, each element is a string of 2 chars, the left bracket and a matching right bracket.
Used by `xah-select-text-in-quote' and others.")

(defconst xah-left-brackets
  (mapcar (lambda (x) (substring x 0 1)) xah-brackets)
  "List of left bracket chars. Each element is a string.")

(defconst xah-right-brackets
  (mapcar (lambda (x) (substring x 1 2)) xah-brackets)
  "List of right bracket chars. Each element is a string.")

(defun xah-goto-matching-bracket ()
  "Move cursor to the matching bracket.
If cursor is not on a bracket, call `backward-up-list'.
The list of brackets to jump to is defined by `xah-left-brackets' and `xah-right-brackets'.

URL `http://xahlee.info/emacs/emacs/emacs_navigating_keys_for_brackets.html'
Version: 2016-11-22 2023-07-22"
  (if (nth 3 (syntax-ppss))
      (backward-up-list 1 'ESCAPE-STRINGS 'NO-SYNTAX-CROSSING)
     ((eq (char-after) ?\") (forward-sexp))
     ((eq (char-before) ?\") (backward-sexp))
     ((looking-at (regexp-opt xah-left-brackets))
     ((prog2 (backward-char) (looking-at (regexp-opt xah-right-brackets)) (forward-char))
     (t (backward-up-list 1 'ESCAPE-STRINGS 'NO-SYNTAX-CROSSING)))))

You need to give them a pair of keys for them to be useful. 〔see Emacs Keys: Define Key

Emacs, Work with Brackets