Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-06

CSS: Position Property (updated)

What is HTTP Etag?

Firefox, as of today, the default encoding is still not UTF-8, but is ISO-8859.

see also How Popular is Unicode UTF-8

More peepshow windows, from Google Chrome and StackOverflow. User Interface Design: Peepshow Windows

any blog or website who changes the default font size for content should be kicked.

Unicode Search 🔎 . Pure JavaScript implementation. No JavaScript library used.

incognito mode
You have to look at that stuff in incognito mode!

CSS: protocol-relative URL (updated, on its own page)

updated. You can use CSS syntax to select elements in pure JavaScript (no JQuery). See: JS: Get Element by ID, Name, Class etc

JS: Floating Box Following Scroll (updated)

CSS: Declare Charset

Web Design: Grey Text on White Background. Solarize Color Disease

JavaScript Book by David Flanagan, and the Man-made Complexity in Computer Language

Javascript: Dot Notation vs Bracket Notation

JavaScript Books Review 2023

Dollar Sign in JavaScript

Web Design: How JavaScript Breaks UI, Evolution of UI