JS: Property Dot Notation vs Bracket Notation

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Dot Notation and Bracket Notation are two different ways to access property.

Dot Notation

Dot notation. Most convenient.
  • Dot notation cannot be used when the property name contains space. e.g. {"a b":7}
  • Dot notation cannot be used when the property name is a language keyword or reserved word. e.g. obj.for.
  • Dot notation cannot be used when the property name is number. e.g. obj.7
  • Dot notation cannot be used to create new property at run time. For example, when you have a property name as value of a variable, constructed from user input.
  • Dot notation cannot be used for Symbol key properties.

Bracket Notation

Bracket notation. Useful if key contains space or is a number or Symbol type, or is a variable.
Same as dot notation, but return undefined instead of error out if object is undefined or null γ€”see Optional Chaining Operator〕

Example: Property Name with Space in It

// property name that contains space
const x = { "a b": 8 };
console.log(x["a b"] === 8);
the following are syntax errors

x[a b]

SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

x."a b"

SyntaxError: Unexpected string

Example: Property Name of Digits

// a property with name that's a digit
const x = { "3": 8 };

console.log(x["3"] === 8);

console.log(x[3] === 8);
// JavaScript automatically convert 3 to string
following are syntax errors
dot notation cannot be used


SyntaxError: Unexpected string


SyntaxError: Unexpected number

Example: creating property with a name from the value of a variable

Here is a example of creating property with a name from the value of a variable.

// creating a property, with name from a value of variable
// dot notation won't work

const jj = { "p1": 1 };
const v = "p2";

jj[v] = 2;

console.log(jj); // { p1: 1, p2: 2 }

// all true
console.log(jj.v === undefined);
console.log(jj[v] === jj["p2"]);
console.log(jj["p2"] === 2);

JavaScript, Property

JavaScript, Get Property