Xah Talk Show 2019-04-14 Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra
- Timestamp
- 31:06 Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra
links mentioned:
- JavaScript in Depth
- HTML: Split Windows; Frameset
- HTML Nested Frameset
- dave capello's ergoemacs artwork ErgoEmacs
- aseprite, pixal art tool https://www.aseprite.org/
- Art of Albrecht Dürer
- What is Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra
- What Is Perspective Drawing
- Intro to Real Projective Plane
- Art of Gustave Dore
- Magic square
- Little Red Riding Hood (Politically Correct version)
- Art of Stanislaw Szukalski