Xah Talk Show 2021-04-24 Lisp and Wolfram Language Syntax Isomorphism and Design

vidthumb LOj1omG6k6Q
lisp syntax, called symbolic expression (aka sexp)
(f ...)
(f (f ...) ...)
use space to separate atoms, for example
(f 3 4)

Wolfram Language syntax
f[ f[...], ...]

use comma to separate atoms, for example
(f 3 4)
f[3 , 4]
these are matchfix notation:

example, array, or list in most language
[3 4 5]

example, code block
{ return 3 + 5; }

Side note, nameing of things. Naming of concepts. Jargons. Example: lambda vs Function. Example: list, array, tuple, vector. Example: hash, hash table, dictionary, map, associative list.

common infix notation for polynomial
x^3 + y * z^2
in lisp form would be:
(plus (power x 3) (times y (power z 2)))

notation of sugar syntax, is not well defined. for example i++ vs i=i+1. these are not syntactically equivalent, nor semantically equivalent

;; this creates a function, and apply it to two arguments, 2 and 3. it should return 5
((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 2 3 )

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Wolfram Language