Xah Talk Show 2021-05-06 Wolfram Language Typesetting, TeX, Problems of Traditional Math Notation, Syntax and Proof Systems
Links mentioned:
- The TeX Pestilence: Why TeX LaTeX Sucks
- The Problems of Traditional Math Notation
- The design of notation or syntax is critical and non-trivial. They are deeply tied to foundation of math, proof theories, and theoretical computation. For example, formal languages, lambda calculus, combinators, they are all essentially string replacement systems.
- Formal languages also relates to parsers and regular expressions.
- Wikipedia Curry-Howard Isomorphism
- Elisp: Regex Tutorial
- Python: Regex
- Python: Regex Reference
- JS: RegExp Tutorial
- JS: Regex Functions
- JS: RegExp Syntax
- Ergonomic Keyboard Reviews
- Download Wolfram Language Free
Wolfram Language
- 2021-05-06 Wolfram Language Typesetting, TeX, Problems of Traditional Math Notation, Syntax and Proof Systems
- 2021-04-24 Lisp and Wolfram Language Syntax Isomorphism and Design
- 2021-04-12 Wolfram Language, and What is Algorithmic Mathematical Art
- 2021-04-01 Basics of Wolfram Language. Richard Stallman. Functional Programing in Java Perl Python
- 2021-03-26 Why Wolfram Language is a Artificial Intelligence Language
- 2021-03-21 Wolfram Language Mathematica Demo/Tutorial. Transformation of the Plane
- 2021-03-11 demo of Wolfram Language Mathematica
- 2021-02-06 Characteristics of haskell, python, lisp, Mathematica, Stephen Wolfram