Xah Talk Show 2021-10-12 grep/sed in emacs lisp PowerShell golang python perl
- grep and sed, in elisp, golang, perl, python, PowerShell
- the relation of find/replace to theoretical computer science, formal languages, formal grammar, lambda calculus, combinator.
- stephen wolfram combinator https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2020/12/combinators-a-centennial-view/
- Golang: Script to Find Replace Multi-Pairs of Regex in a Directory
- Python: Find Replace Regex in Dir
- Perl: Find Replace String Pairs in Directory
- Emacs: Xah Find Replace (xah-find.el)
- Problems of grep in Emacs
- HTML Entity List
- HTML: Charset and Encoding
- JS: Unicode Escape Sequence
- Elisp: Unicode Escape Sequence
- Unicode: Character Set, Encoding, UTF-8, Codepoint
- Unicode: Emoji 😄
- Wonderland: Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole
- HTML Tutorial
dir -Recurse -Include *html | % { ((gc $_) -replace "haskell", "elisp") | Out-File $_.fullname -width 111222333 }