Xah Talk Show 2024-04-24 Ep547, Keyboard Layouts, Dvorak vs Colemak, on French German Spanish Pinyin (Chinese)
add a bepo layout and which is more efficient, dvorak vs colmak
- new layout heatmap digram, support french, pinyin, russian
- Ergonomic Keyboard Layouts
- russian layouts heatmap
- Russian Keyboard Layout
- Bepo Layout (French)
- German Ergonomic Keyboard Layouts: de-ergo, ADNW
- Pinyin Letter Frequency 拼音字母頻率
- Xah Fly Keys now support text diagram for creating a new layout.
- Xah Fly Keys now support many new layouts.
- Xah Fly Keys now support russian layout.
- Xah Fly Keys, massive update to customization pages.
- Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Create a New Layout
- Emacs: Xah Fly Keys Customization
- Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Key for Org-Mode
LanguageData[ Entity["Language", #], "LetterFrequency"] & /@ {"English", "German", "Spanish"} Map[ Function[{x}, LanguageData[ Entity["Language", x], "LetterFrequency"] ] , {"English", "German", "Spanish"}]