Xah Talk Show 2024-06-08 Ep557 random
- Timestamp
- 2:18 audio starts
if you have questions on svalboard or keyboard, ask me in livestream, first 5 minute. though, am not ready to do demo on svalboard yet.
- svalboard discord livestream demo, by claussen. Monday (2024-06-10), 10am San Francisco time. https://discord.gg/T5YMJPB3
- lots Wolfram language graphics programing update.
- WolframLang: Graphics Programing Index
- Wolfram language 14
(* draw a spanish keyboard layout *) LanguageData[Entity["Language", "Spanish"], "KeyboardImage"]
- Xah Fly Keys, smart delete. also in Wolfram mode and xah html mode
- major emacs lisp tutorial update.
- Elisp: Write a Major Mode for Syntax Coloring
Sin[x]^2 + Cos[y]^2 == 1 Pi^2/6 == Sum[1/x^2,{x,1,Infinity}] inf Infinity
- emacs lisp best lisp.
- scheme lisp shell, scsh
- The Unix Pestilence: Shells
- Shell Languages and the Linearization of Syntax