Modern Tablet Computer Features

By Xah Lee. Date:

Got a BlackBerry PlayBook Buy at amazon Tablet computer from a generous friend. This is a 7″ screen, 1024×600 pixels. (iPad 2 is 9.7″, 1024×768) This is my first tablet.

Things to Do

Find out the hardware spec, processor, memory, storage capacity, screen dimension.

CPU: 1 GHz Texas Instruments OMAP 4430 (Cortex-A9 dual-core)
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Storage: 16 GB Flash
Display: 7″ LCD display. 1024×600 (WSVGA), 16:9 aspect ratio
1080p HDMI output

Other questions.

Checkout what degree of features it supports for html5 tech, and whether it is browser dependent, whether it has different browsers as in desktop, the nature of browsers on such device.

Basic HTML5 stuff to checkout:


See: Tablet Computer: Touch-screen Interface Pros and Cons .