HTML: meter Tag

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

The meter tag is a inline element. It is used to indicate a measure within a given range. For example, disk usage, percentage.

(The meter tag should not be used to indicate progress. Use progress for that. 〔see HTML: progress Tag〕)

Example 1

HTML Code:

<meter value="0.7"></meter>

Here is what your browser shows:

The tag's content is ignored, unless the brower doesn't support the tag.

Example 2

<meter value="5" min="0" max="5"></meter>


Required. Must be between min and max.
The minimum possible value for the value attribute. Default to 0.
The minimum possible value for the value attribute. Default to 1.
A number indicating that values below or equal to it is considered low. (must be within “min” and “max”.)
A number indicating that values above or equal to it is considered high. (must be within “min” and “max”.)
A number indicating the optimal value. For example, if it is equal to “max”, then it means higher is better.

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