Clojure: Collections (List, Vector, Set, Map, etc), Sequence
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to create a list, use list
;; creating a list (list 3 4 7)
to create a list but not eval its elements, use quote
, for example, (quote (3 4 5))
. A shortcut syntax is '(3 4 5)
(def x 9) (list 3 x 7) ; (3 9 7) ;; create a list, but don't eval its elements (quote (3 x 7)) ; (3 x 7) ;; shortcut syntax for quote '(3 x 7) ; (3 x 7)
list datatype is implemented as “linked list”. This means, it's very fast to add or remove first element of list, or access first element, but slow to get nth element when n is large.
vector (array)
vector is like list but array-like in performance.
- To create a vector, use
, for example,(vector 3 4 5)
- To create a vector but not eval its elements, use
[3 4 5]
(vector 3 4 5)
;; a vector [3 4 5]
use get
or nth
to access list like things.
return a segment (aka slice) of vector
(subvec str start_index)
.(subvec str start_index end_index)
(subvec ["a" "b" "c" "d"] 1) ; ["b" "c" "d"] (subvec ["a" "b" "c" "d"] 1 2) ; ["b"]clojure.core/subvec
convert list to vector.
;; get first element (get [3 4 5] 0) ; ⇒ 3
- Join several collection datatypes, return a vector.
(conj [3 5] '(2 4) [7 1] "aa" :bb) ; [3 5 (2 4) [7 1] "aa" :bb]
key/value pairs (map, hashtable)
to create a key/value pair list, use this syntax {key1 val1 key2 val2 key3 val3}
The key or value can be any type.
typically, the key's type are keywords datatype. That is, of the form :mykey
The following are 3 implementation of maps, with corresponding functions to create them. They all have the same syntax {…}
- Default. Ordered. clojure.core/array-map
- Ordered. clojure.core/sorted-map
- Non-ordered. For large number of pairs. clojure.core/hash-map
return a new map, but with key/val pair added or changed.
(def xx {:a 7 :b 3}) ;; return a new map with added pair (assoc xx :c 4) ; {:c 4, :b 3, :a 7}
(dissoc map key1 key2 …)
return a new map, with keys removed.
map datatype is itself a function. It takes 1 arg “key”, and return the corresponding value to that key.
;; map datatype is itself a function. it takes a arg of key, return that key's value (or nil if key not exist) ({:k 3 :h 4} :k) ; ⇒ 3 ({:k 3 :h 4} :y) ; ⇒ nil
don't confuse it with the function “map”. clojure.core/map
keyword is also a function. It takes a map and return corresponding value to the keyword. Or nil if not exist.
;; keyword is also a function. It takes a map and return corresponding value. Or nil if not exist. (:xx {:xx 3 , :yy 4}) ; ⇒ 3 (:hh {:xx 3 , :yy 4}) ; ⇒ nil
symbol is also a function. It takes a map and return corresponding value to the keyword. Or nil if not exist.
;; symbol is also a function. It takes a map and return corresponding value. Or nil if not exist. ('xx {'xx 3 , 'yy 4}) ; ⇒ 3 ('hh {'xx 3 , 'yy 4}) ; ⇒ nil
- merge maps, but takes a function that act on duplicate keys. clojure.core/merge-with
get a value by key.
set (collection)
the syntax is #{…}
Sequence Datatype
Sequence is the general interface to collection datatype. Any of list, vector, map, …. There are many functions that works one sequence.
sequence is a datatype. Most collections can be effciently converted to sequence view by seq
most sequence functions call seq
internally, as first thing.
data types that can be efficiently worked as sequence are called “sequenceable type”.
is a interface for all list like things.
list, vector, hashmap … are all implementation of ISeq
Clojure core data structures are immutable. Meaning, they return a new value.
sequenceable types includes {list, vector, set, map, strings} and more.
Sequence Functions
(first coll)
Return the first item in the collection. If coll is
, returnnil
. clojure.core/first
(first [3 4 5]) ; 3 (first '(7 8 9)) ; 7 (first []) ; nil (first nil) ; nil
(rest coll)
- Return a sequence of collection coll without its first element. Result may be a empty sequence. clojure.core/rest
(cons x seq)
- Return a new sequence, with first item x and rest items of seq. clojure.core/cons
(nth coll index not-found)
Return the value at the index. Return
if index is larger than the last element's index.nth
throws an exception unless not-found is supplied.nth
also works for strings, Java arrays, regex Matchers and Lists, and, in O(n) time, for sequences. clojure.core/nth
test if it's list.
(seq coll)
Return a seq on the collection. If the collection is empty, return
.(seq nil)
. seq also works on Strings, native Java arrays (of reference types) and any objects that implement Iterable. clojure.core/seq
(conj (list 3 4) 5)
(drop n coll)
- Return a lazy sequence, with first n items of collection coll removed. clojure.core/drop
(drop 2 ["a" "b" "c"]) ; "c"