JS: Set.prototype.forEach

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

New in JS2015.

Apply function f to all values in set setObj. Does not modify the set object. Return undefined.
f is passed 3 arguments, x y z. The x is the current value in the set, y is the same as x, z is the set being iterated. The reason the first two arguments are the same is because to keep compatible in form with the forEach method of Array.
setObj.forEach(f, thisArg)
Use thisArg for this Binding of f. If it is not given, undefined is used.
const s = new Set([3,4,5]);

// apply a function to each value
const t = s.forEach(
    (x => {
        return x+10;
// prints
// 13
// 14
// 15

// does not modify the variable
console.log(s); // Set { 3, 4, 5 }

// returns undefined
console.log(t); // undefined

Here is example of 3 args form of f in forEach on a set object.

// 3 args form of f in forEach on a set object

const s = new Set([3,4,5]);

// apply a function to each value
s.forEach( function (e, i, s) {  console.log([e, i, s]); } );

// prints

// [ 3, 3, Set { 3, 4, 5 } ]
// [ 4, 4, Set { 3, 4, 5 } ]
// [ 5, 5, Set { 3, 4, 5 } ]
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JavaScript, Loop, Iteration