PowerShell: Profile (init file)
What is PowerShell Profile
PowerShell profile are files PowerShell loads when starting up. It can contain your own functions, alias, or other customization.
Profile Location
- All Users, All Hosts
- All Users, Current Host
- Current User, All Hosts
- Current user, Current Host
Just create the file, and add Function or Alias or other PowerShell code to the file.
Profile Path Variable
Profile paths are stored in the variable
In particular, in the NoteProperty
To list profile paths, do
$PROFILE | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty | Format-List

Start PowerShell Without Loading Profile
pwsh -NoProfile
Show PowerShell Command-Line Options
pwsh -h
pwsh -?
PowerShell. Profile and Script
- PowerShell: Open File by Default App
- PowerShell: Launch App, Start Process
- PowerShell: Load a Script
- PowerShell: Eval Variable, String, ScriptBlock
- PowerShell: Run PowerShell from cmd.exe via STDIN
- PowerShell: Profile (init file)
- PowerShell: Manage PowerShell Profiles
- PowerShell: Create a Script
- PowerShell: File Name Extension
- PowerShell: Get Current Script Path