Xah Talk Show 2019-04-13 machine learning, conic sections, cryptology, pure math vs applied
- Timestamp
- 13:32 machine learning, cryptology
- 18:11 math conic sections
- 29:37 cryptology
- 35:03 pure math, applied math
- 37:52 why i don't study machine learning. foundation of math, proof theory
- 45:44 keyboard battle stations
- 54:13 geogebra and sad story of open source
links mentioned:
- Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves
- GPG Tutorial
- Public-Key Cryptography for Beginner
- Free Math Textbooks
- Homotopy Type Theory
- Nerd Battlestations
- Book: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP), Scheme LISP and JavaScript
- Why Tiling Window Manager Sucks (xmonad, ratpoison, dwm, etc)
- The Mother of All Demos
- Mac: Hover to Switch Window
- How to Avoid Mouse Hand Pain
- Linux: Mouse Hover to Raise Window
- https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/summerschool/summer08/
- Linux: Mouse Dwell, Hover Auto-Click