Xah Talk Show 2021 Index
Index, year 2021
- 2021-12-26 Mech Key Mouse, Chinese Input Methods, Censorship China vs USA
- 2021-12-20 Fn Key, Poverty, Typing History, Mac vs Windows, M1 Chip, Barefoot Shoe
- 2021-12-15 Grammar Complexity of Constructed Human Languages and Computer Languages
- 2021-12-09 Tedium and Complexity of Newline in Programing Industry
- 2021-12-05 Intro to Emacs Xah-Fly-Keys and playing vim golf
- 2021-12-01 WolframLang vs Lisp Syntax Comparison
- 2021-11-28 Dactyle Manuform Keyboard, UI Design, Shift-Select, Peepsow Window
- 2021-11-27 Emacs Lisp Tutorial, Writing a Golang Mode from Scratch
- 2021-11-25 Coding Session. Fix Link in HTML Files, WolframLang
- 2021-11-24 Emoji vs Symbol, Complexity and Tedium of Software Engineering
- 2021-11-23 History of JavaScript Tag, Hackernews Paul Graham, How to Master Writing
- 2021-11-22 emacs keyboard macro, history of internet, wiki/facebook/twitter
- 2021-11-21 Emacs Lisp Coding, Video File Extension/Suffix, Midi
- 2021-11-20 Bash vs PowerShell vs WolframLang
- 2021-11-19 unicode, emoji, font, css, JavaScript live coding
- 2021-11-18 emacs lisp coding, unicode, history of emoji, religion, cathedral, milengen
- 2021-11-15, on Studying Math, Category Theory, Type Theory, Proof Theory, Famous Emacs Users
- 2021-11-13 emacs workflow, move ergoemacs org to xahlee info
- 2021-11-10 Mouse Efficiency and Why Linux Tiling Window Manager Sucks, Wayland
- 2021-11-09 WolframLang tutorial, on writing a grep, live coding
- 2021-11-08 x-bows keyboard, WolframLang for unix grep, emacs xah-wolfram-mode
- 2021-10-15 grep/sed find/replace in WolframLang elisp golang python perl PowerShell
- 2021-10-12 grep/sed in emacs lisp PowerShell golang python perl
- 2021-10-01 math geometric inversion, WolframLang coding, emacs xah wolfram mode
- 2021-09-14 Emacs Xah Html Mode, the Most Powerful Html Editor
- 2021-08-09
- 2021-08-03 emacs packages, CSS, command naming bash vs PowerShell, history of Wikipedia
- 2021-08-01 Math, Wolframlang Coding. Geometric Inversion of 3D Grid
- 2021-07-29 WolframLang, Hilbert Curve, Hyperboloid
- 2021-07-28 Lilypond, Why Typography/TeX Sucks, Knuth Art of Computer Programming
- 2021-07-27 Second Life, elisp, WolframLang
- 2021-07-26 pepe got a girlfriend. milengen. elisp and WolframLang coding
- 2021-07-25 emacs lisp code WolframLang doc lookup, ref linkify
- 2021-07-24 math, parametric surface, WolframLang, emacs lisp, write xah-wolfram-mode
- 2021-07-23 WolframLang Coding. Parametric Plot of Sphere
- 2021-07-21 emacs lisp xah-html-goto-matching-tag, WolframLang triple helix
- 2021-07-20. XahEmacs. WolframLang. Math. Wallpaper Groups
- 2021-07-18 emacs lisp, code xah-html-join-tags, pen computing
- 2021-07-17 create a XahEmacs distro and put it on github
- 2021-07-14 emacs lisp, slash backslash, what should be the filepath separator
- 2021-07-06 language syntax design, whitespace/string. history of kinesis maltron ergodox dactyle
- 2021-07-05 emacs lisp xah-reformat-lines, all you wanna know about mouse vs trackball
- 2021-07-03, SVG, emacs, WolframLang, gergo keyboard, choc switch
- 2021-06-30. xah fly keys, PowerShell, .net, vivaldi, browser war history, C vs golang
- 2021-06-26, emacs lisp create hook, dark theme sucks
- 2021-06-25 Emacs vs Vscode, on Documentation, Java, WolframLang, PowerShell, Golang, Python
- 2021-06-24 emacs lisp live coding, html, auto add p tags
- 2021-06-22 emacs lisp live coding, extend xah-html-select-current-element
- 2021-06-21 emacs lisp coding. HTML Lines/Blocks to List
- 2021-06-20 Emacs Select Current HTML Element, async problem, math typesetting, random rant
- 2021-06-17 Emacs Workflow HTML Rename Source File Path, User Interface Peepshow Windows
- 2021-06-08 Emacs, Japan Action Figure, Fleet Girls, Keyboard, tiling windows manager
- 2021-06-05 Emacs Workflow, PowerShell, Mouse Spin Wheel, Apple M1 Chip
- 2021-06-03 JavaScript svg coding keyboard diagram
- 2021-06-02 Wolfram Language Basics for Industrial Programers
- 2021-05-31 Emacs Workflow HTML Delete Tags, Alt Tab No Good, No emacs calc, Futurism
- 2021-05-29 Curly Quotes, Unicode, Emacs, and the Crime of RMS
- 2021-05-28 Why Python Lambda is Broken and Can't be Fixed
- 2021-05-18 emacs lisp coding a show directory as tree
- 2021-05-17 Emacs Lisp Live Coding. Convert MM:SS to Seconds and Reverse
- 2021-05-14 SGI Irix, BSD, Open Source Rob FSF, Unix Pestilence
- 2021-05-06 Wolfram Language Typesetting, TeX, Problems of Traditional Math Notation, Syntax and Proof Systems
- 2021-05-05 JavaScript SVG Live Coding Interactive Bigram Bar Chart
- 2021-05-04 history of ErgoEmacs, and Creating a XahEmacs Distro
- 2021-04-24 Lisp and Wolfram Language Syntax Isomorphism and Design
- 2021-04-21 JavaScript+SVG Live Coding, Interactive Bigram Chart
- 2021-04-20 Emacs Lisp. Explore Helm Fuzzy Match Source Code. Part 3
- 2021-04-19 Emacs Lisp. Explore Ido and Helm Fuzzy Match Source Code. Part 2
- 2021-04-18 Emacs Lisp. Fuzzy Matching. Explore Ido and Helm Source Code, Part 1
- 2021-04-16 JavaScript Live Coding, Creating a Bar Chart in SVG
- 2021-04-14 emacs lisp Live Coding + Tutorial. Add Period to Line Ends
- 2021-04-12 Wolfram Language, and What is Algorithmic Mathematical Art
- 2021-04-10 JavaScript Live Coding an Interactive Bigrams Count
- 2021-04-09 emacs lisp live coding tutorial. xah-html-local-links-to-fullpath
- 2021-04-08 Constructed Languages, English Spelling Reform, Shorthand Systems
- 2021-04-06 JavaScript SVG for Keyboard Layout and Character Frequency Diagram
- 2021-04-01 Basics of Wolfram Language. Richard Stallman. Functional Programing in Java Perl Python
- 2021-03-27 Emacs Undo Drama, Emacs Lore, Lisp Warr, rms, and Who's Who in Gnu Emacs
- 2021-03-26 Why Wolfram Language is a Artificial Intelligence Language
- 2021-03-21 Wolfram Language Mathematica Demo/Tutorial. Transformation of the Plane
- 2021-03-17 Xah Tries Doom Emacs
- 2021-03-13 Ergonomics, Mechanical Keyboard, Artificial Intelligence, Lex Fridman
- 2021-03-11 demo of Wolfram Language Mathematica
- 2021-03-02. Q and A. Emacs Init for Windows. Why Interest in Math?
- 2021-02-20 Windows key setup, FSF vs OpenSource ideologies, Emacs vs VSCode
- 2021-02-17 Signum Keyboard, Great Interactive Geometry Software, Agile Faak
- 2021-02-06 Characteristics of Haskell, Perl, Ruby, Python, Clojure, Java, JavaScript, LISP, WolframLang
- 2021-01-07 emacs delete html tags, workflow, Kinesis Advantage2 keyboard, gaming machine
- 2021-01-03 elisp coding, why golang is easier to learn than python