Xah Talk Show 2022-05-11 How I Got into LISP, Should You Learn Wolfram Language, Math Plane Curves

- https://youtu.be/kGpCwGjX890
- Xah Talk Show 2022-05-11 How I Got into LISP, Should You Learn Wolfram Language, Math Plane Curves
- Timestamp
- 10:50 WolframLang notebook vs org mode, math typesetting vs TeX/LaTeX
- 14:23 symbolic pattern matching, term rewriting system, lisp macro
- 36:23 which is more difficult, learning chinese vs math
- WolframLang live coding. updating my 20 years old plane curves packages. The package that did these: Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves
- live coding of WolframLang
- what does my ParaPlot package do.
- what is WolframLang
- https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/category/ruliology/
- [Theory of everything]❮https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_everything❯
- [Cosmology]❮https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmology❯
- [Big Bang]❮https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang❯
- https://www.wolframphysics.org/bulletins/2021/10/multicomputation-with-numbers-the-case-of-simple-multiway-systems
- https://www.wolframphysics.org/bulletins/2020/06/exploring-rulial-space-the-case-of-turing-machines/
BeginPackage["ParaPlot`", "Utilities`FilterOptions`"]
is obsolete. Replaced by FilterRules