Dell Inspiron 15 7559 Spec, 2015

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .
xah keyboard station 20170917 34454
xah battlestation 20170917. The towels are used as wrist pads.

Dell Inspiron 15 7559 gaming laptop, came out in 2015.

I got it because i need a replacement for my old computer, and i thought i want gaming capability, and this is a basic gaming laptop. However, turns out, i didn't use it much. because i didn't actually game as i thought i would, and it's heavy and clunky to carry around. After 2 years of basically no use, i swapped it with my housemate's Microsoft Surface Pro. 〔see Microsoft Surface Pro 4, 2015

dell inspiron i7559 1 20f58

FHD means “full high density”, which just means 1920x1080

dell inspiron i7559 keyboard 86590
dell inspiron i7559 keyboard
dell inspiron i7559 3

gaming laptop

Xah Battlestation