Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2015-10

Emacs: Move Cursor to Bracket πŸš€

Updated code for moving cursor to quotes. You should give them a key, such as Ctrl+7, Ctrl+8.

in Xah Fly Keys, the keys are [ and ] in command mode.

Also, i got several complaints about the nav bar animation on this site. Now it's gone. Instead, the nav bar is at the bottom.

And, the home page ErgoEmacs is also cleaned up.

Emacs: Batch Rename Files old feature. Super useful. I use it few times a day.

Does Lisp Macro Change Syntax? What's Lisp Reader?. A look at what Racket, Clojure, Common Lisp, says.

JavaScript in Depth

I like to push my JavaScript tutorial one more time.

I'm not afraid to proclaim, it is the best JavaScript tutorial in English language (possibly ONLY after the Rhino book, and ONLY that book.). In terms of clarity, concision, concreteness, correctness, and depth. And with code examples illustrating every point.

Tutorial, when done well, there are still many perspectives, approach, and writing style. Which one you like depends on your preference. Have a look at mine. Thanks.

emacs elfeed still have relative link bug in atom feed. ☹ https://github.com/skeeto/elfeed/issues/37

by the way, elfeed is a excellent RSS reader.

I've modified my blog so it uses full URL instead of relative links.

Emacs Keys: Key Sequence (major update)

Emacs: Turn Off Auto Backup~

Emacs: Backup Current File πŸš€ (added a new function, that does backup and save together)

Emacs: New Empty Buffer πŸš€. Minor updated page. Extremely convenient. Recommended.

for ido, you don't need extra package to make it display vertical. See Emacs: Switch Buffer (minor update)

Emacs: List Buffers. emacs basics. Minor update.

racket lisp language, and emacs racket-mode, is superb.

Racket: Using Emacs racket-mode

Emacs: Replace Invisible Unicode Chars πŸš€

it's been a month! New version of tutorial is out.

Buy, recommend, Thanks! Buy Xah Emacs Tutorial.

Updated version will be sent out tomorrow.

search and highlight text in emacs

several updates.

Emacs: Search Current Word πŸš€. This is the most useful. It replaces isearch 50% of time.

Emacs: Search Text in Current File (minor update)

learn racket scheme lisp in 5 minutes. Xah Racket Notes

Emacs Init: Dired Config (updated. dired-hide-details-mode screenshots and how to set it as default)

reddit new subreddit, for emacs-fu

there's a new subreddit, for emacs-fu, vim-golf, like of topics. Such as, i do such and such this way, how do you do it?

if you use evil-mode, ergoemacs-mode, Xah Fly Keys, god-mode, hydra, key-chord, etc, then it's for you.


learn a new thing. In dired, try dired-hide-details-mode.

thx to [Rene Froger https://plus.google.com/118439081903796767551/posts]

see also Emacs: File Manager, dired

emacs kungfu fight-to-the-death!

xah-fly-keys x r keys 2015-10-03

Emacs: Move Cursor to Bracket πŸš€ (updated)

xah-backward-left-bracket is my 20th most frequently used command.

here's my β€œkeyfreq-show” output:

 1  468031   25.26%  self-insert-command
 2  127493    6.88%  next-line                                   t
 3  101031    5.45%  mwheel-scroll
 4   97262    5.25%  previous-line                               c
 5   89803    4.85%  subword-forward                             r
 6   77884    4.20%  subword-backward                            g
 7   72057    3.89%  xah-beginning-of-line-or-block              d
 8   51249    2.77%  xah-end-of-line-or-block                    s
 9   38704    2.09%  isearch-printing-char
10   33349    1.80%  xfk-command-mode-activate
11   33128    1.79%  yank                                        k
12   28310    1.53%  newline                                     RET
13   27811    1.50%  xfk-insert-mode-activate
14   27113    1.46%  delete-backward-char                        e
15   25247    1.36%  save-buffer                                 b
16   24240    1.31%  xah-cut-line-or-region                      j
17   22550    1.22%  xah-close-current-buffer                    <f14>
18   20460    1.10%  xah-backward-left-bracket                   m
19   20077    1.08%  subword-backward-kill                       .
20   15630    0.84%  xah-shrink-whitespaces                      ,
21   14205    0.77%  xah-fly-command-mode-activate               <home>
22   13218    0.71%  handle-switch-frame                         <switch-frame>
23   13191    0.71%  subword-kill                                p
24   12613    0.68%  backward-char                               h
25   12275    0.66%  open-line                                   o
26   12232    0.66%  isearch-repeat-forward
27   11897    0.64%  xah-fly-insert-mode-activate                SPC
28   11256    0.61%  undo-tree-undo                              f
29   10782    0.58%  forward-char                                n
30   10606    0.57%  isearch-exit
31   10100    0.55%  isearch-forward                             x g
32    9277    0.50%  xah-forward-right-bracket                   v
33    9234    0.50%  org-self-insert-command
34    8317    0.45%  xah-extend-selection                        1
35    7992    0.43%  xah-copy-line-or-region                     q
36    7781    0.42%  other-window                                w
37    7389    0.40%  delete-other-windows                        3
38    7068    0.38%  ido-exit-minibuffer
39    6628    0.36%  delete-char                                 u
40    6046    0.33%  set-mark-command                            y
41    5657    0.31%  xah-select-current-line                     2
42    5452    0.29%  xah-next-user-buffer                        <f12>
43    5295    0.29%  xah-html-wrap-html-tag
44    5219    0.28%  xah-select-text-in-quote                    9
45    5104    0.28%  xah-browse-url-of-buffer
46    4945    0.27%  exit-minibuffer
47    4935    0.27%  xah-select-current-block                    6
48    4718    0.25%  xah-open-file-path-under-cursor

Many emacs experts, use paredit, smartparen, ace-jump, expand-selection, and evil-mode, god-mode, hydra.

i don't use any of that. Just Xah Fly Keys

I openly challenge anyone to efficiency contest, in real time.

email me or tweet to me on social networks. We can setup a private video chat just to compare notes.

challenge, as in kungfu fight-to-the-death!

Emacs: Run Current File πŸš€ (updated code. Now, it'll prompt for save for non-file buffers)