JS: Truncate Map 🚀

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Here's a function that return a new map, containing only first n entries.

/* return a new map, containing only first n entries.
Version: 2021-05-08
const xah_truncate_map =
  ((mapObj, n) =>
    new Map([...mapObj.entries()].slice(0, Math.min(...[mapObj.size, n]))));

// test
// const m = new Map([[3, "n3"], [4, "n4"], [5, "n5"]]);
// console.log(xah_truncate_map(m,2));
// Map { 3 => "n3", 4 => "n4" }

You probably want to use it with JS: Sort Map 🚀

JavaScript, Map Object