TecStorm Track Scoll 1 Mouse (2001)

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

TecStorm TSTS1 Mouse

This trackball, from ebay. Dated around 2001, because it comes with a floppy disk, and mentions compatibility with Microsoft Windows XP.

It comes with a trackball as mouse wheel. According to the box description, you program a button to switch between the trackball mode and scroll wheel mode.

tecstorm tsts1 mouse 20240510155838-s1300
tecstorm tsts1 mouse 20240510155838
tecstorm tsts1 mouse 20240510155904-r180-s1300
tecstorm tsts1 mouse 20240510155904

Ball Spin

The scroll ball can spin. Amazing.

TecStorm Track Scoll 1 Mouse STZH


tecstorm tsts1 mouse 20240510155415-s1300
tecstorm tsts1 mouse 20240510155415
tecstorm tsts1 mouse 20240510155430-s1300
tecstorm tsts1 mouse 20240510155430

Marketing Blurb

2024-05-15 thanks to Christos (avsbq) for photos and video.