Mac: Create Custom Keyboard Layout
Create Custom Keyboard Layout
MacOS has a system-wide way to let you define or modify shortcut keys for text editing operations.
You can create keys to:
- Insert math symbols, emoji, or any template text.
- Move cursor by word, page up/down.
- Copy, cut, paste, undo, redo.
- select word, line, paragraph, select all.
- upcase word, lowercase word.
- new, open, save, etc.
- and more.
Key Config File
Create a file at
Create the “KeyBindings” folder if you don't already have it.
Copy and past the following:
/* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- */ { /* insert Unicode character with Option key down */ "~h" = ("insertText:", "♥"); "~t" = ("insertText:", "😄"); "~c" = ("insertText:", "😠"); "~s" = ("insertText:", "😮"); /* move cursor with i j k l keys while Ctrl key down */ "^i" = ("moveUp:"); "^k" = ("moveDown:"); "^j" = ("moveLeft:"); "^l" = ("moveRight:"); }
Note: if you use Unicode Characters such as ♥ directly in the file , you must save the file using Unicode: UTF-8 Encoding . See Set Text Editor File Encoding .
Launch or restart TextEdit or other app to start to use your changes.
The syntax in general is this:
/* this is comment */ { keycode1 = actionCode1; keycode2 = actionCode2; }
- keycode is a string that represents key press.
- actionCode represents what to do.
Keycode Syntax
Action Code
Sample File
Example of defining the {Home, End} keys to move to the beginning/end of line.
/* make home/end key to move to begin/end of line */ { "\UF729" = "moveToBeginningOfLine:"; /* home key */ "\UF72B" = "moveToEndOfLine:"; /* end key */ }
Here is example file for inserting Unicode characters with the ⌥ option key.
/* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- */ { /* insert Unicode characteres with Option key down */ "~#8" = ("insertText:", "↑"); "~#2" = ("insertText:", "↓"); "~#4" = ("insertText:", "←"); "~#6" = ("insertText:", "→"); "~a" = ("insertText:", "α"); "~h" = ("insertText:", "θ"); "~3" = ("insertText:", "†"); "~7" = ("insertText:", "—"); "~8" = ("insertText:", "•"); "~9" = ("insertText:", "★"); "~&" = ("insertText:", "‣"); "~*" = ("insertText:", "°"); /* insert pairs with Option down */ "~d" = ("insertText:", "«»", "moveBackward:"); "~h" = ("insertText:", "{}", "moveBackward:"); "~t" = ("insertText:", "()", "moveBackward:"); "~n" = ("insertText:", "[]"); "~s" = ("insertText:", "“”", "moveBackward:"); "~-" = ("insertText:", "「」", "moveBackward:"); "~D" = ("insertText:", "‹›", "moveBackward:"); "~S" = ("insertText:", "‘’", "moveBackward:"); "~_" = ("insertText:", "『』", "moveBackward:"); /* insert sig */ "~1" = ("insertText:", " John\n\n\n☄"); }
Here is a example of ErgoEmacs Keybinding, one for QWERTY layout and one for Dvorak Keyboard Layout:
You can look at Xcode's keybinding file at
You can view it here: osx_keybinding_xcode.dict.txt
Emacs Keybinding
Mac OS X by default support emacs keybindings. They are:
- Ctrl+f
- Move forward
- Ctrl+b
- Move backward
- Ctrl+n
- Move down a line
- Ctrl+p
- Move up a line
- Ctrl+a
- Beginning of line
- Ctrl+e
- End of line
- Ctrl+k
- Delete current position to end of line
- Ctrl+y
- Paste
You can add more of emacs's
- Ctrl+space
- Set mark
- Ctrl+w
- Cut
- Ctrl+x Ctrl+x
- Swap cursor position to last mark
However, i don't recommend it. Emacs's keys is very inefficient and ergonomically painful. See: Why Emacs Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful. If you like a efficient keybinding for text editing, try: Emacs: Xah Fly Keys 📦 .
Something this cannot do. For example:
- It cannot remap keys.
- It can't set a key such as F8 to type other keys such as ⌘ command+c.
- It can't set a key to launch a app or script.
There are many solutions to these. See: Mac: Keyboard Software Guide
Best is to get a programable keyboard. See: Programable Keyboards with Onboard Memory
See also: Problems of Mac OS X DefaultKeyBinding.dict .
- Text System Defaults and Key Bindings By Apple. At
- Technical Note TN2056: Installable Keyboard Layouts At