Xah Talk Show 2019-10-19 Projective Geometry, Bertrand Russell, schizoid, Sam Harris, Camille Paglia
topic talked:
- math books. Intro to Real Projective Plane
- A History of Mathematics, by Carl Boyer Math and Geometry Books
- The Betrayal of the Body (1967) by Alexander Lowen
- The Language of the Body (1958) by Alexander Lowen (1910 to 2008) Buy at amazon
- Why I Am Not a Christian. by Bertrand Russell
- Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? by Bertrand Russell
- What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell)
- (Knowledge + Love) / Disrespectfulness
- Camille Paglia, Jordan Peterson, on Postmodernism
- Camille Paglia on Lena Dunham. 2016-04-14
- Camille Paglia on gender pronouns
- Camille Paglia on Megyn Kelly
- Camille Paglia on Lady Gaga
- Intro to Real Projective Plane
- Harmonic Conjugacy
- Quadrangle and Quadrilateral
- Desargues's Two Triangle Theorem
- What is Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra
- Projective Illusion