Math and Geometry Books
O, math, my true love, how i have alienated thee, and you being quite difficult.
here's some of my remaining math books.
That 〔Regular Polytopes, by Coxeter Buy at amazon〕 is a classic.
Some of the books am particular fond of. They are:
- The Real Projective Plane, by Coxeter. 〔see Intro to Real Projective Plane〕
- The Shape of Space, by Jeff Weeks. Reading Notes on The Shapes of Space
- 〔Journey through Genius: The Great Theorems of Mathematics By William Dunham. At Buy at amazon〕
here's the list of other titles in the picture.
- Graph Theory 1736 to 1936 , by Norman L Biggs, E Keith Lloyd, Robin J Wilson. Buy at amazon
- Groups: A Path to Geometry
- Graph Theory, by G H Hardy
- A History of Mathematics by Uta C Merzbach and Carl B Boyer Buy at amazon
- The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development by Carl B Boyer Buy at amazon
- Fundamentals of Abstract Analysis, Andrew Gleason Buy at amazon
- The Hilbert Challenge 2001. by Jeremy J Gray. Buy at amazon
- Conics: Books 1 to 4, by Apollonius of Perga. Translator: Catesby R. Taliaferro, Michael N. Fried. Buy at amazon
- Geometric Constructions 1997. By George E Martin. Geometric Constructions Undergraduate Texts Mathematics. Buy at amazon
- Conics and Cubics 1998. By Robert Bix. Buy at amazon
- Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid 1999 by Douglas R Hofstadter Buy at amazon
- 〔Modern Algebra, by Seth Warner Buy at amazon〕 kinda dry.
- Finite Reflection Groups 1985 by L C Grove , C T Benson Buy at amazon
- Symmetries
Plane Curves
The plane curves books are:
- A Catalog of Special Plane Curves
- Elementary Geometry of Differentiable Curves, by C G Gibson
- Elementary Geometry of Algebraic Curves, by C G Gibson
- Plane Algebraic Curves
For books on plane curves, see Plane Curves Books