Microsoft Visual Studio Function Key Shortcuts

By Xah Lee. Date: .

there are 69 keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Visual Studio involving function keys.

  1. Build.Compile → Ctrl+F7
  2. Build.RunCodeAnalysisonSolution → Alt+F11
  3. Debug.ApplyCodeChanges → Alt+F10
  4. Debug.DeleteAllBreakpoints → Ctrl+Shift+F9
  5. Debug.DiagnosticsHub.Launch → Alt+F2
  6. Debug.EnableBreakpoint → Ctrl+F9
  7. Debug.GoToPreviousCallorIntelliTraceEvent → Ctrl+Shift+F11
  8. Debug.Graphics.StartDiagnostics → Alt+F5
  9. Debug.QuickWatch → Shift+F9
  10. Debug.Restart → Ctrl+Shift+F5
  11. Debug.RunToCursor → Ctrl+F10
  12. Debug.SetNextStatement → Ctrl+Shift+F10
  13. Debug.StartWindowsPhoneApplicationAnalysis → Alt+F1
  14. Debug.StartWithoutDebugging → Ctrl+F5
  15. Debug.StepIntoCurrentProcess → Ctrl+Alt+F11
  16. Debug.StepIntoSpecific → Shift+Alt+F11
  17. Debug.StepOut → Shift+F11
  18. Debug.StepOutCurrentProcess → Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F11
  19. Debug.StepOverCurrentProcess → Ctrl+Alt+F10
  20. Debug.StopDebugging → Shift+F5
  21. Debug.StopPerformanceAnalysis → Shift+Alt+F2
  22. Debug.ToggleDisassembly → Ctrl+F11
  23. DebuggerContextMenus.BreakpointsWindow.Delete → Alt+F9, D
  24. DebuggerContextMenus.BreakpointsWindow.GoToDisassembly → Alt+F9, A
  25. DebuggerContextMenus.BreakpointsWindow.GoToSourceCode → Alt+F9, S
  26. DiagnosticsHub.StopCollection → Ctrl+Alt+F2
  27. Edit.FindAllReferences → Shift+F12
  28. Edit.FindNextSelected → Ctrl+F3
  29. Edit.FindPrevious → Shift+F3
  30. Edit.FindPreviousSelected → Ctrl+Shift+F3
  31. Edit.GoToDeclaration → Ctrl+F12
  32. Edit.GoToPrevLocation → Shift+F8
  33. Edit.QuickFindSymbol → Shift+Alt+F12
  34. Edit.StopSearch → Alt+F3, S
  35. EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.Breakpoint.BreakpointEditlabels → Alt+F9, L
  36. EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.Execute → Ctrl+Alt+F5
  37. File.Exit → Alt+F4
  38. Help.AddandRemoveHelpContent → Ctrl+Alt+F1
  39. Help.ViewHelp → Ctrl+F1
  40. Help.WindowHelp → Shift+F1
  41. Tools.ForceGC → Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12
  42. View.FindSymbolResults → Ctrl+Alt+F12
  43. View.NextError → Ctrl+Shift+F12
  44. View.PropertyPages → Shift+F4
  45. View.ShowSmartTag → Shift+Alt+F10
  46. View.ViewDesigner → Shift+F7
  47. Window.CloseDocumentWindow → Ctrl+F4
  48. Window.MovetoNavigationBar → Ctrl+F2
  49. Window.NextDocumentWindow → Ctrl+F6
  50. Window.NextPane → Alt+F6
  51. Window.NextToolWindowNav → Alt+F7
  52. Window.PreviousDocumentWindow → Ctrl+Shift+F6
  53. Window.PreviousPane → Shift+Alt+F6
  54. Window.PreviousSplitPane → Shift+F6
  55. Window.PreviousToolWindowNav → Shift+Alt+F7
  56. Diff.PreviousDifference → Shift+F8
  57. View.ShowSmartTag → Shift+Alt+F10
  58. View.ViewMarkup → Shift+F7
  59. View.ViewDesigner → Shift+F7
  60. SQL.ExecuteWithDebugger → Alt+F5
  61. Edit.PeekDefinition → Alt+F12
  62. Format.AlignCenters → Shift+F9
  63. Format.CenterHorizontal → Ctrl+Shift+F9
  64. Format.CenterVertical → Ctrl+F9
  65. Format.SizetoContent → Shift+F7
  66. WorkflowDesigner.NavigateThroughDesigner → Ctrl+Alt+F6
  67. Run project code → Ctrl+F9
  68. XML.StartXSLTDebugging → Alt+F5
  69. XML.StartXSLTWithoutDebugging → Ctrl+Alt+F5

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