Xah Talk Show 2019-09-30 d3js maze, math seashell, non-mono font for code, JavaScript raining 💕, REPL, Mathematica notebook
topics talked:
- D3.js Visualization, a Quasi Science
- d3 maze thing https://bost.ocks.org/mike/algorithms/
- emacs variable pitch mode Emacs: Proportional Font
- Seashell Gallery
- Math of Seashell Shapes
- Mythological Creatures In Second Life
- A Love of Mythology of the Greeks
- sitemap random link Xah Code Sitemap
- JS: Random Array Element, Randomize Array 🚀
- JS: Randomize Node Children 🚀
- JS: Raining Hearts
- geocities
- Linux: Record Terminal Session, Log Shell Output
- Emacs: Org Mode, Programing Language Code Markup
- Wolfram Language
- WolframLang: Plane Tiling Package 📦
- Jargon REPL and Hackers
- Standard Ergonomic Layout for Laptop
- Emacs: Xah Fly Keys 📦
- newlisp lang
- Kinesis Laptop