Xah Code Sitemap

  1. Math Models of 3D Input Control
  2. Graphics Programing Pains
  3. Illustrating Geometry with POV-Ray
  4. Intro to POV-Ray and 3D Geometry Programing
  5. Mathematica Graphics with JavaView
  6. Mathematica Graphics with LiveGraphics3D
  7. Intro to Mathematica Graphics Format
  8. Outline Rendering of 3D Models
  9. What Is Perspective Drawing
  10. Constructive Solid Geometry with POV-Ray
  11. POV-Ray Glassy Spheres and Transparency
  12. POV-Ray Lighting Examples
  13. POV-Ray: Surface of Revolution and Prisms
  14. POV-Ray Metallic Spheres and Reflection
  15. Parametric Surfaces in POV-Ray
  16. Intro to POV-Ray
  17. Emacs POV-Ray Mode
  18. What is Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra
  19. Requirements for a Visualization System
  20. Mathematica Logo History
  21. Mathematica Version 3 to Version 7 Conversion Notes
  22. Wolfram Language Mathematica vs SageMath, Matlab, Python, Maxima
  23. WolframLang: Add Element to List
  24. WolframLang: List of Char Encodings ($CharacterEncodings)
  25. WolframLang: Delete Element in List
  26. WolframLang: FilterOptions to FilterRules
  27. WolframLang: GraphicsComplex
  28. WolframLang: Mesh Region
  29. WolframLang: Get Parts of List
  30. WolframLang: Position of an Element
  31. WolframLang: Change Element in List
  32. WolframLang: Set, SetDelayed
  33. WolframLang: StringExpression Pattern Syntax
  34. WolframLang: Symbol
  35. WolframLang: Animation
  36. Mathematica: Arc Length Speed
  37. WolframLang: Arithmetic Basics
  38. WolframLang: Association (Key Value List)
  39. WolframLang: Association, Add Key
  40. WolframLang: Association, Check Key Exist
  41. WolframLang: Association: Filter
  42. WolframLang: Association, Get Value
  43. WolframLang: Association, Misc
  44. WolframLang: Association, Delete by Key
  45. WolframLang: Association to List
  46. WolframLang: Atomic Expression
  47. WolframLang: Boolean Operators
  48. WolframLang Code in Text Editor
  49. WolframLang Great Coders
  50. WolframLang: Number Comparison
  51. WolframLang: Compose Transformations
  52. WolframLang: Context (Namespace)
  53. WolframLang: Create List (Table)
  54. WolframLang: Date Time
  55. WolframLang: Delete Dir
  56. WolframLang: Equality Test
  57. WolframLang: Expression
  58. WolframLang: Extract Graphics from Builtin Plot Functions
  59. Wolfram Language File Encoding
  60. WolframLang: File Exist
  61. WolframLang: File Name Extension
  62. WolframLang: Filter List
  63. WolframLang: Format String
  64. WolframLang: FullForm vs Short Syntax Example
  65. WolframLang: FullForm Syntax
  66. WolframLang: Function Name Ending in Q
  67. WolframLang: Define Function
  68. WolframLang: Define Function by Pattern
  69. WolframLang: Function Doc String
  70. WolframLang: Function Memoization (Function that Cache Values)
  71. WolframLang: Define Function with Optional Parameters
  72. WolframLang: Function Syntax Shortcut
  73. WolframLang: List Operations
  74. WolframLang: Geometric Transformation Functions
  75. WolframLang: Get Environment Variable
  76. WolframLang: Get File Date
  77. WolframLang: Get File Hash
  78. WolframLang: Get File Size
  79. WolframLang: Get SubString
  80. WolframLang: Graphics Directives
  81. WolframLang: Graphics Misc
  82. WolframLang: Graphics Primitives
  83. WolframLang: Graphics Programing
  84. WolframLang: Head of Expression
  85. WolframLang: Show Function Help
  86. WolframLang: If Then Else (Conditional)
  87. WolframLang: is File or Dir
  88. WolframLang: Iteration
  89. Lazy Eval in WolframLang
  90. WolframLang: List
  91. WolframLang: List Combinatorics
  92. WolframLang: List Files (Walk Directory)
  93. WolframLang: Find Function by Name, List All Functions
  94. WolframLang: Check Item Existence in List
  95. WolframLang: List Join, Union, Intersection, Difference
  96. WolframLang: Sort, Reverse, Order
  97. WolframLang: No Reference Concept in List
  98. WolframLang: List Reshape (split, group, flatten, transpose)
  99. WolframLang: Load a Package or File
  100. WolframLang: Local Variable
  101. WolframLang: Loop
  102. WolframLang: Map Function to List
  103. WolframLang: Navigate Directory
  104. WolframLang: Nested List, Array, Tree, Dimensions
  105. Intro to WolframLang Mathematica Notation
  106. WolframLang: Number
  107. WolframLang: Force Numerical Result
  108. WolframLang: File Path Functions
  109. WolframLang: Pattern Matching
  110. WolframLang: Pattern Syntax
  111. WolframLang: Principles
  112. WolframLang: Print File Content
  113. WolframLang: Create Flat List (Range)
  114. WolframLang: Recursion
  115. WolframLang: RegularExpression vs StringExpression
  116. WolframLang: Functions that Transform Expression by Rules
  117. WolframLang: Rule, RuleDelayed
  118. WolframLang: CompoundExpression and Semicolon
  119. WolframLang: Shell Tasks
  120. Shortest Code in WolframLang May be Most Inefficient
  121. WolframLang: String
  122. WolframLang: Convert String
  123. WolframLang: String Expression
  124. WolframLang: List of String Functions
  125. WolframLang: String Functions
  126. WolframLang: Regular Expression
  127. WolframLang: String Replace
  128. WolframLang: String Match
  129. WolframLang: Syntax, Operators Cheatsheet
  130. WolframLang: Apply Transform to Graphics
  131. WolframLang: Transformation Matrix
  132. WolframLang: Translate Copy Graphics
  133. WolframLang: True, False (boolean)
  134. WolframLang: Global Variable
  135. WolframLang Tutorial by Video
  136. Wolfram Language Warts
  137. WolframLang: Which, Switch
  138. WolframLang: Writing a Package
  139. WolframScript Tutorial
  140. Wolfram Language Clones
  141. Meaning of Symbolic Pattern Matching Languages
  142. Wolfram Notebook File Format
  143. Wolfram Notebook Tutorial
  144. WolframLang: Detect Zero Vector
  145. History of Notebook User Interface
  146. Wolfram Language Tutorial
  147. LISP Macro vs WolframLang
  148. LISP / APL Root in Wolfram Mathematica
  149. LISP vs WolframLang
  150. WolframLang: Source Code Encoding and Unicode
  151. Convert Indexes of Nested Array to Index of Flat List
  152. WolframLang: Plane Curve Formulas Package 📦
  153. WolframLang: Plane Curve Plot Package 📦
  154. The Mathematica Book Online
  155. Xah Lee Old Articles on Mathematica
  156. Xah WolframLang Tutorial Search 🔍
  157. WolframLang: Comment
  158. Download Wolfram Language Free
  159. WolframLang: Plot and Visualization
  160. Wolfram Language Shorten Source Code
  161. Wolfram Language Speed Guide
  162. Wolfram Language Speed Trivia
  163. Wolfram Language in Depth
  164. WolframLang: Load Path
  165. WolframLang: Print
  166. WolframLang: Print Version
  167. WolframLang: Find/Replace Script
  168. WolframLang: Read File
  169. WolframLang: Typesetting Math
  170. Difference Between WolframLang, Mathematica, WolframEngine, WolframScript
  171. WolframLang: Write File
  172. Xah Lee WolframLang Packages
  173. xah wolfram language notes
  174. Number Of Ways To Loop n Points
  175. WolframLang: Plane Tiling Package 📦
  176. Spheres and Cubes Study
  177. Tilings and Patterns
  178. Math Tiling Gallery
  179. Geometry: Transformation of the Plane II
  180. Geometry: Transformation of the Plane
  181. Math: Density Plots of Trig Expressions
  182. Math Graphics Gallery
  183. Stereographic Projection
  184. Second Life, Tech Geekers, And Escapism
  185. The One True History of Meow
  186. Once upon a troll…
  187. To Catch a Troll…
  188. Troll Definition from Jargon File
  189. The Newsgroup Troll Song
  190. Usenet Troll Song
  191. Ban Xah Lee
  192. What I've Learned by Conversational Styled Posts
  193. Cross-posting and Language Factions
  194. Death of a Troll, My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009)
  195. (Knowledge + Love) / Disrespectfulness
  196. Eric S Raymond wrote: How not to engage me!
  197. Hacker Archetypes, Eric S Raymond
  198. Hacker News, XahLee.org, and What is Politics?
  199. Hackers and the Foobar Phrase
  200. How Shall I Respond?
  201. Ignorance And Intolerance In Online Computing Communities
  202. Persona Non Grata in the Hacker Community
  203. Ruby Conf 2016 SJW on Eric S Raymond
  204. rule of conduct of a 4chan philosopher
  205. Wilt Thou Gallantly Tilt at Windmills?
  206. Netiquette Anthropology: Tales of Tech Geekers
  207. What is Hacker?
  208. What is Philosophy and Paul Graham
  209. Why Can't You Be Normal?
  210. Perl Module Tree::Matica Documentation
  211. Perl Module: Tree::Matica (Mathematica Tree Functions in Perl)
  212. Archimedean Spiral
  213. Astroid
  214. Bezier Curve
  215. Cardioid
  216. Cardioid Graphics Gallery
  217. Cassinian Oval
  218. Catenary
  219. Caustics
  220. Circle
  221. Cissoid of Diocles
  222. Cissoid
  223. Cornu Spiral
  224. Conchoid of Nicomedes
  225. Conchoid
  226. Conic Sections
  227. Websites on Conic Sections
  228. Geometry: Coordinate Systems for Plane Curves
  229. Coordinate Transformation
  230. Vectors
  231. Cross Curve
  232. Curlicues
  233. Curvature
  234. Cusp
  235. Cycloid
  236. Deltoid
  237. Ellipse
  238. Envelope
  239. Epitrochoid and Hypotrochoid Animation Gallery
  240. Epicycloid and Hypocycloid
  241. Epitrochoid
  242. Equiangular Spiral
  243. Evolute
  244. Exponential Curve
  245. Folium of Descartes
  246. Hyperbola
  247. Hypotrochoid
  248. Special Plane Curves: Introduction
  249. Buy A Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves
  250. Plane Curve Bibliography
  251. Special Plane Curves: CD-ROM
  252. Naming and Classification of Curves
  253. Plane Geometry Software
  254. Special Plane Curves: Mailing List
  255. Plane Curves Books
  256. Websites on Plane Curves
  257. Special Plane Curves: What's New
  258. Special Plane Curves: What's New 1996 to 2007
  259. Circle Inversion Gallery
  260. Geometric Inversion
  261. Involute
  262. Lemniscate of Bernoulli
  263. Lemniscate of Gerono
  264. Limacon Graphics Gallery
  265. Limacon Of Pascal
  266. Line
  267. Lissajous
  268. Lituus
  269. Mathematica Packages for Plane Curves
  270. Nephroid
  271. Orthoptic
  272. Parabola
  273. Parallel Curve
  274. Pedal Curve
  275. Piriform
  276. Polynomial
  277. Quadratrix Of Hippias
  278. Radial Curve
  279. Right Strophoid
  280. Rose Curve
  281. Roulette
  282. Math of Seashell Shapes
  283. Seashell Icons
  284. Math Parametric Equation for Seashell
  285. Semicubic Parabola
  286. Hyperbolic Trig Functions
  287. Sine Curve
  288. Spirals in Nature
  289. Spiric Section
  290. Tractrix
  291. Trisectrix of Maclaurin
  292. Trisectrix
  293. Trochoid
  294. Witch of Agnesi
  295. Curves and Their Properties: Astroid, p001
  296. Curves and Their Properties: Astroid, p002
  297. Curves and Their Properties: Astroid, p003
  298. Curves and Their Properties: Cardioid, p004
  299. Curves and Their Properties: Cardioid, p005
  300. Curves and Their Properties: Cardioid, p006
  301. Curves and Their Properties: Cardioid, p007
  302. Curves and Their Properties: Cassi, p008
  303. Curves and Their Properties: Cassi, p009
  304. Curves and Their Properties: Cassi, p010
  305. Curves and Their Properties: Cassi, p011
  306. Curves and Their Properties: Catenary, p012
  307. Curves and Their Properties: Catenary, p013
  308. Curves and Their Properties: Catenary, p014
  309. Curves and Their Properties: Caustics, p015
  310. Curves and Their Properties: Caustics, p016
  311. Curves and Their Properties: Caustics, p017
  312. Curves and Their Properties: Caustics, p018
  313. Curves and Their Properties: Caustics, p019
  314. Curves and Their Properties: Caustics, p020
  315. Curves and Their Properties: Circle, p021
  316. Curves and Their Properties: Circle, p022
  317. Curves and Their Properties: Circle, p023
  318. Curves and Their Properties: Circle, p024
  319. Curves and Their Properties: Circle, p025
  320. Curves and Their Properties: Cissoid, p026
  321. Curves and Their Properties: Cissoid, p027
  322. Curves and Their Properties: Cissoid, p028
  323. Curves and Their Properties: Cissoid, p029
  324. Curves and Their Properties: Cissoid, p030
  325. Curves and Their Properties: Conchoid, p031
  326. Curves and Their Properties: Conchoid, p032
  327. Curves and Their Properties: Conchoid, p033
  328. Curves and Their Properties: Cones, p034
  329. Curves and Their Properties: Cones, p035
  330. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p036
  331. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p037
  332. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p038
  333. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p039
  334. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p040
  335. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p041
  336. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p042
  337. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p043
  338. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p044
  339. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p045
  340. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p046
  341. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p047
  342. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p048
  343. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p049
  344. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p050
  345. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p051
  346. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p052
  347. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p053
  348. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p054
  349. Curves and Their Properties: Conics, p055
  350. Curves and Their Properties: Cubic, p056
  351. Curves and Their Properties: Cubic, p057
  352. Curves and Their Properties: Cubic, p058
  353. Curves and Their Properties: Cubic, p059
  354. Curves and Their Properties: Curvature, p060
  355. Curves and Their Properties: Curvature, p061
  356. Curves and Their Properties: Curvature, p062
  357. Curves and Their Properties: Curvature, p063
  358. Curves and Their Properties: Curvature, p064
  359. Curves and Their Properties: Cycloid, p065
  360. Curves and Their Properties: Cycloid, p066
  361. Curves and Their Properties: Cycloid, p067
  362. Curves and Their Properties: Cycloid, p068
  363. Curves and Their Properties: Cycloid, p069
  364. Curves and Their Properties: Cycloid, p070
  365. Curves and Their Properties: Deltoid, p071
  366. Curves and Their Properties: Deltoid, p072
  367. Curves and Their Properties: Deltoid, p073
  368. Curves and Their Properties: Deltoid, p074
  369. Curves and Their Properties: Envelope, p075
  370. Curves and Their Properties: Envelope, p076
  371. Curves and Their Properties: Envelope, p077
  372. Curves and Their Properties: Envelope, p078
  373. Curves and Their Properties: Envelope, p079
  374. Curves and Their Properties: Envelope, p080
  375. Curves and Their Properties: Epihypocycloids, p081
  376. Curves and Their Properties: Epihypocycloids, p082
  377. Curves and Their Properties: Epihypocycloids, p083
  378. Curves and Their Properties: Epihypocycloids, p084
  379. Curves and Their Properties: Epihypocycloids, p085
  380. Curves and Their Properties: Evolutes, p086
  381. Curves and Their Properties: Evolutes, p087
  382. Curves and Their Properties: Evolutes, p088
  383. Curves and Their Properties: Evolutes, p089
  384. Curves and Their Properties: Evolutes, p090
  385. Curves and Their Properties: Evolutes, p091
  386. Curves and Their Properties: Evolutes, p092
  387. Curves and Their Properties: Exp, p093
  388. Curves and Their Properties: Exp, p094
  389. Curves and Their Properties: Exp, p095
  390. Curves and Their Properties: Exp, p096
  391. Curves and Their Properties: Exp, p097
  392. Curves and Their Properties: Folium, p098
  393. Curves and Their Properties: Folium, p099
  394. Curves and Their Properties: Discont, p100
  395. Curves and Their Properties: Discont, p101
  396. Curves and Their Properties: Discont, p102
  397. Curves and Their Properties: Discont, p103
  398. Curves and Their Properties: Discont, p104
  399. Curves and Their Properties: Discont, p105
  400. Curves and Their Properties: Discont, p106
  401. Curves and Their Properties: Discont, p107
  402. Curves and Their Properties: Glissette, p108
  403. Curves and Their Properties: Glissette, p109
  404. Curves and Their Properties: Glissette, p110
  405. Curves and Their Properties: Glissette, p111
  406. Curves and Their Properties: Glissette, p112
  407. Curves and Their Properties: Hyperbolic, p113
  408. Curves and Their Properties: Hyperbolic, p114
  409. Curves and Their Properties: Hyperbolic, p115
  410. Curves and Their Properties: Hyperbolic, p116
  411. Curves and Their Properties: Hyperbolic, p117
  412. Curves and Their Properties: Hyperbolic, p118
  413. Curves and Their Properties: Icr, p119
  414. Curves and Their Properties: Icr, p120
  415. Curves and Their Properties: Icr, p121
  416. Curves and Their Properties: Icr, p122
  417. Curves and Their Properties: Intrinsic, p123
  418. Curves and Their Properties: Intrinsic, p124
  419. Curves and Their Properties: Intrinsic, p125
  420. Curves and Their Properties: Intrinsic, p126
  421. Curves and Their Properties: Inversion, p127
  422. Curves and Their Properties: Inversion, p128
  423. Curves and Their Properties: Inversion, p129
  424. Curves and Their Properties: Inversion, p130
  425. Curves and Their Properties: Inversion, p131
  426. Curves and Their Properties: Inversion, p132
  427. Curves and Their Properties: Inversion, p133
  428. Curves and Their Properties: Inversion, p134
  429. Curves and Their Properties: Involute, p135
  430. Curves and Their Properties: Involute, p136
  431. Curves and Their Properties: Involute, p137
  432. Curves and Their Properties: Isoptic, p138
  433. Curves and Their Properties: Isoptic, p139
  434. Curves and Their Properties: Isoptic, p140
  435. Curves and Their Properties: Kieroid, p141
  436. Curves and Their Properties: Kieroid, p142
  437. Curves and Their Properties: Lemniscate, p143
  438. Curves and Their Properties: Lemniscate, p144
  439. Curves and Their Properties: Lemniscate, p145
  440. Curves and Their Properties: Lemniscate, p146
  441. Curves and Their Properties: Lemniscate, p147
  442. Curves and Their Properties: Limacon, p148
  443. Curves and Their Properties: Limacon, p149
  444. Curves and Their Properties: Limacon, p150
  445. Curves and Their Properties: Limacon, p151
  446. Curves and Their Properties: Nephroid, p152
  447. Curves and Their Properties: Nephroid, p153
  448. Curves and Their Properties: Nephroid, p154
  449. Curves and Their Properties: Parallel, p155
  450. Curves and Their Properties: Parallel, p156
  451. Curves and Their Properties: Parallel, p157
  452. Curves and Their Properties: Parallel, p158
  453. Curves and Their Properties: Parallel, p159
  454. Curves and Their Properties: Pedal, p160
  455. Curves and Their Properties: Pedal, p161
  456. Curves and Their Properties: Pedal, p162
  457. Curves and Their Properties: Pedal, p163
  458. Curves and Their Properties: Pedal, p164
  459. Curves and Their Properties: Pedal, p165
  460. Curves and Their Properties: Pedal, p166
  461. Curves and Their Properties: Pedal, p167
  462. Curves and Their Properties: Pedal, p168
  463. Curves and Their Properties: Pedal, p169
  464. Curves and Their Properties: Pursuit, p170
  465. Curves and Their Properties: Pursuit, p171
  466. Curves and Their Properties: Radial, p172
  467. Curves and Their Properties: Radial, p173
  468. Curves and Their Properties: Radial, p174
  469. Curves and Their Properties: Roulette, p175
  470. Curves and Their Properties: Roulette, p176
  471. Curves and Their Properties: Roulette, p177
  472. Curves and Their Properties: Roulette, p178
  473. Curves and Their Properties: Roulette, p179
  474. Curves and Their Properties: Roulette, p180
  475. Curves and Their Properties: Roulette, p181
  476. Curves and Their Properties: Roulette, p182
  477. Curves and Their Properties: Roulette, p183
  478. Curves and Their Properties: Roulette, p184
  479. Curves and Their Properties: Roulette, p185
  480. Curves and Their Properties: Semicubic, p186
  481. Curves and Their Properties: Semicubic, p187
  482. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p188
  483. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p189
  484. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p190
  485. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p191
  486. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p192
  487. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p193
  488. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p194
  489. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p195
  490. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p196
  491. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p197
  492. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p198
  493. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p199
  494. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p200
  495. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p201
  496. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p202
  497. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p203
  498. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p204
  499. Curves and Their Properties: Sketching, p205
  500. Curves and Their Properties: Spiral, p206
  501. Curves and Their Properties: Spiral, p207
  502. Curves and Their Properties: Spiral, p208
  503. Curves and Their Properties: Spiral, p209
  504. Curves and Their Properties: Spiral, p210
  505. Curves and Their Properties: Spiral, p211
  506. Curves and Their Properties: Spiral, p212
  507. Curves and Their Properties: Spiral, p213
  508. Curves and Their Properties: Spiral, p214
  509. Curves and Their Properties: Spiral, p215
  510. Curves and Their Properties: Spiral, p216
  511. Curves and Their Properties: Strophoid, p217
  512. Curves and Their Properties: Strophoid, p218
  513. Curves and Their Properties: Strophoid, p219
  514. Curves and Their Properties: Strophoid, p220
  515. Curves and Their Properties: Tractrix, p221
  516. Curves and Their Properties: Tractrix, p222
  517. Curves and Their Properties: Tractrix, p223
  518. Curves and Their Properties: Tractrix, p224
  519. Curves and Their Properties: Trig, p225
  520. Curves and Their Properties: Trig, p226
  521. Curves and Their Properties: Trig, p227
  522. Curves and Their Properties: Trig, p228
  523. Curves and Their Properties: Trig, p229
  524. Curves and Their Properties: Trig, p230
  525. Curves and Their Properties: Trig, p231
  526. Curves and Their Properties: Trig, p232
  527. Curves and Their Properties: Trochoid, p233
  528. Curves and Their Properties: Trochoid, p234
  529. Curves and Their Properties: Trochoid, p235
  530. Curves and Their Properties: Trochoid, p236
  531. Curves and Their Properties: Witch, p237
  532. Curves and Their Properties: Witch, p238
  533. Curves and Their Properties: Index, p239
  534. Curves and Their Properties: Index, p240
  535. Curves and Their Properties: Index, p241
  536. Curves and Their Properties: Index, p242
  537. Curves and Their Properties: Index, p243
  538. Curves and Their Properties: Index, p244
  539. Curves and Their Properties: Index, p245
  540. Curves and Their Properties: Cover1, pp01
  541. Curves and Their Properties: Cover2, pp02
  542. Curves and Their Properties: Copyright, pp03
  543. Curves and Their Properties: Forward, pp04
  544. Curves and Their Properties: Author, pp05
  545. Curves and Their Properties: Author, pp07
  546. Curves and Their Properties: Author, pp08
  547. Curves and Their Properties: Notation, pp09
  548. Curves and Their Properties: Contents, pp10
  549. Curves and Their Properties: Contents, pp11
  550. Curves and Their Properties: Preface, pp12
  551. Curves and Their Properties: Preface, pp13
  552. Curves and Their Properties by Robert Yates
  553. 5-Point Conics
  554. Archimedes Circle
  555. Inversion of Archimedes's spiral
  556. Conchoid of Nicomedes
  557. Cornu Spirals
  558. Figure 8 Curve
  559. Figure 8 Curve Const
  560. Peaucellier Linkage on a line
  561. Vector Addition
  562. Vector Dot Product
  563. Archimedean spiral
  564. Astroid Construction
  565. Astroid Construction, Complex
  566. Astroid's Pedal Curve
  567. Astroid Roll
  568. Astroid Trammel
  569. Bezier Curve
  570. Cardioid As Circle's Caustics
  571. Cardioid Tracing
  572. Converse of Thales's Theorem
  573. Thales's Theorem
  574. Conic Section and Dandelin Sphere
  575. 5 Points Conics Tangent Construction
  576. Brianchon's Theorem
  577. Pascal's Theorem
  578. Conics Family of Curves
  579. Two Ripples Traces Conics
  580. Cross Curve
  581. Deltoid's Caustics
  582. Deltoid Construction
  583. Deltoid Construction, with Osculating Circle
  584. Deltoid as Rolling Circle
  585. Ellipse's Caustic
  586. Ellipse Family
  587. Ellipse Inversion
  588. Ellipse as Circle's Negative Pedal
  589. Ellipse Polar Point-Wise Construction
  590. Ellipse's Property of inscribed and circumscribed circles and center
  591. Ellipse Tangent Construction
  592. Ellipse as a Hypotrochoid
  593. ellispe as Trammel
  594. Equiangular Spiral
  595. Equiangular Spiral Caustic
  596. Equiangular Spiral Evolute
  597. Hyperboda Point-wise Construction
  598. Plane Curves: GeoGebra Files Index
  599. inversion
  600. Inversion Angle Invariance
  601. Inversion of A Circle
  602. Inversion of A Line
  603. line parametric
  604. Nephroid
  605. Parabola Caustics
  606. Parabola Point Tangent Construction
  607. Tracing a Parabola
  608. Piriform
  609. Quadratrix Of Hippias
  610. Real Rose Curve
  611. Sine Curve
  612. Inversion of Sine Curve
  613. Tractrix Tracing
  614. Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves
  615. The X-Windows Disaster (X11)
  616. “Buffer Overflow” Security Problems
  617. On Unix File System's Case Sensitivity
  618. Why LD_LIBRARY_PATH is bad
  619. UNIX Philosophy, Fast Food the UNIX way
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  621. The Story of BeOS
  622. BSD History Y2K
  623. Computer Languages
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  625. FSF Free Software, Open Source, and Communism
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  627. Lambda Logo Tour
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  629. Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design
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  633. Mac OS X “.dmg” File and Command Line Tutorial
  634. Programing: GNU Make (gmake) Tutorial
  635. Microsoft Linux Ad
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  646. The Unix Pestilence: Shells
  647. Solaris 2 FAQ
  648. Solaris History Y2K
  649. CPU Speed Benchmark, BogusMips in Perl
  650. svn Tutorial
  651. The Unix-Haters Handbook
  652. Unix Humor: Beastie Banging Tux
  653. Unison Tutorial (Sync Files)
  654. Origin of BSD Daemon Beastie
  655. Unix Pestilence: Quotations
  656. Unix History 2000, Software
  657. Programing Problem: Normalize a Vector of Any Dimension
  658. Mathematica: Optimizing A Raytrace Code: Jon Harrop vs Xah Lee
  659. What is Monopoly? Apple or Google or Microsoft?
  660. Why Change When It Ain't Broken
  661. Aloofness vs Approachable
  662. Erik Naggum, Analogy vs Analysis, and lisp-1 lisp-2 Meaning-Space
  663. Anti Hacker y2k
  664. On Appreciation
  665. Is Programing Art or Science
  666. Hack of Bitmask as Boolean Parameters
  667. The Bug-Reporting Attitude
  668. Microsoft XP Bug Report Panels
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  671. What is Closure in Programing Language
  672. comp.lang.lisp Fight on the Meaning of Closure
  673. Communism, American, and Open Source
  674. Criticism versus Constructive Criticism
  675. What is Currying in Computer Science?
  676. Distributed Revision Control Systems, Haskell Darcs, and Math Sacrilege
  677. Notes on Database Joins
  678. A Emacs Frustration (Blogger package)
  679. Emacs Keybinding Rant, and a Glimpse of Xah Lee's Life 2010
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  681. A Exhibition of Tech Geekers Incompetence: Emacs whitespace-mode
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  683. Unix, Security, and FTP
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  685. Why Open Source Documentation is of Low Quality
  686. Do Graphical User Interface Make People Dumb?
  687. Programing: the Harm of Hard-wrapping Lines
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  689. Hardware Modeled (Von Neumann) Computer Languages and Functional-Level Languages
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  691. Info Tech Industry Predicament
  692. The Condition of Industrial Programers: Learn LISP in 10 Days
  693. Jargons of Software Industry
  694. Killfile Considered Harmful
  695. Language, Purity, Cult, and Deception
  696. Jargons, and What Determines a Programing Language's Popularity?
  697. What Languages to Hate
  698. Larry Wall and Cults
  699. Linus Flames Lisp
  700. Programing: Will Lisp Ever be Popular?
  701. Programing: Lisp: I Can Not Find a Word Better than “car”
  702. Programing Language: The Glory of Lisp's cons
  703. Why Lisp Not Have a Generic Copy-List Function?
  704. Fundamental Problems of Lisp, Syntax Irregularity
  705. Programing Language: A Ruby Illustration of Lisp Problems
  706. Fundamental Problems of Lisp — Prelude
  707. Avoiding Variables in Functional Programing
  708. Lisp Needs a Logo
  709. Online Posting Accountability
  710. Unicode: Carbon Emacs 22 vs Emacs 23
  711. Mac OS X SSH Session Disconnection
  712. Mac OS X Changes To Unix
  713. Is Mac OS X Unix
  714. A Letter to Marshall Brain
  715. Math Jargons Explained
  716. Unix and the mbox Email Format
  717. the Measure of a Language
  718. On Microsoft Hatred
  719. The Microsoft Hatred FAQ
  720. Microsoft Hatred and God
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  722. The Unix Pestilence: MySQL
  723. Why is Namespace So Difficult?
  724. The Importance of Terminology's Quality In Computer Languages
  725. Netscape Crap
  726. Proliferation of Programing Languages
  727. Concepts and Confusions of Prefix, Infix, Postfix and Lisp Notations
  728. Intro to Wolfram Language Pattern Matching for Lisp Programers
  729. Old School Netiquette
  730. Laziness, Perl, and Larry Wall
  731. Perl's raison d'être
  732. Philosophies of Netiquette
  733. Unixer Plain-Text Email Fetish
  734. Lisp Macros and Practical Common Lisp
  735. Complexity of Software Engineering; Emacs, Unicode, Unison
  736. Why Qi Lisp Fails and Clojure Succeeds
  737. Regex Limits, or, Should You Read Mastering Regular Expressions?
  738. Responsible Software Licensing
  739. Responsible Software License and Free Software Foundation
  740. Unixers, RFC, and Perl
  741. Scheme Lisp and Failure
  742. 3D Graphics Formats and Social Causes in Computer Languages
  743. Tab vs Space in Source Code
  744. Why You Should Avoid the Jargon Tail Recursion
  745. What is a Tech Geeker?
  746. Tech Geekers vs Spammers
  747. What Do Tech Geeking Morons Want?
  748. The Elements Of Style: UNIX As Literature
  749. Perl: Theory vs Practice
  750. The Unix Pestilence: Theory vs Practice, II
  751. A Troll's Anthology
  752. On Ignoring Trolls
  753. A Troll's Confections
  754. Unix, RFC, Line Truncation
  755. Idiocy Of Unix Copy Command
  756. On Unix Filename Characters Problem
  757. Unix And Literary Correlation
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  759. Rob Pike on the Origin of Unix Dot File Names
  760. The Nature of the Unix Philosophy
  761. On the Survival Strategies of Larry Wall vs Richard Stallman
  762. Web Keywords and Taxonomy
  763. What and Why of Math
  764. What is Scientific
  765. Which Lisp Should You Learn?
  766. Why do I Rant In comp.lang.lisp
  767. Erik Naggum and Why There Isn't a Ocean of “Lisp Jobs”
  768. From Why Not Ruby to Screw Python Hello Ruby
  769. Why Software Suck
  770. Windows Vista VirtualStore Problem
  771. Why Learn Lisp When There Are Perl and Python
  772. “Free” Software Morality, Richard Stallman, Paperwork Bureaucracy
  773. Mathematica 7 Released
  774. Python Surpassed Perl In Popularity
  775. Richard Stallman's Abuse of the Word “Freedom”
  776. Death of Newsgroups
  777. comp.lang.lisp is 95% Spam
  778. Programer Celebrities; Styles and Tack
  779. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
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  781. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  782. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  783. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
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  785. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  786. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  787. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  788. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  789. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  790. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  791. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  792. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  793. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  794. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  795. Starry Wallpaper Gallery
  796. Discontinuous Groups of Rotation and Translation in the Plane
  797. Wallpaper groups: Introduction
  798. Some Theorems on Rotation and Translation
  799. Wallpaper groups: The Discontinuous Groups
  800. Wallpaper groups: Derivation and Classification of Groups
  801. Wallpaper groups: The 17 Wallpaper Groups
  802. Wallpaper groups: Wallpaper Gallery
  803. Wallpaper groups: References and Related Web Sites
  804. Wallpaper groups: Addendum
  805. Product of Rotations
  806. Introduction to Symmetry
  807. AI Chat Bots
  808. Bit Money
  809. Xah C Learning Notes
  810. Play Chinese Chess Online
  811. Clojure: Basic Syntax
  812. Clojure: Binding Forms, Destructuring
  813. Clojure: Boolean
  814. Clojure: Call Java Method
  815. Clojure: Collections (List, Vector, Set, Map, etc), Sequence
  816. Clojure: Comment Syntax
  817. Clojure: Basic Value Types (datatype)
  818. Clojure: Doc Lookup, Find Function
  819. Emacs: Clojure CIDER Tutorial
  820. Clojure: Expression Group
  821. Clojure: Flow Control (if then else)
  822. Clojure: Function Chaining
  823. Clojure: Partial Function (Currying)
  824. Clojure: Functions
  825. Interactive Clojure Notebook: gorilla-repl
  826. Clojure Tutorial
  827. Clojure: Install
  828. Clojure Instaparse Parser Tutorial
  829. Clojure Instaparse Parser Tutorial: Parse Error
  830. Clojure Instaparse Parser Tutorial: Grammar Syntax
  831. Clojure Instaparse Parser Tutorial: Output Formats
  832. Clojure Instaparse Parser Tutorial: Hide Tokens
  833. Clojure Instaparse Parser Tutorial: Partial Parse
  834. Clojure Instaparse Parser Tutorial: Change Start Rule
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  836. Clojure Instaparse Parser Tutorial: Transform Parse Tree
  837. Clojure Leiningen Tutorial
  838. Clojure: Essential Libs for Web App
  839. Clojure: Loop, Iteration
  840. Clojure Tutorial: Macro
  841. Clojure: Metadata
  842. Clojure Tutorial: misc notes
  843. Clojure Misc Notes
  844. Clojure: Namespace
  845. Clojure Tutorial: nREPL
  846. Clojure: Numbers
  847. Clojure: Print
  848. Clojure Tutorial: protocol
  849. Clojure: Reader Forms
  850. Clojure Tutorial: record
  851. Clojure: regex
  852. Clojure Ring Tutorial
  853. Clojure Tutorial: Run/Execute One Clojure File
  854. Clojure Sigils (Magic Characters)
  855. Clojure: String
  856. Clojure Tutorial: unit testing
  857. Clojure: Transactions
  858. Clojure: Variable
  859. Chapter 10: Process Of Perception And Analysis
  860. Chapter 1: The Foundations For A New Kind Of Science
  861. Chapter 2: The Crucial Experiment
  862. Chapter 3: The World Of Simple Programs
  863. Chapter 4: Systems Based On Numbers
  864. Chapter 5: 2 Dimensions And Beyond
  865. Chapter 6: Starting From Randomness
  866. Notes on A New Kind of Science
  867. Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science
  868. Go Board Game as Cellular Automata
  869. Purpose of My Notes on A New Kind of Science
  870. Elements of a Cellular Automata System
  871. Mandelbrot Set Explained (no complex number needed)
  872. How Computing Science created a new mathematical style By Edsger W. Dykstra (EWD 1073)
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  876. Math Notation, Computer Language Syntax, and the “Form” in Formalism
  877. Math Notation, Proof System, Computer Algebra, in One Language
  878. linear Algebra Notes
  879. The Codification of Mathematics
  880. Math Terminology and Naming of Things
  881. Mathematical Notation: Past and Future
  882. Pattern Matching vs Grammar Specification
  883. A Notation for Plane Geometry
  884. State of Theorem Proving Systems 2008
  885. The Problems of Traditional Math Notation
  886. Notes On Plane Curves and Proofs
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  901. The Day Steve Jobs Died, Apple, Google Website Screenshots
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  904. History of Lisp, 1980 to 1993
  905. Software Freedom is Free Speech or Free Beer?
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  907. Lisp at JPL, by Ron Garret 📺
  908. Guy Steele Says: Don't Iterate, Recurse, and Get rid of lisp cons!
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  912. Web Design: How JavaScript Breaks UI, Evolution of UI
  913. Java Array Syntax Soup: Syntactic Irregularity and Ad Hoc Logic
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  915. John McCarthy LISP, 1960. Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions
  916. Luhn Algorithm
  917. Mac OS X Names: Jaguar, Tiger, Mavericks, Cheese Ball
  918. WolframLang vs Lisp Syntax
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  922. Paul Graham's Infatuation with the Concept of Hacker
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  924. Jargon REPL and Hackers
  925. Richard Stallman on Steve Jobs's Death
  926. Ryan Dahl, on History of Node.js 📺
  927. Node.js Creator Ryan Dahl on Software Complexity
  928. Second Life, the Worst Hack in Universe
  929. Sergey Brin Talk on China, Wikipedia, Search Engines. 2005 📺
  930. Steve Yegge on Dynamic Programing Languages
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  936. XML is not S-Expressions
  937. XahLee.info site traffic, 2017 to 2021
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  964. Problem of the Big O Notation for Leetcode
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  966. What is Binary Number
  967. Programing Language Idiocy: Bit Operators
  968. BlackBerry PlayBook: Force Reset, Security Wipe, Connect to Linux Via USB
  969. Xah Programing Blog
  970. Xah Programing Blog Archive
  971. Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010
  972. Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-01
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  1048. Xah Programing Blog Archive 2022-10
  1049. Xah Programing Blog Archive 2023-01
  1050. Xah Programing Blog Archive 2023-07
  1051. Share File from Android to Mac via BlueTooth
  1052. Share File from Android to Windows via BlueTooth
  1053. Book Review: Patterns of Software
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  1058. Unicode: Car, Train, Boat, Emoji 🚀
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  1061. Chinese Encoding, Introduction
  1062. Chinese Websites Encoding survey, Year 2022
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  1065. Clojure's Popularity, a Tango with Java
  1066. Clojure Leiningen Crap
  1067. Clojure Missing Docs
  1068. Technical Writing as Symbolic Logic: Clojure Intern Symbol
  1069. Coding Style Conflict, Algorithmic Efficiency vs Repeated Source Code
  1070. History of Programing Languages in 1 Sentence
  1071. Hacker Cult
  1072. Jargons of Software Industry
  1073. Comp Lang Perving
  1074. Should Array Index Start at 0 or 1?
  1075. Grammar Complexity of Conlang and Complang
  1076. Optional Function Parameters in Computer Language Docs (the idiocy thereof)
  1077. Doc by Dummies
  1078. A Logician Reads Programing Manual
  1079. Programing Language Spec, What-Is vs How-To
  1080. Programing Language Tutorials Index
  1081. Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages; ASCII Jam vs Unicode
  1082. ASCII Jam Problem: HTML Entities
  1083. Computer Tech Progress and Video On Demand
  1084. compatibility for popularity
  1085. Complexity of SVG
  1086. Complexity and Tedium of Software Engineering
  1087. Composable Syntax
  1088. Should the Map Function Specify Order?
  1089. Computer Languages Characters Frequency
  1090. Programing Language Comparison: Perl, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Lisp
  1091. Programing Jargon: Synchronous, Asynchronous
  1092. Math vs Programing, What-is vs How-to
  1093. Programing Style: Concrete vs Abstract Code
  1094. Context Dependent Semantic: Python, Lisp setf
  1095. How to Convert HTML to PDF
  1096. Siri, Cortana, Ok Google, Are the Future of AI, the Embodiment of AI
  1097. Costs of Computer Language Operations
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  1104. Problem of Declarative Animation
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  1108. Programing: Design Patterns Your Mom
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  1112. Why Are Hackers Obssessed on DSL, Domain Specific Language
  1113. Donald Knuth on chatGPT
  1114. Dynamic vs Static Type System in Programing Languages
  1115. eXtreme Programing and Agile Voodoo
  1116. Edge Cases in Computing, and What Exactly is Whitespace?
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  1120. Difference between emoji, emoticon, pictograph
  1121. Emoji Politics
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  1123. Edsger W Dijkstra (EWD) on Programing
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  1126. Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Speak Chinese 📺
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  1132. Python Problem: String Methods, Functions, Slashes, Backslashes
  1133. Programing Language: Function Dependency
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  1137. Functional Programing: is Real World Stateful?
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  1142. Xahlee Site in Google C4 Dataset for Artificial Intelligence Training
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  1144. on GPU vs CPU algorithms compilation, C++, parallel computation, Wolfram Physics
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  1185. Official Java Tutorial on Interface, the Inanity
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  1400. UI Design: Colorful Tabs
  1401. User Interface Design: Peepshow Windows
  1402. Unicode 10 New Characters (2017)
  1403. Unicode 11 New Characters (2018)
  1404. Unicode 12 New Characters (2019)
  1405. Unicode 13 New Characters (2020)
  1406. Unicode 14 New Characters (2021)
  1407. Unicode 15 New Characters (2022)
  1408. Fonts for Unicode 6 Emoticons (2010)
  1409. Unicode 7 New Characters (2014)
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  1427. Unicode: Braille ⠮
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  1458. Unicode: Emoji Usage Frequency
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  1460. Xah Unicode Blog
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  1467. How to Input Unicode/Emoji
  1468. How to Input Unicode/Emoji on Linux
  1469. How to Input Unicode/Emoji on Mac
  1470. How to Input Unicode/Emoji for Microsoft Windows
  1471. Unicode: Insect Emoji 🐞
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  1473. Unicode: Upside-Down Text ɐ q ɔ p ǝ ɟ ᵷ
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  1503. Unicode Screenshots
  1504. Unicode Semantics: the ∀ in Turn A Gundam
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  1509. Unicode: Sports Emoji ⚽
  1510. Unicode: Squared Letters 🄰 🆗
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  1512. Unicode Support in Programing Language Function Name and Operator
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  1514. Unicode Symbol for “e.g.” (exempli gratia)
  1515. Semantics and Symbols: Examples of Unicode Symbols Usage
  1516. Unicode: Tacks, Turnstiles ⊣ ⊢ ⊥ ⊤ ⫪ ⫫
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  1526. Unicode: User Interface Icons 🗑
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  1530. Unicode UTF8 History, by Rob Pike
  1531. Unicode: Variation Selector
  1532. W3C Proposed Icons for Internet before Unicode
  1533. Unicode: Weather Emoji 🌧
  1534. Unicode: Whitespace Representation ⇥ ▷ ␣ ¶
  1535. Unix Pipe as Functional Language
  1536. UNIX Tar Problem: File Length Truncation, Unicode Name Support
  1537. Do Unix Tools Do One Thing Well?
  1538. Linux Shell Util uniq Unicode Bug
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  1545. History of Programing Culture. Watcher Auto Run, Ruby, Javascript, Nodejs, Rvm, Npm, Deno.
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  1556. Which Programing Language to Learn?
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  1571. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Ugliness of Software Tech
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  1573. Book: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP), Scheme LISP and JavaScript
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  1578. Xah Linux
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  1580. Xah Lee Website Logo
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  1591. Mobius Transformation Decomposition
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  1593. WolframLang: Transform2DPlot Package 📦
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  1597. Complex Inversion
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  1599. Mobius Transformations
  1600. Geometric Transformation on the Plane
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  1605. ErgoEmacs Logo
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  1609. Ruby Creator Matz: How Emacs Changed My Life
  1610. Xah's Emacs Tutorial: About The Author
  1611. Ask Emacs Tuesday
  1612. Xah Emacs Blog
  1613. Xah Emacs Blog Archive
  1614. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2009-12
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  1687. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2018-01
  1688. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2018-02
  1689. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2018-04
  1690. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2018-05
  1691. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2018-06
  1692. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2018-07
  1693. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2018-08
  1694. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2018-09
  1695. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2018-10
  1696. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2018-11
  1697. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2018-12
  1698. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2019-01
  1699. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2019-02
  1700. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2019-04
  1701. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2019-05
  1702. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2019-10
  1703. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2020-01
  1704. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2020-05
  1705. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2020-09
  1706. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2021-01
  1707. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2022-01
  1708. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2023-01
  1709. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2024-01
  1710. Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2024-04
  1711. Emacs: Bookmark
  1712. Emacs: How to Build Emacs from git Repository
  1713. How to Build Emacs on Linux
  1714. Buy Xah Emacs Tutorial
  1715. Emacs: clear-transient-map bug
  1716. Emacs: Command Frequency Statistics
  1717. Emacs's Command Frequency (Old)
  1718. Emacs's Command Frequency Sans Xah Lee's Data
  1719. Emacs Lisp References
  1720. Emacs Dictionary Lookup
  1721. Emacs: Dired Sort File by Time, Size 🚀
  1722. Emacs: Master Tips
  1723. Emacs: Xah Find Replace (xah-find.el) 📦
  1724. Elisp: Lisp Basics
  1725. Elisp: Create Function Templates
  1726. Elisp: Abbrev Enable Function
  1727. Elisp: Abbrev Expand Function
  1728. Elisp: Example of Abbrev as Function Templates
  1729. Elisp: Abbrev Hook
  1730. Elisp: Abbrev Properties
  1731. Elisp: Abbrev Table
  1732. Elisp: Abbrev Trigger Character
  1733. Emacs Lisp Advanced
  1734. Elisp: Functions on Line
  1735. Elisp: HTML Amazon URL Linkify
  1736. Elisp: Apply Function (List to Args)
  1737. Elisp: Arithmetic
  1738. Elisp: Association List
  1739. Elisp: Backquote Reader Macro for List
  1740. Elisp: Quick Start
  1741. Elisp: Batch Transform HTML to HTML5 “figure” Tag
  1742. Elisp: Transform HTML Tags from “span” to “b”
  1743. Elisp: Benchmark, Test Speed
  1744. Elisp: Beware of Region Boundary Change
  1745. Elisp: Bionic Reading 🚀
  1746. Elisp: Boolean (true false nil)
  1747. Emacs: Bracket CAPITALIZED WORDS 🚀
  1748. Elisp: Exit Loop or Function (throw, catch)
  1749. Emacs: View URL in Web Browser, browse-url
  1750. Elisp: Buffer Functions
  1751. Elisp: Buffer Local Variable
  1752. Elisp: Get Buffer String
  1753. Emacs Lisp Byte Compile Incompability on 23.1 vs 23.2
  1754. Elisp: Call Shell Command
  1755. Emacs: Change Brackets 🚀
  1756. Emacs: Cycle Hyphen Lowline Space 🚀
  1757. Elisp: Character Type
  1758. Elisp: Find Syntax of a Char
  1759. Elisp: Check If a Symbol is Defined
  1760. Elisp: Chinese Char To Reference Link
  1761. Emacs: Open Last Closed File 🚀
  1762. Emacs Lisp Examples
  1763. Elisp: Get Command Line Arguments
  1764. Elisp: a Function That Works on String or Region
  1765. Elisp: Comment
  1766. Elisp: Syntax Color Comments
  1767. Elisp: Write Comment Command from Scratch
  1768. Elisp: Write Comment/Uncomment Command
  1769. Controversy of Common Lisp Package in Emacs Lisp
  1770. Emacs: Clean Empty Lines 🚀
  1771. Elisp: Compare Numbers, Equality
  1772. Emacs: Compile TypeScript File 🚀
  1773. Elisp: complete-symbol vs completion-at-point
  1774. Elisp: If then else (Conditional)
  1775. Elisp: Cons Cell
  1776. Emacs: Convert Chinese/Japanese Full-Width/Half-Width Punctuations 🚀
  1777. Emacs: Convert to Full-Width Characters 🚀
  1778. Elisp: Convert Number, String
  1779. Emacs: Convert File Line Ending 🚀
  1780. Elisp: Join or Convert List, Vector
  1781. Elisp: Convert Color Formats: RGB HSL HSV
  1782. Elisp: Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal
  1783. Emacs: Copy to Register 1 🚀
  1784. Elisp: Count Lines, Words, Chars
  1785. Elisp: Create List
  1786. Elisp: Create Keymap (keybinding)
  1787. Elisp: Create Syntax Table
  1788. Emacs: Pretty Format CSS 🚀
  1789. Elisp: Cursor Position Functions
  1790. Elisp: Cut Copy Paste, kill-ring
  1791. Elisp: Print Date Time
  1792. Emacs: xah-fix-datetime 🚀
  1793. Elisp: URL Percent Decode/Encode
  1794. Elisp: URL Percent Encode/Decode using JavaScript
  1795. Elisp: Define Face
  1796. Elisp: “defvar” Doesn't Override
  1797. Emacs: Delete Current File 🚀
  1798. Emacs: Delete Backup in Current Dir Recursively 🚀
  1799. Elisp: Destructure Binding
  1800. Elisp: Get System Info
  1801. Elisp: Determine Cursor is Inside String/Comment
  1802. Elisp: Get Dired Marked Files
  1803. Emacs: dired Rename File, Space to Hyphen or Lowline 🚀
  1804. Emacs: Lookup Function Documentation
  1805. Elisp: Overview of Coding Emacs Lisp
  1806. Emacs: Embed Youtube Vid 🚀
  1807. Elisp: Equality Test
  1808. Emacs: Escape Quotes Command 🚀
  1809. Emacs: Link of Word Etymology 🚀
  1810. Emacs: Evaluate Elisp Code
  1811. Elisp: Simple Code Examples
  1812. Emacs: HTML, Extract URL 🚀
  1813. Elisp: Font Face
  1814. Elisp: provide, require, features
  1815. Elisp: Get File Info
  1816. Elisp: File and Directory Functions
  1817. Elisp: File Path Functions
  1818. Elisp: Filename Extension
  1819. Elisp: Filter a List
  1820. Emacs Lisp Text Processing: find-file vs with-temp-buffer
  1821. Elisp: find-lisp.el
  1822. Elisp: Find Matching Bracket Character
  1823. Emacs Lisp Find Replace String-Pairs Commands
  1824. Emacs: Find Replace on Multiple Files by Function: Add Unicode Name in HTML
  1825. Elisp: Find Replace Text in Buffer
  1826. Elisp: Fix Dead Links
  1827. Elisp: Font Lock Mode
  1828. Elisp: Format String
  1829. Elisp: Define Function
  1830. Elisp: Types of Functions
  1831. Emacs: Insert Random UUID 🚀
  1832. Emacs: xah-get-thing.el 📦
  1833. Elisp: Get Text Block 🚀
  1834. Elisp: Get User Input
  1835. Elisp: Write grep
  1836. Elisp: Find String Inside HTML Tag
  1837. Elisp: Hash Table
  1838. Elisp: Test Hash Tables Equality 🚀
  1839. Elisp: Hash Table to List 🚀
  1840. Elisp: URL to HTML Link + Date
  1841. Emacs: HTML Ruby Annotation 🚀
  1842. Elisp: html6-mode
  1843. Elisp: HTML Link to Dead Link
  1844. Elisp: Wikipedia URL Linkify
  1845. Elisp: Word to Wikipedia HTML Link
  1846. Elisp: Syntax Color Source Code in HTML
  1847. Elisp: How to Write a Command
  1848. Elisp: Writing Elisp Script
  1849. Emacs: HTML Image Path to Img Tag
  1850. Emacs: Insert Date Time 🚀
  1851. Emacs: Insert Brackets by Pair 🚀
  1852. Emacs: Insert Random Number or String 🚀
  1853. Elisp: Interactive Form
  1854. Elisp: Keyword Completion
  1855. Elisp: Lambda Function
  1856. Elisp: load, load-file, autoload
  1857. Emacs: HTML, Lines to List 🚀
  1858. Elisp: Generate Web Links Report
  1859. Elisp: List
  1860. Elisp: Check Element Exist in List
  1861. Elisp: List, Get Elements
  1862. Elisp: List Iteration
  1863. Emacs: List Matching Lines
  1864. Elisp: Remove Elements in List
  1865. Elisp: List vs Vector
  1866. Elisp: Loop
  1867. Emacs: Backup Current File 🚀
  1868. Emacs: HTML, Make Citation Link
  1869. Emacs: HTML, Lines to Table 🚀
  1870. Elisp: Earth Coordinate to Google Map Link
  1871. Elisp: Sequence Iteration
  1872. Elisp: Match Data (Regex Result)
  1873. Emacs: How to Add a Menu
  1874. Emacs: Messages Buffer
  1875. Emacs Lisp Misc
  1876. Elisp: Modify List
  1877. Elisp: Modify Syntax Table Temporarily
  1878. Elisp: Refactoring, Move Code to Files 🚀
  1879. Elisp: Move Cursor
  1880. Can Emacs Lisp Fix Its Namespace Problem by Copying JavaScript Practice?
  1881. Elisp: Major Mode Names
  1882. Elisp: Save narrow-to-region
  1883. Emacs: Next/Previous User Buffer 🚀
  1884. Elisp: Number
  1885. Elisp: Open File, Read, Possibly Write
  1886. Elisp: Function Parameters (optional, rest)
  1887. Elisp: Overlay Highlighting
  1888. Elisp: Parse Org Mode
  1889. Elisp: Parse Date Time
  1890. Elisp: Call Shell Command
  1891. Elisp: Pretty Print Hash Table 🚀
  1892. Elisp: Print, Output
  1893. Process HTML with Emacs Lisp: Transform FAQ Tags
  1894. Elisp: Process File line-by-line
  1895. Elisp: Block of Expression (progn)
  1896. Elisp: Proper List
  1897. Elisp: Property List
  1898. Elisp: Python 2to3 Wrapper 🚀
  1899. Elisp: Quote and Dot Notation
  1900. Elisp: Quoting Symbol
  1901. Elisp: Regex Backslash in Lisp Code
  1902. Elisp: Read File
  1903. Elisp: Read File Content as String or Lines
  1904. Emacs: Reformat to Sentence Lines 🚀
  1905. Elisp: Regular Expression
  1906. Elisp: Regex Named Character Class and Syntax Table
  1907. Elisp: Case Sensitivity (case-fold-search)
  1908. Elisp: Regex Functions
  1909. Elisp: Regex in Readable Syntax, Package Rx
  1910. Elisp: Get Script Name at Run Time, Call by Relative Path
  1911. Emacs: Remove Punctuation Extra Spaces 🚀
  1912. Emacs Keys: Repeat Command by Key, Transient Map
  1913. Elisp: Find Replace Multiple String Pairs
  1914. Emacs: Replace Greek Letter Names to Unicode 🚀
  1915. Elisp: Replacing HTML Entities with Unicode Characters
  1916. Elisp: Replace HTML Entities
  1917. Emacs: xah-replace-pairs.el 📦
  1918. Elisp: Replace Digits by Subscript
  1919. Elisp: Multi-Pair String Replacement with Report
  1920. Elisp: Batch Find Replace
  1921. Emacs: Run Current File 🚀
  1922. Emacs: Run Elisp Code When File Opens (Persistent Highlight)
  1923. Elisp: Run Emacs Lisp Script in Shell
  1924. Emacs: List All Functions
  1925. Elisp: Search Text Functions
  1926. Elisp: Sequence Filter
  1927. Elisp: Sequence Find
  1928. Elisp: Sequence Functions
  1929. Elisp: More Sequence Functions
  1930. Elisp: Sequence, Sort, Reverse
  1931. Elisp: Sequence Type
  1932. Elisp: Directory Path Should End in a Slash
  1933. Elisp: skip-chars-forward vs re-search-forward
  1934. Elisp: Sort Hash Table 🚀
  1935. Emacs: Sort Lines
  1936. Elisp: Special Form
  1937. Emacs: Replace Straight Quotes to Curly 🚀
  1938. Elisp: String
  1939. Elisp: String Comparison, Equality, Order
  1940. Elisp: String Functions
  1941. Elisp: String Match in List 🚀
  1942. Elisp: Convert String to Buffer Text
  1943. Elisp: Sequence, Take, Drop, Slice
  1944. Elisp: Symbol
  1945. Elisp: Symbol Cells
  1946. Elisp: Symbol Property List
  1947. Elisp: Syntax Class
  1948. Elisp: Write a Major Mode for Syntax Coloring
  1949. Elisp: Syntax Table
  1950. Elisp: How to Test Regex
  1951. Emacs Lisp Power: Text-Soup Automation
  1952. Elisp: Text Editing Functions
  1953. Elisp: Text Processing, Transforming Page Tag
  1954. Text Processing: Emacs Lisp vs Perl
  1955. Elisp: HTML Processing: Split Annotation
  1956. Elisp: Text Properties
  1957. Elisp: thing-at-point
  1958. Elisp: Problems of thing-at-point
  1959. Emacs: Change to Title Case 🚀
  1960. Elisp: How to Write a Toggle Command
  1961. Elisp: Process HTML, span, code, Key, Title, Markups
  1962. Emacs: Transpose Matrix 🚀
  1963. Emacs: HTML, Transpose Table 🚀
  1964. Elisp: Walk Directory, List Files
  1965. Elisp: Trim String
  1966. Elisp: try-completion vs all-completions
  1967. Emacs: Twitterfy 🚀
  1968. Emacs: Uncolor Region/Buffer
  1969. Emacs: Replace Invisible Unicode Chars 🚀
  1970. Elisp: Unicode Escape Sequence
  1971. Elisp: Unit Testing
  1972. Elisp: Get universal-argument
  1973. Elisp: Update HTML Title 🚀
  1974. Elisp: Command to Update RSS/Atom Webfeed
  1975. Elisp: Writing a Interactive Command to Update HTML Page Tags
  1976. Elisp: Validate Matching Brackets
  1977. Elisp: Variable
  1978. List of Emacs Lisp Variables
  1979. Elisp: Vector
  1980. Elisp: View Syntax Table
  1981. Elisp vs Perl: Validate File Links
  1982. Elisp: Walk Directory by Depth 🚀
  1983. Elisp: with-syntax-table Leaking Bug
  1984. Elisp: Write File
  1985. Elisp: Create Major Mode
  1986. Emacs AutoHotkey Mode Problems
  1987. Practical Emacs Tutorial
  1988. Emacs 23.2 (Released 2010-05)
  1989. Emacs 23 (Released 2009-07)
  1990. Installing ELPA Package System for Emacs 23
  1991. Emacs 24.4 (Released 2014-10)
  1992. Emacs 24 (Released 2012-06)
  1993. Emacs 25 (Released 2016-09)
  1994. Emacs 26 (Released 2018-06)
  1995. Emacs 27 (Released 2020-08)
  1996. Emacs 28 (Released 2022-04)
  1997. Emacs 29 (Released 2023-07)
  1998. Emacs nxml-mode Fontification Changes
  1999. Emacs 24.3 Common Lisp Package Name Change
  2000. Emacs: List Colors, Name, Hexadecimal
  2001. Emacs: Setup Hundreds of Abbrevs
  2002. Emacs: Abbrev Mode
  2003. Emacs: Abbrev No Space
  2004. Emacs Basics Tips
  2005. Emacs: Command Name Alias
  2006. Emacs: Align Text
  2007. Emacs: Download for Android Operating System
  2008. Emacs Init: Arrow Key for Screen Line or Logical Line
  2009. Emacs: Bold, Underline, Color Texts (Persistent Highlight)
  2010. Emacs: picture-mode, ASCII Diagram
  2011. Emacs Init: Set Default Major Mode
  2012. Emacs: #auto-save# (hashtagged filename)
  2013. Emacs: Real Automatic Save File
  2014. Emacs Init: Avoid Lambda in Hook
  2015. Emacs Basics
  2016. Best Keyboards for Emacs
  2017. Emacs: Undo Saga
  2018. Emacs: Bind Number Pad Keys
  2019. Emacs: Bookmark Init
  2020. Emacs: List Buffers
  2021. Emacs: Switch Buffer
  2022. Emacs Misc Bugs
  2023. Emacs: Byte Compile Elisp Files
  2024. Emacs: Turn Off Byte Compile Warning
  2025. Emacs Calculator
  2026. Emacs Calendar
  2027. Emacs: Change Font Size
  2028. Emacs Keys: Change Minibuffer Keys
  2029. Emacs: Check Parenthesis/Brackets Balance
  2030. Emacs: Chinese Input
  2031. Emacs: Close Buffer
  2032. Emacs Color Names Not Compatible with CSS
  2033. Emacs Init: Show Cursor Column Position
  2034. Emacs: Command Line Options
  2035. Emacs Commandments: the SEVEN Commands You Must Know
  2036. Emacs: Comment, Uncomment
  2037. how many items can emacs lisp completing-read take
  2038. Emacs: Change a File's Line Endings
  2039. Elisp: Convert Regex to Lisp Regex String
  2040. Emacs: Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal
  2041. Emacs: Append/Clear Register 1 🚀
  2042. Emacs: Copy Buffer or Selection 🚀
  2043. Emacs: Copy Current Line If No Selection 🚀
  2044. Emacs: Copy Paste, kill-ring
  2045. Emacs Init: Standard Copy Cut Paste Keys
  2046. Emacs: Copy File Path of Current Buffer 🚀
  2047. Emacs: Copy Rectangle Region to kill-ring 🚀
  2048. Elisp: Create a Hook
  2049. Emacs: Create Init File
  2050. Emacs: How to Create Your Own Theme
  2051. Emacs: Convert CSS Color, RGB to HSL 🚀
  2052. Emacs Init: M-x customize
  2053. Emacs: Set Default Window Size
  2054. Emacs: Cycle Marks (Cycle local mark ring) 🚀
  2055. Emacs: Declare Encoding for a File
  2056. Emacs: Delete Brackets by Pair 🚀
  2057. Emacs: Delete Text Block 🚀
  2058. Emacs: Delete Emacs Backup Files
  2059. Emacs Init: Type Overwrite Selection
  2060. Emacs: Delete Trailing Whitespace
  2061. Emacs: Single Key to Delete Whole Line
  2062. Emacs: describe-char, Cursor Position
  2063. Emacs Init: Dired Display File Size with Number Seperators
  2064. Emacs: Open File in External App 🚀
  2065. Emacs: Open Marked Files in Dired
  2066. Emacs Dired Recursive Load Error 2011-05-26
  2067. Emacs Init: Dired Config
  2068. Emacs: Zip Dir in Dired
  2069. Emacs: Dired Plus Mode = dired with Extra Features
  2070. Emacs Init: Disable Mouse Highlight
  2071. Emacs: Easy Ctrl+x for Dvorak Layout
  2072. Emacs: How to Edit Lisp Code
  2073. Emacs: Fullscreen vs Multiple Windows
  2074. Emacs: Insert Emoji
  2075. Elisp: Enable Undo in Buffer
  2076. Emacs: File Encoding
  2077. Emacs: Environment Variables
  2078. Emacs: Eww Web Browser
  2079. Exit Emacs
  2080. Emacs: Extend Selection 🚀
  2081. Xah Emacs Commands
  2082. Emacs: 1 Key for M-x
  2083. Emacs: fido-mode for Name Completion
  2084. Emacs Init: Set Default File Encoding
  2085. Emacs: Find Replace in Current File
  2086. Emacs: some problems of slowdown (tabbar, font)
  2087. Emacs: Form Feed ^L (Page Break)
  2088. Emacs: Format JavaScript Code 🚀
  2089. Emacs: Format PowerShell Code 🚀
  2090. Fun with Emacs
  2091. Emacs: Fundamental Mode
  2092. Game: Emacs of the Dead
  2093. Emacs Keys: Good and Bad Key Choices
  2094. Emacs: Jump to Matching Bracket 🚀
  2095. Emacs: Search Text in Directory
  2096. Problems of grep in Emacs
  2097. Emacs: Terminal vs Graphical User Interface
  2098. Famous Programers with Repetitive Strain Injury
  2099. Emacs: Hello ergoemacs-mode Again
  2100. Emacs Init: Highlight Current Line
  2101. Emacs Init: Highlight Brackets
  2102. Emacs: Highlight Word, Line
  2103. Emacs: Hippie Expand
  2104. Emacs Init: Hippie Expand
  2105. Emacs: List All Hooks
  2106. Emacs: Open File Fast 👎
  2107. Emacs: Xah HTML Mode Tutorial
  2108. Emacs: HTML, Delete Tags
  2109. Emacs HTML history
  2110. Emacs: Select Current HTML Element
  2111. Emacs HTML Mode Sucks
  2112. Emacs: HTML, Wrap Paragraph Tags 🚀
  2113. Emacs Keys: Super Hyper
  2114. Emacs: Icomplete, Minibuffer Name Completion
  2115. Emacs 27: Icomplete Mode
  2116. Emacs: icomplete vs ido mode 👎
  2117. Emacs 27: icomplete vs ido mode 👎
  2118. Emacs: ido mode 👎
  2119. Emacs Init: Ido Mode
  2120. Emacs Shell in Movie TRON
  2121. Emacs: Indentation Commands
  2122. Emacs Init: Abbrev Mode
  2123. Emacs: Init File Tutorial
  2124. Emacs Init: Icomplete Mode
  2125. Emacs Init Setup
  2126. Emacs Init: Variable Pitch Mode (Proportional Font)
  2127. Emacs Init: Whitespace Mode
  2128. Emacs: Input Method
  2129. Emacs: Insert A to Z Vertically 🚀
  2130. Emacs Init: Auto Insert Closing Bracket (electric-pair-mode)
  2131. Emacs: Insert Random CSS Color 🚀
  2132. Emacs: Insert Tab or Newline
  2133. Emacs: xah-insert-unicode 🚀
  2134. Emacs Keys: Set Key to Insert Emoji, Unicode
  2135. Emacs Init: Install Package Manually
  2136. Emacs: Interactive Abbrev 🚀
  2137. Emacs Init: isearch by Arrow Keys
  2138. Emacs Init: isearch Whitespace Regex
  2139. Emacs 22: iswitchb vs ido mode 👎
  2140. Emacs Jargons (Glossary)
  2141. Emacs: Jump to Previous Position
  2142. Emacs: Move Cursor to Punctuation 🚀
  2143. Emacs Keys: Layout Diagram
  2144. Why Emacs Keys are Painful
  2145. Emacs: Swap Keys (Remap Key, translation-keymaps)
  2146. Emacs Keybinding Efficiency: Page Up/Down and Pigeon Hole Principle
  2147. Emacs: Key Macro Example: Add Title of URL
  2148. Emacs: Key Macro Example: Eval Emacs Lisp Repeatedly
  2149. Emacs: Key Macro Example: Modify Webfeed Entries
  2150. Emacs: Key Notation: Return, Tab, Escape
  2151. Keybinding Science: Emacs C-u vs Prompt
  2152. Emacs: Move Cursor to Beginning of Line or Paragraph 🚀
  2153. Emacs: menu e vs Tab Key
  2154. Emacs Keys: Keybinding Functions (emacs 29)
  2155. Emacs Keybinding List
  2156. Emacs Keys: Overview
  2157. Emacs Keys: Key Sequence
  2158. The Roadmap to Completely Replace Emacs Key System, Part 1
  2159. The Roadmap to Completely Replace Emacs Key System, Part 2.5
  2160. The Roadmap to Completely Replace Emacs Key System, Part 2
  2161. Emacs: Basic Key Shortcuts
  2162. Emacs Keys
  2163. Emacs: Delete Word Without Copying to Clipboard/kill-ring
  2164. Emacs: Keyboard Macro Commands
  2165. Launch Emacs
  2166. Launch/Start Emacs in Microsoft Windows
  2167. Emacs: line-move-visual
  2168. Emacs: Newline Convention
  2169. Emacs: Hard-Wrap Lines (fill-paragraph)
  2170. Emacs Why line-move-visual
  2171. Emacs: No Wrap Lines
  2172. Emacs Init: Show Line Numbers
  2173. Elisp: Line Number Problem
  2174. Emacs Init: Line Height
  2175. Emacs: linum mode 👎
  2176. Why emacs lisp haven't become a general purpose language?
  2177. Emacs Init: Setup Font
  2178. Emacs: List Major Modes
  2179. Emacs: List All Variables
  2180. GNU Emacs Logo
  2181. Emacs: Visual Line Mode
  2182. Elisp: Command to Lookup Doc
  2183. Emacs: Key Macro
  2184. Emacs: Key Macro Example: Add HTML Attribute
  2185. Emacs: Key Macro Example: Insert All Unicode Bullets
  2186. Emacs: magit-mode for git
  2187. Emacs: Find Major Mode Name
  2188. Emacs: Have You Read Emacs Manual? (2010)
  2189. Emacs Manual Node Persistency Issues
  2190. Problems of Emacs Manual
  2191. Emacs Manual Sucks by Examples
  2192. Emacs Keys: Menu Key
  2193. Emacs Keys: Meta Key
  2194. Emacs: Minibuffer
  2195. Emacs Init: Minibuffer Font Size
  2196. Emacs Init: Minibuffer Height
  2197. Emacs: Minor Mode
  2198. Emacs: Misc Init Tips
  2199. Emacs: Mode Line
  2200. Emacs Modernization
  2201. Emacs Init: Define Command for Mouse Click
  2202. Emacs: Mouse Click to Highlight Matching Words
  2203. Emacs Init: Mouse Button Syntax
  2204. Emacs: Mouse Wheel Commands
  2205. Emacs Init: Mouse Wheel Config
  2206. Emacs: Move Cursor by Text Block 🚀
  2207. Emacs in Microsoft Windows FAQ
  2208. Emacs init file location in Microsoft Windows
  2209. Emacs: Insert Unicode Character
  2210. Emacs: Name Completion
  2211. Emacs: narrow-to-defun, eval-defun, bug
  2212. Emacs: Narrow to Region
  2213. Emacs: Navigate Lisp Code as Tree
  2214. Emacs: Move Cursor to Bracket 🚀
  2215. Emacs: New Empty Buffer 🚀
  2216. Start Emacs Without Loading Init File
  2217. Emacs: Novel Reading Mode 🚀
  2218. Random Linux Notes, Emacs on Ubuntu, 2011-05-26
  2219. Emacs: Open File Path Under Cursor 🚀
  2220. Emacs: Open File in Org Mode
  2221. Emacs: Open in Terminal 🚀
  2222. Emacs: Open in TextEdit 🚀
  2223. Emacs: Open in vscode 🚀
  2224. Emacs: Command to Open Menu
  2225. Emacs: Open Python Doc 🚀
  2226. Emacs: Open, Save, Save As, Close, Quit
  2227. Emacs: Org Mode, Work with Source Code (org-babel)
  2228. Emacs: Org Mode Export
  2229. Emacs: Org Mode Markup Cheatsheet
  2230. Emacs: Org Mode Customization
  2231. Emacs: Using Org Mode for Todo
  2232. Emacs: Outline, org-mode Intro
  2233. Emacs Init: Install Package from ELPA, MELPA
  2234. Emacs 24 Package System Problems
  2235. Elisp: Parse URL 🚀
  2236. Emacs: Paste or Paste Previous 🚀
  2237. Emacs: Add Period to Line Ends 🚀
  2238. Emacs: perl-mode vs cperl-mode
  2239. How to Avoid Emacs Pinky
  2240. Computer Keyboard Hand Pain, Year 2020 (Left Forearm Hurts)
  2241. Emacs Init: Set Color Theme
  2242. Why Emacs is Still so Useful Today
  2243. Emacs Init: Change Default Shell (PowerShell)
  2244. Emacs Init: Display Lambda as λ
  2245. Emacs Principle, Command and Keys
  2246. Emacs: Toggle Monospace / Proportional Font
  2247. Emacs: Indenting Python Code
  2248. Emacs: Quote Lines 🚀
  2249. Emacs: Regex Backslash in Command Prompt
  2250. Emacs: View man Page
  2251. Emacs: Open Recently Opened File
  2252. Emacs: Reformat Lines for Source Code 🚀
  2253. Emacs: Refresh/Revert File
  2254. Emacs: Regular Expression
  2255. Emacs Regex Quirk: Matching Beginning/End of Line/String/Buffer
  2256. Emacs: Case Sensitivity in Text Search Commands
  2257. Emacs: Regular Expression Syntax
  2258. Emacs Regex vs Regex in Python, JavaScript, Java
  2259. Elisp: Mark, Region, Active Region
  2260. Emacs: Remove Square Brackets 🚀
  2261. Emacs: Repeat Last Command
  2262. Emacs Repetitive Strain Injury, My Experience
  2263. Emacs Init: Ruler Mode
  2264. Emacs: Terminal Emulator (run ssh)
  2265. Emacs Init: Sample Init File
  2266. Emacs Init: Save Command History
  2267. Emacs Init: Save Cursor Position
  2268. Emacs Init: Restore Opened Files (desktop-save-mode)
  2269. Emacs: Search Text in Current File
  2270. Emacs: Select Line 🚀
  2271. Emacs: Select Text Between Quotes 🚀
  2272. Emacs: Select Text (mark and region)
  2273. Emacs: Select Text Block 🚀
  2274. Emacs: Turn Off Auto Backup~
  2275. Emacs Init: Setup Default Browser
  2276. Elisp: Modify Default Face (Font)
  2277. Emacs: Change Default Font Size by Command, for Current Session 🚀
  2278. Emacs Init: Font for Emoji
  2279. Emacs Init: Font for Unicode Symbols
  2280. Emacs Init: Font for Chinese
  2281. Emacs Keys: Change Major Mode Keys
  2282. Emacs: Shell on Microsoft Windows
  2283. Emacs: shell vs eshell vs term
  2284. Why Run Shell in Emacs
  2285. Emacs: Stop Yasnippet auto-indent
  2286. Emacs: Show Form Feed as Line 🚀
  2287. Emacs: Hexadecimal to Decimal 🚀
  2288. Emacs: Show in Desktop 🚀
  2289. Emacs: Display Key and Command in Real Time
  2290. Emacs: Show Copy History (kill-ring) 🚀
  2291. Emacs: Show Variable Value
  2292. Emacs: Delete Whitespace around Cursor 🚀
  2293. Emacs: What is site-start.el
  2294. Emacs Keys: Major-Mode Dependent Key
  2295. Emacs: Spaces to New Lines 🚀
  2296. Emacs: Spell Checking
  2297. Emacs Spell Checker Problems
  2298. Emacs: Split Window
  2299. Emacs Init: Stop Cursor Going into Minibuffer Prompt
  2300. Emacs: Edit Column Text, Rectangle
  2301. Emacs: Move Cursor by camelCase, snake_case
  2302. Problems of Emacs Supporting Obsolete Systems
  2303. Emacs Keys: Swap CapsLock Control
  2304. Emacs: Cycle Fonts by Command 🚀
  2305. Emacs: Color CSS Color Strings 🚀
  2306. Emacs: Edit Tables
  2307. Emacs Init: Tab, Indent
  2308. Emacs: Using Templates with YASnippet
  2309. Emacs: Theme Gallery
  2310. Emacs: YASnippet, Expand Whole hyphenated-word as Input
  2311. Emacs: Toggle Word Wrap
  2312. Emacs: Toggle Comment Current Line 🚀
  2313. Emacs: Toggle Letter Case 🚀
  2314. Emacs: Toggle Line Spacing Command 🚀
  2315. Emacs: Transient Mark Mode
  2316. Emacs Undo and Emacs Cult Problem (2011)
  2317. Emacs: Reformat to Long Lines (unfill-paragraph) 🚀
  2318. Best Unicode Fonts for Programer
  2319. Emacs: Universal Argument (prefix arg)
  2320. Emacs: Run Shell in Emacs
  2321. Emacs: Upcase Sentences 🚀
  2322. Emacs Init: Update Unicode Data
  2323. Emacs: URL Percent Decode/Encode
  2324. Emacs: Add Custom Keys to Enhance Productivity
  2325. Emacs: Copy to Register
  2326. Emacs: Show Version
  2327. Emacs: Version Control Commands (git)
  2328. Emacs: Show Image Thumbnails
  2329. Emacs: View Image File
  2330. Emacs: View Info Page
  2331. Emacs Cult Problem: Emacs vs Windows Notepad (2011)
  2332. Emacs vs Vim Tip jar
  2333. My Experience of GNU Emacs vs XEmacs (2007)
  2334. Emacs: What's the Best Setup for Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, etc?
  2335. Emacs: Hook
  2336. Emacs: Major Mode
  2337. Emacs: Where is Init File
  2338. Emacs: Buffer Flow Side-by-Side
  2339. Problems of Emacswiki (2008)
  2340. Emacs: Wildcards vs Regular Expression
  2341. Emacs: Save Split Windows Configuration
  2342. Emacs: Sync Copy/Paste Clipboards with Linux X11
  2343. Emacs: Xah AutoHotkey (AHK) Mode 📦
  2344. Emacs: Xah Dired Mode (xah-dired.el) 📦
  2345. Emacs: Remove Accent Marks 🚀
  2346. Emacs Fun: Download Zippy the Pinhead Yow File
  2347. Emergency vim
  2348. Emacs: ParEdit, Smartparens, Lispy, and ErgoEmacs, xah-fly-keys
  2349. ErgoEmacs Keybinding: a Ergonomics Based Keyboard Shortcut System
  2350. Ergoemacs Change
  2351. ErgoEmacs Keybinding Features
  2352. Testimonial for ergoemacs-mode
  2353. System-wide ErgoEmacs Keybinding for Windows, Mac, Bash
  2354. Emacs: eshell
  2355. Emacs: eshell pains
  2356. Emacs: File Manager, dired
  2357. Emacs: Interactive Find Replace Text in Directory
  2358. Emacs Lisp Function Frequency
  2359. Emacs 23.2 Lisp Function Frequency 2006-10-30
  2360. Emacs 27 Lisp Function Frequency
  2361. Elisp: Place Expression, Generalized Variable
  2362. A Record of Frustration in IT Industry; Disappearing FSF URLs, 2006
  2363. A Record of Frustration in IT Industry
  2364. Emacs: One Thousand Default Keybinding
  2365. GNU Emacs and XEmacs Schism (2001)
  2366. GNU Logo Latte Art
  2367. Elisp: google-earth Command
  2368. Elisp: Docstring Markup
  2369. Jargons and High Level Languages
  2370. Emacs Keys: Define Key
  2371. Emacs Keys: Syntax
  2372. Emacs Key Syntax Explained
  2373. Lisp-1 vs Lisp-2 (single-value-space vs multi-value-space)
  2374. Automatic Formatting Emacs Lisp Code
  2375. Lisp List Problem
  2376. LISP Logo
  2377. Elisp: Call Function in Replacement String
  2378. Elisp: Add alt Attribute to Image Tags
  2379. Lispers and Wikipedia, 2007
  2380. Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary?
  2381. Elisp: Process HTML Files, Create ZIP Archive
  2382. Elisp: Create Sitemap
  2383. Microsoft Clippy in Vim
  2384. Emacs Keys: Minor Modes Key Priority
  2385. Emacs Modernization Rant
  2386. Emacs Modernization: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt
  2387. Elisp: Ban Syntax Table
  2388. Emacs cua-mode Problems
  2389. Elisp: Function to Copy/Delete a Dir Recursively (fixed)
  2390. Emacs Lisp Problems: Trim String, Regex Match Data, Lacking Namespace
  2391. Emacs Lisp Mode Syntax Coloring Problem
  2392. Emacs: Inconsistency of Search Features
  2393. Emacs fill-paragraph Problem
  2394. Emacs: dired-do-query-replace-regex Replace ALL (fixed)
  2395. Emacs: Form Feed ^L Problem
  2396. Emacs Should Support HTML Mail
  2397. Emacs Should Adopt HTML as Texinfo Replacement
  2398. Emacs Does Not Support Viewing Images Files In Windows
  2399. Emacs: Make elisp-index-search use Current Symbol
  2400. Emacs: Search Current Word 🚀
  2401. Emacs: kill-buffer Induces Buffer Accumulation
  2402. Problems of Emacs's “man” Command
  2403. Emacs Select Word Command Problem
  2404. Emacs Menu Usability Problem
  2405. Emacs Modernization: Meta Key Notation
  2406. Emacs: Usability Problems of Mode Documentation
  2407. Emacs Mode Line Problem
  2408. Thoughts on Common Lisp Scheme Lisp Based Emacs
  2409. Emacs: Problems of the Scratch Buffer
  2410. Emacs: Usability Problems of Letter-Case Changing Commands
  2411. Emacs: Categorize Files to Directories (Move File to Dir) 🚀
  2412. Emacs: Move Image File 🚀
  2413. Start Emacs at Home Dir on Microsoft Windows
  2414. Elisp: Replace String Based on File Name
  2415. Emacs Init: Organize Init File
  2416. Practical Emacs Lisp
  2417. pretty print in emacs lisp
  2418. Proper Way to Use Sublime Text Minimap
  2419. Qi Lisp Logo
  2420. Emacs Keys: Change Minor Mode Keys
  2421. Emacs: Batch Rename Files
  2422. Emacs Repetitive Strain Injury is Coming for You
  2423. emacs and vi: Science of Command Efficiency
  2424. Emacs: Why You Should Not Swap CapsLock and Control
  2425. A Text Editor Feature: Extend Selection by Semantic Unit
  2426. Emacs GNU Texinfo Problems; Invalid HTML
  2427. Emacs: text-quoting-style
  2428. Text Editor's Cursor Movement Behavior (emacs, vi, Notepad++)
  2429. Text Editors Popularity and Market Research
  2430. Unicode in Mac Emacs and Text Edit, Year 2005
  2431. Xah's Emacs Tutorial: Acknowledgment
  2432. Functional Programing: Function Output Should Always Have the Same Structure
  2433. Emacs: Xah Unicode Mode 📦
  2434. Emacs: Where to get JavaScript, Visual Basic, PHP modes?
  2435. Testimonial on Xah Emacs Tutorial
  2436. Voice Input for Programing 📺 (year 2013)
  2437. Programer Hand Health: vi Esc Key Syndrome
  2438. Vim: Remap Escape Key
  2439. vi, vim, 3 Decades Pile of History
  2440. Emacs: w32-shell-execute Doc String Bug
  2441. Download Emacs for Windows/Mac
  2442. Emacs: Show Whitespaces
  2443. Emacs: Why I Don't Use paredit
  2444. Elisp: URL to HTML Link
  2445. Emacs: Xah Clojure Mode 📦
  2446. Emacs: Xah CSS Mode 📦
  2447. Emacs: Xah Elisp Mode 📦
  2448. Emacs: Xah Go Mode 📦
  2449. Emacs: Xah HTML Mode 📦
  2450. Emacs: Xah JS Mode (JavaScript) 📦
  2451. Emacs: Xah Lookup Web (xah-lookup.el) 📦
  2452. Freenode IRC Emacs Channel Ban on Xah Lee (2008)
  2453. Xah Emacs Commands
  2454. Xah Emacs Packages
  2455. Emacs: Format Golang Code 🚀
  2456. Emacs: Format Python Code 🚀
  2457. Xah Lee, Typing Experience and Repetitive Strain Injury
  2458. xah lee emacs packages on melpa stats
  2459. Emacs: Xah BBCode Mode 📦
  2460. Emacs: Xah Math Input Mode 📦
  2461. Emacs: How to Define Templates in YASnippet
  2462. Criticism of Stevey Yegge's Effective Emacs
  2463. Emacs Fun Index
  2464. Emacs Images Thumbnails Index
  2465. Xah Emacs Search 🔍
  2466. How to Read This Tutorial
  2467. Xah Emacs Tutorial
  2468. 4chan Emacs Xah
  2469. Lisp Programer Daniel Weinreb Died (1959 to 2012)
  2470. Daniel Weinreb on Emacs Keybinding
  2471. History of LISP, Emacs, Symbolics (Daniel Weinreb Rebut Richard Stallman)
  2472. On Emacs Visual Lines, by Don Hopkins and Mark Crispin (2013)
  2473. Google Censor Comp.Emacs Newsgroup. Erasing 30 Years of History
  2474. emacs M-x Donuts vs vim fitness
  2475. Emacs Anime Girl Magic Marisa Kirisame 霧雨 魔理沙
  2476. Microsoft Cites Xah Lee Website
  2477. Richard Stallman meets Julian Assange 2013
  2478. Richard Stallman, High-tech Prankster
  2479. Richard Stallman Pushing for GPL3, Kick Out Free Software from Free Software Platform (2017-08)
  2480. Richard Stallman: What's magit? (2014-09)
  2481. Sacha Chua's Emacs Chat
  2482. Sacha Chua's Emacs Chat with Phil Hagelberg (aka Technomancy)
  2483. Emacs: avy ace-jump vs isearch
  2484. The Sigils WAR, Language Design and Coding Convention (2016)
  2485. Should Beginner Programer Learn Emacs Lisp
  2486. Bozhidar Batsov vs SJW, RuboCop (2020-06-10)
  2487. How to Make the CapsLock Key do Home Key
  2488. Dickmao Commercial emacs
  2489. Doom Emacs
  2490. Emacs Lisp Bytecode Manual
  2491. Problem of Calling Windows cmd.exe in Emacs Lisp
  2492. Elisp: Why Common Lisp Sucks
  2493. Xah Teaches Emacs Lisp
  2494. Emacs: Relation of Curor Position to Begin/End of Matching Pairs in Source Code
  2495. Elisp: What is DOLLAR Sign and AT Sign in Variable Name
  2496. Emacs: Latin to Braille ⠎⠕⠍⠑ 🚀
  2497. Emacs: Latin to Rune (ᚱᚢᚿᛂ) 🚀
  2498. Meaning of Lisp List, Function Type, and Syntax Coloring
  2499. Emacs Lisp Misc Technical Essays
  2500. Emacs Lisp Naming Convention
  2501. Elisp: Parse URL url-generic-parse-url Sucks
  2502. Elisp: (goto-char 1) vs (goto-char (point-min))
  2503. Elisp: Function Naming, String Equal
  2504. Language Server Protocol (LSP) Kills Emacs
  2505. Elisp: Symbol vs String
  2506. Elisp Text Processing vs Structured
  2507. Emacs 29 Byte Compile Unescaped Single Quote Warning
  2508. Emacs 24.4 up-list Change
  2509. Emacs 24 copy-directory Change
  2510. Emacs 25.1.1 Change: emacs-lisp-mode extracted from lisp-mode to elisp-mode.el
  2511. Emacs 2013 Auto Save File Problem (before Emacs 26 (2018-06))
  2512. emacs 26 lisp change. ucs-names is now a hashtable
  2513. Emacs NEWS.23
  2514. Emacs NEWS.24
  2515. Emacs NEWS.25
  2516. Emacs NEWS.26
  2517. Emacs NEWS.27
  2518. Emacs NEWS.28
  2519. Emacs NEWS.29
  2520. Emacs Abbrev for Most Used English Words?
  2521. emacs bug 2473, usability issues on emacs's describe-mode
  2522. emacs bug 575, add link to info doc in describe mode
  2523. Emacs Bug: Pasting into Emacs Freezes Emacs, 2015
  2524. Emacs Bug: file-remote-p 2014-05-15
  2525. Emacs Bugs One Decade Delay
  2526. Emacs calc sucks
  2527. Emacs College Flag
  2528. Emacs: comment-line vs comment-dwim
  2529. Emacs Controversy Index
  2530. Emacs Doc Phrase: “Which See”
  2531. What Emacs Do to Your Keyboard
  2532. Emacs Edit Exercise: puthash Unicode
  2533. PowerShell in Emacs Lisp Shell: Divide by Zero
  2534. Emacs Quiz: Insert A to Z Vertically
  2535. Fixed the Emacs Control Key
  2536. Emacs: Git Commit Message with Unicode
  2537. Emacs go-mode gofmt diff problem
  2538. Emacs Hangout 2018-06-01
  2539. Emacs Hangout 2018-06-28 📺
  2540. Emacs Hash Quote Function
  2541. Emacs Helm Doc Problem
  2542. Emacs: HTML XML Syntax Validator
  2543. Emacs Huge Screens
  2544. emacs ido switch window/frame problem
  2545. Emacs: isearch-forward-symbol-at-point Problem
  2546. ivy mode minibuffer history corruption bug
  2547. Emacs: JavaScript Mode War (2008)
  2548. Emacs cua-mode Keybinding Problems
  2549. emacs land dev
  2550. Xah Emacs Tutorial Criticisms: Emacs Lisp, Coding Style, Language Idioms, Controversy (2013)
  2551. Emacs Lisp Doc String Curly Quote Controversy (2015)
  2552. Emacs Lisp History
  2553. Emacs lisp coding style: let forms
  2554. Elisp: Some and Every
  2555. Emacs Lisp Toothpick Syndrome
  2556. emacs lisp code auto formatter, semantic-refactor, failed
  2557. Emacs and Elisp Video Tutorial
  2558. Elisp: What is the Function fn?
  2559. Emacs Halloween Pumpkin
  2560. Fix Emacs on MacOS Cannot Access File
  2561. GNU Emacs Removes Color Emoji Support on the Mac (2016)
  2562. emacs major mode keys not compatible as key sequence
  2563. Emacs Misc Index
  2564. Emacs: multiple-cursors-mode vs plain emacs
  2565. Emacs Opening Large File Slow
  2566. Emacs Overflowing Kitchen Sink Icon
  2567. Emacs Pikachu Alert
  2568. Emacs: Power of Icicles
  2569. Emacs Project 2013-05
  2570. Emacs: Color Nested Brackets
  2571. Emacs: Ugly Redisplay Internals Hack (2016)
  2572. Richard Stallman Figurine
  2573. Emacs Screen, Dan Lentz
  2574. Emacs Screen: Nick Alcock
  2575. Xah Emacs Screen
  2576. Emacs Version History
  2577. Emacs vs vsCode Memory
  2578. Emacs, Why You Should Not Use the Package Dash (2020)
  2579. Emacs Yak Shaving
  2580. Eric S Raymond and keyboardio
  2581. Famous Emacs Users
  2582. Free Software Foundation, How Much Donation They Get? (2015)
  2583. GNU Pepe
  2584. Emacs Gnus Bug: Broken Atom Webfeed Relative Link
  2585. Who is lispm on Hackernews
  2586. History of Emacs, Who Truly Created Emacs?
  2587. Emacs Lisp Code Formatter, emacs-elisp-autofmt by Campbell Barton
  2588. Emacs Lisp vs JavaScript
  2589. Land Of Lisp
  2590. line hardwrap ~70 chars, from punchcards, a crime
  2591. Emacs Bug: global-linum-mode Freeze Emacs on Big Image Files
  2592. Linus Torvalds: Respect is Earned Not Given (2014)
  2593. List of Emacs Starter Kits, year 2013
  2594. Fix M1 Mac Emacs Listing Directory Failed
  2595. Emacs Magit Mode Problem
  2596. MELPA No Longer Distributes Packages from Emacswiki
  2597. Intro to Mindmap, Gantt Chart, Graphviz
  2598. My Path to Emacs Lisp
  2599. on vi Keybinding vs Emacs Keybinding
  2600. Perl, Dr. Ilya Zakharevich Regularly Expresses
  2601. Programer Workflow Efficiency
  2602. Protesilaos Stavrou in Emacs Community
  2603. QWERTY Dvorak Layout Conversion Table
  2604. Emacs: Make Form Feed Character Obsolete
  2605. Richard Stallman Wants Emacs to be Word Processor (2013)
  2606. Richard Stallman at Microsoft, 2019
  2607. Richard Stallman, Emacs Tyrant (2018-03)
  2608. Richard Stallman Got Cancer. 2023
  2609. Richard Stallman on Open Source (~2009)
  2610. Richard Stallman Resigned from FSF, 2019-09-16
  2611. Richard Stallman Speech Requirement (2011)
  2612. Richard Stallman Stole Emacs Source Code from James Gosling
  2613. Author of Intro to Emacs Lisp Robert J Chassell Died
  2614. Spacemacs Dogemacs Screen
  2615. Stefan Monnier (and Chong Yidong), Emacs Maintainer, 2008 to 2015
  2616. Dogma of Swapping Control/Capslock
  2617. Syntax Coloring Compared: Emacs, Vim, Atom, Sublime, Visual Studio, WebStorm
  2618. Syntax Coloring Problem with Variable
  2619. TECO Manual
  2620. TextMate Gone Open Source
  2621. Emacs: Latin to Gothic (𝔤𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔠) 🚀
  2622. Typing Speed and Hand Motion Speed Study
  2623. How to Learn Emacs Lisp?
  2624. Which Chapters of Elisp Manual to Read?
  2625. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys 📦
  2626. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Add Keys to Switch Mode
  2627. Batman Keyboard Layouts for Xah Fly Keys
  2628. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Create a New Layout
  2629. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys Customization
  2630. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Emacs Daemon
  2631. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys Escape Key
  2632. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys Design, Binding Escape Key
  2633. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Frequently Asked Questions
  2634. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Add a Global Leader Key
  2635. Xah Fly Keys Layout for Glove80 Keyboard
  2636. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys History
  2637. Advanced Customization, How Does Xah Fly Keys Work
  2638. Xah Fly Keys Layout for Kinesis/Ergodox Keyboard
  2639. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Modify Leader Key Sequence
  2640. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys Mode Status Indicator
  2641. Xah Fly Keys News
  2642. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Key for Org-Mode
  2643. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Russian Layout
  2644. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Setup Keys for Major Mode
  2645. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Show All Leader Key Sequences
  2646. Xah Fly Keys Layout for Truly Ergonomic Keyboard
  2647. Emacs: Xah Fly Keys Tutorial
  2648. Xah Fly Keys Layout for Ultimate Hacking Keyboard (UHK)
  2649. Emacs: Xah Fsharp Mode 📦
  2650. Emacs: Xah PowerShell Mode 📦
  2651. Emacs: Xah Wolfram Mode 📦
  2652. I'm About as Good as Dead: the End of Xah Lee
  2653. How to setup Xah Fly Keys in doom emacs
  2654. Xah Fly Keys Major Mode Key Problem
  2655. Xah Fly Keys Testimonial
  2656. benchmark, speed comparison: xah-html-mode vs mhtml-mode vs html-mode
  2657. XahEmacs 📦
  2658. Richard Stallman on Software Freedom (1984)
  2659. About This Tutorial
  2660. Fsharp: Operators
  2661. Fsharp: Assignment Operators
  2662. Fsharp: Boolean Operators
  2663. Fsharp: Class
  2664. Fsharp: Comment
  2665. Fsharp: Complex Numbers
  2666. Fsharp: If Else
  2667. Fsharp: Convert to String
  2668. Fsharp: Datetime
  2669. Fsharp: Builtin Help
  2670. Fsharp: Filename Extension
  2671. Fsharp: Find Replace Text
  2672. Fsharp: Auto Format Code
  2673. Fsharp: Function
  2674. Fsharp: Get Env Var
  2675. Fsharp: Test Order
  2676. Fsharp: Import Module
  2677. Fsharp Learning Notes
  2678. Fsharp: iterate List
  2679. Fsharp: List
  2680. Fsharp: List Methods
  2681. Fsharp: Loop
  2682. Fsharp: Map List
  2683. Fsharp: File Path
  2684. Fsharp: Print Version
  2685. Fsharp: Read File
  2686. Fsharp: Regex
  2687. Fsharp: Find Script Path
  2688. Fsharp: Source Code Encoding
  2689. Fsharp: Install
  2690. Fsharp: Quote String
  2691. Fsharp: String Escape
  2692. Fsharp: Format String
  2693. Fsharp: String Methods
  2694. Fsharp: System Call
  2695. Fsharp: Test Equality
  2696. Fsharp: Timing/Speed
  2697. Fsharp: Walk Directory
  2698. Fsharp: True, False
  2699. Fsharp: Convert Int, Float, String
  2700. Fsharp: Unicode Escape
  2701. Fsharp: Write File
  2702. Fsharp: xx
  2703. Golang: Script to Find Replace Multi-Pairs of Regex in a Directory
  2704. Golang: Find String (grep) Script
  2705. Golang: Append to Slice
  2706. Golang: Array
  2707. Golang: Pass Array Elements to Function
  2708. Golang: Convert Array to Slice
  2709. Golang: String, Byte Slice, Rune Slice
  2710. Golang: Clear Slice
  2711. Golang: Closure
  2712. Golang: Comment
  2713. Golang: Constant
  2714. Golang: Convert Value to String
  2715. Golang: Copy Slice
  2716. Golang: Cut Slice (Delete Elements)
  2717. Golang: Defer
  2718. Golang: Check File Exist
  2719. Golang: Function as Argument
  2720. Golang: Function Multi-Value Returns
  2721. Golang: Function Return Function
  2722. Golang: Function
  2723. Golang: Variadic Function
  2724. Golang: Get Script Path
  2725. Golang: Format Source Code
  2726. Golang: if then else
  2727. Golang Tutorial
  2728. Golang: Iterate Slice
  2729. Golang: loop
  2730. Golang: Map
  2731. Golang: String Match List of Regexps
  2732. Golang: Nest Function
  2733. Golang: Nested Slice
  2734. Golang Overview
  2735. Golang: Package, Import
  2736. Golang: path/filepath.Walk
  2737. Golang: Pointer
  2738. Golang: Print
  2739. Golang: Print Slice, Array
  2740. Golang: Print String as Sequence of Byte, Char, Codepoint
  2741. Golang: Print Struct
  2742. Golang: Print Version
  2743. Golang: Printf Verbs
  2744. Golang Problems
  2745. Golang: Random Number
  2746. Golang: Read File
  2747. Golang: Read First n Bytes of File
  2748. Golang: Regular Expression
  2749. Golang: Compile and Run
  2750. Golang: Rune
  2751. Golang: Semicolon
  2752. Golang: Slice
  2753. Golang: Slice of Slice
  2754. Golang: Slice of Strings to String
  2755. Golang: Source Code Encoding
  2756. Golang: String
  2757. Golang: String Backslash Escape
  2758. Golang: String Functions
  2759. Golang: Struct
  2760. Golang: Switch (conditional)
  2761. Golang: System Call
  2762. Golang: Basic Types
  2763. Golang: Validate Links
  2764. Golang: Variables
  2765. Golang: Version History Release Dates
  2766. Golang: Walk Directory, List Files
  2767. Golang: What is String
  2768. Golang: Write to File
  2769. Golang: Zero Value
  2770. Haskell Basics
  2771. A Haskell A Day: Factorial Example
  2772. Haskell Logo
  2773. Xah's Haskell Tutorial
  2774. A Haskell A Day: Types
  2775. A Haskell A Day: Quick Start
  2776. Haskell: Real World Code Sample
  2777. Installing Haskell
  2778. A Haskell A Day: Types
  2779. How to Convert gif to Video
  2780. Convert Video from Different Formats
  2781. Command Line Tool to Convert WEBP to JPG
  2782. GraphicsMagick Tutorial
  2783. What is High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI)
  2784. ImageMagick Tutorial
  2785. Image/Video Tutorial
  2786. Command to Delete EXIF Data in Image Files
  2787. optipng
  2788. Optimize png Files, oxipng
  2789. What is Gamma Correction in Images and Video?
  2790. ∑ Xah Code
  2791. Xah Java Tutorial: About The Author
  2792. Java: Keyword “abstract”
  2793. Java: Access Specifiers
  2794. Java: Array
  2795. Java: Jagged Array
  2796. Java: Array of Objects
  2797. Java: A Array Mystery
  2798. Java Types and Type Conversion (Casting)
  2799. Java: A Combinatorics Function
  2800. Java: Constructor
  2801. Java Constructor's Return Type
  2802. Java: Convert File Encoding
  2803. Complex Numbers in Java
  2804. Java: The “extends” Keyword
  2805. Java: Testing Equality of Two Hashmaps
  2806. Java: Extending a Class that has Explicit Constructors
  2807. Java: static
  2808. Java: Interface
  2809. Java Tutorial
  2810. Java: 2-Dimensional Array
  2811. Java: Collection
  2812. Java: Comment Syntax
  2813. Java: Identifier Names with Unicode Characters
  2814. Java: Install Java
  2815. Java: Working with Jar File
  2816. Xah Java Logo
  2817. Java: Map
  2818. Java Shell Commands: javac java jar javadoc
  2819. Java: Unicode Character Escape Syntax
  2820. Java: Number Literals
  2821. Java: Package
  2822. Java: Writing A Pairings Reduce Function
  2823. Java Exercise: Partition by Equivalence
  2824. Java: The Power Function
  2825. Java: Print String
  2826. Java: Read/Write File
  2827. Java: Strings in Java
  2828. Java: the “super” Keyword
  2829. Java: “this” Keyword
  2830. Java: Unicode in Source Code
  2831. Java: Defining a Function
  2832. Web Browsers 2003 Pro and Con
  2833. JS: Image Rollover
  2834. Google's Shiny AdSense async JavaScript Code
  2835. Google HTML/CSS Style Guide: Good Style or Bad Taste?
  2836. What Happens If Google Shut Down Your Account?
  2837. Google URL Shortening Service URL Format
  2838. Google Webfont Tutorial
  2839. Konqueror Browser Sucks
  2840. Why Opera Browser Sucks
  2841. How to Add a Comment System to Website
  2842. Google Search Problems; Alternative Search Engines
  2843. Atom Webfeed (RSS) Tutorial
  2844. Atomic CSS
  2845. Xah Web Dev Blog
  2846. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive
  2847. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2010-01
  2848. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2010-07
  2849. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-01
  2850. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-04
  2851. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-06
  2852. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-08
  2853. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-01
  2854. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-03
  2855. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-04
  2856. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-05
  2857. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-07
  2858. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-09
  2859. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-10
  2860. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-11
  2861. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-01
  2862. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-03
  2863. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-04
  2864. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-05
  2865. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-06
  2866. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-07
  2867. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-08
  2868. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-09
  2869. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-10
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  2871. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-12
  2872. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-01
  2873. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-02
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  2875. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-04
  2876. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-05
  2877. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-06
  2878. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-07
  2879. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-08
  2880. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-09
  2881. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-10
  2882. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-11
  2883. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2015-03
  2884. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2015-04
  2885. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2015-05
  2886. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2015-07
  2887. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2015-08
  2888. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2015-09
  2889. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2015-10
  2890. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2016-01
  2891. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2016-04
  2892. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2016-07
  2893. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2016-11
  2894. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2017-01
  2895. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2017-02
  2896. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2017-03
  2897. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2017-05
  2898. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2017-06
  2899. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2017-08
  2900. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2017-10
  2901. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2017-11
  2902. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2017-12
  2903. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2018-02
  2904. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2018-05
  2905. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2018-08
  2906. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2018-12
  2907. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2019-01
  2908. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2019-05
  2909. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2019-09
  2910. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2020-01
  2911. Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2021-01
  2912. Web Browser Market Share 2010-02
  2913. The Unfortunate Fate of Music MIDI File
  2914. Browser Inline SVG Image Height Weight Scale vs Crop
  2915. Buy JavaScript in Depth
  2916. Anti-bot Test: CAPTCHA!
  2917. HTML/CSS Case Sensitivity
  2918. Content Management Shootout 2006
  2919. JS: Change Element's Content
  2920. CSS1 and CSS2 Differences
  2921. CSS: 2D Transform
  2922. CSS: Add CSS to HTML
  2923. CSS: Add Icon to Links
  2924. CSS: Animation
  2925. CSS Attribute Name in JavaScript
  2926. CSS: Background Image
  2927. CSS: Basics
  2928. CSS: Insert Content ::Before, ::After
  2929. CSS: Border
  2930. CSS: Box Shadow
  2931. CSS: Box Sizing
  2932. CSS: calc
  2933. Centering with CSS
  2934. JS: Change CSS
  2935. CSS Color Names
  2936. CSS: Opacity
  2937. CSS Color Syntax
  2938. CSS: Dark Theme
  2939. CSS: Data URI Scheme
  2940. CSS: Default Unit
  2941. CSS: Display Property
  2942. CSS: ::first-letter
  2943. CSS: ::first-line
  2944. What is a Letter in CSS's first-letter Pseudo-element?
  2945. CSS: Fixed Aspect Ratio
  2946. CSS: Flowing List
  2947. CSS: Text Flow Around Image
  2948. CSS: font-family
  2949. CSS: font-size
  2950. CSS: font
  2951. CSS: Bold Text
  2952. CSS: Linear Gradient
  2953. CSS: Radial Gradient
  2954. CSS: Hide Element (visibility)
  2955. CSS: HSL Color
  2956. CSS: Sprites
  2957. CSS: Image Rollover
  2958. Visual CSS
  2959. CSS: Text Alignment, Justification
  2960. CSS Layout Tutorial
  2961. CSS: 3-Column Side-Panel Layout
  2962. CSS: Letter Spacing, Word Spacing
  2963. CSS: Margin vs Padding
  2964. CSS: Media Query
  2965. CSS: Newspaper Text-Flow Over Multi-Column Layout
  2966. CSS: Outline
  2967. CSS: OverFlow, Scrollbar
  2968. CSS: Overflow Wrap
  2969. CSS: Percentage Value
  2970. CSS: How Large is a CSS Pixel?
  2971. CSS Pixel Ruler
  2972. CSS: Absolute Position
  2973. CSS: Fix Element to Window
  2974. CSS: Position: Relative
  2975. CSS: Position Property
  2976. CSS Rules Priority
  2977. The Problems with CSS (Year 2010)
  2978. CSS: protocol-relative URL
  2979. CSS: Pseudo Class
  2980. CSS: Pseudo Element
  2981. CSS: Reset, Default Values
  2982. CSS: RGB Color Syntax
  2983. CSS: Round Corners
  2984. CSS: Selector: Match Attribute
  2985. CSS: Selector: Match Parent
  2986. CSS: Pseudo-Class Selectors
  2987. CSS: Pseudo-Element Selectors
  2988. CSS: Selector Syntax Shortcuts
  2989. CSS: Selector: Match Sibling
  2990. CSS: Selector Syntax
  2991. CSS Trick: Display Language Name in Code Snippet
  2992. CSS: Syntax
  2993. CSS 2 Named System Colors
  2994. Pure CSS Table
  2995. CSS: Display Table on Small Screen
  2996. Styling HTML Table with CSS
  2997. CSS: Tabbed Menu
  2998. CSS: Tabbed Menu Page B
  2999. CSS: Tabbed Menu Page C
  3000. CSS: Selector Tutorial
  3001. CSS: white-space Line Break
  3002. CSS: Text Deco
  3003. CSS: Underline, Overline, Line-Through
  3004. CSS: Text Shadow
  3005. CSS: Transition
  3006. CSS Shapes
  3007. CSS: Length Units
  3008. CSS: Prevent Right Click
  3009. CSS: Variable (Custom Property)
  3010. CSS: Computed Style
  3011. Internet Explorer 9: Turn on Menu; Put Tabs in Separate Row
  3012. CSS: Declare Charset
  3013. Disqus JavaScript Code
  3014. JS: appendChild (Append Element as Child)
  3015. JS: DOM Methods
  3016. JS: Copy Text
  3017. JS: Create Element, Clone
  3018. JS: DOM Events
  3019. DOM: History of GetElementsByClassName
  3020. JS: insertAdjacentElement
  3021. JS: Insert, Remove, Replace Element
  3022. Why DOM Suck
  3023. JS: Pop-up New Window
  3024. Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market
  3025. JS: Add, Remove Event Handler
  3026. JS: Intro to Event-Based Programing
  3027. Google Webfont Sample Page
  3028. webkit test
  3029. Test Page of HTML “abbr” Tag
  3030. Blackberry Tablet Rel Next Link Css Test
  3031. CSS first-letter pseudo-element test page
  3032. HTML5 Page Structure Tags Example
  3033. CSS Hack to Create Icons
  3034. jQuery Select By Class Value Example
  3035. jQuery Select By ID Example
  3036. jQuery Select By Tag Example
  3037. JavaScript disable image drag
  3038. Line Break After Tag Test Page
  3039. Display/Monitor Color Bleeding Test
  3040. Alice Popup
  3041. html css float left right test page
  3042. YouTube CSS Error 2012-03-24: unknown property “transition”
  3043. CSS: z-index
  3044. CSS: Progress Bar Example
  3045. CSS: Text Over Image
  3046. Facebook's Ethics
  3047. Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History
  3048. FireFox bug with pre and ex
  3049. Where's Firefox Bookmarks Location on Disk?
  3050. Web Design: Fixed-Layout vs Flowed-Layout
  3051. Common Web Fonts
  3052. HTML: Frameset to Split Windows
  3053. HTML Frameset Index
  3054. HTML Frameset Tutorial
  3055. HTML Frameset References
  3056. HTML Nested Frameset
  3057. HTML Nested Frameset
  3058. HTML Nested Frameset
  3059. HTML Nested Frameset
  3060. HTML Nested Frameset
  3061. HTML Nested Frameset
  3062. HTML Nested Frameset
  3063. JS: Digital Clock
  3064. Emacs+Htmlize syntax-coloring Example
  3065. Emacs+Htmlize syntax-coloring Example
  3066. Emacs+Htmlize syntax-coloring Example
  3067. Emacs+Htmlize syntax-coloring Example
  3068. Google-code-prettify Example
  3069. Google-code-prettify Example
  3070. Google-code-prettify Example
  3071. Google-code-prettify Example
  3072. Syntax Coloring with Google-Code-Prettify
  3073. Google Analytics Tracking Code History
  3074. Google Chrome, SPDY Protocol, Browser War II
  3075. Google Chrome Embeds Google Earth Technology
  3076. Google Chrome Browser Special URL
  3077. Using Google Chrome Sync Feature and What Google Knows About You
  3078. Google's nofollow Rule
  3079. Adding Google Search to Your Website
  3080. Google Search Ranking Ingredients (SEO secrets)
  3081. Google Sidewiki Block
  3082. JS: Open URL
  3083. HTML: address Tag
  3084. HTML Audio Tag
  3085. Canvas vs SVG
  3086. HTML5 Custom Data Attribute
  3087. HTML: Figure Tag
  3088. HTML: meter Tag
  3089. List of HTML Self-Closing Tags
  3090. HTML: Ruby Tag
  3091. HTML Tags Complete List
  3092. HTML: time
  3093. HTML5 Doctype, Validation, X-UA-Compatible, and Why Do I Hate Hackers
  3094. HTML Video Tag
  3095. HTML4 to HTML 4 STRICT Transition
  3096. HTML: Allowed Characters in id Attribute
  3097. HTML Basics
  3098. HTML: Charset and Encoding
  3099. Chinese Font
  3100. HTML: Class Attribute
  3101. HTML Comment
  3102. HTML Correctness and Validators
  3103. HTML: Custom Tag (Custom Element)
  3104. HTML: Definition List: dl dt dd
  3105. How to Embed Video with Valid HTML
  3106. How to Embed Video with Valid HTML 2
  3107. HTML: Email Field
  3108. HTML: Input Number Field
  3109. HTML: Input Range Slider
  3110. HTML Form Example
  3111. HTML: How to Markup Subtitle
  3112. HTML: Image Map
  3113. HTML: Image Tag
  3114. HTML Tutorial
  3115. HTML: Button
  3116. HTML: Checkbox ☑
  3117. HTML: Color Picker
  3118. HTML: Password Text Field
  3119. HTML: Radio Button
  3120. HTML: Input Tag
  3121. HTML: Input Text Field
  3122. HTML: List: ul ol li
  3123. HTML: Meta Language Tag Obsolete
  3124. HTML: Meta Tag: viewport
  3125. What is HTML Microformat
  3126. HTML: Nested List
  3127. HTML: Picture Tag
  3128. HTML: progress Tag
  3129. HTML “q” Tag
  3130. HTML: Auto Refresh, Auto Redirect
  3131. HTML: the Root Element
  3132. HTML: s strike del Tags
  3133. HTML: Selection, Popup Menu
  3134. HTML Table Examples
  3135. HTML Table, colgroup, col
  3136. HTML Table, thead, tbody, tfoot
  3137. HTML: Textarea
  3138. Google and Amazon Generates Invalid HTML
  3139. HTML Entity List
  3140. What is HTTP Etag?
  3141. How to Enable HTTP Server gzip Compression
  3142. Web Design: Should Hyperlinks Have Underline?
  3143. IE9 Went into Compatibility Mode; Renderer Crash
  3144. Iframe Error Page
  3145. Alice was beginning to get very tired
  3146. HTML: Iframe
  3147. HTML: using Object tag for Iframe
  3148. Blocking Image Leechers in Apache
  3149. Web Browser Rendering Behavior: img Inside Anchor Link No Longer Has Border by Default
  3150. Xah Web Dev Tutorials
  3151. JS: Create and Insert HTML Element
  3152. Should You Use Dark Theme
  3153. jQuery Selector vs DOM querySelectorAll
  3154. JS: How to Write a JQuery Plugin
  3155. jQuery Tutorial: Selectors
  3156. jQuery Tutorial by Example
  3157. JavaScript in Depth
  3158. JS: Array.from
  3159. JS: Array.isArray
  3160. JS: Array.of
  3161. JS: Array.prototype.constructor
  3162. JS: Array.prototype.copyWithin
  3163. JS: Array.prototype.entries
  3164. JS: Array.prototype.filter
  3165. JS: Array.prototype.findIndex
  3166. JS: Array.prototype.flatMap
  3167. JS: Array.prototype.forEach
  3168. JS: Array.prototype.includes
  3169. JS: Array.prototype.indexOf
  3170. JS: Array.prototype.join
  3171. JS: Array.prototype.keys
  3172. JS: Array.prototype.lastIndexOf
  3173. JS: Array.prototype.length
  3174. JS: Array.prototype.pop
  3175. JS: Array.prototype.reverse
  3176. JS: Array.prototype.shift
  3177. JS: Array.prototype.some
  3178. JS: Array.prototype.toString
  3179. JS: Array.prototype.values
  3180. JS: Boolean.prototype
  3181. HTML CSS JavaScript Jargons: Tag, Element, Node, Object, Attribute, Property, Method
  3182. JS: Date.UTC
  3183. JS: Date.now
  3184. JavaScript the Better Parts (Douglas Crockford)
  3185. JS: 2015 Features
  3186. JS: New Features 2016 to 2021
  3187. JS: Function.prototype.apply
  3188. JS: Function.prototype.apply vs Function.prototype.call
  3189. JS: Function.prototype.bind
  3190. JS: Function.prototype.call
  3191. JS: Function.prototype.constructor
  3192. JS: Function.prototype.name
  3193. JS: Function.prototype.toString
  3194. JS: Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance]
  3195. JS: Function.prototype
  3196. JS: Infinity
  3197. JS: JSON.parse
  3198. JS: JSON.stringify
  3199. JS: JSON[Symbol.toStringTag]
  3200. JS: Minecraft 3D Demo
  3201. JS: Object Overview
  3202. JS: Map.prototype.clear
  3203. JS: Map.prototype.constructor
  3204. JS: Map.prototype.delete
  3205. JS: Map.prototype.entries
  3206. JS: Map.prototype.forEach
  3207. JS: Map.prototype.get
  3208. JS: Map.prototype.has
  3209. JS: Map.prototype.keys
  3210. JS: Map.prototype.set
  3211. JS: Map.prototype.size
  3212. JS: Map.prototype.values
  3213. JS: Map.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag]
  3214. JS: NaN
  3215. JS: Number.isFinite
  3216. JS: Number.isInteger
  3217. JS: Number.isNaN
  3218. JS: Number.isSafeInteger
  3219. JS: Number.parseFloat
  3220. JS: Number.parseInt
  3221. JS: Number.prototype
  3222. JS: Number.prototype.toExponential
  3223. JS: Number.prototype.toFixed
  3224. JS: Number.prototype.toPrecision
  3225. JS: Number.prototype.toString
  3226. JS: Object.assign
  3227. JS: Object.create
  3228. JS: Object.defineProperties
  3229. JS: Object.defineProperty
  3230. JS: Object.entries
  3231. JS: Object.freeze
  3232. JS: Object.fromEntries (Iterable to Object)
  3233. JS: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
  3234. JS: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
  3235. JS: Object.getOwnPropertyNames
  3236. JS: Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
  3237. JS: Object.getPrototypeOf
  3238. JS: Object.is
  3239. JS: Object.isExtensible
  3240. JS: Object.isExtensible vs Reflect.isExtensible
  3241. JS: Object.isFrozen
  3242. JS: Object.isSealed
  3243. JS: Object.keys
  3244. JS: Object.preventExtensions
  3245. JS: Object.prototype.__proto__
  3246. JS: Object.prototype.constructor
  3247. JS: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
  3248. JS: Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf
  3249. JS: Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable
  3250. JS: Object.prototype.toString
  3251. JS: Object.prototype.valueOf
  3252. JS: Object.seal
  3253. JS: Object.setPrototypeOf
  3254. JS: Object.values
  3255. JS: Reflect.apply
  3256. JS: Difference Between Reflect.apply vs Function.prototype.apply
  3257. JS: Reflect.construct
  3258. JS: Reflect.defineProperty
  3259. JS: Reflect.deleteProperty
  3260. JS: Reflect.enumerate
  3261. JS: Reflect.get
  3262. JS: Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
  3263. JS: Reflect.getPrototypeOf
  3264. JS: Reflect.has
  3265. JS: Reflect.isExtensible
  3266. JS: Reflect.ownKeys
  3267. JS: Reflect.preventExtensions
  3268. JS: Reflect.set
  3269. JS: Reflect.setPrototypeOf
  3270. JS: Difference Between Reflect.Set vs Property Assignment Syntax
  3271. JS: Difference Between Reflect.getPrototypeOf vs Object.getPrototypeOf
  3272. JS: RegExp.prototype.exec
  3273. JS: RegExp.prototype.test
  3274. JS: Set.prototype.add
  3275. JS: Set.prototype.clear
  3276. JS: Set.prototype.constructor
  3277. JS: Set.prototype.delete
  3278. JS: Set.prototype.entries
  3279. JS: Set.prototype.has
  3280. JS: Set.prototype.keys
  3281. JS: Set.prototype.size
  3282. JS: Set.prototype.values
  3283. JS: Set.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag]
  3284. JS: String.fromCharCode
  3285. JS: String.fromCodePoint
  3286. JS: String.prototype.charAt
  3287. JS: String.prototype.charCodeAt
  3288. JS: String.prototype.codePointAt
  3289. JS: String.prototype.concat
  3290. JS: String.prototype.constructor
  3291. JS: String.prototype.endsWith
  3292. JS: String.prototype.includes
  3293. JS: String.prototype.indexOf
  3294. JS: String.prototype.lastIndexOf
  3295. JS: String.fromCharCode
  3296. JS: String.prototype.match
  3297. JS: String.prototype.matchAll
  3298. JS: String.prototype.padEnd
  3299. JS: String.prototype.padStart
  3300. JS: String.prototype.repeat
  3301. JS: String.prototype.replace
  3302. JS: String.prototype.replaceAll
  3303. JS: String.prototype.search
  3304. JS: String.prototype.slice
  3305. JS: String.prototype.split
  3306. JS: String.prototype.startsWith
  3307. JS: String.prototype.substr
  3308. JS: String.prototype.substring
  3309. JS: String.prototype.toLowerCase
  3310. JS: String.prototype.trim
  3311. JS: String.prototype.trimEnd
  3312. JS: String.prototype.trimStart
  3313. JS: Difference Between String() vs new String()
  3314. JS: Array-Like Object
  3315. JS: Array
  3316. JS: Array Tutorial
  3317. JS: Test Array Equality
  3318. JS: Array.prototype.concat
  3319. JS: Array Constructor
  3320. JS: Array.prototype.every
  3321. JS: Array.prototype.fill
  3322. JS: Array.prototype.find
  3323. JS: Array.prototype.flat (Flatten Array)
  3324. JS: Array How-To
  3325. JS: Array.prototype.map
  3326. JS: Get Max/Min Value of Array
  3327. JS: Apply Array Method to Array-Like Object
  3328. JS: Array.prototype
  3329. JS: Array Object
  3330. JS: Array.prototype.push
  3331. JS: Array.prototype.reduce
  3332. JS: Array.prototype.reduceRight
  3333. JS: Array.prototype.slice
  3334. JS: Array.prototype.sort
  3335. JS: Array.prototype.splice
  3336. JS: Array.prototype.unshift
  3337. JS: Difference Between Array vs Array-Like Object
  3338. DOM: Node vs Element, NodeList vs HTMLCollection
  3339. JS: Arrow Function
  3340. JS: Assignment Operators
  3341. JavaScript Basics
  3342. JS: Bitwise Operators
  3343. JavaScript Books Review 2023
  3344. JS: Boolean: true, false
  3345. JS: Boolean Constructor
  3346. JS: Boolean Object
  3347. JS: if then else
  3348. JS: Browser Console SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
  3349. JS: Get User Agent, Cookie Enabled Status
  3350. JS: Function Call, Apply, Bind
  3351. Canvas Tutorial: Halma Board Game
  3352. HTML Canvas Demo: Raycaster
  3353. HTML Canvas Reference
  3354. Learn Canvas in 10 Minutes
  3355. JS: Class
  3356. JS: Class Expression
  3357. JS: Keyword “extends”
  3358. JS: Keyword “static” (static method)
  3359. JS: Keyword “super”
  3360. JS: Class Syntax
  3361. JS: Deep Copy Object, Array 🚀
  3362. JS: Closure
  3363. JS: Comment
  3364. JS: Compute Date Range
  3365. JS: const Declaration
  3366. JS: Array-Like Object to Array
  3367. JS: Convert String, Number
  3368. JS: Convert Decimal, Binary
  3369. JS: Convert Decimal, Hexadecimal
  3370. JS: Convert Map to Object 🚀
  3371. JS: Get Cookie, Set Cookie
  3372. JS: Create Array
  3373. JS: Create Object with Parent X
  3374. JS: Create Property
  3375. JS: Creating Nodes, Functional Programing Style
  3376. JS: Create Object
  3377. JS: Button to Switch to Dark Theme
  3378. JS: Value Types
  3379. JS: Date Constructor
  3380. JS: Date Object
  3381. JS: Date.parse
  3382. JS: Date.prototype
  3383. JS: Date Tutorial
  3384. JS: Source Code Encoding
  3385. JS: Define Function
  3386. JS: “delete” Operator
  3387. JS: Delete Property
  3388. JS: Destructuring Assignment
  3389. JS: How to Detect Adobe Flash, QuickTime?
  3390. JS: Determine Type of Object
  3391. JS: Disable Right Click
  3392. JS: document.write
  3393. JS: Dollar Sign in JavaScript
  3394. JS: Element Attribute Methods
  3395. JS: Replace All Children, createDocumentFragment
  3396. DOM: Live Object
  3397. JS: What is Node, Node Type, Element
  3398. JS: Randomize Node Children 🚀
  3399. DOM: Whitespace Nodes
  3400. JS: Property Dot Notation vs Bracket Notation
  3401. JS: Double Equal Operator
  3402. JS: Find Element Width
  3403. JS: encodeURI
  3404. JS: encodeURIComponent
  3405. JS: Encode URL, Escape String
  3406. JS: Enumerable Property
  3407. JS: Test Equality
  3408. JS: Error Object
  3409. JS: escape
  3410. JS: Event Delegation
  3411. JS: Load Order, defer, async, module
  3412. JS: Global Functions Without Property Key "prototype"
  3413. JS: Factorial 🚀
  3414. Fade a Element using JavaScript
  3415. JS: Fade a Element Using CSS Transition
  3416. JS: Get Set Prototype
  3417. JS: Difference Between for-in loop vs for-of loop
  3418. JS: for-in Loop
  3419. JS: for-of Loop
  3420. JS: Instant Form Field Validation
  3421. HTML FORM Validation with JavaScript
  3422. JS: Format Number
  3423. JS: Function Argument Default Value
  3424. JS: Function Argument Destructure
  3425. JS: Function Rest Parameters
  3426. JS: Function Parameters
  3427. JS: Function arguments Object
  3428. JS: Function Pipe 🚀
  3429. JS: Function Constructor
  3430. JS: Function Declaration vs Function Expression
  3431. JS: Function Length Property
  3432. JS: Function Name Hoisting
  3433. JS: Function Object
  3434. JS: this Binding
  3435. JS: Functional Programing
  3436. JS: Generator
  3437. JS: Generator Function
  3438. JS: Difference Between getPrototypeOf vs __proto__ Property
  3439. JS: Get Element's Attribute Value
  3440. JS: Get Current Script Element
  3441. JS: Get Element by ID, Name, Class etc
  3442. JS: Get URL (window.location)
  3443. JS: Getter Setter Properties
  3444. JS: Global Variable
  3445. JS: How to Convert ES5 to ES2015
  3446. How to Run JavaScript
  3447. JS: HTML-Like Comment
  3448. JS: Import
  3449. JS: Export
  3450. JS: “in” Operator
  3451. JS: Insert After an Element
  3452. JS: Deferred Loading JavaScript for Old Browser
  3453. JS: instanceof Operator
  3454. JS: Interface
  3455. JS: isNaN
  3456. JS: Difference Between window.isNaN vs Number.isNaN
  3457. JS: Test If Object is Iterable 🚀
  3458. JS: Test If Object is Iterator 🚀
  3459. JS: Test is Object Type 🚀
  3460. JS: Iterable Object
  3461. JS: Iterate HTML Elements
  3462. JS: Iterate Map Object
  3463. JS: Iterate String
  3464. JS: for while do Loop
  3465. JS: Iterator
  3466. JS: Iterator Prototype
  3467. JS: JSON
  3468. JS: Operator “new”
  3469. JS: Functional Programing (old, pre-JS2015)
  3470. JS: let Declaration
  3471. JS: List, Add, Remove Class Attribute
  3472. JS: Boolean Operators
  3473. JS: Map Object Tutorial
  3474. JS: Map Constructor
  3475. JS: Map Equality 🚀
  3476. JS: Map Filter 🚀
  3477. JS: How Map Determines Uniqueness of Keys
  3478. JS: Literal Expression for Map
  3479. JS: Map Object
  3480. JS: Map.prototype
  3481. JS: Swap Key Value of Map 🚀
  3482. JS: Sort Map 🚀
  3483. JS: Map Substract 🚀
  3484. JS: Truncate Map 🚀
  3485. JS: Difference, Object vs Map
  3486. JS: Math
  3487. JS: Math Operators
  3488. JavaScript Misc
  3489. JS: Module Path Syntax
  3490. JavaScript Molecules Demo
  3491. JS: var Declaration Order (Name Hoisting)
  3492. JS: Should You Move Variables to the Top?
  3493. JS: Get Element Parent, Child, Sibling, Navigate DOM Tree
  3494. JS: Nested Map
  3495. JS: Node Name
  3496. JS: Node Type
  3497. JS: Node value
  3498. DOM: Difference Between NodeList, HTMLCollection
  3499. JS: null
  3500. JS: Nullish Coalescing Operator
  3501. JS: Difference Between null vs undefined
  3502. JS: Number
  3503. JS: Number Comparison Operators
  3504. JS: Number Constructor
  3505. JS: Number Object
  3506. JS: Test Object Equality by JSON String, Ordering Problem
  3507. JavaScript Object Reference
  3508. JS: Object Tutorial
  3509. JS: Object Constructor
  3510. JS: Property Key "constructor"
  3511. JS: Use Object.create to Emulate Constructor
  3512. JS: Prevent Adding Property
  3513. JS: Object Literal Expression
  3514. JS: ES2015 Object Literal Expression Extensions
  3515. JS: Object Object
  3516. JS: Prototype and Inheritance
  3517. JS: Object.prototype
  3518. JS: Property Key "prototype"
  3519. JS: List Properties
  3520. JS: Convert Object to Map 🚀
  3521. JS: Operators
  3522. JS: Optional Chaining Operator
  3523. JS: Global parseFloat
  3524. JS: Global parseInt
  3525. JS: Parse URL
  3526. JS: Pre-Cache Images
  3527. JS: Primitive Value
  3528. JS: Print
  3529. JS: Promise Tutorial
  3530. JS: Access Property
  3531. JS: Property Attributes
  3532. JS: Property Descriptor
  3533. JS: Check Property Existence
  3534. JS: Property Key
  3535. JS: Add Method to Prototype
  3536. JS: Prototype Chain
  3537. JS: Proxy
  3538. JS: Speed Comparison, Array Push vs Unshift
  3539. JS: Quote String
  3540. JS: Raining Hearts
  3541. JS: Random Array Element, Randomize Array 🚀
  3542. JS: Random Integer Range Function 🚀
  3543. JS: Range Function for Array 🚀
  3544. JS: Get Set Property
  3545. JavaScript Quiz: Variable in Array
  3546. JS: Reflect
  3547. JS: Regex Functions
  3548. JS: RegExp Constructor
  3549. JS: RegExp Flag
  3550. JS: RegExp.prototype
  3551. JS: RegExp Object
  3552. JS: Regex Replace String Dollar Sign
  3553. JS: Regex Replace Function Args
  3554. JS: RegExp Syntax
  3555. JS: RegExp Tutorial
  3556. JS: RegExp Unicode Property
  3557. JavaScript/DOM: Remove All Children
  3558. JS: Remove Element's Attribute Value
  3559. JavaScript/DOM: Remove an Element
  3560. JS: Swap Object Key Value 🚀
  3561. JS: Round/Truncate Number
  3562. Scripting SVG
  3563. Xah Webdev Search 🔍
  3564. JS: Semicolon
  3565. JS: the Set Object Tutorial
  3566. JS: Set Element's Attribute Value
  3567. JS: Set Constructor
  3568. JS: Set Object
  3569. JS: Set.prototype
  3570. JS: Set.prototype.forEach
  3571. JS: Set Union, Intersection, Difference 🚀
  3572. JS: Show Prototype Chain 🚀
  3573. JS: Sparse Array
  3574. JS: Split Array 🚀
  3575. JS: Spread Operator
  3576. JS: Stopwatch
  3577. JS: Strict Mode
  3578. JS: String Overview
  3579. JS: String Code Unit
  3580. JS: String Constructor
  3581. JS: String Escape Sequence
  3582. JS: String is Immutable
  3583. JS: String Index
  3584. JS: String.prototype
  3585. JS: String Operations
  3586. JS: String Object
  3587. JS: String.raw
  3588. JS: Count Chars in String 🚀
  3589. Xah JavaScript Style Guide for Functional Programers
  3590. JS: Switch Statement
  3591. JS: Symbol Tutorial
  3592. JS: Symbol Object
  3593. JS: Symbol.prototype
  3594. JS: Tagged Template String
  3595. JavaScript Tail Recursion Optimization
  3596. JS: Template String
  3597. JS: Test Object Equality 🚀
  3598. DOM: textContent, innerHTML, innerText, nodeValue
  3599. JS: the Global Object
  3600. JS: Timing, Benchmark Functions
  3601. JS: Speed Comparison of Increment
  3602. JS: Speed Comparison of Generating Array
  3603. JavaScript Trick: Exclamation Before Function
  3604. JS: Triple Equal Operator
  3605. JS: Throw Try Catch Finally
  3606. JS: typeof Class
  3607. JS: Difference Between typeof, instanceof, constructor property
  3608. JS: typeof Operator
  3609. JS: undefined
  3610. JS: Unicode Escape Sequence
  3611. JS: Allowed Characters in Identifier
  3612. JS: Update URL Query String Parameter (window.location , window.history.pushState)
  3613. JS: How to Use Browser Console
  3614. JS: Char to UTF-16 Encoding 🚀
  3615. JS: Char to UTF-8 Encoding 🚀
  3616. JS: var Name Scope
  3617. JS: var Declaration 👎
  3618. JS: Version History
  3619. JS: Find Window Size
  3620. JS: Web Storage Tutorial
  3621. JS: Web Workers
  3622. WebSocket Tutorial
  3623. JS: Constructor
  3624. JS: Object Type
  3625. JS: Property Overview
  3626. JS: What's the Value of “this” in Event Handler?
  3627. JS: Whitespace Characters
  3628. JS: Browser Window Object
  3629. JS: Define a Class Without Using Keyword class
  3630. JS: x.y.z Associativity, Right or Left?
  3631. JS: Xah Functions
  3632. CSS “pre” Problem: No Linebreak After Tag
  3633. Chinese Font on Mac
  3634. HTML: Marquee, Scrolling Text
  3635. Metrically Compatible Fonts
  3636. Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time
  3637. JS: Floating Box Following Scroll
  3638. Web Design: Navigation Panel Design Problem
  3639. Node.js Module
  3640. Node.js Tutorial
  3641. Node.js Video Tutorial by Ryan Dahl
  3642. Internet, Future, Old School Net Lingoes
  3643. How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website)
  3644. JS: DOM Scripting Tutorial
  3645. Popular Money Making Websites
  3646. Web Design: Serif or Sans-Serif?
  3647. Where is Socket.IO Client Library At?
  3648. Meaning of Font Size
  3649. The Story of XML
  3650. Practical SVG Tutorial
  3651. SVG: animate tag
  3652. SVG: Animation
  3653. SVG: Basic Examples
  3654. SVG: Circle Arc
  3655. JS: SVG Clock
  3656. SVG: Font Size
  3657. SVG Path: Elliptical Arc
  3658. SVG Path Tutorial
  3659. SVG: Shape Styles
  3660. SVG: Specifying Styles
  3661. SVG: Structure Elements
  3662. SVG: Text Element Tutorial
  3663. SVG: Coordinate Transformation
  3664. SVG: ViewBox, User Coordinate's Unit Size
  3665. SVG: viewBox, User Coordinate
  3666. SVG: Viewport
  3667. Tabbed Menu with Pure JavaScript
  3668. Implementing Tab Menu with JavaScript: Tab B
  3669. Implementing Tab Menu with JavaScript: Tab C
  3670. JS: How to Create Tooltip
  3671. 3 Twitter Facts You'll Never Forget
  3672. Unicode Font Comparison: {Arial Unicode MS, DejaVu Sans, Lucida Sans Unicode}
  3673. Using Unicode in HTML Attributes
  3674. URL Percent Encoding and Ampersand Char
  3675. URL Percent Encoding and Unicode
  3676. URL Syntax and Name of Parts
  3677. URL Shortening is BAD
  3678. W3C HTML Validator Invalid
  3679. Web Animation
  3680. Xah Web Dev Articles
  3681. Web Design: Grey Text on White Background. Solarize Color Disease
  3682. Web Design: Header Link Back to Table of Contents
  3683. User Interface Design
  3684. Web Design, Minimal Window Width
  3685. How to Create and Update a Website Logo (Favicon)
  3686. HTML History Timeline
  3687. History of Web Tech
  3688. Emerging Web Tech: Web Intents
  3689. Web Layout Report
  3690. Cookies, Super Cookies, Your Privacy
  3691. WebKit Bug: {pre, display:table}, Space Characters Not Rendered
  3692. Website And Domain Lookup Tools
  3693. Web Design: Survey of Tab Style 2006
  3694. 7 Things You Need to Know About SEO
  3695. HTML5 Killed the “big” Tag?
  3696. Why Does Google Give SEO Advice?
  3697. CSS: Width ex
  3698. Chinese Font on Windows
  3699. XML: xml:space preserve
  3700. Using iframe to Embed Youtube Videos
  3701. Zen Coding and Emacs Buddha Coding
  3702. KBC Poker Keyboard, Ducky Keyboard
  3703. 2015 Macbook Pro keyboard
  3704. 3M Ergonomic Mouse Stick
  3705. 40 Percent Crap
  3706. 40 percent Keyboard Layout and Lobotomized Input System
  3707. ADM-3A Terminal Manual
  3708. ADM-3A Terminal
  3709. Ann Arbor Ambassador 60 Terminal
  3710. Apple Keyboard A1016 M9270LL/A (2003)
  3711. Apple MacBook Touch Bar
  3712. Speed Typing, Barbara Blackburn and Zoomer Grifters
  3713. BrokerTec Keyboard
  3714. CM Storm NovaTouch keyboard
  3715. CM Storm QuickFire
  3716. CM Storm QuickFire Rapid
  3717. CM Storm QuickFire Rapid-i keyboard
  3718. Cherry G80-5000 Ergoplus keyboard
  3719. Corsair K60 Keyboard
  3720. Corsair K90/K95 Keyboard
  3721. Corsair Keyboards
  3722. DIY two-ball trackball
  3723. DSI Financial Keyboard
  3724. ELECOM DUX 70BK Mouse
  3725. Elgato Stream Deck
  3726. Englebart Chord Keyboard
  3727. Esrille New Keyboard
  3728. FLDX45 Keyboard
  3729. Firefox 4 and AutoHotkey: MozillaWindowClass
  3730. Fujisu Spaceball
  3731. HP USB mini Keyboard
  3732. Hermes Typewriter
  3733. IBM 2741 Printing Terminal
  3734. IBM 3276 Display Station (1979)
  3735. IBM 526 Printing Summary Punch (1964)
  3736. IBM KB-9930 Keyboard (year 2000)
  3737. IBM Model F Keyboard, 1981
  3738. IBM Model F vs Model M Keyboards
  3739. IBM Model M2 (1992)
  3740. IBM Model M 3193 keyboard, 1988
  3741. IBM Model M type 3192-G, 1985
  3742. NEC M-System keyboards History
  3743. Japanese Input Method
  3744. Japanese Keyboard Layouts
  3745. Japan Thumb-Shift Keyboard (NICOLA layout)
  3746. Kensington Orbit Wireless Trackball
  3747. Kensington Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring
  3748. Slimblade Trackball
  3749. Kensington Slimblade Trackball Bluetooth
  3750. Kensington TurboBall, 2000
  3751. Kensington TurboRing Trackball
  3752. L-Trac Trackball
  3753. L-Trac Trackball CST1350-RC, 2014
  3754. Logitech G13 Gaming Keypad Review
  3755. Logitech DiNova Edge Keyboard
  3756. MacBook Pro 16-inch, 2019
  3757. MacBook Pro M1 2021
  3758. Mac: Keyboard Software Guide
  3759. Maltron Keyboard
  3760. Maltron Layout
  3761. Microsoft Arc Keyboard (2011)
  3762. Microsoft Bluetooth Mobile Keyboard 6000 (2010)
  3763. Microsoft Natural 6000 Ergonomic Mouse (2006)
  3764. Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Keyboard (2013)
  3765. Microsoft Surface Ergonomic Keyboard (2016)
  3766. Microsoft Wired Keyboard 200 (2010)
  3767. Microsoft Wired Keyboard 600 (2008)
  3768. Microsoft Wireless Comfort Desktop 5000 (2009)
  3769. Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 2000 (2011)
  3770. Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 6000 (2008)
  3771. Microsoft Natural Keyboard (1994)
  3772. Microsoft Reclusa Gaming Keyboard
  3773. Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard (2013)
  3774. KeySweeper, Sniff Passwords from Wireless Keyboard
  3775. Microspeed PC-Trac trackball, 1991
  3776. Mikicat Stylus Review
  3777. Mistel Barocco Split Keyboard
  3778. NeXT Keyboard
  3779. Nidd Valley Digimouse (1986)
  3780. Nintendo Family Basic Keyboard HVC-007 (1984)
  3781. OKI Gourd Spring Keyboard
  3782. Razer Naga Hex Mouse (2012)
  3783. Razer Naga Trinity (2017)
  3784. Razer Naga V2 (2022)
  3785. Razer Naga X (2020)
  3786. Razer Ouroboros Wireless Gaming Mouse
  3787. SEGA SC-3000 Computer, Year 1983
  3788. SORD M5 Computer, 1982
  3789. Shortcut-S Photoshop Keyboard
  3790. Sinclair ZX81 Keyboard
  3791. Slimblade vs L-Trac Trackball
  3792. Small Talk MousePhone
  3793. Sony HDR-CX405 HD Handycam
  3794. Sony Home Computer HB-101
  3795. SpaceNavigator 3D Mouse
  3796. SpaceOrb 360
  3797. SkeleTron Keyboard
  3798. TRON Keyboard
  3799. TecStorm Track Scoll 1 Mouse (2001)
  3800. Tesoro G6TL Keyboard with Trackball
  3801. Thermaltake Level 10m Mouse
  3802. Truly Ergonomic Keyboard
  3803. Truly Ergonomic Keyboard Photo Gallery
  3804. Xah's Truly Ergonomic Keyboard Layouts
  3805. Truly Ergonomic Numeric Keypad
  3806. TypeMatrix Keyboard
  3807. VE.A Keyboard
  3808. A4TECH WUT-5 ScrollTrack Internet 4D Trackball
  3809. A4TECH WWT-13 Trackball
  3810. Aball Trackball
  3811. ABB Keyboard
  3812. Mouse Accelerated Scroll
  3813. Addison Technology professional trackball
  3814. ADDS Consul 880 Terminal (1970)
  3815. Adesso Ergonomic Trackball Keyboard
  3816. Adesso Trackball iMouse T1
  3817. Adesso Trackball iMouse T40
  3818. Adesso Trackball T50
  3819. AEG Olympia CPD 3212A calculator
  3820. Affirmative Keyboard
  3821. Alfa Data Trackball (Amiga)
  3822. Self-Destruct Keyboard in Movie Alien, 1979
  3823. Allison Marshall Keyboard
  3824. AlphaGrip
  3825. ALPS Kanji keyboard
  3826. ALPS Switch
  3827. Alt Graph Key
  3828. Why Alt Tab is Bad
  3829. AmazonBasics G5W Trackball
  3830. Anker Ergonomic Mouse
  3831. Apple IIe, 1983
  3832. Apple IIe Platinum, 1987
  3833. Apple Ergonomic Keyboard (1993)
  3834. Apple Bandai Pippin Controller
  3835. Apple Extended Keyboard, 1987
  3836. Apple Extended Keyboard II, 1990
  3837. Apple iBook G4 (year 2003)
  3838. Apple Macintosh Keyboard M0110, Year 1984
  3839. Apple keyboard A1242. Year 2009
  3840. Apple Keyboard A1243. Year 2007
  3841. Apple Keyboard History ⌨
  3842. Apple Keyboard II M0487, 1990
  3843. Apple Keyboard Key Symbols ⌘ ⌥
  3844. Apple M1 Chip
  3845. Apple MacBook Butterfly Switch
  3846. Apple Magic Keyboard. Year 2015
  3847. Apple Magic Mouse (2009)
  3848. Apple Magic Trackpad
  3849. Apple Mighty Mouse (2005)
  3850. Apple Mouse 🖱
  3851. Difference Between Apple and Microsoft keyboards
  3852. Apple PowerBook Duo 250, 1993
  3853. Apple Pro Keyboard A1048, Year 2003
  3854. Apple Pro Keyboard M7803. Year 2000
  3855. Apple Pro Mouse (2000)
  3856. Apple Standard Keyboard M0116, 1987
  3857. Apple Bondi Blue iMac keyboard, 1998
  3858. Apple Wireless Keyboard. Year 2007
  3859. Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse
  3860. Arrow Keys History
  3861. ARTSEY Input System
  3862. Arzopa Portable Monitor
  3863. Atari 400/800
  3864. Atlas56 Keyboard
  3865. Atreus Keyboard
  3866. How to Solve Audio Ground Loop Hum
  3867. Avocado55 Trackball
  3868. Axios Keyboard ⌨
  3869. Azeron Keypad
  3870. AZERTY Layout
  3871. Azio MK Retro Keyboard
  3872. Ban Mouse Drag
  3873. Ban Key Chords
  3874. Ban Shift Key
  3875. Barefoot Shoes
  3876. Bat Chording Keyboard
  3877. Nerd Battlestations
  3878. BBC Micro Computer
  3879. Beakl Keyboard Layout
  3880. BeeRaider Keyboard
  3881. benzene666 keyboard
  3882. Bepo Layout (French)
  3883. Best Computer Desk
  3884. Best HiFi Speakers
  3885. Xah Monitor 2021: ASUS Pro Art Display PA278QV
  3886. Best Mouse for Programers
  3887. Efficient Layout for Numbers
  3888. Best Palm Rest
  3889. RENAISSER Stylus, Best Stylus for Microsoft Surface
  3890. Best Way to Insert Parenthesis/Brackets
  3891. Action Camera as Best Webcam
  3892. Big Ass Spacebar, SteelSeries Apex Keyboard
  3893. bigram calculator
  3894. Ablenet BIGtrack Trackball
  3895. Why Not Blank Keycaps
  3896. Bloody B840 Optical Switch Keyboard
  3897. Bloody Ml160 Commander Mouse
  3898. Bloody LK Optical switch
  3899. Bloomer Keyboard
  3900. BluffCurve keyboard
  3901. bow and arrow
  3902. Breathedge Keyboard, 2021
  3903. Buckling Spring Key Switch
  3904. Buddha Palm Keycap
  3905. Butter Stick Programable Keypad
  3906. C L Sholes XPM Layout, 1896
  3907. NETGEAR Cable Modem CM500V
  3908. Cahill Electric Typewriter
  3909. Caligraph №3 Typewriter
  3910. camcorder
  3911. Canadian French Layout
  3912. Canadian Multilingual Layout
  3913. Catboard Keyboard 😸 ⌨
  3914. CEC 1 Keyboard, China (1986)
  3915. Character Frequency Plot
  3916. Cheap Gaming Mouse
  3917. Cheap Stylus
  3918. Cherry G84 4100 Keyboard
  3919. Cherry MX Switches
  3920. Cherry Point of Sale Keyboards
  3921. Chinese Characters Drum Keyboard
  3922. Chinese Input Methods
  3923. Chinese Keyboard in James Bond
  3924. Pinyin Letter Frequency 拼音字母頻率
  3925. Chinese Typewriter History
  3926. Kailh Choc Switch
  3927. Keycaps for Kailh Choc Switch
  3928. Steno and Chording Keyboards
  3929. Chromebook Keyboard
  3930. City Hunter Keyboard (year 1989)
  3931. CM MasterKeys PBT Keyboard
  3932. CM MasterKeys Pro Series Keyboards
  3933. CM Storm Recon Mouse
  3934. Colemak Layout (2005)
  3935. Colosseum Keyboard
  3936. Commodore 64
  3937. Commodore PET 4016
  3938. Most Used English Words
  3939. Compose Key
  3940. How to Increase Efficiency in Using Mac, Linux, Windows
  3941. Contour Mouse
  3942. Contour Roller Mouse
  3943. Contour Unimouse
  3944. The Control Key
  3945. Cooler Master ControlPad
  3946. Cooler Master MK850 Keyboard
  3947. Cooler Master MM710 Mouse
  3948. Corne/Jorne Keyboard
  3949. Palm Keycap
  3950. Create Math APL Keyboard Layout
  3951. Creative Pebble USB Speakers
  3952. creative_pebble_speakers.html
  3953. Cut Copy Paste Keys History
  3954. Cute Phone Case
  3955. Dactyl keyboard
  3956. Dactyl Manuform Keyboard
  3957. Dactyl Manuform Problems
  3958. Darknight Keyboard
  3959. Das Keyboard
  3960. Datadesk Smartboard Keyboard
  3961. Datahand
  3962. DataPoint 3300, 1969
  3963. Dead Key
  3964. DecaTxt One Hand Typing
  3965. Delete Key
  3966. Display Ink Phone
  3967. Display Ink Tablet
  3968. Diverge Keyboard
  3969. Diverge TM2 Keyboard
  3970. Do-It-Yourself Keyboards
  3971. DIY Trackballs 🖲
  3972. DIY Tron keyboard
  3973. DIY μTRON Keyboard
  3974. DJ Mouse
  3975. Drawing Software
  3976. DT225 Trackball
  3977. Dumang DK6 Keyboard
  3978. Ergonomic Keyboard Layouts
  3979. Dvorak vs Colemak
  3980. Workman Keyboard Layout (2010)
  3981. Programer's Dvorak
  3982. Dygma Raise
  3983. Emacs vs vim, Compute Keybinding Efficiency
  3984. Elasto Mouse
  3985. E-Lead NoaPad (Year 2007)
  3986. Elecom Bitra Finger Trackball
  3987. Elecom Bitra Thumb Trackball
  3988. Elecom EX-G Pro Trackball
  3989. Elecom HUGE Trackball
  3990. Elecom DEFT Pro Trackball
  3991. Elecom DEFT Trackball
  3992. Elecom EX-G Trackball
  3993. Electric Shaver
  3994. Tech Geeker Dogma: Swapping Capslock Ctrl
  3995. Emacs Keyboard History
  3996. Emoji Keyboard
  3997. Douglas Engelbart Mouse, 1968
  3998. EPOMAKER CIDOO ABM066 Alice Keyboard
  3999. EPOMAKER Aula F75
  4000. EPOMAKER Brick 87 Keyboard
  4001. EPOMAKER CIDOO V21 keypad
  4002. EPOMAKER Feker Alice80 keyboard
  4003. Epomaker Niz Plum Keyboard
  4004. EPOMAKER RT100 97
  4005. Epson Business Full Keyboard, 2004
  4006. ergo chopsticks keyboard
  4007. Best Ergonomic Keyboards for Small Hands
  4008. Ergodash Keyboard
  4009. Ergodex DX1 Input System (2004)
  4010. Ergodox Keyboard
  4011. Ergodox Firmware and Layout
  4012. Thumb Keyboard Layouts
  4013. Ergodox Keyboard Thumb Keys Pain
  4014. Ergodox Keyboard with Trackball
  4015. Ergonomic Keyboard History ⌨
  4016. Scientific Research on Keyboard Ergonomics
  4017. Best Ergonomic Keyboards, Xah Pick
  4018. Ergonomic Keyboard Reviews
  4019. Ergonomic Mouse 🖱
  4020. Ergonomixx MyKey Keyboard
  4021. Fujitsu KBPC E, Ergosplit Keyboard
  4022. ErgoWarp Keyboard
  4023. Escape Key
  4024. Gra+SP keyboard
  4025. Eucalyptus Keyboard
  4026. Evoluent Vertical Mouse
  4027. Eye Tracker Mouse
  4028. F5 Refresh Drill
  4029. Max Falcon-8 Macro Keypad
  4030. Misc DIY Keyboards
  4031. World's Fastest Speed Typers
  4032. Keyboard Big Fat Enter Key
  4033. Fellowes Split Design Ergonomic Keyboard
  4034. Index Finger Length vs Ring Finger
  4035. Best External USB Storage Device (SSD Drive)
  4036. Flat Maltron Keyboard
  4037. Fluorite CXL Keyboard
  4038. FN Key
  4039. Fortitude60 Keyboard
  4040. French AZERTY Layout
  4041. French Ergonomic Layouts: dvorak-fr, bvofrak
  4042. French Keyboard Layouts
  4043. French Letter Frequency
  4044. New AZERTY French Keyboard Layout (2019)
  4045. Frogpad Keyboard
  4046. Keyboard Fun
  4047. Function Key vs Key Chord, Which is Healthier, Which is Faster?
  4048. GameBall
  4049. Gamepads for PC
  4050. Gateron Optical Switch
  4051. Gateron Switches
  4052. Genesis 2.5 Keyboard
  4053. Genovation Programable Keypad
  4054. Georgi Keyboard for Steno
  4055. Gergo Keyboard
  4056. Gergo Keyboard Default Layout
  4057. gergoplex
  4058. German Character Frequency
  4059. German Ergonomic Keyboard Layouts: de-ergo, NEO, ADNW
  4060. German Keyboard Layouts
  4061. German Keyboards
  4062. Ghost in the Shell Typing Bot, 1995
  4063. Ginni Chorded Keyboard
  4064. Glove80 Backlight
  4065. Glove80 Bluetooth Connection
  4066. Glove80 Unboxing
  4067. Glove80 Keyboard, Create Custom Layout
  4068. Glove80 Keyboard
  4069. Glove80 Keyboard Layout
  4070. Glove80 Carrying Case
  4071. Glove80 vs Kinesis 360
  4072. Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard
  4073. G.Skill RIPJAWS Keyboard
  4074. Hall Effect Switch Keyboards
  4075. Hammond Typewriter
  4076. Hand Size
  4077. Hands Down Layout (2020)
  4078. happy hacking emily lisp server
  4079. Keyboard Comics (meme, anime)
  4080. Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite 2 (1999)
  4081. List of Dvorak Keyboards
  4082. Havit RGB Mouse
  4083. HAVIT Keyboard
  4084. Buying Headset
  4085. Heavy Metal Apple Keyboards
  4086. Helix Keyboard
  4087. Hermes Ambassador B1-C Typewriter
  4088. HERTAO 多键鼠标, Mechanical Key Switches Mouse
  4089. HHKB Japanese Layout
  4090. HHKB Pro HYBRID Type-S, 2019
  4091. HHKB Type-S
  4092. Highscreen Trackball
  4093. History of vi Keys
  4094. Hi-Tek 725 Switch (Space Invader Switch)
  4095. Keyboard Home/End Keys Arrangement
  4096. Honeycomb Keyboard
  4097. Hot-Swappable Key-Switch Socket
  4098. How Many Keyboard Shortcuts Are There
  4099. How Many Words Do You Type a Day?
  4100. How Mouse Works
  4101. How to Press Control Key (Palm-Press)
  4102. How to Touch-Type
  4103. HP 2648A, year 1978
  4104. Huawei Laptop Camera Key
  4105. Huion H640P Drawing Tablet
  4106. Huion HS611 Drawing Tablet
  4107. Humble Hacker Keyboard
  4108. Hyper 7 Keyboard
  4109. International Keyboard Layouts
  4110. IBM 5100 (year 1975)
  4111. IBM Portable PC Computer 5155 model 68 (year 1984)
  4112. IBM 5251 Keyboard
  4113. Doctor Who Keyboard
  4114. IBM Keyboards History ⌨
  4115. IBM Model 15 Adjustable Keyboard
  4116. IBM Model M keyboard (1985)
  4117. IBM Options Model M15 Ergonomic Keyboard
  4118. IBM PC Keyboards (1981)
  4119. IBM Selectric
  4120. Happy Hacking Keyboard
  4121. iGUGU Controller with Trackball
  4122. Analysis of Ikea Bed, a Logician's Manual, and Cheap Elegance for Yuppies
  4123. Apple iMac G3 mouse, 1998
  4124. Infinitton Keypad
  4125. Input Device: Trackball, Touchpad, Pen Tablet, Joystick, Jog Wheel
  4126. Intel NUC Mini Computer
  4127. Invac PK-200 keyboard. 1966
  4128. Iris Keyboard
  4129. ITAC Mouse-Trak Trackball
  4130. ITW Magnetic Valve Switch
  4131. Japan Ergonomic Keyboard History
  4132. Japan Remington No 9 Typewriter
  4133. Japanese Action Figure
  4134. CODE Keyboard
  4135. Jelly Comb Thumb Ball Mouse
  4136. Red Light Bulb, JLAB Bluetooth Headphone
  4137. Jog Wheel, Shuttle Ring
  4138. Joystick and Special Pointing Device
  4139. Japanese Character Frequency (Hiragana)
  4140. Instant Pot
  4141. Kailh BOX Switch
  4142. katana60 keyboard
  4143. Vortexgear Poker 3 Keyboard
  4144. KEMOVE K68 Butterfly Keyboard
  4145. KEMOVE DK61 Snowfox Keyboard
  4146. Kensington Expert Mouse 1992
  4147. History of Kensington Expert Mouse
  4148. Kensington Expert Mouse Pro, Year 2001
  4149. Kensington Expert Mouse
  4150. Kensington Orbit Fusion Trackball
  4151. Kensington Orbit Trackball, 1999
  4152. Kensington Orbit Trackball
  4153. Kensington Orbit Trackball Pink
  4154. Kensington Expert Mouse Pink
  4155. Kensington Pro Fit Trackball
  4156. Kensington Turbo Mouse, Year 1999
  4157. On the Terminology of Key Chord vs Key Combo
  4158. Key Label Stickers
  4159. Keyboard Key Switch Guide
  4160. History of Keyboard Mechanical Switches
  4161. Key Switch vs Layout, Which is More Important for Ergonomics?
  4162. Key Switch Activation Force vs Resistance Feel
  4163. Keyball46
  4164. Keyball Controller
  4165. Keybinding Design is a Linear Programing Problem
  4166. Design of Keybinding, Key Shortcut, Input System
  4167. Keyboardio Model 1
  4168. Unicomp Keyboard
  4169. Kinesis Advantage2 Unboxing Gallery
  4170. Kinesis Advantage Keyboard Layouts
  4171. Microsoft Sidewinder Gaming Keyboards
  4172. Print Screen, SysRq, ScrLk, Pause, Break Keys
  4173. Using a Second Keyboard as Programable Keypad
  4174. Xah keyboard Blog
  4175. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2016-04
  4176. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2016-05
  4177. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2016-06
  4178. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2016-09
  4179. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2016-10
  4180. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2016-11
  4181. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2016-12
  4182. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2017-01
  4183. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2017-04
  4184. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2017-05
  4185. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2017-06
  4186. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2017-07
  4187. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2017-08
  4188. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2017-09
  4189. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2017-10
  4190. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2018-01
  4191. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2018-02
  4192. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2018-05
  4193. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2018-06
  4194. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2018-07
  4195. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2018-08
  4196. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2018-09
  4197. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2018-10
  4198. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2018-11
  4199. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2018-12
  4200. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2019-01
  4201. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2019-02
  4202. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2019-03
  4203. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2019-06
  4204. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2019-08
  4205. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2019-12
  4206. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2020-01
  4207. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2020-03
  4208. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2020-05
  4209. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2020-08
  4210. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2020-09
  4211. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2021-01
  4212. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2021-03
  4213. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2021-06
  4214. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2022-01
  4215. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2022-06
  4216. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2023-01
  4217. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2023-04
  4218. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2023-09
  4219. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2024-01
  4220. Xah Keyboard Blog Archive
  4221. Control Key and Capslock Key Positions
  4222. Keyboard Design 🔧
  4223. Keyboard Diagram, Word vs Icon
  4224. Dvorak Keyboard Layout
  4225. Mechanical Keyboard and Repetitive Strain Injury
  4226. Keyboard Enter/Return Key Symbol
  4227. Ergonomic Layout for Laptop
  4228. Keyboard Firmware
  4229. Keyboard Tenting (Wrist Pronation)
  4230. Why Function Keys F1 to F12 Are Useful
  4231. Emacs + Keyboard Geeking, the Nth Episode 2012-03
  4232. Keyboard Glossary
  4233. Subtle Differences in Keyboard Have Major Impact on Hand-Health and How You Press Keys
  4234. History of Key Shortcuts: Emacs, vim, WASD
  4235. Keyboard Health Guide
  4236. Keyboard History ⌨
  4237. Windows 10, How to Switch to Dvorak Keyboard Layout
  4238. Keyboard in Movies
  4239. Keyboard Joysticks
  4240. Kaihua Kailh Switch
  4241. Backspace Key: Key Label's Influence on Key Purpose
  4242. Keyboard Shortcut Tutorial
  4243. Why Are Keyboard Keys Not Aligned Vertically?
  4244. Superhero Keycaps
  4245. Cute Keycaps
  4246. Artistic Keycap Gallery 2
  4247. Modern Selectric Keycaps
  4248. Key Label Printing Tech
  4249. Where to Buy Keycaps
  4250. Keycap Material: ABS, PBT, PVC, POM
  4251. Keyboard Keys
  4252. Kinesis Advantage2 Keyboard
  4253. Keyboard Latency
  4254. Keyboard Layout, Is Inverted Number Row Better?
  4255. Keyboard Layout Design 🔠
  4256. Idiocy of International Keyboard Layouts
  4257. Matias Mini Tactile Pro Keyboard
  4258. Keyboard Monster
  4259. Max Number of Simultaneous Key-Press (N-key Rollover, NKRO, Ghosting)
  4260. Keyboards without Numeric Keypad
  4261. Keyboards Without Numeric Keypad, Under $30
  4262. Keyboard Notation Design Issues
  4263. How to Program Number Keypad as Function Keys
  4264. One Thousand Function Keys
  4265. Optical Key Switch
  4266. Keyboard Page Up/Down Keys
  4267. Keyboard Planet 6
  4268. Keyboard Design Flaws
  4269. Why ZXCV Undo Cut Copy Paste Keys Are Bad?
  4270. Computer Keyboards ⌨
  4271. Keyboard Shortcuts Conflict in Web Browsers and Mac, Windows
  4272. Keyboard Shortcut vs Launch Buttons
  4273. Spinner Keycap
  4274. Keyboard Key Switch Mechanisms
  4275. Keyboard Technology, It's Hack All the Way
  4276. USB Keyboard Scancode Reference
  4277. Keyboard Tenting Cart
  4278. Keyboard Tilt, Tenting, Orientation
  4279. Keyboard Typing Habits, How People Actually Type?
  4280. Keyboards with Volume Wheel
  4281. Alt Graph Key, Compose Key, Dead Key
  4282. Keyboard with Numeric Keypad Sawed Off
  4283. Keyboard with Trackball
  4284. Xah Keyboard Guide
  4285. Keyboard.io Model 1 Prototypes
  4286. Keyboardio Model 1 Gallery
  4287. Computer Keyboards, Year 1999 to 2006
  4288. Apple Keyboard Problems
  4289. The Idiocy of Hacker Keyboards
  4290. Ergonomic Keyboards Size Comparison
  4291. Topre Switch
  4292. Keycap Profiles
  4293. Keyboard Keycaps
  4294. Keychron Keyboard
  4295. Keymacs, Lisp Machine Keyboard
  4296. KeyMouse
  4297. PC-9801 Keypad Trackball
  4298. Keypad and Gamepad
  4299. Keystone Keyboard
  4300. Microsoft Kinect Device
  4301. Kinesis 360 Keyboard
  4302. Kinesis 360, Direct Programing of the Keyboard
  4303. How to Update Kinesis 360 (USB version) SmartSet Engine Firmware
  4304. Kinesis Savant Elite2 Foot Pedal
  4305. Kinesis Freestyle 2 Keyboard
  4306. Kinesis Freestyle Keyboard
  4307. Kinesis Freestyle Pro Keyboard
  4308. Kinesis Freestyle Edge Keyboard
  4309. Kinesis Gaming TKO Keyboard
  4310. Kinesis Advantage Keyboard Gallery
  4311. Kinesis Advantage2 Programing Guide
  4312. Kinesis Laptop
  4313. Kinesis Model 100 (1992)
  4314. Xah Guide on Programing the Kinesis 360 USB
  4315. Kinesis Advantage vs Truly Ergonomic Keyboard
  4316. King's Assembly Mouse Keyboard
  4317. Ergonomic Kneeling Chair
  4318. Knight Keyboard
  4319. AboutVFX Keyboard
  4320. Koolertron Keypad
  4321. Kraft Trackball, 1989
  4322. Kyria Keyboard
  4323. Lalboard
  4324. Laptop, How to Change the Function Keys as F1 to F12?
  4325. Evolution of Laptop Keyboard
  4326. Laptop Keyboards
  4327. Laptop Sticker
  4328. Mouse for Large Hands
  4329. Latest Thinking on Computer-Related Pain by David M Rempel
  4330. Left Handed Mouse
  4331. Leopold FC660C keyboard
  4332. Leopold FC980C Keyboard
  4333. Levetron Mech Gaming Keyboard
  4334. Lily58 keyboard
  4335. Lime40 Keyboard
  4336. Linear Switch Force Comparison
  4337. Linus Tech Tip Chipmunk
  4338. ROCCAT Gaming Mouse with Linux Support
  4339. Linux vs Mac vs Windows, Which is Best for Keybinding?
  4340. Lisp Machine Keyboards ⌨
  4341. LISPM Keyboard
  4342. List of Keylogging Software
  4343. LMI Lambda Keyboard
  4344. lofree dot keyboard
  4345. Lofree OE909 Mouse
  4346. Logitech M570 Trackball (2010)
  4347. Logitech Cordless Optical Trackman trackball
  4348. Logitech Ergo K860 Keyboard
  4349. Logitech G19 Gaming Keyboard
  4350. Logitech G300s Gaming Mouse
  4351. Logitech G410 Atlas Spectrum Keyboard
  4352. Logitech G500 Gaming Mouse
  4353. Logitech G502 Mouse
  4354. Logitech G513 Keyboard
  4355. Logitech G600 Mouse (2012)
  4356. Logitech G602 Mouse
  4357. Logitech G604 Mouse
  4358. Logitech G610 Keyboard
  4359. Logitech G613 Keyboard
  4360. Logitech G703 Wireless Gaming Mouse
  4361. Logitech G710+ Keyboard
  4362. Logitech G810 Keyboard
  4363. Logitech G815/G915 Keyboard
  4364. Logitech G900 Mouse
  4365. Logitech G903 Mouse
  4366. Logitech G910 Keyboard
  4367. Logitech G9X Gaming Mouse
  4368. Logitech G-Hub Sucks
  4369. Logitech Gaming Keyboards
  4370. Logitech Gaming Mouses Review
  4371. Logitech G700s Mouse
  4372. Logitech H390 Headset
  4373. Logitech History
  4374. Logitech Non-Gaming Keyboards
  4375. Logitech M575 Trackball
  4376. Logitech Mouseman, Year 1991
  4377. Logitech MX Ergo Trackball
  4378. Logitech MX Master 3 Mouse (2019)
  4379. Logitech MX Master Mouse (2015)
  4380. Logitech MX Performance Mouse
  4381. Logitech MX Vertical Mouse
  4382. Spaceball Mouse
  4383. Logitech Trackman 1989 Trackball
  4384. Logitech TrackMan Marble FX Trackball
  4385. Logitech Trackman Marble Wheel Optical Trackball
  4386. Logitech Trackman Portable Mouse Trackball
  4387. Logitech Trackman Stationary Mouse
  4388. Logitech TrackMan Vista Trackball
  4389. Logitech Trackman Wheel
  4390. Logitech Wave Keyboard
  4391. Logitech C920 Webcam Review
  4392. Loupedeck Photo Editing Console
  4393. Lubrigante Keyboard (Alice layout)
  4394. Luigi Colani Office Chair, 1970
  4395. Koolertron Keyboard
  4396. LZ Ergo Keyboard
  4397. MacOS Keyboard Viewer History
  4398. Mac: Keyboard and Mouse Config
  4399. Mac Keyboard Shortcuts
  4400. Mac Mini 2014 vs PC 2019
  4401. Mac Screenshot Howto
  4402. Apple Laptop Keyboards ⌨
  4403. MacBook Pro keyboard, Canadian Multilingual Layout
  4404. Macintosh Portable, 1989
  4405. MacMice Trackball
  4406. Mac: Hover Mouse Auto Click
  4407. Mad Catz RAT 5 Gaming Mouse
  4408. Retro Keycaps
  4409. Majestouch MINILA
  4410. Maltron vs Dvorak keyboard Layout
  4411. MantisTek Keyboard Privacy Breach
  4412. Manus Keyboard
  4413. Marquardt Butterfly Keyboard
  4414. Marquardt Mini-Ergo keyboard
  4415. Design of Math Symbols Input System
  4416. Matias Ergo Pro Keyboard
  4417. Falcon-20 Programmable Keypad
  4418. Optimus Maximus keyboard
  4419. MCM Model 70 Microcomputer (1972)
  4420. Keyboard Key Switch Loudness Comparison
  4421. Memory Form Mattress Mold
  4422. Keyboard Menu Key
  4423. History of Meta Key
  4424. Michela Chorded Keyboard
  4425. Buying Microphone
  4426. Microsoft BallPoint mouse, 1991
  4427. Microsoft Intellimouse
  4428. Microsoft Digital Media Keyboard 3000 (2008)
  4429. Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard 2019
  4430. Microsoft IntelliMouse TrackBall
  4431. Microsoft Keyboards ⌨
  4432. Microsoft PS/2 Mouse, Year 1991
  4433. Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Mouse 6000
  4434. Microsoft Sidewinder X3 Mouse
  4435. Microsoft SideWinder X8 Mouse
  4436. Microsoft Surface Book Keyboard
  4437. Microsoft Surface Tablet Charger
  4438. Microsoft Trackball Explorer
  4439. Microsoft TrackBall Optical
  4440. Microsoft Universal Foldable Keyboard
  4441. mid layout solution to firmware layout vs operating system layout problem
  4442. Buying MIDI Keyboard
  4443. Misc Nerd Gadget
  4444. Misc Keyboards
  4445. Misc Trackballs
  4446. Mitosis Keyboard
  4447. Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070sb Display
  4448. MMO Mouse 🖱
  4449. Modern Model F Keyboard (2020)
  4450. Modern M0110 keyboard (DIY)
  4451. Keyboard Shortcut Notations
  4452. Modifier Keys Usage Frequency
  4453. Molecule Keyboard
  4454. Moonlander Keyboard
  4455. Moonrim Keyboard
  4456. moroe diy fx trackball
  4457. What is the Most Efficient Keyboard Layout?
  4458. Mouse with 2 Scroll Wheels and Thumb Wheel
  4459. What is Mouse DPI? Does DPI Matter?
  4460. How to Avoid Mouse Hand Pain
  4461. Mouse History 🖱
  4462. Mouse Reviews 🖱
  4463. Optical Mouse vs Laser Mouse
  4464. Mouse Pad for Bed
  4465. What is Mouse Polling Rate
  4466. Mouse Size Comparisons
  4467. Mouse Wheel: Smooth Scroll vs Notched Scroll
  4468. Mouse vs Keyboard: Is Mouse Bad for Programer?
  4469. Mouse Weight Comparison
  4470. Why a Mouse Wheel is Better Than 2 Buttons
  4471. Mouse with Mechanical Key Switch
  4472. Mouse with Spin Wheel
  4473. Microsoft Keyboard: How to Disable the F Lock Key
  4474. Microsoft IntelliType Review
  4475. Microsoft IntelliType commands.xml File
  4476. Microsoft IntelliType Common Questions
  4477. Microsoft IntelliType Hacks
  4478. Microsoft IntelliType Macros
  4479. Microsoft IntelliType Registry
  4480. Microsoft Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000
  4481. Fix Defective Keys in Comfort Curve Keyboard
  4482. Microsoft Wireless Natural Multimedia keyboard (2004)
  4483. Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 (2005)
  4484. Microsoft SideWinder Mouse Series
  4485. Microsoft Touch Mouse
  4486. Microsoft Visual Studio Function Key Shortcuts
  4487. MSI Vigor GK30 keyboard
  4488. MSX Home Computer
  4489. Speed Typing on Multiple Layouts (QWERTY, Dvorak, Colemak)
  4490. Dual-Function Keys (Home Row Mods)
  4491. Multilingual Layouts
  4492. Keybinding Design: Muscle Memory vs Mnemonics
  4493. Myth of QWERTY vs Dvorak Layout
  4494. Naive Keyboard
  4495. Nakabayashi Digio Trackball
  4496. Navy Wants Knobs and Sliders, No Touchscreen
  4497. NEC APC-H412 Keyboard
  4498. NEC Ergofit Keyboard
  4499. NEC 文豪 Mini7, 1985
  4500. NEC 文豪 Mini7RM, 1992
  4501. NEC M-System Keyboard 1990
  4502. NEC PC-9801 Keyboard, 1992
  4503. NEC PC-8801-KI Keyboard (1983)
  4504. NEC PC8001
  4505. NEC PC9800 Series Keyboard
  4506. NEO Layout (Year 2004)
  4507. SNK NeoGeo arcade system, stripper ad
  4508. nerd toys
  4509. Nintendo Switch Keyboard
  4510. nixie clock keyboard
  4511. Niz Switch
  4512. Northgate Omnikey Evolution Ergonomic Keyboard
  4513. Norway Keyboard Layout
  4514. Novation LaunchPad
  4515. Nulea M501 Trackball
  4516. Nulea M505 Trackball
  4517. Nyquist Keyboard
  4518. Obsolete Keypads
  4519. Obsolete Mouse 🖱
  4520. Obsolete Trackballs, Misc
  4521. Octopus Girl
  4522. Best Office Chair
  4523. Old Keyboard Key Switches
  4524. On An Island with Just One Mouse
  4525. OrbiTouch keyless keyboard
  4526. Orthodox Keyboard
  4527. Orthovia Ortho Mouse
  4528. Efficiency: Mouse vs Trackpad vs Touchpad vs Joystick vs Pen Input
  4529. Mac: Create Custom Keyboard Layout
  4530. Mac OS X Keybinding Action Code
  4531. Mac OS X Keybinding Key Syntax
  4532. Mac OS X: Keybinding DefaultKeyBinding.dict Problems
  4533. Mac Keyboard Viewer
  4534. Mac: Swap CapsLock Control Option Command Keys
  4535. Mac: How to Switch to Dvorak Keyboard Layout
  4536. otium bluetooth headphones
  4537. Outemu Optical Switch
  4538. Own the Couch Keyboard
  4539. parrot picking keys
  4540. Keyboard Modifier Keys, Short Survey
  4541. PC Reveal keyboard
  4542. Pen Input Devices
  4543. Xah Lee Pen Spinning
  4544. Drawing Tablet
  4545. PERIBOARD-322 Keyboard with Trackball
  4546. Perixx Periduo-406 Keyboard
  4547. Perixx PERIMICE 720 Trackball
  4548. Perixx PERIMICE 717 Trackball
  4549. Perixx PERIPRO-506/706 Trackball
  4550. Photoshop Keycaps
  4551. Keyboard Hardware Dvorak vs Software Dvorak
  4552. Using Piano to Type Text
  4553. Picasa and Picasa Picture Viewer Keyboard Shortcut Keys
  4554. Planck Keyboard
  4555. PLATO IV keyboard, 1972
  4556. Ploopy Trackball
  4557. Plover, Steno with Computer Keyboard
  4558. Plum Keyboard
  4559. Point of Sale KSI Keyboard
  4560. Point Perfect Trackball
  4561. Programable Keyboards with Onboard Memory
  4562. Programable Keypad
  4563. Bad Keyboard Advice from Programers
  4564. Promethium51 Keyboard
  4565. Proper Sitting Posture
  4566. ProtoArc Ergonomic Keyboard
  4567. ProtoArc Trackball EM01
  4568. Protoarc XK03 Folding Keyboard
  4569. Print Screen Key for Screen Capture
  4570. Portuguese Ergonomic Keyboard Layout: pt-Nativo
  4571. QMK Configurator Tutorial
  4572. Qtronix/iOne Trackball
  4573. QWERKYWRITER Keyboard
  4574. QWERTY Layout
  4575. Qwerty to Dvorak, A PhD thesis, 1978
  4576. QWERTZ Layout
  4577. qwpr Keyboard Layout
  4578. Racal-Norsk KPS-10 Lisp Keyboard
  4579. Razer BlackWidow Keyboard
  4580. How Razer Keyboards Suck
  4581. Razer Light Strike Libra Optical Switch
  4582. Razer Naga Epic Mouse (2010)
  4583. Razer Naga Mouse (2009)
  4584. Razer Nostromo Gaming Keypad
  4585. Razer Orbweaver Keypad
  4586. Razer Tartarus Gaming Keypad
  4587. Realforce Keyboard
  4588. Redragon Perdition Mouse 红龙 灭世 鼠标
  4589. Redox Keyboard
  4590. Keybinding Design, Fast-Repeat Commands
  4591. RetroArcade.us Trackball
  4592. REvolve Controller
  4593. Rheinmetall Portable Ergonomic Typewriter
  4594. Ripster in Real Life
  4595. ROCCAT Kone Mouse
  4596. ROCCAT Leadr Mouse
  4597. ROCCAT NYTH Mouse (2015)
  4598. Roccat Titan Switch
  4599. ROCCAT Tyon Mouse
  4600. Roccat Vulcan Keyboard
  4601. Romer-G Switch
  4602. Royal Bar-Lock Typewriter
  4603. Hand Exercise Toys for Repetitive Strain Injury
  4604. RSTHD Keyboard Layout, 2016
  4605. RSTLNE layout
  4606. Rubber Dome Key Switch
  4607. Russian DIY Keyboards
  4608. Russian Keyboard Layout
  4609. Russian Keyboards
  4610. Russian Keyboard Layout and Programing
  4611. Russian Letter Frequency
  4612. SafeType keyboard
  4613. Stanford AI Lab (SAIL) keyboard
  4614. SAIL Keycaps
  4615. Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G
  4616. Sanwa Trackball MA-TB38BK
  4617. Sanwa Wireless Trackball MA-WTB43BK
  4618. Sanwa Trackball MA-TB39
  4619. SANYO Medicom MC-KM5600B keyboard
  4620. Keyboard Scissor Switch
  4621. Scythe Ergo Diver Keyboard
  4622. Crackpot Theory of Speed Typer Sean Wrona
  4623. Semicolon vs Apostrophe Frequency in Computer Languages
  4624. Sennheiser EH 350 Headphone
  4625. How to Set Key to Switch to Browser
  4626. San Francisco Keyboard Meetup 2017
  4627. San Francisco Bay Area Mechanical Keyboard Meetup 2018-11-10 notes
  4628. SHARP MZ-700 PC, Year 1982
  4629. Shinobi TEX Keyboard
  4630. Signum keyboard
  4631. SilverBullet44 Keyboard
  4632. Smartfish Technologies K2418B ErgoMotion Keyboard
  4633. Smith-Corona Ultrasonic I Plus Typewriter
  4634. Smith Corona VTX 100
  4635. Smith Premier Typewriter
  4636. Why Programable Keyboards Are Better Than Software Key Remap
  4637. Steam Punk Keyboard
  4638. Sonder Keyboard
  4639. sony bke-2011 keyboard
  4640. Sony Digital Paper
  4641. Sony Video Editing Console
  4642. Keyboard Design for the LISP Machine
  4643. Space Cadet Keyboard
  4644. Should You Type Space After Comma?
  4645. Space Cadet Keycaps
  4646. The Space Key
  4647. Spanish Keyboard Layouts
  4648. Spedal Webcam MF934H
  4649. Keyboard and Typing Speed
  4650. 2-Piece Split Keyboards
  4651. Keyboard Layout, Stagger vs Angled Grid
  4652. Valve Steam Controller
  4653. SteelSeries Apex Pro Keyboard
  4654. SteelSeries Sensei Gaming Mouse
  4655. Stenotype Machine
  4656. Sticky Keys
  4657. Stingrey Trackball
  4658. Active Stylus vs Inactive Stylus
  4659. Sun Microsystem Mouse, 1985
  4660. Sun Microsystems Type 6 Keyboard
  4661. Super 57X Keyboard
  4662. Super Monkey Ball
  4663. Microsoft Surface Book
  4664. Microsoft Surface Dial
  4665. Microsoft Surface Pro 4, 2015
  4666. Svalboard (new Datahand)
  4667. Sweet Dreams Keyboard
  4668. Swiftpoint Z Gaming Mouse
  4669. Symbolics Keyboard PN 364000
  4670. Symbolics keyboard PN 365407
  4671. Symbolics keyboard PN 365407 Rev C
  4672. Symbolics Space Cadet Keyboard
  4673. T-34 Layout (2021)
  4674. Tactile Bump Stickers
  4675. Tactile vs Clicky vs Linear
  4676. Tahion Keyboard
  4677. Tangent Ripple Grading Panel
  4678. Teletype 5620 DMD, Blit (1984)
  4679. Teletype Optical Switch Keyboard
  4680. Thinkpad Keyboard
  4681. Tiny Spacebar
  4682. TinyMod Steno Keyboard
  4683. Tipy Keyboard
  4684. Tokyo Keyboard Meetup 2019-11-30
  4685. Tony Aldon Keyboard Layout
  4686. The Top Key
  4687. Toshiba T4700CT laptop
  4688. Touch-Typing, a Relic of Keyboard Design?
  4689. Touch Screen Pen (Non-Active Stylus)
  4690. Problem with Touchscreen User Interface
  4691. Does Touch Typing Cause Repetitive Strain Injury
  4692. tourbox input
  4693. TP-Link AC1750 WiFi 5 Router
  4694. Best Trackballs, Xah Pick
  4695. Logitech Trackman Marble (2004)
  4696. Trackball Ball Replacement
  4697. Trackball Controller 🖲
  4698. Trackball Controller Xbox 360
  4699. Old Trackballs
  4700. Trackball History 🖲
  4701. Trackballs Review 🖲
  4702. Marble Madness
  4703. Trackball Roller Plus
  4704. Trackball Size Comparison
  4705. Trackballs That Can Spin
  4706. Trackball vs Mouse, How to Choose Trackball
  4707. Trackbar (roller) Mouse
  4708. Trackpoint
  4709. Tractyl Keyboard
  4710. Tribology DIY Trackball
  4711. TRS-80 keyboard
  4712. Cleave Keyboard
  4713. Turkish Keyboard Layout
  4714. How Do French People Type Accented Characters?
  4715. Typewriters
  4716. Typewriter Spacebar History
  4717. Typing Braille
  4718. Typing of the Dead
  4719. Typing Habits, Repetitive Strain Injury ⌨
  4720. Typing Tutorial, Speed Test, Typing Games
  4721. μTRON Keyboard
  4722. Ultimate Hacking Keyboard, Addon Modules
  4723. Keyboard Light, Light Color by Functional Category
  4724. Ultimate Hacking Keyboard V2
  4725. UK Keyboard Layout
  4726. Ultimate Hacking Keyboard
  4727. ultrasound trackball
  4728. Univac F-1355-00 Keyboard, 1971
  4729. USB (Universal Serial Bus)
  4730. USB-C is Bad
  4731. USB Hub and Cables
  4732. USB Speakers
  4733. Soviet Capacitive Buckling Spring Keyboard
  4734. UtechSmart Venus Gaming Mouse
  4735. Valve Steam Trackball Controller
  4736. Varmilo EC Switch
  4737. VAXstation
  4738. Versakey Keyboard
  4739. Vertical Gaming Mouse
  4740. vi, Emacs, Keybinding Design
  4741. Arrow Keys Arrangement Efficiency: vim HJKL vs IJKL
  4742. Design of vim Mode Activation Key
  4743. VicTsing Pioneer Mouse
  4744. Best Video Camera for Livestream
  4745. Image/Video Editing Input Device
  4746. Voice Input for Programing (Year 2019)
  4747. Vortexgear Race 3 Keyboard
  4748. Vortexgear Cypher Keyboard
  4749. DEC VT100 Terminal
  4750. DEC VT220 Terminal, LK201 Keyboard
  4751. DEC VT52 Terminal
  4752. Wacom Smart Scroll SS-200
  4753. Wacom Tablet Spy on You
  4754. Gamers WASD Keys History
  4755. Water Resistant Mechanical Keyboard
  4756. WEY Multifunctional Keyboard MK06
  4757. How to Choose a Mouse
  4758. What is Touch Typing
  4759. Why Programable Keypad
  4760. Why Swap Mouse Right Button and Middle Button
  4761. Why You Need 10 Buttons Mouse
  4762. wico trackball
  4763. Wireless Mouse/Keyboard Security
  4764. Wooden Keyboard
  4765. Wooting Keyboard
  4766. Word Per Minute in Speed Typing
  4767. Wordperfect Keyboard Shortcuts Strip
  4768. Worn Keyboards
  4769. Worst Apple Designs
  4770. X-keys Programmable Keypads
  4771. layout draw
  4772. Xah Favorite Key Switch
  4773. Xah Function Keys Map
  4774. Xah's Gaming Machine, 2021
  4775. Xah Fly Keys Layout for Gergo keyboard
  4776. Xah Keyboard Search 🔍
  4777. Xah Keyboard Testimonials
  4778. Xah Talk Show on Keyboard (videos)
  4779. Xah Battle Station
  4780. MacBook Air M1 (2021)
  4781. Xah's Monitor, 2008
  4782. Xah's Monitor, 2014
  4783. Xah No Chord Keyboard
  4784. Xah Shorthand System (Abbrev Input)
  4785. X-Bows Keyboard
  4786. X-Bows Keyboard Unboxing
  4787. X-Bows Knight Keyboard photos
  4788. X-Bows Knight Keyboard
  4789. X-Bows Knight Plus Keyboard
  4790. X-Bows Tablet Keyboard
  4791. Xerox 1108/1109 Lisp Keyboard
  4792. XMIT Keyboard
  4793. Yowkees Keyboard
  4794. Zalman Turtle Mouse
  4795. Keyboard Evolution: Zoom Button, Dedicated Keys
  4796. Computer Language Popularity, 1997 to 2006
  4797. Computer Language Websites Popularity, Year 2008
  4798. How to Install Linux on VirtualBox
  4799. VirtualBox: Extend Linux Disk Space
  4800. Testing Server Performance Using Apache Benchmark Tool
  4801. Apache HTTP Server Tutorial
  4802. Linux: Bash Manual in Chapters
  4803. Bash Init, .bashrc .profile .bash_profile
  4804. Linux: Bash Keys
  4805. Linux: Bash Prompt Setup
  4806. Bash: Write to History Log
  4807. Computer Network Tutorial
  4808. Convert Your code.google.com Project from svn to git
  4809. Linux: curl (Download Web Page)
  4810. Git: Fix Detached Head
  4811. Git Basics
  4812. Git: Add Files
  4813. Git Archive; Zip Git Repo Without .git
  4814. git blame (find changes in log)
  4815. Git Branching
  4816. Git: Delete Untracked Files
  4817. Git: Clone/Copy a Project
  4818. Git: Commit Files
  4819. Git: Commit ID
  4820. Git: Config
  4821. Git: Create Project
  4822. Git: Show Difference Between Files
  4823. Linux: Use Git Diff as Diff Replacement
  4824. Git: Frequently Asked Questions
  4825. Git: Fix Last Commit Message
  4826. Git: Force a Pull
  4827. Git: What's HEAD
  4828. git help
  4829. Git: View History/Log
  4830. Git: Using git on Google Code
  4831. Git: Setting Up git on bitbucket
  4832. Git: Setting up git on GitCafe
  4833. Git: Setting Up Git on GitHub
  4834. Git: Ignore File
  4835. Practical git in 1 Hour
  4836. Git: Install Git
  4837. Git: Config Line-Ending for Windows
  4838. Git: Pull from Server (Get Update)
  4839. Git: Push to Server
  4840. Git: Associate a Name with a URL
  4841. Git: Delete a File
  4842. Git: Revert to Old Version
  4843. Git: Setup Name and Email
  4844. Git: Save Working Tree in a Temp Storage: git stash
  4845. Git: Undo Add File
  4846. Git: Undo Commit
  4847. GPG Tutorial
  4848. How to Stop Xfce from Loading Last Session
  4849. HTTP Protocol Tutorial
  4850. HTTP Status Code
  4851. Public-Key Cryptography for Beginner
  4852. Is Linux Usable?
  4853. Job Interview Questions for Senior Linux Sys Admins
  4854. Linux: Ctrl+s Freeze vim
  4855. Linux: Accelerated Scroll and AutoScroll
  4856. Linux Desktop Comparisons (X11, CDE, KDE, Gnome, Unity, Xfce, etc)
  4857. Linux: Add Keyboard Shortcut to Switch App
  4858. Linux: Fix Audio Problem, PulseAudio
  4859. Linux: awk
  4860. Linux: Make CapsLock Do Home Key
  4861. Linux: Chinese Input Setup
  4862. How to Calibrate Display/Monitor Color
  4863. Linux: Update Software by Command Line
  4864. Linux: Command to Shutdown / Restart / Sleep
  4865. Linux: Change Volume by Command
  4866. Linux: Sort Lines
  4867. Linux: GUI Apps Command Names
  4868. Linux: Basic Shell Commands
  4869. Linux: Convert File Encoding with iconv
  4870. Linux: Copy File
  4871. Linux: Count Line, Word, Char
  4872. Linux: Create New Dir
  4873. Linux: Create tar zip gzip bzip2 xz zip 7z rar
  4874. Linux: Delete File/Dir
  4875. Linux: Desktop GUI/Icon Locations
  4876. Is Linux Desktop Ready for Mom and Pop?
  4877. Linux: diff, Compare Files
  4878. Linux: Show Difference Between Directories
  4879. Linux: How to Set Different Layouts for 2 Keyboards
  4880. Linux: Disable Ubuntu Crash Report
  4881. Linux: LXDE/OpenBox, Disable Mouse Scroll Wheel Hide Window
  4882. Linux: Disable Number Lock Key
  4883. Linux: Make Scrollbar Always Visible
  4884. Linux: Disk Size
  4885. Command to Download YouTube Video
  4886. Linux: Show Directory Size: du
  4887. Linux: Edit File
  4888. Linux Idiocy: Eject USB Drive Warning
  4889. Linux: feh Image Viewer Keyboard Shortcuts
  4890. Linux: List Files
  4891. Linux: File Permission System
  4892. How Find Xfce Version?
  4893. Firefox: Set Mouse Autoscroll, Linux
  4894. Linux: Default Fonts
  4895. Linux: Show Free Memory
  4896. Linux: grep
  4897. Linux: Shell Commands for GUI Apps
  4898. Linux: Extract tar zip gzip lzip bzip2 xz rar
  4899. Linux: Head, Tail
  4900. Linux: Image Viewers
  4901. Linux by Command Line
  4902. Linux Misc Tutorials
  4903. Linux: Get System Info
  4904. Linux: How to Install Font, List Fonts
  4905. Linux: How to Switch to LXDE, Xfce
  4906. Linux: How to Get Wireless to Work
  4907. Linux: Firewall, iptables Tutorial
  4908. Linux: Job Control
  4909. Linux: Keybinding Tutorial
  4910. Linux Keyboard Software
  4911. Linux: Keyboard Software Guide
  4912. Linux: Search/Find Command
  4913. Linux: Record Terminal Session, Log Shell Output
  4914. Linux: Show Opened Files, lsof
  4915. Linux: LXDE/Openbox, Change Keyboard Shortcuts
  4916. Linux: LXDE Set Key Repeat Rate
  4917. Linux: LXDE Keyboard Shortcuts
  4918. Linux: Command Help, Man Page
  4919. Linux: Man Page Keys
  4920. Linux: Man Page Obsolete by --help
  4921. Linux: Monitor Processes: top
  4922. Linux: Monitor Processes, htop
  4923. Linux: Mouse Hover-Click
  4924. Linux: Set Mouse Single-Click to Open File
  4925. Linux: Set Trackball/Mouse Do Scroll
  4926. Linux: Move / Rename, File / Dir
  4927. Linux: Music Players
  4928. Linux: Navigate Directory
  4929. Linux: What's Netfilter, iptables, Their Differences?
  4930. Google Says: Put Your Password Plainly in a File: Linux .netrc
  4931. Linux: Networking Commands
  4932. Linux: Create New File
  4933. random Linux notes 2012-04-18
  4934. random Linux notes 2012-04-28
  4935. random Linux notes 2012-04-11
  4936. Linux: How to Install/Remove Packages
  4937. Linux Pain: Google Chrome Korean Font Scrunched Up
  4938. Linux: Annoying Postfix Install Popup
  4939. Linux Problem: wmctrl, Documentation
  4940. Linux: Manage Processes, ps, kill
  4941. Linux: PulseAudio Control Panel Command Line
  4942. Linux Idiocies Collection
  4943. Linux: Reset Terminal, Clear Screen History
  4944. Linux: How to Restart X11
  4945. Linux: rsync Tutorial
  4946. Linux: Ruby Rails sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev Install Error
  4947. Linux: What is Scancode, Keycode, Keysym
  4948. Linux: Set F2 F3 F4 to Cut Copy Paste
  4949. Linux: Set Default App
  4950. Linux: Set Key Repeat Rate
  4951. Linux: Set Mouse Speed
  4952. Linux: Set System Keyboard Layout
  4953. Linux: Walk Dir: find, xargs
  4954. Linux: Text Processing: grep, cat, awk, uniq
  4955. Linux: Setup Shift Lock Key
  4956. Linux: Show File Type
  4957. Linux: Find Keyboard Key Scancode
  4958. Linux: X11 Keyboard Key Names
  4959. Linux: Swap CapsLock Escape Keys
  4960. Linux: Swap Control Alt Keys
  4961. Linux: Swap Mouse Buttons
  4962. Linux: How to Switch to Dvorak Keyboard Layout
  4963. Linux: Sync X11 Primary Selection and Clipboard
  4964. Linux: Terminal Control Sequence Keys
  4965. Linux: Move File to Trash by Command
  4966. Ubuntu Linux Install Error: “'grub-install /dev/sdb' failed”
  4967. Linux: What's Zeitgeist, How to Uninstall It
  4968. Linux: uniq, Remove Duplicate Lines
  4969. Linux: How to Upgrade Xfce
  4970. How to Check If Linux Machine Supports USB 3.0?
  4971. Linux: Users and Groups
  4972. Linux: View Directory as Tree
  4973. Linux: Show File Content
  4974. Linux: Virtual Terminal
  4975. Linux: Anti-Virus Software
  4976. Linux: X11 Mouse Button Numbering
  4977. Linux: xbindkeys Tutorial
  4978. User Interface Design Criterions
  4979. Linux: Xfce Keyboard Shortcuts
  4980. Linux: xkb Tutorial
  4981. Linux: xmodmap: Set F13 F14 F15 Keys
  4982. Linux: xmodmap: Set F2 F3 F4 to XF86Cut, XF86Copy, XF86Paste
  4983. Linux: xmodmap: Swap 1 ↔ 8, 2 ↔ 7
  4984. Linux: xmodmap Tutorial
  4985. Linux: xterm Font Size, Copy Paste
  4986. Linux: xvkbd tutorial
  4987. Linux: Mouse Hover to Raise Window
  4988. Linux: MySQL Basics
  4989. nginx Tutorial
  4990. Retro-Put Backup Directories to git as Historical Commits
  4991. Linux: Bash Color Prompt
  4992. How to Diagnose Computer Networking Problems
  4993. TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner
  4994. Linux: Terminal Keybinding
  4995. Linux: tmux Tutorial
  4996. Ubuntu 16.04 Install Google Chrome or Third Party .deb File
  4997. Ubuntu Unity Graphical User Interface
  4998. Linux: BASH Shell Misc Tips
  4999. Unix Shell Shebang Hack #!
  5000. Linux: wget (Download Web Page)
  5001. Why Tiling Window Manager Sucks (xmonad, ratpoison, dwm, etc)
  5002. Xah Linux Setup
  5003. Linux: xmonad Keybinding
  5004. Linux: zsh Prompt Setup
  5005. Microsoft Windows Logo history
  5006. Bash Logo
  5007. F Sharp Logo Sucks
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  5014. History of Python Logo
  5015. Mac Tips
  5016. Mathematical Simulation Ideas
  5017. John Walker, Macromedia Flash, Fischer Random Chess
  5018. Mathematician, Alexander Grothendieck = Obi-Wan
  5019. Mathematician Grigori Perelman, Decline 1 Million Prize
  5020. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms by David J C MacKay
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  5027. Robby Villegas Died (1968 to 2010)
  5028. Ruled Surface, Mathematica Notes
  5029. Schmidt Arrangement, Algebra Integer, Gaussian Integer, Eisenstein Integer, Modular Group
  5030. Math Politics: Simon Plouffe and nth Digit Formula of π
  5031. Truchet tiles
  5032. Algebra Notes
  5033. Abuse of Math Notation
  5034. Math, Algebra: on the Phraseology of X Over K, and What's Group Theory?
  5035. ALGEBRAIC CURVES, An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry, 2008, William Fulton
  5036. Algorithmic Mathematical Art
  5037. Analysis Notes
  5038. Analysis on Manifolds, 1991, by J R Munkres
  5039. Autostereogram
  5040. Bejeweled Blitz Strategy as Math
  5041. Bill Gosper (Mathematician)
  5042. Bird Flight V Formation as Geometry Problem of Max Visual Contact
  5043. Xah Math Blog
  5044. Xah Math Blog Archive
  5045. Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01
  5046. Xah Math Blog Archive 2011-01
  5047. Xah Math Blog Archive 2012-05
  5048. Xah Math Blog Archive 2013-01
  5049. Xah Math Blog Archive 2014-01
  5050. Xah Math Blog Archive 2015-01
  5051. Xah Math Blog Archive 2016-01
  5052. Xah Math Blog Archive 2017-01
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  5054. bookmarks math
  5055. Knit Brain Hat
  5056. Best Graphing Calculator
  5057. APEX Calculus by Gregory Hartman et al
  5058. Calculus, by Jim Fowler, Bart Snapp
  5059. Calculus Volume 1. OpenStax project
  5060. Cannon-Thurston Maps
  5061. Casio fx-300W Calculator
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  5063. Category Theory, by Tom Leinster
  5064. cauchy sequence defines calculus and complete metric space
  5065. Cellular Automata
  5066. Cleo Integrals in the Math StackExchange
  5067. Combinatorial Exploration of Algebraic structures
  5068. Combinatorics, Algorithm, and Humanity
  5069. Combinators
  5070. Complex Analysis Notes
  5071. The Geometric Significance of Complex Conjugate
  5072. Computable Number
  5073. Constructible Number
  5074. Continued Fraction
  5075. Dead Reckoning in a Non-Orientable 3D Space
  5076. Geometric Pattern on Sphere and Torus
  5077. Differential Geometry
  5078. Differential Geometry notes
  5079. What is Difference Set of a Group
  5080. A Modern Course on Curves and Surfaces, 2003, by Richard S Palais
  5081. Lecture Note on Curves and Surfaces, 2003, Chuu-Lian Terng
  5082. Lecture Note on Curves and Surfaces, 2005, Chuu-Lian Terng
  5083. Tools to Display Math on Web
  5084. Would You Missout a Lot in Math If You Don't Know Physics?
  5085. Doyle Spiral and Mobius Transformation
  5086. What is the Nature of Eigenvector?
  5087. elliptic integral
  5088. Truly Amazing Euler, Greatest Mathematician. A Intro.
  5089. Math Mysticism: is Hurricane Shape a Fibonaci Spiral?
  5090. Math: Fibonaci Sequence Video Fallacy 📺
  5091. Foundation of Math, by Stephen G Simpson
  5092. Math Art: Fractal Gears Clockwork
  5093. logic. free variable
  5094. What is Function, What is Operator?
  5095. Functional Geometry, 2013, Sussman, Wisdom, Farr
  5096. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  5097. Conway's Game of Life
  5098. Why Are Scores in Video Games Mega Huge?
  5099. Geometry, Gauss Map
  5100. Geometer's Sketchpad Closed Shop?
  5101. Geometric Dissection, Mechanical Iris, Expandable Table Furniture 📺
  5102. Geometric Inversion, WolframLang Code
  5103. Geometric Inversion, 2D Grid
  5104. Geometric Inversion, 2D Grid, Polygon
  5105. Geometric Inversion, 2D Tiles
  5106. Geometric Inversion, 3D Cubes
  5107. Geometric Inversion, 3D Tubes
  5108. Curves and Surfaces by Chuu-Lian Terng
  5109. Euler Angles Can Cause Gimbal Lock, But Not Quaternions
  5110. Go Board Game on Hexagonal and Triangular Grids
  5111. AI: AlphaGo vs Go Champion Ke Jie (2017)
  5112. Google AI AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol (2016-03)
  5113. Go Game Ranking System
  5114. Math: Counting Intersections in Honeycomb
  5115. Graph Theory Book
  5116. Group Theory Notes
  5117. Groups: A Path to Geometry
  5118. Groups and Their Graphs by Israel Grossman and Wilhelm Magnus
  5119. What is a Year? Why Not Just 100 Days?
  5120. HP48 Graphing Calculator Manual
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  5123. Stanford University Computer Science Courses — Review
  5124. Introduction to Proof Theory, 1998, by Samuel R Buss
  5125. Journey Through Genius by William Dunham
  5126. Review of Khan Academy by Xah Lee
  5127. Klein Bottle Checker Board Paradox
  5128. Knot Theory
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  5137. Linear Algebra Notes
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  5152. Xah Math
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  5155. Mathematical Logic, Learning Notes
  5156. Mathematical Logic, by Stephen G Simpson
  5157. Mathematician Pierre Fatou
  5158. Mathematician Pierre Wantzel
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  5162. Mathematician John Baez
  5163. Mathematicians Interview
  5164. Module (Algebra)
  5165. On the Nomenclature of Eigenvector and the Igon Value Problem
  5166. the Nature of Associative Property of Algebra
  5167. the Nature of Linear Transformation
  5168. Nested Circles Inversion
  5169. Neural Network Tutorial
  5170. Reading Notes on Nicolas Bourbaki
  5171. A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra, by Victor Shoup
  5172. Elementary Number Theory by W Edwin Clark
  5173. Polyhedra Sculptures
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  5175. Geometry: How to Order the Edges of a Cube?
  5176. Paper Folding Boats
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  5178. parametric cartoon curve
  5179. Penrose Tiling Deformation
  5180. Plants vs Zombie; Thoughts on Strategy and Game Formulation
  5181. Point Group, Symmetry Group, Lattice
  5182. Polyhedra Chocolate
  5183. Principia Mathematica
  5184. logic. principle of explosion
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  5186. Projective Illusion
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  5192. Extending the Euclidean Plane: Riemann Sphere and Real Projective Plane
  5193. Riemann Zeta Function
  5194. Roller Coaster Calculus
  5195. Russell Towle Died (1949 to 2008)
  5196. Schlafli Notation
  5197. Reading Notes on “The Shape of Space”
  5198. The Significance of Complex Numbers: Frobenius Theorem
  5199. Skew Dice But Fair
  5200. smooth map
  5201. Geometry: Ellipses, Linkages, and Solids of Constant Width
  5202. Space-Filling Curve
  5203. splitting field
  5204. Statistics Tutorial
  5205. Stereographic Projection 3D-Printed Physical Model
  5206. The Story of SageMath
  5207. Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics
  5208. geometry: symmetry of symmetry, problem within problem
  5209. Teacup Recursion
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  5211. The Logical Levels of Interpretation
  5212. Theory Of Equations
  5213. Tilings and Patterns Book
  5214. Fun Math Books
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  5216. Topology from the Differential Point of View, 1965, John W Milnor
  5217. Intro to Point-Set Topology by Allen Hatcher
  5218. Intro to Topology by Renzo
  5219. Topology Notes
  5220. topology of figure 8 on a stick
  5221. Topos Theory, Stephen Wolfram and Jonathan Gorard
  5222. Toroidal Earth Map
  5223. Math: TRON Light Cycle Optimal Strategy
  5224. Turing Machine
  5225. Mathematician: Yitang Zhang, Twin Prime Conjecture Breakthru
  5226. type theory
  5227. Math Typesetting, Mathematica, MathML
  5228. Understanding Complex Numbers
  5229. uniform honeycomb
  5230. A Course In Universal Algebra, Burris, Sankappanavar
  5231. Neural Network and The Universal Approximation Theorem
  5232. Universe and Determinism
  5233. Vector Space, Inner Product Space
  5234. Visual Complex Analysis by Tristan Needham
  5235. Visual Illusions
  5236. Vladimir Voevodsky, How I became interested in foundations of mathematics
  5237. Voting Systems: Why Winner Isn't Liked by Majority
  5238. Wang Tiles, and Video of Hao Wang
  5239. What is Quadratic Form in Math?
  5240. What is Riemann Surface? Understanding the Concept Without Math
  5241. Why Are Textbook So Expensive?
  5242. Stephen Wolfram on the Story of Math
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  5250. Great Software for Dynamical Systems
  5251. Great Fractal Software
  5252. Great Math Board Game Software
  5253. Math Software for Programers
  5254. Software to Visualize 3D Geometry
  5255. Great Software For 2D Visualization of Geometry
  5256. Hyperbolic Geometry Software
  5257. Klotski Puzzle
  5258. L-System (Lindenmayer system), IFS (Iterated function system)
  5259. Magic Polyhedrons
  5260. Math Software: Curves and Surfaces
  5261. Great Math Software
  5262. Old Math Software
  5263. Peg Solitaire
  5264. Great Software for Plane Geometry
  5265. Polymino Puzzles
  5266. Great Math Software: Polyhedrons and Polytopes
  5267. Great Math Puzzles
  5268. Sokoban
  5269. Tile Puzzles
  5270. Great software for Tilings, Patterns, Symmetry
  5271. Graphing Software for Microsoft Windows
  5272. Barefeet in Office
  5273. Azeron Cyro Mouse
  5274. Windows: How to Remove “Antivirus Action” Malware
  5275. BFG NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT Spec
  5276. Firefox: How to Add/Change Keyboard Shortcuts
  5277. Firefox: Set Mouse Wheel Scroll Speed
  5278. Firefox: Set Backspace Key to Go Back To Previous Page
  5279. Moving Button UI Problem
  5280. Google Earth Mouse Navigation and Keys
  5281. Windows Firewall Error code 0x80070424; How to Fix
  5282. Windows: Registry Tutorial
  5283. Microsoft Windows Update Fail KB2691905
  5284. A Tale of PC Problems; Strange Microphone Noise
  5285. Turning off Windows7 Auto Snap Feature (Aero Snap)
  5286. Windows 10 Environment Variables
  5287. Windows: How to Remove “Win 7 Antivirus 2012”
  5288. Windows: is Your USB Drive Fast Enough for ReadyBoost?
  5289. Windows: Best Anti-virus Software
  5290. Windows: Desktop Folder Location
  5291. Windows Vista Environment Variables
  5292. Windows 7 Environment Variables
  5293. Windows: How to Find My IP Address, MAC Address?
  5294. Windows Keyboard Software Guide
  5295. Windows: Networking Commands
  5296. Windows: What's Prefetcher, SuperFetch, ReadyBoost?
  5297. How to Use Windows Search; Stop Indexing USB Drives; Rebuilding Index
  5298. Great Software for Windows
  5299. Windows: Start Menu Folder Location
  5300. Windows Sys Admin App Paths
  5301. What Characters Are Not Allowed in File Names?
  5302. AutoHotkey Tutorial
  5303. AutoHotkey Case Sensitivity
  5304. AutoHotkey: Disable Capslock
  5305. AutoHotkey: Disable Windows Key
  5306. AutoHotkey: Useful Scripts
  5307. AutoHotkey: File Name Extension
  5308. AutoHotkey: Find ahk_class
  5309. AutoHotkey: Insert Bracket Pairs
  5310. AutoHotkey: Insert Text
  5311. AutoHotkey Key Syntax
  5312. AutoHotkey: Launch App
  5313. AutoHotkey Path Problem
  5314. AutoHotkey Syntax Problems
  5315. AutoHotkey: Remap Keys
  5316. Windows: Swap CapsLock Alt Ctrl Keys
  5317. AutoHotkey: Launch or Switch App
  5318. AutoHotkey: Toggle Maximize Window (Fullscreen)
  5319. Windows Blue Screen of Death: A Account of My PC's Memory Failure
  5320. How to Disable JavaScript, Flash, Java in Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer
  5321. Good Browser Extensions
  5322. Restore Last Session in IE, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera
  5323. CCleaner
  5324. How to Clear or Set Proxy in Firefox, Internet Explorer
  5325. cmd.exe: Show/Set Environment Variable
  5326. Cygwin Path and Windows Path Conversion
  5327. How to Delete Flash Cookies
  5328. Windows: Disable Startup Apps
  5329. Disable Windows Control+Space Alt+Space Shortcuts
  5330. Disable Ctrl+Alt+S Shortcut for HP Support Info
  5331. How to Download All Your Emails in Gmail?
  5332. Converting Email Formats
  5333. Windows Environment Variable Tutorial
  5334. Export Import Contacts, Android, iPhone
  5335. How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive
  5336. Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq
  5337. Microsoft Windows Tips
  5338. Installing Cygwin Tutorial
  5339. Krita (drawing software)
  5340. Mac and Windows File Conversion
  5341. How to Share File Between Mac and Windows
  5342. Microsoft PowerToys
  5343. Microsoft Word Shortcuts
  5344. Microsoft Windows Command Names for Settings Panel and Special Folders
  5345. Motherboard Specification: MSI MS-7548 (Aspen)
  5346. Windows Notes and Todo
  5347. One Hundred Tabs Open in Browser?
  5348. Xah's PC Shopping List
  5349. Remove Windows Media Player Context Menu
  5350. Share File from Windows to Mac via wifi
  5351. Windows: Swap Mouse Buttons
  5352. Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows
  5353. Unicode Support in File Names: Windows, Mac, Emacs, Unison, Rsync, USB, Zip
  5354. How to Update Nvidia Driver
  5355. Saga of Updating Nvidia Driver
  5356. Why Use Multiple Browsers
  5357. Microsoft Windows: How to View Apple .HEIC Images
  5358. Windows: Add App to Auto Start
  5359. Windows: How to Check 32 Bits or 64 Bits
  5360. Windows CLSID GUID UUID
  5361. Windows App Execution Aliases
  5362. Windows: Single-click Open File
  5363. Microsoft Windows Change Windows Size Keyboard Shortcuts
  5364. Windows Console Keyboard Shortcuts
  5365. Windows: Create Custom Key Shortcut to Launch App
  5366. Windows Flip 3D, Instant Viewer, Productivity Tips
  5367. Windows: Disable Sleep Button
  5368. Windows: File Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
  5369. Windows Font and Unicode
  5370. Windows: Keyboard Shortcuts Tutorial
  5371. Windows: Set Key Repeat Rate
  5372. Windows: Logo Key Shortcuts
  5373. Windows: Key to Switch Language Input System
  5374. Windows: Keyboard Shortcuts
  5375. Windows: Keyboard Shortcut FAQ
  5376. Windows: Set Key to Launch or Switch App
  5377. Windows: Delete Lockscreen Background Image
  5378. Windows: Mouse Hover to Activate Window
  5379. Windows: Screenshot Keyboard Shortcuts
  5380. Scripting Tech on Windows
  5381. Microsoft Windows Sleep
  5382. Windows Task Manager
  5383. Microsoft Windows Taskbar
  5384. Windows: Taskbar Apps Folder Location
  5385. Windows Terminal
  5386. Xah Windows Setup
  5387. How to Make YouTube Play a Video Repeatedly
  5388. OCaml Tutorial: Function
  5389. OCaml Tutorial
  5390. OCaml Tutorial by Example
  5391. OCaml Tutorial: List, Array, Tuple
  5392. OCaml Tutorial: Record Type
  5393. Pattern Matching in Ocaml
  5394. Types in Ocaml
  5395. Parsing Techniques, Dick Grune, Table of Contents
  5396. Ambiguous Grammar
  5397. What is the Difference Between BNF, EBNF, ABNF?
  5398. How Compiler Works
  5399. Dragon Book (Compiler) Table of Contents
  5400. Compiler Notes
  5401. Formal Grammar
  5402. lex/flex Tutorial
  5403. Niklaus Wirth, Compiler Construction
  5404. Parser
  5405. Parser Notes
  5406. parser notes
  5407. Learn Perl in 1 Hour
  5408. Perl: Check Bad Filename
  5409. Perl: Complex Numbers
  5410. Perl: Convert File Encoding
  5411. Perl: delete_DS_Store
  5412. Perl: Delete Image File Resource Fork
  5413. Perl: Delete Macos9 Icon File
  5414. Perl: Documentation Lookup, Using Builtin Help System
  5415. Perl: Send Email
  5416. Perl: Read/Write to File
  5417. Perl: Find Replace String Pairs in Directory
  5418. Perl: Function
  5419. Perl: Get Environment Variable
  5420. Perl: GET Web Page Content
  5421. Perl: Compress/Decompress gzip Files
  5422. Perl: Here-Doc String
  5423. Perl: if then else
  5424. Perl Tutorial
  5425. Perl: Hash Table
  5426. Perl: List, Array
  5427. Perl: List Comprehension
  5428. Perl: List Available Modules
  5429. Perl: List Loaded Modules
  5430. Perl: Loop thru List
  5431. Perl: for, while, Loop
  5432. Perl: Map Function to List
  5433. Perl: Module Load Paths
  5434. Perl: Nested List
  5435. Perl: Print Array or Hashtable
  5436. Perl: Print Version String from Script
  5437. Perl: Quote Strings
  5438. Perl: Regex Tutorial
  5439. Perl: Split Line by Regex
  5440. Perl: Report Files Resource Fork
  5441. Perl: Variable Name Prefix (Sigil)
  5442. Perl: Sort List, Matrix, Object
  5443. Perl: Sort Misc
  5444. Perl: Sort Matrix
  5445. Perl: Sort Unstable
  5446. Perl: Format String
  5447. Perl: String Operations
  5448. Perl: System Call
  5449. Perl: Traverse Directory
  5450. Perl: True, False (boolean)
  5451. Perl: Unicode Tutorial 🐪
  5452. Perl: Allowed Char in Identifiers (variable name, function name)
  5453. Perl: Modules
  5454. Perl: Validate Local Links
  5455. Perl: Version History
  5456. Perl: How to Write a Module
  5457. PHP: Defining A Function
  5458. PHP: Conditional
  5459. PHP Basics
  5460. PHP: Hash Table Tutorial
  5461. PHP: Array
  5462. PHP: Looping Thru Array
  5463. PHP: MySQL Database Query Example
  5464. PHP: Writing a Package
  5465. PHP in 1 Hour
  5466. PHP: Heredoc and Nowdoc String Syntax
  5467. PHP Install
  5468. PHP: Object Oriented Programing Tutorial
  5469. PHP Version History
  5470. PHP: String Syntax
  5471. PHP: Send HTML Mail
  5472. PHP: Send Mail with Attachment
  5473. PHP: Basic String Operations
  5474. PHP: loops
  5475. PowerShell: Automatic Variables
  5476. PowerShell: Environment Variable
  5477. PowerShell Tutorial
  5478. PowerShell: Download, Install
  5479. PowerShell: How Pipe Works
  5480. PowerShell: Change File Owner/ACL
  5481. PowerShell: List of Aliases
  5482. PowerShell: Arithmetic Operators
  5483. PowerShell: Array
  5484. PowerShell: Delete Array, Clear Array
  5485. PowerShell: Array, Get Items
  5486. PowerShell: Join Array, Append
  5487. PowerShell: Array Methods
  5488. PowerShell: Array, Set Item
  5489. PowerShell: Array to String
  5490. PowerShell: Array and Types
  5491. PowerShell: Assignment Operators
  5492. PowerShell: List All Possible File Attribute Values
  5493. PowerShell: File Attributes Object Type
  5494. PowerShell: Show File Attributes
  5495. PowerShell: Meaning of File Attributes
  5496. PowerShell: Backup Script Example
  5497. PowerShell: True, False (boolean)
  5498. PowerShell: Boolean Operators
  5499. PowerShell: Case Sensitivity
  5500. PowerShell: Clear Command History 🚀
  5501. PowerShell: What is Cmdlet
  5502. PowerShell: Test If Collection Contains a Value
  5503. PowerShell: Comment Syntax
  5504. PowerShell: Copy Directory
  5505. PowerShell: Create New File
  5506. PowerShell: Create File Symbolic Link, Hard Link, Junction
  5507. PowerShell: Date Time
  5508. PowerShell: Define Function to Accept Pipe
  5509. PowerShell: Delete Directory
  5510. PowerShell: Compare Files
  5511. PowerShell: Dir Size 🚀
  5512. PowerShell: Eject Disk
  5513. PowerShell Empty Trash
  5514. PowerShell: Escape Characters
  5515. PowerShell: Eval Variable, String, ScriptBlock
  5516. PowerShell Misc Examples
  5517. PowerShell: Exit, Abort
  5518. PowerShell: File Name Extension
  5519. PowerShell: Filter Array
  5520. PowerShell: Find Command
  5521. PowerShell: Search Text in Files (grep)
  5522. PowerShell: Convert File Line Ending
  5523. PowerShell: If Then Else (Flow Control)
  5524. PowerShell vs Bash
  5525. PowerShell: Pretty Format PowerShell Code 🚀
  5526. PowerShell: Format String
  5527. PowerShell: Function Inline Doc
  5528. PowerShell: Define Function
  5529. PowerShell: Allowed Characters in Function Name
  5530. PowerShell: Function Parameters
  5531. PowerShell: Get File Content
  5532. PowerShell: List Methods
  5533. PowerShell: List Properties
  5534. PowerShell: Get Object Type
  5535. PowerShell: Download Webpage, curl, wget
  5536. PowerShell: Hashtable, Dictionary
  5537. PowerShell: Hashtable: Get Key Value, Add Key, Remove Key
  5538. PowerShell: Hashtable Key / Property Name Clash
  5539. PowerShell: Hashtable Key / Property Name Clash
  5540. PowerShell: Hashtable Get All Keys
  5541. PowerShell: Hashtable Methods
  5542. PowerShell: Builtin Help
  5543. PowerShell: Here-String
  5544. PowerShell How-To
  5545. Programing PowerShell
  5546. PowerShell: Join Files
  5547. PowerShell: Join Hashtables
  5548. PowerShell: Join String
  5549. PowerShell: Launch App, Start Process
  5550. PowerShell Launch File Explorer with Selection
  5551. PowerShell: List Directories
  5552. PowerShell: List Empty Dir 🚀
  5553. PowerShell: List Files
  5554. PowerShell: List Files by Date Time
  5555. PowerShell: List Files by File Name Pattern (grep file names)
  5556. PowerShell: List File by Size
  5557. PowerShell: List Files with Specific Attribute
  5558. PowerShell: LiteralPath
  5559. PowerShell: Load a Script
  5560. PowerShell: Loop, Iteration
  5561. PowerShell: Iterate Array
  5562. PowerShell: Iterate Hashtable
  5563. PowerShell: Manage PowerShell Profiles
  5564. PowerShell: Name Completion
  5565. PowerShell: Navigate Directory
  5566. PowerShell: Nested Array, Multi-Dimensional Array
  5567. PowerShell: Create Directory
  5568. PowerShell: Show Fullpath, No Truncate Lines
  5569. PowerShell: Number Input
  5570. PowerShell: Object Type, Properties, Methods
  5571. PowerShell: Open File by Default App
  5572. PowerShell: Test Order (Greater, Lesser)
  5573. PowerShell: Path Tutorial
  5574. PowerShell: Show Path Environment Variable
  5575. PowerShell: Path Expansion
  5576. PowerShell: Path Filename Functions
  5577. PowerShell: Pipeline Commands
  5578. PowerShell: Print to Screen
  5579. PowerShell: Print Version
  5580. PowerShell: Profile (init file)
  5581. PowerShell: Prompt User for Input
  5582. PowerShell: Get Property Values
  5583. PowerShell: What is Provider/Datastore
  5584. PowerShell: Read File
  5585. PowerShell: Regular Expression Operators
  5586. PowerShell: Regular Expression Syntax
  5587. PowerShell: Windows Registry
  5588. PowerShell: Environment Variable in Registry
  5589. PowerShell: Rename Files, Replace No-Break Space
  5590. PowerShell: Rename Files, Space to Lowline
  5591. PowerShell: Rename Files, to File Hash String
  5592. PowerShell: Run as Admin
  5593. PowerShell: Create a Script
  5594. Xah PowerShell Scripts
  5595. PowerShell: Get Current Script Path
  5596. PowerShell Tutorial Search
  5597. PowerShell: Session Environment Variable
  5598. PowerShell: Toggle Dark Theme
  5599. PowerShell: Set File Attributes
  5600. PowerShell: Set Path Environment Variable
  5601. PowerShell: Show Hidden File
  5602. PowerShell: Sort Hashtable
  5603. PowerShell: Split String
  5604. PowerShell: Start PowerShell
  5605. PowerShell: String
  5606. PowerShell: Double Quoted String, String Expansion
  5607. PowerShell: String Methods
  5608. PowerShell: String Operators
  5609. PowerShell: Create Archive zip, tar, 7z
  5610. PowerShell: Test Equality
  5611. PowerShell: Check Type
  5612. PowerShell: Timing, Benchmark Speed
  5613. PowerShell: Array Sub-Expression Operator @(), Collection to Array
  5614. PowerShell: Value Types
  5615. PowerShell: Extract zip tar 7z lz
  5616. PowerShell: Variable
  5617. PowerShell: String Wildcards
  5618. PowerShell: Working on Files
  5619. PowerShell: Write to File
  5620. PowerShell: Quote String
  5621. Geometry Waterfall
  5622. Hyperbolic Lamp
  5623. Klein Bottle Structure
  5624. Polyhedron Lamp
  5625. Pretty Math
  5626. Geometric Vortex Structure
  5627. HP-28S Advanced Scientific Calculator
  5628. HP-28S Calculator Manual
  5629. Sylvester-Gallai Theorem
  5630. Desargues's Two Triangle Theorem
  5631. Harmonic Conjugacy
  5632. Intro to Real Projective Plane
  5633. Quadrangle and Quadrilateral
  5634. Xah Prolog Learning Notes
  5635. Python, Perl: About the Author
  5636. Python: Boolean Operators
  5637. Python: Convert File Encoding
  5638. Python, Perl: Script to Check HTML File Size
  5639. Python: Class and Object
  5640. Python, Perl: Combinatorics Function Example
  5641. Python: Complex Numbers
  5642. Convert python 2 to 3
  5643. Python: Copy Nested List, Shallow/Deep Copy
  5644. Delete Duplicate Image Files
  5645. Python: Builtin Help
  5646. Python: Write to File
  5647. Python, Perl: Find Replace Strings in a File
  5648. Python: Script to Find Replace Plain Text (No Regex) in a Directory
  5649. Python: Script to Find Replace Multi-Pairs Regex in a Directory
  5650. Python: for, while, Loops
  5651. Python: Function
  5652. Python, Perl: Partition by Equivalence
  5653. Python, Perl: Generate All Possible Pairings
  5654. Python: GET Webpage Content
  5655. Python: Compress/Decompress Gzip Files
  5656. Python: if then else
  5657. Python Tutorial
  5658. Perl Documentation: the Key to Perl
  5659. Python: Dictionary
  5660. Python: List
  5661. Python: List Comprehension
  5662. Python: Iterate Dictionary
  5663. Python: Iterate List
  5664. Perl Scripts For Removing Mac Resource Fork, .DS_Store, Thumbs.db etc
  5665. Python: Map f to List
  5666. Python, Perl: One-Liner Loop Functional Style
  5667. Python, Perl: Comparison Pairings Reduce
  5668. Programing Problem: Partition a List by Equivalence
  5669. perldoc Coming of Age, What Python Can Learn From?
  5670. Python: Print Version String from Script
  5671. Programing Exercise: Test Your Programing Language Proficiency
  5672. Ubuntu 12.04 bug: “pydoc modules” Core Dump
  5673. Python 2 and Python 3 Difference
  5674. Python 3 Tutorial
  5675. Python: Closure
  5676. Python 3 Tutorial
  5677. Python 3: Map with Side Effect Doesn't Work If Result is Not Used
  5678. Python 3: Object, ID, Type
  5679. Python: Operators
  5680. Python 3: Walk Directory, List Files
  5681. Python 2: Unicode Tutorial
  5682. Lambda in Python 3000
  5683. Python: Append String in Loop
  5684. Python: Assignment Operators
  5685. Python: Auto Format Code
  5686. Python: Learn Python in 1 Hour
  5687. Python: Bitwise Operators
  5688. Python: Letter Case Conversion
  5689. Python: Probability, Combinatorics
  5690. Python: Comment
  5691. Programing Problem: Construct a Tree Given Its Edges
  5692. Python: Datetime
  5693. Python: Decorator
  5694. Python: Dictionary Methods
  5695. Why Python's Documentation Sucks
  5696. Python Poetry: the __main__ Stanza
  5697. Python Doc Problem: gzip
  5698. Why Python Doc Sucks
  5699. Python Doc Problem: os.system
  5700. Python Doc Problem: os.path.split()
  5701. Python Doc Problem: sort()
  5702. Python Doc Links Dead
  5703. Python Documentation Author Masturbation
  5704. Python: Implementing Efficient Stack
  5705. Python: f-String (Format, Template)
  5706. Python: Filter List
  5707. Python For-Else Loop Sucks
  5708. Python: Function Keyword Arguments
  5709. Python Sucks, Function vs Method
  5710. Python: Get Environment Variable
  5711. Python: Get Function Arity
  5712. Python: Test Order (Greater, Lesser)
  5713. Python: HTTP POST Using Library “requests”
  5714. Python: Import Module
  5715. Python: Set STDOUT Encoding to UTF-8
  5716. Python: Iterator to List
  5717. Python: Join String
  5718. Python: Read Write JSON
  5719. Python: Function Argument Default Value Wrong
  5720. Python: Lambda
  5721. Python, Lambda, Guido: is Language Design Just Solving Puzzles?
  5722. Python: List Methods
  5723. Python: List Module's Functions
  5724. Python: Module Search Paths
  5725. Python: File Path Functions
  5726. Python: Get Script Path
  5727. Python: Percent Format String
  5728. Python: Print Without Newline
  5729. Python: Print String
  5730. Python: Generate List: range
  5731. Python: Raw String
  5732. Python: Regex re.escape
  5733. Python: Regex re.findall
  5734. Python: Regex re.finditer
  5735. Python: Regex re.match
  5736. Python: Regex re.search
  5737. Python: Regex re.split
  5738. Python: Regex re.sub
  5739. Python: Regex re.subn
  5740. Python: Read File
  5741. Python: Regex Flags
  5742. Python: Regex Functions
  5743. Python: Regex Reference
  5744. Python: Regex Match Object
  5745. Python: Regex Object and Methods
  5746. Python: Regex Syntax
  5747. Xah Python Tutorial Search 🔍
  5748. Python: Search Substring
  5749. Python: Sequence Types
  5750. Python: Sets, Union, Intersection
  5751. Python: Show Module Doc
  5752. Python: Web Crawler
  5753. Python: Source Code Encoding
  5754. Python: Split String
  5755. Python: SQL Alchemy
  5756. Python: Statistics
  5757. Python: String, Check Case, Char Class
  5758. Python: String Format Method
  5759. Python: String Methods
  5760. Python String Sucks
  5761. Python: Test Equality
  5762. Python: Timing, Compare Speed
  5763. Python: Convert to String
  5764. Python: Transpose Matrix
  5765. Python: Triple Quote String
  5766. Python: Tuple
  5767. Python: Convert Int, Float, String
  5768. Python: Allowed Characters in Identifiers
  5769. Python: virtualenv Tutorial
  5770. Python: What's PyPi, pip, easy_install, setuptools?
  5771. Python: Count Word Frequency
  5772. Examples of Quality Documentation in Computing Industry
  5773. Python: Quote String
  5774. How to Improve Python Doc; Notes on Rewriting Python Regex Doc
  5775. Perl and Python References
  5776. Python: Regex
  5777. Python: Split Line by Regex
  5778. Python: Send Email
  5779. Python: Sort
  5780. Python, Perl: Split File Path into Parts
  5781. Python: List Modules, List Loaded Modules
  5782. Python: Closure in Python 2
  5783. Python: String Escape Sequence
  5784. Python: Format String
  5785. Python: Make System Call
  5786. Python: Website Thumbnail Generation
  5787. Python 2: Walk Directory, List Files
  5788. Python: True, False (boolean)
  5789. Python: Unicode 🐍
  5790. Python: Unicode Escape Sequence
  5791. Python: Get Unicode Name, Codepoint
  5792. What is Expressiveness in Programing Languages
  5793. Why Python Lambda is Broken and Can't be Fixed
  5794. Python: How to Write a Module
  5795. Python Documentation Problems
  5796. Racket: Using Emacs racket-mode
  5797. Xah Racket Tutorial
  5798. Racket Module Stuff
  5799. Racket Pattern Matching
  5800. Racket Start (Install, Setup)
  5801. Loading React
  5802. React.createElement
  5803. reactjs learning
  5804. React JSX
  5805. reactjs tutorials
  5806. Ruby Tutorial
  5807. Ruby: Call Shell Command
  5808. Ruby: Case Conditional
  5809. Ruby: Classes and Objects
  5810. Ruby: Comment
  5811. Ruby: Complex Numbers
  5812. Ruby: Type Conversion
  5813. Ruby: Builtin Doc Lookup
  5814. Intro to Reading Ruby Doc: What's M, C, ::, # ?
  5815. Ruby: List Encodings
  5816. Ruby: Exit Loop
  5817. Ruby: File Name Extension
  5818. Ruby: Define Function
  5819. Ruby: Function Name Ending in Exclaimation or Question Mark
  5820. Ruby: If Then Else
  5821. Ruby Tutorial
  5822. Ruby: Problem Installing mysql2 rmagick?
  5823. Ruby: What's RVM, Gem, Rake, Bundler, RDoc, ri, irb?
  5824. Ruby: How to Install RVM
  5825. Ruby: Hash Table
  5826. Ruby: Array
  5827. Ruby: List All Classes
  5828. Ruby: Loop thru Array
  5829. Ruby: Loop
  5830. Ruby: Map Function to Array
  5831. Ruby: Random Misc Learning Notes
  5832. Ruby: Writing a Module
  5833. Ruby: Sigils (Function and Variable Name Conventions)
  5834. Ruby: Newline and Indentation
  5835. Ruby: List Object Methods
  5836. Ruby on Rails Basic Tutorial
  5837. Ruby on Rails Install and Intro
  5838. Ruby: List of Predefined Global Variables
  5839. Ruby: Print
  5840. Ruby: Print Version
  5841. Ruby: Quote Long String, Heredoc
  5842. Ruby: Quote String
  5843. Ruby References
  5844. Ruby: Run Script
  5845. Ruby: RVM Directory Structure
  5846. Ruby: Source Code Encoding
  5847. Ruby: Formatting String
  5848. Ruby: String Operations
  5849. Ruby: True/False (boolean)
  5850. Ruby: Value Types
  5851. Ruby: Unicode Tutorial 💎
  5852. Ruby: Variable
  5853. Ruby: Version Release Dates
  5854. Xah Code Sitemap
  5855. References on Mathematical Surface
  5856. Barth Sextic
  5857. Boy's Surface (Apery)
  5858. Boy's Surface (Bryant-Kusner)
  5859. Breather Surface
  5860. Breather Surface
  5861. Catalan Surface
  5862. Catenoid
  5863. Catenoid-Enneper
  5864. Catenoid Fence
  5865. Cayley Cubic
  5866. Chen Gackstatter
  5867. Clebsch Cubic
  5868. Conic K=-1 Surface of Revolution
  5869. Costa Surface
  5870. Costa-Hoffman-Meeks Surface
  5871. Cross-Cap Surface
  5872. Cyclide
  5873. Deco-Cube
  5874. Dini Surface
  5875. Double Enneper
  5876. Ellipsoid
  5877. Enneper Surface
  5878. Geometry: Gallery of Surfaces
  5879. Geometry: Gallery of Minimal Surfaces (H=0)
  5880. Gyroid
  5881. Helicoid-Catenoid
  5882. Henneberg Surface
  5883. Hyperbolic Paraboloid
  5884. Hyperbolic K=-1 Surface of Revolution
  5885. Hyperboloid of One Sheet
  5886. Hyperboloid of Two Sheet
  5887. Inverted Boys Surface
  5888. K=1 Surface of Revolution
  5889. Karcher JD Saddle tower
  5890. Karcher JE Saddle Tower
  5891. Kink Surface
  5892. Klein Bottle
  5893. Kuen Surface
  5894. Kummer Quartic
  5895. Kusner (Dihedral Symmetric)
  5896. Lidinoid
  5897. Lopez-Ros No-Go Theorem
  5898. Moebius Strip
  5899. Monkey Saddle
  5900. Orthocircles
  5901. Paraboloid
  5902. Planar Enneper
  5903. Pseudosphere
  5904. Riemann's Surface
  5905. Right Conoid
  5906. Saddle Tower
  5907. Scherk Surface
  5908. Scherk with Handle
  5909. Schoen No-Go Theorem
  5910. Schwarz H Family Surfaces
  5911. Schwarz PD Family Surfaces
  5912. Sievert-Enneper Surface
  5913. Skew 4-noid
  5914. Sphere
  5915. Spherical Helicoid
  5916. Steiner Surface
  5917. Symmetric 4-noid
  5918. Torus
  5919. Twisted Scherk
  5920. Unduloid
  5921. Wavy Enneper Surface
  5922. Whitney Umbrella
  5923. AI: AGI, Strong AI, Sentient AI, AI Alignment
  5924. Xah Talk Show Intro to COBOL
  5925. Xah Talk Show Keyboard Heatmap JavaScript + SVG
  5926. Xah Podcast: Can You Learn Math via Wikipedia vs Text Book
  5927. Xah Discord Reaper the Establishment
  5928. Xah Talk Ep
  5929. Xah Lee Portraits, Discord Artwork
  5930. Xah Discord Rules
  5931. Xah Podcast Index
  5932. Xah Podcast: Syntax Design Index
  5933. Xah Talk Show, Clips, Index
  5934. Xah Talk Show 2013-05-14 the Truly Ergonomic Keyboard Review
  5935. Xah Talk Show 2018-09-22 Emacs xah-find.el demo
  5936. Xah Talk Show 2018-10-14 Emacs Xah Fly Keys Intro
  5937. Xah Talk Show 2018-10-15 Emacs Keyboard Macro Demo
  5938. Xah Talk Show 2018-12-22 emacs lisp coding, command to add br
  5939. Xah Talk Show 2018-12-31 emacs. demo of image scale/crop/convert jpg/png commands
  5940. Xah Talk Show 2018 Index
  5941. Xah Talk Show 2019-00-04 most efficient ways to switch window/app in Linux/Mac/Windows
  5942. Xah Talk Show 2019-01-02 Typing Game, RSI, Rule the World
  5943. Xah Talk Show 2019-01-04 Emacs Workflow. Command Log Mode, Working with Raw HTML
  5944. Xah Talk Show 2019-01-06 Vim Golf Delete Lines
  5945. Xah Talk Show 2019-01-07 xah-html-mode vs org mode
  5946. xah talk show 2019-01-10 which programing language to learn? python or ruby or haskell?
  5947. Xah Talk Show 2019-01-19 Review of the Ultimate Hacking Keyboard
  5948. Xah Talk Show 2019-01-19 Surface Pro, Programing Languages, Tutorials Industry Etc
  5949. Xah Talk Show 2019-01-22 writing a math curve plotter in JavaScript, without any library
  5950. Xah Talk Show 2019-02-10 a test streaming became a colorful talk
  5951. Xah Talk Show 2019-02-22 Programing Languages, Lisp, Homoiconicity, Haskell, Syntax, Semantics, Formal Language
  5952. Xah Talk Show 2019-02-27 second life, chaos theory, linden script language, and stuff
  5953. Xah Talk Show 2019-02-28 lisp machine keyboard, razer keyboard, lisp history, unix philosophy
  5954. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-04
  5955. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-04 Night. Constructed Languages, Lojban
  5956. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-05 unicode
  5957. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-07 Emacs Lisp, Write a Command to Convert English to Rune
  5958. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-08 star trek, schizoid, emacs major mode, hacker cult, cult
  5959. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-09, why emacs lisp sucks
  5960. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-12, programing tutorials, doc by dummies, RSS, steno machine
  5961. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-13 smoking, china, schizoid, mr data
  5962. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-14 calculus, analysis, free text books, regex
  5963. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-15 emacs lisp sitemap, python syntax, lang design, type theory, haskell
  5964. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-16. history of python perl ruby JavaScript golang, neural network, complex numbers
  5965. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-17, python, iterator, iterators, #math intro to group theory for programers
  5966. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-18 unix philosophy, cult, python, Guido, PHP, javascript
  5967. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-19 goddesses, las vegas, software bloat, coding style guide, greek mythology
  5968. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-21 Bach, Liszt, emacs xml mode, english, google, conjoint twin, savant, piano
  5969. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-22, math, tiling and patterns, web scam spam
  5970. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-23. Emacs, Emacs Lisp Demo, Language Design, Why Python Sucks, Guido's Problems
  5971. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-25 Donald Knuth, TeX, Instruction Set Architecture, MathML, Mathematica etc
  5972. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-26 Mouse for programers
  5973. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-27 Western Culture vs Chinese Culture, JavaScript
  5974. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-28 emacs key macro, unicode, IPA, history of China vs Taiwan
  5975. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-29, golang, dynamic vs static typed languages
  5976. Xah Talk Show 2019-03-30
  5977. Xah Talk Show 杀杀演绎,中文 2019-03-31. Twitter CEO Jack, Burma, Eastern meditation and western white men
  5978. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-01 A. emacs demo, programable keyboard, convert python 2 webcrawler to 3
  5979. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-01 B. chat with Yisrael Dov
  5980. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-03 emacs, gothic, unicode math blackletter, dream keyboard, OpenGL, WebGL
  5981. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-03 web spam
  5982. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-04 OpenGL, quickdraw3d, lang esign, bitmask, website popularity ranking
  5983. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-05 emacs move image, dvorak layout, unicode for programers, Julian Assange
  5984. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-06 Shakespeare, scientific diet, wonder woman, superheros
  5985. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-07 JavaScript object system, explain in a math style
  5986. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-10 software engineering voodoo. Agile. Why Software Sucks. Hackernews. Ban Xah
  5987. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-11
  5988. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-12 emacs demo pepe, religion, capitalism, communism, Church of Satan, Ayn Rand
  5989. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-13 machine learning, conic sections, cryptology, pure math vs applied
  5990. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-14 Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra
  5991. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-15 boba milk tea, linux UI prob, Fake News origin, sjgang, Unabomber Manifesto
  5992. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-17, vimgolf in emacs with Xah Fly Keys, Dvorak layout, kinesis keyboard
  5993. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-22 B, live coding JavaScript app, Arrow Keys Efficiency vim HJKL vs IJKL
  5994. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-23 find replace in emacs, golang. and social justice
  5995. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-26, history of Wolfram MathWorld, Stereographic Projection, Category Theory?
  5996. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-29 JavaScript string problem, unicode, emoji
  5997. Xah Talk Show 2019-04-30 function param idiocy, Backus Naur Form, LISP vs Mathematica, Peter Norvig, Nassim Taleb
  5998. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-02, happy hacking keyboard, ergodox, keyboardio, kinesis, steno, using piano
  5999. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-03 unix philosophy, truncate line, clojure, concurrency, AI, consciousness
  6000. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-04 code elegance idiom, history of netscape, jwz, rms, open source, xemacs vs emacs
  6001. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-06 geometric inversion, stereographic projection, their relations
  6002. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-07 youtube, society, milen gen. text vs video of human communication
  6003. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-08
  6004. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-10 mouse, spin wheel, linux, closure, perl, lisp
  6005. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-12
  6006. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-13 idiocy of svg arc drawing. How to be a programer. CPU vs GPU
  6007. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-17 why teen girls gossip, mating behavior of women vs men, keyboards
  6008. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-18 emacs xah-fly-keys vs evil mode, vim, keyboard, reading novels, elite hollywood
  6009. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-20 Math Unicode symbol ℤ, Control/Capslock Position, unix philosophy hacker idots
  6010. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-22 schizoid in meeting, genius sleeping cycle, fireball against open source
  6011. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-24 Sargon of Akkad, social justice gang, rune writing system, clojure java
  6012. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-29 JavaScript NodeList vs HTMLCollection, Array-like object, emacs curly quote fiasco
  6013. Xah Talk Show 2019-05-29 A, Kardashian, vocal fry, upspeak, Ellen Show schizoid, white girls epidemic
  6014. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-04 the of scourge of html/xml entities
  6015. Xah Talk Show Xah talk show 2019-06-05 live coding javascript, html entities, emacs workflow demo, xah fly keys
  6016. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-07 understand JavaScript object like a mathematician
  6017. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-08 can emacs search files in a dir? unix philosophy, do they do one thing well?
  6018. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-09 emacs workflow demo. Unicode Phoenician. Cherry Point of Sale Keyboards
  6019. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-12 japan kanji keyboard, low profile keyboard, Kunth TeX, and idiocy of typography
  6020. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-13 linguistics pragmatics semiotics cybernetic synergetics pseudo/quasi science
  6021. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-14 emacs lisp, xah-copy-line-or-region, can Atom/VSCode replace emacs?
  6022. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-15 live coding golang find/replace script, emacs + xah-fly-keys
  6023. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-20 JavaScript svg drawing ellipse, unicode math symbols in variable name and function names
  6024. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-24 classical music, Bach, Liszt, dance frenzy, keyboard layout, input methods, shortcut layout, Repetitive Strain Injury
  6025. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-25 JavaScript live coding interactive CSS radial gradient generator
  6026. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-27 dynamic vs typed languages. JavaScript live coding CSS box shadow generator
  6027. Xah Talk Show 2019-06-28 TeX replacement, JavaScript CSS generator, RGB HSL color models
  6028. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-02. emacs lisp, interactive form, universal arg. concave surface keyboards
  6029. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-05 krita, action figure, comics, jap vs us, cortana, ai, etymology
  6030. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-06 graph/group theory books, Egyptian Hieroglyph, html frameset, opensource ideology
  6031. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-08 live coding JavaScript truchet tiles (geometry)
  6032. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-09 Unicode Symbol/Emoji fiasco. sitemap. esr Eric Raymond, open source, fsf
  6033. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-10 why i love golang, live coding on sitemap script. Rant on C, unix philosophy
  6034. Xah Talk Show Xah Show 2019-07-12. big rant. mastodon, open source, social justice, rms Richard Stallman
  6035. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-13 THC, marshal law, blit, keyboard, culture, writing style, passive voice
  6036. Xah Talk Show Xah Show 2019-07-15. fun math books. math branches. graph theory, group theory, complex analysis
  6037. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-17. Steve Jobs, Apple suck, Microsoft linux, mmo mouse, input systems, analog keyboard
  6038. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-18 lisp, Mathematica, term rewriting, pattern matching, idiocy of lisp macros
  6039. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-19 lisp syntax, s-exp, meta-expression, Mathematica, meaning of sugar syntax
  6040. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-26. math. combinatorial exploration of possible algebraic structures
  6041. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-27. Random Chat. 说说香港人的问题. Hong Kong, British Empire, China, Silicon Valley
  6042. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-29 web cam, scam of gadget review pop sites, facebook twitter, youtube, fakenews
  6043. Xah Talk Show 2019-07-31 EmacsConf 2019, emacs meetup SF, elisp live coding html xah-new-page
  6044. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-01 programing languages and their culture. perl python ruby
  6045. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-03 emacs lisp coding xah-update-atom-entry-date. History of RSS/atom/webfeed
  6046. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-04 emacs regex tutorial. ruby sigil, programing language type as syntax
  6047. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-06 writing emacs major mode
  6048. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-07 story of math crisis, math foundation, proof theory, and homotopy type theory
  6049. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-11. jwz keyboard. why JavaScript no "use js2015", rant on Brendan Eich
  6050. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-13 Europa and the Bull. BCE CE BC AD, Religions. Voice input for programer
  6051. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-14 Spelling Reform, Lojban, Esperanto, Purpose of Logo, Arabian Nights, Arabic
  6052. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-16 emacs dired and emacs tips
  6053. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-17 emacs completion + templates. autocomplete, company-mode, yasnippet, abbrev
  6054. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-18, blockchain, bitcoin, silk road, Megaupload, Sci-Hub, pirate bay, Copyright
  6055. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-19 Deseret/Shavian Alphabets, IPA, font size, fugue, elisp coding youtube html
  6056. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-20 why you should not cry about OpenSource or Free Software, monopoly
  6057. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-21 all you want to know about keyboard layout, dvorak, colemak, touch tying
  6058. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-22 Myers-Briggs, personality test, personality disorder, psychology
  6059. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-23 JavaScript alternatives, intro to ES2015, JavaScript warts
  6060. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-24 keyboard keycaps tech, intro to TypeScript, compared to JavaScript
  6061. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-25 Guile scheme lisp, is python a lisp?, JetBrain vs Emacs editor, why clojure java
  6062. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-26 why golang? syntax color, turkish layout, etymology of hash table, abuse of logic operator
  6063. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-27 emacs lisp tutorial (via python?). setq vs set. message vs insert vs print
  6064. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-28 math languages, scientific programing, a new kind of science, what is random, cellular automata
  6065. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-29 emacs xah-html-mode intro
  6066. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-30 The Unix Pestilence, Microsoft, SGI, Kinesis Keyboard Alternative? is China Evil?
  6067. Xah Talk Show 2019-08-31 knobs keyboard, joystick mouse, linux tiling windows, ratpoison, juggling, video games
  6068. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-01 Plane Curves, Elliptic curve, What makes a great programmer?, very weird mathematicians
  6069. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-02 FFI, AI science+tech growth vs human learning, global internet time, TV vs phone, accents
  6070. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-03 The unix pestilence
  6071. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-04 can you talk politics with friends. my view of Hong Kong
  6072. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-06 unicode inverted text, emacs regex and in emacs lisp
  6073. Xah Talk Show randam chat. Second Life, virtual reality, AI, object relational mapping, furries, NixOS,2019-09-06b
  6074. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-07 what is functional programing and what are its jargons?
  6075. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-08 functional programing explained with JavaScript. composition, closure, currying, etc
  6076. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-09 history of Apple, Richard Stallman on Steve Jobs, Dennis Ritchie, Evil open source, web login etc
  6077. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-10 writing curve plotting app in JavaScript+DOM+SVG
  6078. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-11 Second Life, Unicode, ∀ Gundam, mecha, android, bots, MUD, evil google, browsers, RSS, youtube-dl, luna lang
  6079. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-12 mandelbrot set, entrepreneurship, my experiences of org mode, why isn't your mom using linux?
  6080. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-13 Chinese input methods, understand JavaScript object in depth, in a math style
  6081. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-14 CSS tutorial, history, and my experiences with CSS and web design. red pill or blue pill?
  6082. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-15 rot13, bash, perl, ruby, clojure leiningen, linux Mac Windows keybinding, emacs efficiency,
  6083. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-16 cheap webcam, unicode brackets, good emacs key choices, live coding elisp English to braille,
  6084. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-17 Jaron Lanier, no donate to Wikipedia, No U millennials, Diet of Xah Lee, Wushu, Jet Li
  6085. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-18 emacs lisp, golang. write script to Check Parenthesis/Brackets Balance
  6086. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-19 No Agenda Show, weeaboo, japan culture in America, perl/php LAMP? swap capslock/control?
  6087. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-20 dvorak colemak minimak layouts, ergodox, keyboard firmware, keybinding, ergodox, programable keypads
  6088. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-21 Richald Stallman Resign FSF, emacs tips, split window workflow, register
  6089. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-22 end of FSF, ban xah lee or irc. programing lang beginner, how best programer, great JavaScript apps
  6090. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-23 all about keyboards for programer
  6091. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-24 how compiler works. bad video
  6092. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-25 Unicode, UTF-8, UTF-16, Encoding Systems, Unix/Linux/OpenSource Fanaticism
  6093. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-26 Xah live scream. patent, copyright, regime change, capitalism, corruption, nsfw
  6094. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-27 programing language syntax. ad hoc vs uniform. Syntax system and Syntax algebra
  6095. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-28 programing language syntax. why is syntax the most important
  6096. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-29 Open Source, Richard Stallman, Recycling, Global Warming, Democracy Dies in Darkness
  6097. Xah Talk Show 2019-09-30 d3js maze, math seashell, non-mono font for code, JavaScript raining 💕, REPL, Mathematica notebook
  6098. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-01 The rise and fall of XML. Be conservative in what you send; be liberal in what you accept
  6099. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-02 nodejs, asynchronous vs currency vs parallel programing, golang, lisp cons
  6100. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-03 Microsoft new Keyboard, control fear, schizoid, ascetic, millennials YouTubers
  6101. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-04 Mathematica, privacy, open source, utopia, dystopia, justice+freedom = white man's thought
  6102. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-05 shen lisp, monk, Shakespeare Andronicus, Paul Graham and philosophy, nim crystal golang
  6103. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-06 discord, JavaScript svelte, writing a book, be yourself, OpenBSD web design
  6104. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-07 emacs customize, elisp xah-open-link-in-chrome, browser history, bible, Wandering Stars,
  6105. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-08 Melodious Voice, Xah on 4chan, Lust, Caution, Women
  6106. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-09 nushell linux top htop lxde xfce Stephen Hawking book, Google newspeak 1984, scientology
  6107. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-10 Google censor emacs newsgroup, history modifier keys shift control meta, democracy chant
  6108. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-11 YouTube stream live chat link blocking, steelseries keyboard, maze for programers, analog mech keyboard
  6109. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-12 SteelSeries Apex Pro Keyboard, Mouses, Golang Multi Strings Grep, China Censorship, the American Way
  6110. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-13 Microsoft Apple repair, capitalism vs communism. humanity and classic literature, digital vs analog
  6111. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-14 emacs ★ Sacha Chua|how to become popular on YouTube|coding golf
  6112. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-15 how much YouTuber makes. failure context of open source, OK Google, open street maps, globasa, hacker
  6113. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-16 laputa, gulliver's travels, truncate lines, line based syntax, unix philosophy damage to society
  6114. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-17 HAVIT Keyboard, numerical keypad, neo layout, layers=bad, math/emoji input
  6115. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-18. netiquette anthropology, a troll's confection, dead links, and stoned
  6116. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-19 Projective Geometry, Bertrand Russell, schizoid, Sam Harris, Camille Paglia
  6117. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-20, why AI neural networks are nasty, AlphaGo AlphaZero, atom webfeed, ASMR
  6118. Xah Talk Show What Makes Functional Programing Language, Second Life Combat, Julian Assange, Open Source
  6119. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-22 Chinese Food vs American, Cellular Automata, Artificial Life, generative art, algorithmic math art
  6120. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-23 UHK keyboard, TKL jargon, swastica, reclining buddha, flag bikini, imperialism, Puritan
  6121. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-24 JavaScript+svg live coding, math plotter
  6122. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-25 Kinesis vs Ultimate Hacking Keyboard, JavaScript in Depth, webpack, unit testing mantra
  6123. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-26 why OpenSource/Linux fanatics can never create good user interface
  6124. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-27 live coding JavaScript + svg. plot math curve
  6125. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-28 UI peepshow windows, astronomy The Pleiades, Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks
  6126. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-29 why some lang forever niche? scheme lisp, nim, julia, haskell, why i love golang
  6127. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-30 JavaScript, Array, range, functional programing loop with break, syntactic/semantic of map
  6128. Xah Talk Show 2019-10-31 JavaScript npm webpack live coding, 90min rant on modern JavaScript
  6129. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-01 xah emacs setup from scratch and live coding emacs lisp open-in-vscode
  6130. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-02 history of version control systems cvs svn mercurial git, and sites. clojure java tango
  6131. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-03 emacs, default mode, color theme, xah-lookup.el, Xah Fly Keys, vscode, demo powershell on Mac
  6132. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-06 happy hacking keyboard lisp 96 cpu cores, Voronoi diagram in hyperbolic space, emacs, powershell
  6133. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-07 Signum keyboard. History of CMS, eXtreme Programing, Agile, Crackpots, static site generator. wikipedia vs Britannica
  6134. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-08 parsing, parser, xml, solve problems, creating html page in emacs
  6135. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-10 emacs lisp live coding + tutorial, open-buffer-in-firefox, open-link-in-firefox. typing speed test
  6136. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-14 Arrow Keys efficiency, vim vs inverted T, WASD, 2 handed arrows. Emacs/vi Keys History
  6137. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-15 Geometry regular polyhedron, JavaScript + SVG tutorial, rotate 3D cube real time
  6138. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-16 batsh ocaml reasonML fsharp haskell, hotshots, and math geometry aperiodic tiling
  6139. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-17 6 hours watch, 24 hours watch, heximal system, stenotype, plank, plover, piano, keyboard systems
  6140. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-19. Language Design: Should Array Index Start at 0 or 1?, Math Models of 3D Input Control
  6141. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-20 misc emacs custom commands, mouse vs trackball
  6142. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-21 footsie with trackball and Kinesis pedal
  6143. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-22 lisp family. Common Lisp, Scheme, Elisp, Clojure. macOS SpotLight, Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Young
  6144. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-23 JavaScript+SVG live coding+tutorial. creating polyhedron real-time rotation from scratch
  6145. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-24 emacs lisp live coding, add Norman layout support to xah fly keys, hybrid vigor
  6146. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-26 DIY keyboard Rhapsody: Gergo Georgi Ginni ButterStick Datahand Kyria POS keyboards
  6147. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-27 emacs, image resize, crop, convert, rename
  6148. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-29 live coding javascript+svg polyhedron real time rotation, math, geometry
  6149. Xah Talk Show 2019-11-30 math, what is random, what is pseudo random?
  6150. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-01 emacs lisp, what is metadata, command to show/delete metadata
  6151. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-02 matrix and vector explained to programers, JavaScript live coding matrix/vector functions
  6152. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-03 The Matrix/Womb, super computers, japan K computer, network topology, 6D torus topology, UK lorry
  6153. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-04 do not donate to Wikipedia, Naruto swirl, fishball, fishcake 🍥, BIG rant emacs undo/redo
  6154. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-06 how to contribute to emacs, linux firewall iptable networking
  6155. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-07 hyphenated words, orthography, emacs input symbol/emoji é♥, writing styles of programing lang docs
  6156. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-08, emacs lisp coding command for global bigger font, chat with Bart
  6157. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-09 emacs lisp live coding + tutorial. command to convert png to jpg while in html buffer
  6158. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-10 spoken language vs writing system, listen/speak vs read/write, simplified vs traditional chinese char
  6159. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-12 arch linux, hacker culture, elf language, rune script, mouse hover/auto click
  6160. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-13 intro to Japanese writing system, input system, keyboard layout
  6161. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-14 hand writing Chinese, JavaScript coding vector dot product function style, intro to constructed language
  6162. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-15 unicode, ancient/weird alphabets, rune, braille, combinatorics based system, astronomy astrology symbols
  6163. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-17 八雲 紫(やくも ゆかり) Yukari Yakumo, divination, trigram, hexagram, bagua, iching, book of change
  6164. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-18 polyomino, scheme lisp shell, Pascal's Theorem/wager, Paul Graham, western/eastern philosophy, mohism
  6165. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-19 Nicaragua. what do people know? how to judge who to trust? what do you think you know?
  6166. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-20
  6167. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-21 EmTime system/notation. Live coding golang. convert 24h time system to 36h system with base 6 notation
  6168. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-22
  6169. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-23 programable keypad, log your life (heatbeat, sleep, walk, email, keystroks, phone…), polymorphism explained
  6170. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-24 harddisk vs flash drive, politics of Taiwan USA China, great fringe mathematicians and programers,
  6171. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-26 emacs, elisp. xah-select-block, Xah Fly Keys, magit, git, german alphabet ß, keyboard layout
  6172. Xah Talk Show 2019-12-30. new year resolution, how to be happy, femism STEM, Middle East
  6173. Xah Talk Show 2019 Index
  6174. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-01 Bourbaki Injection, emacs DOTA, X11 Disaster, Unix Pestilence, Cabaret the rise of social justice
  6175. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-02 ontology of JavaScript python ruby java dot notation vs unix pipe vs function chaining,
  6176. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-06 Linux config, rise of NSFW, SJW vs CHAN
  6177. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-07 ergodox, Xah Fly Keys, emacs lisp books, automated Proving Systems, emacs workflow JavaScript in Depth
  6178. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-08 Unicode Issues in Programing Languages Golang Python Ruby JavaScript Java emacs lisp
  6179. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-09 Nova Scotia, Human Animals n Their Songs, You're So Vain, golang find/replace, emacs key macro
  6180. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-10 game of life on trifoil knot. lurid math. angle trisectors. spacemac, Xah Fly Keys, ergoemacs mode,
  6181. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-11 game of life, cellular automata, Universal Turing machine, Europa and the Bull, Greek Automata
  6182. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-12 The Arts, Communication, Psychology, Intelligence
  6183. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-13 emacs workflow, create html blog archive, modify command log mode
  6184. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-14 JavaScript warts, array problem
  6185. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-19
  6186. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-20 human facial expression, big corp funding academia, capitalism, Anarchism. Wikipedia, emacs, magit truncate lines
  6187. Xah Talk Show 2020-01-23
  6188. Xah Talk Show 2020-02-07
  6189. Xah Talk Show 2020-04-12 keyboard layout design, chorded keyboard, bat D??TH Resurrection USA
  6190. Xah Talk Show 2020-05-02. web assembly, emacs, clojure, machine learning, meta lang, geometric unity
  6191. Xah Talk Show 2020-05-05 compile=pillage, Google SEO is propaganda, the phrase Human Animals, regular expression
  6192. Xah Talk Show 2020-05-06 how to avoid mouse hand pain, logitech g-hub crap, paradox of optimal keymap, substance vs milen, Candace Owens
  6193. Xah Talk Show 2020-05-08 Japanese Keyboards, TRON, M-System, Thumb-Shift, Leopold, Topre
  6194. Xah Talk Show 2020-05-11 Unix, AIX HP-UX, AU/X, Unix, Irix, Posix, Linux, Xenix, NTFS
  6195. Xah Talk Show 2020-05-14
  6196. Xah Talk Show 2020-05-16 rage comics, pepe, marketing, Mac vs Windows vs Linux
  6197. Xah Talk Show 2020-05-21 one hundred dollars epic fail
  6198. Xah Talk Show 2020-05-22 Sentient Trashcan, Space Odyssey, Trackball Ball Sizes, Ultimate Hacking Keyboard vs Kinesis Typerace
  6199. Xah Talk Show 2020-05-23. Which programing language is worth learning? The Future of Lisp
  6200. Xah Talk Show 2020-05-26 Why Tiling Window Manager Sucks
  6201. Xah Talk Show 2020-06-04 riots, computer for math proofs, hong kong, china, usa, lisp macro
  6202. Xah Talk Show 2020-06-06. math of seashell, kinesis vs UHK vs xbows keyboards, juggling and math
  6203. Xah Talk Show 2020-06-08•Perry Bible•solar system•milky way•astronomy Symbols•sailor moon•transhumanism
  6204. Xah Talk Show xah emacs lisp live coding 2020-06-10. join lines in a text block
  6205. Xah Talk Show 2020-06-16 emacs lisp and html coding. etymology and mythology
  6206. Xah Talk Show 2020-07-15, emacs lisp command xah-html-remove-list
  6207. Xah Talk Show 2020-07-18 gergo keyboard review and keyboard geeking
  6208. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-04, emacs lisp coding, open buffer or link in chrome
  6209. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-07, emacs lisp youtube-linkify, why shell in emacs, sigil war
  6210. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-10, emacs, braille, python vs ruby vs perl vs emacs lisp
  6211. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-11, JavaScript Live Code Rot13 Cipher App
  6212. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-12, intro to emacs 27 features turned huge rant
  6213. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-13. The Opposite of Love. Emacs, Ergodox, why emacs is better than vim
  6214. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-15, emacs/elisp tutorial, modify youtube linkify accept timestamp
  6215. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-17 Emacs Lisp Coding, Display Formfeed as Line
  6216. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-18 Emacs, Manage Project with Projectile
  6217. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-20 Emacs Lisp. Write Command to Clean Up YouTube Description
  6218. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-21 emacs lisp, write command to highlight text
  6219. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-25 emacs, reaction on try out speedbar and treemacs
  6220. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-26 lisp keyboards, arrow key history, emacs dash problem, open source problem
  6221. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-29 emacs lisp, write xah-html-escape-char-to-entity that highlights changed places
  6222. Xah Talk Show 2020-08-30 emacs lisp, html named entities to unicode chars, thing at point
  6223. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-03, Evolution of Laptop Keyboards
  6224. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-04 Emacs Lisp. File Path to Link, Image Link, Get Title, Image Dimension
  6225. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-05, emacs lisp coding, write command to display html hr tag as line
  6226. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-06 on JavaScript, Node.js, Deno, NPM, Tech Writing, Doc Tech, HTML/CSS
  6227. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-07 Emacs Lisp, Insert/Parse Date Time
  6228. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-10 Programing, Philosophy of Too Many Libraries, Algorithmic Mathematical Art
  6229. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-13 emacs lisp xah-remove-console-log, live coding + tutorial
  6230. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-14, programable keyboard, keyboard input tools for image/video editing
  6231. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-15 Emacs Lisp Live Coding + Tutorial. insert-br-tag
  6232. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-20 Keyboard Layouts, QWERTY Dvorak Colemak, Why PHP is Better Than JavaScript
  6233. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-23 Emacs Lisp Format JavaScript, the Idiocy of Formatting Style Guide
  6234. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-26 JavaScript live coding keyboard layout heatmap
  6235. Xah Talk Show 2020-09-27 best programable keypad, unix config files, why JavaScript property sucks
  6236. Xah Talk Show 2020-10-03 Dumang Dk6 Keyboard, Idiocy of Typography, emacs, python MapThread
  6237. Xah Talk Show 2020-12-02 emacs Sentence Lines, my RSI, Microsoft Sculpt Keyboard, Function Keys
  6238. Xah Talk Show 2020-12-14 Art, Anime, Pointer+Reference Harm, Org Babel, UHK Keyboard
  6239. Xah Talk Show 2020-12-18, emacs random talk, org vs html, keyboard layout vs shortcut layout
  6240. Xah Talk Show 2020-12-22 live coding emacs lisp, xah fly keys + batman keyboard, math history books
  6241. Xah Talk Show 2020-12-27, fathers of the sjw philosophies. Breath it All In, Children
  6242. Xah Talk Show 2020-12-31. golang, backup, unix shells, and why unix sucks donkey asss
  6243. Xah Talk Show 2020 Index
  6244. Xah Talk Show 2021-01-03 elisp coding, why golang is easier to learn than python
  6245. Xah Talk Show 2021-01-07 emacs delete html tags, workflow, Kinesis Advantage2 keyboard, gaming machine
  6246. Xah Talk Show 2021-02-06 Characteristics of Haskell, Perl, Ruby, Python, Clojure, Java, JavaScript, LISP, WolframLang
  6247. Xah Talk Show 2021-02-17 Signum Keyboard, Great Interactive Geometry Software, Agile Faak
  6248. Xah Talk Show 2021-02-20 Windows key setup, FSF vs OpenSource ideologies, Emacs vs VSCode
  6249. Xah Talk Show 2021-03-02. Q and A. Emacs Init for Windows. Why Interest in Math?
  6250. Xah Talk Show 2021-03-11 demo of Wolfram Language Mathematica
  6251. Xah Talk Show 2021-03-13 Ergonomics, Mechanical Keyboard, Artificial Intelligence, Lex Fridman
  6252. Xah Talk Show 2021-03-17 Xah Tries Doom Emacs
  6253. Xah Talk Show 2021-03-21 Wolfram Language Mathematica Demo/Tutorial. Transformation of the Plane
  6254. Xah Talk Show 2021-03-26 Why Wolfram Language is a Artificial Intelligence Language
  6255. Xah Talk Show 2021-03-27 Emacs Undo Drama, Emacs Lore, Lisp Warr, rms, and Who's Who in Gnu Emacs
  6256. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-01 Basics of Wolfram Language. Richard Stallman. Functional Programing in Java Perl Python
  6257. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-06 JavaScript SVG for Keyboard Layout and Character Frequency Diagram
  6258. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-08 Constructed Languages, English Spelling Reform, Shorthand Systems
  6259. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-09 emacs lisp live coding tutorial. xah-html-local-links-to-fullpath
  6260. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-10 JavaScript Live Coding an Interactive Bigrams Count
  6261. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-12 Wolfram Language, and What is Algorithmic Mathematical Art
  6262. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-14 emacs lisp Live Coding + Tutorial. Add Period to Line Ends
  6263. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-16 JavaScript Live Coding, Creating a Bar Chart in SVG
  6264. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-18 Emacs Lisp. Fuzzy Matching. Explore Ido and Helm Source Code, Part 1
  6265. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-19 Emacs Lisp. Explore Ido and Helm Fuzzy Match Source Code. Part 2
  6266. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-20 Emacs Lisp. Explore Helm Fuzzy Match Source Code. Part 3
  6267. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-21 JavaScript+SVG Live Coding, Interactive Bigram Chart
  6268. Xah Talk Show 2021-04-24 Lisp and Wolfram Language Syntax Isomorphism and Design
  6269. Xah Talk Show 2021-05-04 history of ErgoEmacs, and Creating a XahEmacs Distro
  6270. Xah Talk Show 2021-05-05 JavaScript SVG Live Coding Interactive Bigram Bar Chart
  6271. Xah Talk Show 2021-05-06 Wolfram Language Typesetting, TeX, Problems of Traditional Math Notation, Syntax and Proof Systems
  6272. Xah Talk Show 2021-05-14 SGI Irix, BSD, Open Source Rob FSF, Unix Pestilence
  6273. Xah Talk Show 2021-05-17 Emacs Lisp Live Coding. Convert MM:SS to Seconds and Reverse
  6274. Xah Talk Show 2021-05-18 emacs lisp coding a show directory as tree
  6275. Xah Talk Show 2021-05-28 Why Python Lambda is Broken and Can't be Fixed
  6276. Xah Talk Show 2021-05-29 Curly Quotes, Unicode, Emacs, and the Crime of RMS
  6277. Xah Talk Show 2021-05-31 Emacs Workflow HTML Delete Tags, Alt Tab No Good, No emacs calc, Futurism
  6278. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-02 Wolfram Language Basics for Industrial Programers
  6279. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-03 JavaScript svg coding keyboard diagram
  6280. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-05 Emacs Workflow, PowerShell, Mouse Spin Wheel, Apple M1 Chip
  6281. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-08 Emacs, Japan Action Figure, Fleet Girls, Keyboard, tiling windows manager
  6282. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-17 Emacs Workflow HTML Rename Source File Path, User Interface Peepshow Windows
  6283. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-20 Emacs Select Current HTML Element, async problem, math typesetting, random rant
  6284. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-21 emacs lisp coding. HTML Lines/Blocks to List
  6285. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-22 emacs lisp live coding, extend xah-html-select-current-element
  6286. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-24 emacs lisp live coding, html, auto add p tags
  6287. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-25 Emacs vs Vscode, on Documentation, Java, WolframLang, PowerShell, Golang, Python
  6288. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-26, emacs lisp create hook, dark theme sucks
  6289. Xah Talk Show 2021-06-30. xah fly keys, PowerShell, .net, vivaldi, browser war history, C vs golang
  6290. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-03, SVG, emacs, WolframLang, gergo keyboard, choc switch
  6291. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-05 emacs lisp xah-reformat-lines, all you wanna know about mouse vs trackball
  6292. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-06 language syntax design, whitespace/string. history of kinesis maltron ergodox dactyle
  6293. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-14 emacs lisp, slash backslash, what should be the filepath separator
  6294. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-17 create a XahEmacs distro and put it on github
  6295. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-18 emacs lisp, code xah-html-join-tags, pen computing
  6296. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-20. XahEmacs. WolframLang. Math. Wallpaper Groups
  6297. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-21 emacs lisp xah-html-goto-matching-tag, WolframLang triple helix
  6298. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-23 WolframLang Coding. Parametric Plot of Sphere
  6299. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-24 math, parametric surface, WolframLang, emacs lisp, write xah-wolfram-mode
  6300. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-25 emacs lisp code WolframLang doc lookup, ref linkify
  6301. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-26 pepe got a girlfriend. milengen. elisp and WolframLang coding
  6302. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-27 Second Life, elisp, WolframLang
  6303. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-28 Lilypond, Why Typography/TeX Sucks, Knuth Art of Computer Programming
  6304. Xah Talk Show 2021-07-29 WolframLang, Hilbert Curve, Hyperboloid
  6305. Xah Talk Show 2021-08-01 Math, Wolframlang Coding. Geometric Inversion of 3D Grid
  6306. Xah Talk Show 2021-08-03 emacs packages, CSS, command naming bash vs PowerShell, history of Wikipedia
  6307. Xah Talk Show 2021-08-09
  6308. Xah Talk Show 2021-09-14 Emacs Xah HTML Mode, the Most Powerful HTML Editor
  6309. Xah Talk Show 2021-10-01 math geometric inversion, WolframLang coding, emacs xah wolfram mode
  6310. Xah Talk Show 2021-10-12 grep/sed in emacs lisp PowerShell golang python perl
  6311. Xah Talk Show 2021-10-15 grep/sed find/replace in WolframLang elisp golang python perl PowerShell
  6312. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-08 x-bows keyboard, WolframLang for unix grep, emacs xah-wolfram-mode
  6313. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-09 WolframLang tutorial, on writing a grep, live coding
  6314. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-10 Mouse Efficiency and Why Linux Tiling Window Manager Sucks, Wayland
  6315. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-15, on Studying Math, Category Theory, Type Theory, Proof Theory, Famous Emacs Users
  6316. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-18 emacs lisp coding, unicode, history of emoji, religion, cathedral, milengen
  6317. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-19 unicode, emoji, font, css, JavaScript live coding
  6318. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-20 Bash vs PowerShell vs WolframLang
  6319. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-21 Emacs Lisp Coding, Video File Extension/Suffix, Midi
  6320. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-22 emacs keyboard macro, history of internet, wiki/facebook/twitter
  6321. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-23 History of JavaScript Tag, Hackernews Paul Graham, How to Master Writing
  6322. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-24 Emoji vs Symbol, Complexity and Tedium of Software Engineering
  6323. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-25 Coding Session. Fix Link in HTML Files, WolframLang
  6324. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-27 Emacs Lisp Tutorial, Writing a Golang Mode from Scratch
  6325. Xah Talk Show 2021-11-28 Dactyle Manuform Keyboard, UI Design, Shift-Select, Peepsow Window
  6326. Xah Talk Show 2021-12-01 WolframLang vs Lisp Syntax Comparison
  6327. Xah Talk Show 2021-12-05 Intro to Emacs Xah Fly Keys and playing vim golf
  6328. Xah Talk Show 2021-12-09 Tedium and Complexity of Newline in Programing Industry
  6329. Xah Talk Show 2021-12-15 Grammar Complexity of Constructed Human Languages and Computer Languages
  6330. Xah Talk Show 2021-12-20 Fn Key, Poverty, Typing History, Mac vs Windows, M1 Chip, Barefoot Shoe
  6331. Xah Talk Show 2021-12-26 Mech Key Mouse, Chinese Input Methods, Censorship China vs USA
  6332. Xah Talk Show 2021 Index
  6333. Xah Talk Show 2022-01-03 Keyboard Design,Apple Design,Steve Jobs,Optical Switch,Lisp Keyboards,HHKB
  6334. Xah Talk Show 2022-01-06 WolframLang Tutorial, Find/Replace String in a Dir
  6335. Xah Talk Show 2022-01-08 Dark Theme, CSS, World's Keyboard Layouts, Key Shortcut HTML Markup
  6336. Xah Talk Show 2022-01-11 python, perl, PowerShell, emacs lisp, golang, WolframLang, speed comparison, find/replace
  6337. Xah Talk Show 2022-01-12 why unix grep sucks, history of regex, WolframLang StringExpression
  6338. Xah Talk Show 2022-01-18 xbows uhk russian keyboards, syntax soup, bitcoin future, why python sucks
  6339. Xah Talk Show 2022-01-20 emacs lisp coding plus tutorial, xah-add-space-after-comma
  6340. Xah Talk Show 2022-01-21 WolframLang coding, plotting seashells
  6341. Xah Talk Show 2022-01-22 emacs lisp coding narrow-to-region, sort-lines, hilight-unicode, emacs vs xemacs
  6342. Xah Talk Show 2022-02-02 Emacs Xah Wolfram Mode, Xah Shorthand System, Why Steno Sucks, Why OpenGL Sucks
  6343. Xah Talk Show 2022-02-04, Elisp String Functions, PowerShell, CSS Darktheme, Logo, Apache Rewrite History
  6344. Xah Talk Show 2022-02-06 Intro to WolframLang Mathematica Graphics and Programing Graphics
  6345. Xah Talk Show 2022-02-21, Glove80 Keyboard, Key Symbology, APL, JavaScript Style Guide
  6346. Xah Talk Show 2022-03-03 java python lisp's computational models, meaning of object, why python doc sucks
  6347. Xah Talk Show 2022-03-04 emacs lisp coding and tutorial. swap/transpose text blocks
  6348. Xah Talk Show 2022-03-08 emacs lisp coding. Xah HTML Mode. xah-html-pre-code-to-new-file
  6349. Xah Talk Show 2022-03-13 KEMOVE DK61 Keyboard review, Emacs Lisp live coding xah-js-eval-line
  6350. Xah Talk Show 2022-03-16 on magic, on web navigational panel design
  6351. Xah Talk Show 2022-03-20 emacs lisp, keyboard shortcut markup, on universal shortcut notation
  6352. Xah Talk Show 2022-03-22 emacs init, working on my site
  6353. Xah Talk Show 2022-03-26 write a search engine for my site. emacs lisp + JavaScript coding
  6354. xah talk show 2022-04-09 emacs 28, icomplete, fido, replace ido, and smex
  6355. xah talk show 2022-04-25 emacs lisp, write command to delete cache files, Language Server Protocol Kills Emacs
  6356. Xah Talk Show 2022-05-01 KEMOVE K68 Keyboard, Architectural Beauties, Regular Expression Alternatives, Emacs Rx, WolframLang
  6357. xah talk show 2022-05-07 look into emacs lisp string functions
  6358. Xah Talk Show 2022-05-11 How I Got into LISP, Should You Learn Wolfram Language, Math Plane Curves
  6359. xah talk show 2022-05-12 emacs, most efficient ways to open file
  6360. xah talk show 2022-05-16 emacs, most efficient way to toggle letter case, upcase sentences, reformat lines, problems of fill-region
  6361. Xah Talk Show 2022-05-21 Emacs Lisp Coding, Bionic Reading Command
  6362. Xah Talk Show 2022-05-22 Wolfram Notebook Format, Org Mode, Lisp, XML, SXML
  6363. xah talk show 2022-05-24 best stylus, pen input, trackball, and why happy hacking keyboard sucks
  6364. xah talk show 2022-05-28 write a emacs lisp script to count elisp function usage frequency
  6365. xah talk show 2022-06-08 emacs lisp tutorial, write command to change space to newline
  6366. xah talk show 2022-06-09 PowerShell rename file in a dir to hash
  6367. xah talk show 2022-06-24 elements of programing language: emacs lisp, WolframLang, python, JavaScript, golang, PowerShell
  6368. Xah Talk Show 2022-07-13 WolframLang Tutorial for Programer, String and Regular Expression
  6369. Xah Talk Show 2022-07-15 WolframLang Tutorial for Programer, Demo Symbolic Computation and Term-Rewriting System
  6370. xah talk show 2022-07-22 emacs lisp, parse url, regex, trigram, hexagram
  6371. xah talk show 2022-07-31 emacs lisp, command to insert-random-string, hexadecimal, uuid, base64, WolframLang base36
  6372. xah talk show 2022-08-04 emacs regular expression
  6373. xah talk show 2022-08-08 programing language design, walk directory, in python, golang, PowerShell, emacs lisp, WolframLang
  6374. xah talk show 2022-08-10. Unix cult (linux, suckless), a crime of computing industry. The Damages it has done
  6375. Xah Talk Show 2022-08-27 Automatic Code Formatting: JavaScript Python PowerShell Golang Elisp WolframLang, Emacs Integration
  6376. Xah Talk Show 2022-09-04 Best Cheapo Gears for comp nerds, Best Windows Apps, Setting Tips
  6377. Xah Talk Show 2022-09-07 Emacs Lisp for Beginner
  6378. Xah Talk Show 2022-09-15 Emacs Key Macro
  6379. Xah Talk Show 2022-09-16 Coding Challenge, Get the Odd Count. WolframLang vs Python Ruby JavaScript PHP Haskell
  6380. Xah Talk Show 2022-09-21 Emacs Lisp Coding, Write Command to Demote HTML Headers
  6381. Xah Talk Show 2022-09-22 Emacs Lisp Coding. Write Command to Add HTML Section Tags
  6382. Xah Talk Show 2022-09-28 emacs lisp. extract html links, insert to each page
  6383. Xah Talk Show 2022-09-29 the Most Efficient Emacs Workflow, more efficient than vim
  6384. Xah Talk Show 2022-10-18 WolframLang Coding, Count Words Frequency, Letter Frequency, Bigrams
  6385. Xah Talk Show 2022-10-30 Emacs, Most Efficient Ways to Insert Unicode, Emoji, Math Symbols
  6386. Xah Talk Show 2022-11-01 WolframLang Coding, Count Words in Arabian Nights and Alice in Wonderland
  6387. Xah Talk Show 2022-11-03 Fully Understand Unicode for Programers. UTF-8, UTF-16, ASCII, Codepoint
  6388. Xah Talk Show 2022-11-10 Emacs Lisp Write a Python Mode from Scratch, and Why Python Sucks
  6389. Xah Talk Show 2022-11-13 WolframLang Coding, Stereographic Projection
  6390. Xah Talk Show 2022-11-21 Math WolframLang Working Session. Derive Stereographic Projection, Geometric Inversion
  6391. Xah Talk Show 2022-11-24 Generative Art, Raytracing, Myers-Briggs, Personality Test, Psychology, Lex Fridman
  6392. Xah Talk Show 2022-11-25 Emacs Lisp Coding, $sigil in Lisp, Clojure, Regex Alt Syntax
  6393. Xah Talk Show 2022-11-28 Why Common Lisp Sucks, and Xah Lee is a Troll, lispm
  6394. xah talk show 2022-12-02
  6395. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-05 DDG Search, QQ AI Drawing, openAI Poem, Tim Pool, Lauren Southern, Emacs 29, code formatting
  6396. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-06 Characteristics of Lisp, WolframLang vs Lisp, Why Emacs Paredit Sucks
  6397. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-08 杀杀演绎 Emacs Lisp 简介
  6398. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-12 Advent of Code Day 1, in WolframLang, Live Coding
  6399. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-13 Advent of Code Day 2, in WolframLang, emacs lisp, JavaScript
  6400. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-14 Advent of Code Day 2B, in WolframLang, Live Coding
  6401. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-15 Advent of Code Day 3, in WolframLang, Live Coding
  6402. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-16 Advent of Code Day 4, in WolframLang, Live Coding
  6403. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-17 Advent of Code Day 5, in WolframLang, Live Coding
  6404. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-18 Advent of Code Day 5B, in WolframLang, Live Coding
  6405. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-19 Difference Between List, Array, Vector, Why is Array Access Constant Time
  6406. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-20 Efficient Python Stack vs Builtin List
  6407. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-21 Advent of Code Day 6, in WolframLang, Live Coding
  6408. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-22 Advent of Code Day 7, in WolframLang, Live Coding
  6409. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-23 Advent of Code Day 7 B, in WolframLang, Live Coding
  6410. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-29 Advent of Code Day 5, in Emacs Lisp, Live Coding
  6411. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-30 Advent of Code Day 5 B, in Emacs Lisp, Live Coding
  6412. Xah Talk Show 2022-12-31 Graph Theory, Best Math Books, Homotopy Type Theory, Category Theory
  6413. Xah Talk Show 2022 Index
  6414. Xah Talk Show 2023-01-01 Auto Format Emacs Lisp Code
  6415. Xah Talk Show 2023-01-05 Elixir, Elm, PureScript, ReasonML, TypeScript, and the Best JavaScript Book
  6416. Xah Talk Show 2023-01-07 Emacs Lisp, WolframLang, Speed Comparison for Find/Replace
  6417. Xah Talk Show 2023-01-08 Python, Emacs Lisp, WolframLang, Speed Comparison for Find/Replace
  6418. Xah Talk Show 2023-01-09 Golang, Python, Emacs Lisp, WolframLang, Speed Comparison for Find/Replace
  6419. Xah Talk Show 2023-01-11 JavaScript Coding, Write an App to Convert Text to Unicode Bold, Italics
  6420. Xah Talk Show 2023-01-16 Emacs Lisp Write Python Mode from Scratch
  6421. Xah Talk Show 2023-01-19 Emacs Lisp Write Python Mode from Scratch, Part 2
  6422. Xah Talk Show 2023-01-22 Emacs Lisp Write Python Mode from Scratch, Part 3
  6423. Xah Talk Show 2023-01-29 Glove80 Keyboard Review
  6424. Xah Talk Show 2023-01-31 WolframLang Coding, Graphics, Geometric Inversion with Tubes
  6425. Xah Talk Show 2023-02-02 WolframLang Coding, Graphics, Geometric Inversion 3D Tubes
  6426. Xah Talk Show 2023-02-04, Emacs Comment Command, Wolfram on Thermodynamics
  6427. Xah Talk Show 2023-02-06 China YouTube bilibili, Windows vs Mac vs linux, multiculturalism
  6428. Xah Talk Show 2023-02-12 Emacs Lisp Coding, Transpose HTML Table
  6429. Xah Talk Show 2023-02-21 chatGPT, WolframLang Coding, Geometric Inversion 3D Spheres
  6430. Xah Talk Show 2023-02-23 Emacs Lisp Writing URL Parser
  6431. Xah Talk Show 2023-02-26 Design of Nested Syntax (Lisp XML Python), Search Engine War, Google, chatGPT
  6432. Xah Talk Show 2023-03-01 PowerShell Coding, Rename Files Space to Lowline
  6433. Xah Talk Show 2023-03-02 Emacs Lisp Coding, Open All Files that Contains a Word, xah-find.el
  6434. Xah Talk Show 2023-03-05 WolframLang Coding. Stereographic Projection and Geometric Inversion
  6435. Xah Talk Show 2023-03-09 Emacs Lisp. Command to Move File (Photo) to a Dir (categorize)
  6436. Xah Talk Show 2023-03-23 glove80, elon musk, Wikipedia, tiling theory, emacs treesitter lsp
  6437. Xah Talk Show 2023-03-29 Glove80 Keyboard, Ocaml vs Haskell, WolframLang, ChatGPT
  6438. Xah Talk Show 2023-04-05 Unboxing Ultimate Hacking Keyboard V2
  6439. Xah Talk Show 2023-04-18 UHK Ultimate Hacking Keyboard V2 Review
  6440. Xah Talk Show 2023-04-20 Emacs Lisp Coding. Keyboard Shortcut Notation to HTML Markup
  6441. Xah Talk Show 2023-04-29 Visual Arts, Will AI Wipe Out Humans, What to Read, ...
  6442. Xah Talk Show 2023-05-09 Kinesis Advantage 360 Unboxing
  6443. Xah Talk Show 2023-05-11 Unicode Fullwidth Char, Why JavaScript Sucks, JavaScript vs TypeScript vs JSDoc
  6444. Xah Talk Show 2023-06-23 random. titanic. twitter. mech switch, keyboard layers
  6445. Xah Talk Show 2023-06-25 Emacs Lisp, Write HTML/XML Validator
  6446. Xah Talk Show 2023-06-27 Emacs Lisp, Write HTML/XML Validator, part 2
  6447. xah talk show 2023-07-09 topic random. you ask, i talk
  6448. Xah Talk Show 2023-07-31 Emacs, San Francisco Going to Hell
  6449. Xah Talk Show 2023-08-26 Emacs 29 Features
  6450. Xah Talk Show 2023-09-13 Emacs Lisp Coding, Empty Trash
  6451. Xah Talk Show 2023-09-28 WolframLang Levelspec, why Clojure is Dense, Java, TypeScript
  6452. Xah Talk Show 2023-10-05 Why ChatGPT bad at math, Brain-Computer Interface, Psychotherapy, TempleOS
  6453. Xah Talk Show 2023-10-11 Why C Sucks, Hexadecimal and Color Syntax, Longest English Word, Complex Chinese Character
  6454. Xah Talk Show 2023-10-21 Kinesis 360 Keyboard, Ergonomic Keyboard History
  6455. Xah Talk Show 2023-10-25 Xah Fly Keys, Bill Gosper Equations, Game of Life
  6456. xah talk show 2023-12-01
  6457. Xah Talk Show 2023-12-02 Advent of Code Day 1, in WolframLang
  6458. Xah Talk Show 2023-12-03 Advent of Code Day 2, in WolframLang (failed)
  6459. Xah Talk Show 2023-12-10 Advent of Code Day 2, in WolframLang, Shortest Solution on Earth
  6460. Xah Talk Show 2023-12-11 Advent of Code Day 3, Live Coding, in WolframLang
  6461. Xah Talk Show 2023-12-24 Mechanical Key Switches, Sentient AI Bots
  6462. Xah Talk Show 2023-12-26 Advent of Code Day 4, Live Coding, in WolframLang
  6463. Xah Talk Show 2023-12-28 Advent of Code Day 5, Live Coding, in WolframLang
  6464. Xah Talk Show 2023-12-29 Advent of Code Day 5, Take 2, Live Coding, in WolframLang
  6465. Xah Talk Show 2023-12-31, Advent of Code Day 3, Live Coding in WolframLang
  6466. Xah Talk Show 2023 Index
  6467. Xah Talk Show 2024-01-01 Ep525, Advent of Code, Day 5 Take 3, Live Coding in WolframLang
  6468. Xah Talk Show 2024-01-04 Ep526, Advent of Code, Day 6, Live Coding in WolframLang
  6469. Xah Talk Show 2024-01-05 Ep527, PowerShell Live Coding, Rename File No-Break Space
  6470. Xah Talk Show 2024-01-08 Ep528 Trackball, Write Emacs Lisp Command to Change Link to Dead Link
  6471. Xah Talk Show 2024-01-11 Ep529 Type Theory, WolframLang Machine Learning
  6472. Xah Talk Show 2024-01-13 Ep530, Dark Theme, Unix Move vs Rename, Font Obsession, Ligature Idiocy
  6473. Xah Talk Show 2024-01-17 Ep531, Datahand, Svalboard, Emacs Xah Dired Mode
  6474. Xah Talk Show 2024-01-21 Ep532 What Happens When You Blog for 25 Years
  6475. Xah Talk Show 2024-01-23 Ep533 Emacs Lisp Normalize YouTube Url, Open All File Paths, How to Choose a Mouse
  6476. Xah Talk Show 2024-01-26 Ep534 Advent of Code, Day 7, Live Coding in WolframLang
  6477. Xah Talk Show 2024-02-01 Ep535 Live Coding in WolframLang, Math, Plane Curves Package
  6478. Xah Talk Show 2024-02-07 Ep536 Math Geometry Tiling and Patterns
  6479. Xah Talk Show 2024-02-12 Ep537 Math Geometry, Tiling and Patterns, Coding WolframLang
  6480. Xah Talk Show 2024-02-21 Ep538 Unicode, Hieroglyph, LISP Keyboard, Ban Shift, Etc
  6481. Xah Talk Show 2024-02-26 Ep539 Svalboard Datahand, First Impression
  6482. Xah Talk Show 2024-02-27 Ep540 Emacs Lisp Coding, Hand Pain, Dark Theme Fad, Solarize Disease
  6483. Xah Talk Show 2024-03-04 Ep541, Emacs Xah Fly Keys Org-Mode Key, Keyboard, WolframLang Tiling, Plane Curves, Math
  6484. Xah Talk Show Ep542 2024-03-23 Glove80, Kinesis 360, UHK Keyboard, NVIDIA Gamer Idiosy, Vscode, Emacs Lisp
  6485. Xah Talk Show 2024-04-07 Ep543 Wolfram Mathematica, fsharp go vs rust, keyboard layouts, dvorak, colemak, beakl
  6486. Xah Talk Show 2024-04-13 Ep544 Did Richard Stallman Create Emacs? Happy Hacking Keyboard, Lexical vs Dynamic Scope
  6487. Xah Talk Show 2024-04-18 Ep545, ASMR Edition. Keyboard News and JavaScript Coding
  6488. xah talk show 2024-04-19 Ep546 emacs lisp coding
  6489. Xah Talk Show 2024-04-24 Ep547, Keyboard Layouts, Dvorak vs Colemak, on French German Spanish Pinyin (Chinese)
  6490. Xah Talk Show 2024-04-26 Ep548 Speed Typing, Sean Wrona's Crackpot Theory, Best Emacs Lisp Book
  6491. Xah Talk Show 2024-04-28 Ep549 WolframLang Coding, Advent of Code 2023, Day 8
  6492. Xah Talk Show 2024-05-02 Ep550 Idiosy of Keyboard Layouts, Math and Functional Programing, Schizoid, YouTube and Humanity
  6493. Xah Talk Show 2024-05-03 Ep551 Emacs Lisp Coding, html add related box
  6494. Xah Talk Show 2024-05-07 Ep552 WolframLang Coding, Advent of Code 2023, Day 9
  6495. Xah Talk Show 2024-05-08 Ep553 Emacs Lisp Coding, Calc Pad, Increment Digit, How to Change Behavior, Zoomer Idiocity
  6496. Xah Talk Show 2024-05-10 Ep554 WolframLang Coding, Advent of Code 2023, Day 10
  6497. Xah Talk Show 2024-05-13 Ep555, Random Topic, Keyboards History, Alice Layout, Chaturbate
  6498. Xah Talk Show 2024-05-14 Ep556 Wolfram Language Mathematica, Wave Surface, Plane Curves
  6499. Xah Talk Show 2024-06-08 Ep557 random
  6500. Xah Talk Show 2024-06-11 Ep558, Which is Best Lisp? Common Lisp, Scheme, Elisp, Clojure, Wolfram Language
  6501. Xah Talk Show 2024-07-05 Ep559, Nulea M505 Trackball
  6502. Xah Talk Show 2024-07-07 Ep560, Emacs Lisp Coding, Get Youtube Video Thumbnail
  6503. Xah Talk Show 2024-07-12 Ep561, Astroid Linkages, Animation, Geometry, Calculus, Mathematica code
  6504. Xah Talk Show Dump
  6505. Xah Talk Show 📺
  6506. Xah Talk Show Misc
  6507. Helicopter Rotor
  6508. Reading Notes on Tilings and Patterns
  6509. Tree Functions: Range
  6510. Tree Functions: Table
  6511. Tree Functions: Table, notes
  6512. Tree Functions: Table, Scheme
  6513. FullArrayIndexSet
  6514. Sorting Tree Indexes
  6515. LispForm
  6516. MinimumIndexSet
  6517. MinimumTreeGenerator
  6518. TreeGenerator
  6519. Trees and Indexes
  6520. Tree Functions in Perl, Python, Java
  6521. Deno: Does Not Support __proto__
  6522. Deno: Auto Format JavaScript Code
  6523. Deno: Intro
  6524. Deno: Print Version
  6525. Deno: Read File
  6526. Install Nodejs
  6527. TypeScript: Errors
  6528. TypeScript Filename Extension
  6529. TypeScript Tutorial
  6530. TypeScript: Install
  6531. TypeScript Misc Notes
  6532. TypeScript: Convert to JavaScript
  6533. TypeScript: Type Syntax
  6534. Google AdSense Ban on Ancient Asian Goddess Sculpture Page
  6535. How to Start Google Chrome in a New Instance?
  6536. Google Reader RIPS
  6537. Google's Deceptive Ad: Google Puts Ad in Email Under Promotion Tab
  6538. Google: DON'T BE EVIL vs DON'T DO EVIL
  6539. Google Pushes Invalid HTML to the World
  6540. Google Now Requires JavaScript AND Cookies?
  6541. Google Sitemap.org Domain Typosquatting Scam
  6542. Are Googlers the Minions of Google Marketing?
  6543. Microsoft Added Back the Microsoft Edge
  6544. Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry
  6545. Steve Jobs 3 Months Before He Died
  6546. TV Has Arrived on The Web
  6547. Industrial Tech: Twilio, SendGrid, Google Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service
  6548. Web Toolbars 2009
  6549. Windows File Explorer Problems
  6550. Windows, double-click title bar problem
  6551. Windows event viewer send info to Microsoft
  6552. Adjust Your Google Ad Preferences, or Opt Out
  6553. Seo Hack on Alexa
  6554. Amazon Closes CA Affiliate Program
  6555. Tech Humor: Apache vs Node.js vs NGINX 📺
  6556. What is the Difference Between Google's “following” a Blog vs Subscribe?
  6557. Brave Search
  6558. Buy Followers Scam
  6559. Carbon Browser Crypto Web3 Scam 2023
  6560. China ISP Ad Injection
  6561. Chrome vs Firefox, 2011
  6562. Social Media Like Button
  6563. Cloud Computing
  6564. User Interface Design: Cropped Image Preview
  6565. Humor: CSS Experimental Pain, Window Blind
  6566. Daily Mail Stealing Images
  6567. User Interface Design: Windows Dark Theme Problem
  6568. Death of HTML Frameset 2021
  6569. disqus ad spam
  6570. Wikipedia Donation Scam
  6571. Duckduckgo Censor Results
  6572. Evil Apple
  6573. Facebook Browser Console Warning
  6574. Facebook Fraud
  6575. Facebook Embedding Tracking Data Inside Photos You Download
  6576. favspam
  6577. Firefox Bug Downloads Empty File
  6578. Windows 10 Flat Design Sucks
  6579. Font Size Problem: CSS Size vs Visual Size
  6580. Font Size Survey 2023
  6581. Pretty Girl Spam
  6582. Gmail State-Sponsored Attack Warning
  6583. Google AMP Scam (2019)
  6584. Google YouTube Greed. Are You Sure You Want to Leave? (2018)
  6585. Google Do Evil
  6586. Google Email Privacy
  6587. Google Chrome Browser Login Scam (2018)
  6588. Google Gmail Blocks Mozilla Thunderbird
  6589. Google Censorship: Image Search White Couple (2018)
  6590. Google Incognito Private Browsing (2008)
  6591. Google Crimes
  6592. Google's PageSpeed Insights Fails Its Own Site
  6593. Google Paid Search Result 2012-07-19
  6594. social network and google plus millennials
  6595. Google Plus Shutdown
  6596. Google Propaganda via Free Font (2021)
  6597. Google Sabotages Firefox (2019-04)
  6598. Google Tweaks YouTube to Make Microsoft Browser Slower (2018-12)
  6599. Google Search Dropped Traffic To XahLee.org (2009)
  6600. SEO: Underscore vs Hyphen: How Google Webmaster Advices Hurt Quality Writers 📺
  6601. Translation SEO Scam
  6602. Hacker News Traffic Effect
  6603. History of the JavaScript script Tag
  6604. StackOverflow Gamification
  6605. Google Html5Rocks
  6606. Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison
  6607. Web Tech Gossip
  6608. Internet Explorer Anime Girl
  6609. Global Internet Usage Hour Pattern
  6610. Web Advertisement in 2011: JavaScript Popups
  6611. Linkedin Spam Filter Collateral Damage
  6612. Machine Generated Spam
  6613. MegaUpload Crime Boss
  6614. Microsoft Defender Blocks Website
  6615. Microsoft Windows Update Abuse User Settings (Search Box in Taskbar)
  6616. Browser War, Mobile Passed Desktop Since ~2016
  6617. Monolithic Web Pages
  6618. Worst User Interface, the MSI Realtek Audio Console
  6619. Muscle Memory User Interface
  6620. Navigational Panel Design
  6621. npm Fiasco. Malware that Steals Bitcoin
  6622. Opera Browser Can't Load Twitter CSS: OCSP Error
  6623. The Demise of orkut.com
  6624. Software Piracy, Open Source, Free Software, Copyright
  6625. How Much Can You Make by Blogging? Google AdSense?
  6626. Reddit greed: login popup block content
  6627. Reddit User Interface Forcing Random Topics (2018)
  6628. Why I'm Removing Tech Blogger Celebrities and Googler on Google Plus
  6629. Ribbon Interface
  6630. Atom/RSS Reader Bug, Relative Link
  6631. Evolution of the Script Tag
  6632. Web Design: Skeleton Screen
  6633. Snopes Runs Spam
  6634. Social Network Post Scoring Systems and Their Consequences
  6635. Similar Characters Spam, 2012
  6636. Web Domain Farm Spam
  6637. Web Spam, Scam, SEO
  6638. Spec with Invalid HTML
  6639. The Overflow of StackOverflow
  6640. Stackoverflow JavaScript Millennials on Compiler
  6641. My Personal Photos of Steve Jobs (1955 to 2011)
  6642. Steve Yegge's Google Platforms Rant
  6643. SOPA: Stop or Start Online Piracy Act?
  6644. JavaScript DOM SVG font-size sucks
  6645. Modern Tablet Computer Features
  6646. Time Magazine HTML Source Code ASCII Art (2022)
  6647. Twitter Bots 2014
  6648. Twitter Card and OpenGraph
  6649. Twitter Spam, from “JavaScript teacher”
  6650. Twitter Spam Farm 2011
  6651. Ask a Question Scam
  6652. Twitter Spam Farm 2012
  6653. Twitter Usage Map
  6654. Donald Knuth, Steve Jobs, and the Idiocy of Typography
  6655. Web Design Hack: Unicode Private Area Character as Icon
  6656. Web Badges History, Year 2000s
  6657. web dev, frontend, backend
  6658. Web Hosting Compared: 2006-01
  6659. Chinese Websites Character Encoding Survey, Year 2012
  6660. What is a Browser
  6661. What Your Google Plus Strategy Should Be?
  6662. WHATWG vs W3C Split
  6663. Where Do Spammers Came From
  6664. Why Not https?
  6665. Why Windows User Interface Suck
  6666. Wikipedia Morons, 2005
  6667. On Wikipedia's Misinformation, 2005
  6668. Microsoft Windows 10 End of Support Warning
  6669. Windows 10 Still Using Bitmap Font
  6670. Microsoft Windows 10 desktop icon big
  6671. Windows User Interface Design: Accidental Hide Windows
  6672. Microsoft Windows Advertisement Spam
  6673. Microsoft Windows Bluetooth Receive File Problem
  6674. Windows Elevation Prompt Idiocy
  6675. Windows 10 Huge Title Bug
  6676. Microsoft Windows User Interface Problem: Incorrect App Icons
  6677. Windows Keyboard Shortcut Problem
  6678. Windows Lockscreen Background Image Problem
  6679. Windows Marketing Popup
  6680. Windows User Interface Sucks, Multi Way to Do the Same Thing
  6681. Windows Open File Dialog Slash Problem
  6682. Microsoft Windows Restart Warning
  6683. Windows User interface System Sound Sucks
  6684. Why Microsoft Windows Sucks
  6685. Windows User Interface: Switch Window Problem
  6686. Windows Taskbar Sucks
  6687. Windows Tiny Font Problem
  6688. Windows Onscreen Keyboard Sucks
  6689. Windows User interface Appearance Inconsistency
  6690. Windows User interface Problem: Plugin Headphone Popup Question
  6691. Women in Tech: Today's Google Plus Recommendation?
  6692. Worst World Clock User interface Design
  6693. Xah Lee Online History
  6694. 2023-04 Xahlee Site Change Font
  6695. YouTube Anti-Adblock (Year 2023)
  6696. Google YouTube Hide Dislikes (2021-11)
  6697. Google Greed, YouTube Related Video (2018)
  6698. Google YouTube Remove Sort Video by Date 2022-02
  6699. YouTube Scamer Stealing Video
  6700. WebGL Demo: Brisk Hindsight
  6701. ttt
  6702. xah js play index
  6703. ttt
  6704. adaptive sampling prototype
  6705. hyperbola
  6706. canvas size problem
  6707. ellipse
  6708. geometric inversion on grid
  6709. hermann sine
  6710. ID System, Number Base vs Number of Digits
  6711. Keyboard Layout Heat Map Visualization
  6712. logistic_map
  6713. 1 over x
  6714. parametric plot
  6715. polyhedron
  6716. index 2018-02-07 new
  6717. chatGPT on Xah Lee
  6718. XahLee.info Search 🔍
  6719. Xah Fly Keys not idempotent
  6720. emacs lisp cons
  6721. probability problem, zhu 2023-05-04
  6722. choco todo
  6723. xtodo
  6724. xtodo emacs
  6725. xtodo emacs 2
  6726. Xah Emacs Blog todo
  6727. xtodo emacs code
  6728. xtodo emacs to read
  6729. xtodo emacs research
  6730. xtodo emacs seq
  6731. xtodo emacs site
  6732. xtodo emacs Xah Fly Keys
  6733. xtodo Emacs Xah Packages
  6734. xtodo JavaScript js
  6735. xtodo math
  6736. xtodo PowerShell
  6737. xtodo python
  6738. xtodo read
  6739. xtodo research
  6740. xtodo review
  6741. xtodo unicode
  6742. xtodo WolframLang
  6743. xtodo Xah Talk Show
  6744. xtodo keyboard