Xah Talk Show 2020-01-14 JavaScript warts, array problem
topics talked
- Xah keyboard Blog
- JavaScript warts
- JavaScript has tons of warts. the reason JavaScript sucks is because it was designed and implemented in 10 days. and it is a language designed for non programers, to add a little interactivity in a web page, in 1995. Brenda Eich.
- array problem. there is no real array. instead, array is just a object, that is, key value pairs, that pretend to be a array.
- JS: Understand JS Array
- JS: List Properties
- var. problems. its scope problem. because it is a function scope. JS: var Name Scope
- var, hoisting problem. JS: var Declaration Order
- var problem. declaring or not declaring var. • JS: var Declaration • JS: Global Variable
- keyboard
problem. Hoisting problem. - JS: Function Declaration vs Function Expression
- the null problem.
is a literal, of the value type null.typeof null
you get"object"
. - JS: null
- the problem of equality operator.
- JS: true, false
- the semicolon problem. JS: Semicolon
- the
statement. - the problem of the keyword
- JS: “this” Binding
- Never Use the Property named “constructor”
- Never use the instanceof Operator
- JS: instanceof Operator
- vrml, whatwg, w3c, history of html5, canvas, and meta name=viewport
- HTML: Meta Tag: viewport
- History of Web Tech