Jargons of Software Industry
when programers use math jargons, such as git directed acyclic graph, haskell monad, http ideompotency, lisp homoiconicity, they dunno which side is mouth, which side is ass.
Naming, terminalogy, are critical, because misnomers create perpetual misunderstanding.
Programing Jargons
- Object Oriented Programing (OOP) Jargons and Complexities
- Why List Comprehension is Bad
- Jargon Lambda in Decline
- Jargon REPL and Hackers
- Jargon Polyfill
- What is Closure in Programing Language
- What is Currying in Computer Science?
- Why You Should Avoid the Jargon Tail Recursion
- Programing Jargon: Synchronous, Asynchronous
- JavaScript Spec, Term “instance” is Not Defined
- English Idiom in Unix: Directory “Recursively”
- Unicode Jargon “Code Point” and Notation U+03B1
- Jargon Automata in Finite State Automata
- What is Persistent Data Structure?
- What is Disjoint Union, Sum Type?
- What is Algebraic Data Types?
- Python Indentation Syntax Terminology: “Off-Side Rule”
- The Jargon “Invariant” in Programing Language
- Predicate in Programing Languages and Naming
What is Regular in Regular Expression?
the term “regular expression” came from “regular grammar”. The word “regular” there is a misnomer. It should be replaced by “linear”.
Jargon “Lexical”
the “lexical” in “lexical scope” and “lexical grammar” are totally different. The former pertains to “textual”, the latter “identifier/word/token”.
Jargon “Hygienic Macro”
in Scheme lisp, there's hygienic macro. That added “hygienic” made it abstruse. A better name is simply macro, or Racket lisp's even better “define-syntax-rule”. The Common Lisp case, is simply a bug.
Jargon “Datatype”
“datatype” is a confusing term. It may refer to 2 things: (1) computer language's types. For example, int, string, list, array, vector, hashtable. (2) data structure of algorithms. For example, linked list, tree, hashtable, associative list, set. This confusion, engendered countless arguments in language crowd. For example, {list, array}.
Jargon “Object”
the “Object” in “object oriented programing” should be called data-bundle.
Algorithm should be renamed recipe
- Algorithm should be renamed recipe.
- Programing language should be renamed recipe language.
- This will massively increase understanding.
The only problem is that the word recipe is hard to spell correctly. It does not follow the alphabetic principle, e.g. it's better spelled “resapi”. Also it confuses with other complex orthography words such as receipt, receive.
Tag, Element, Node, Object, Attribute, Property, Method
doc by dummies
The Jargon File
- Paul Graham's Infatuation with the Concept of Hacker
- What is Ontology of Programing Language?
- Variable Naming: English Words Considered Harmful
- Math Terminology and Naming of Things
- Why You should Not Use the Jargons lisp-1 lisp-2
- Jargons and High Level Languages
- Importance of Terminology's Quality in Computer Languages
- Jargons of Software Industry
- I Can Not Find A Word Better Than “CAR”
- Politics and the English Language, 1946, by George Orwell.