Programing Language: Unicode Math Symbols in Function Name and Operator

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Unicode Support in Function Name and Operator

The question we want to ask are, does your favorite programing language:

  1. Support literal Unicode character in strings? (almost all programing language today (as of 2019) support unicode in string or source code.)
  2. Support literal Unicode character in source code? (e.g. in comment.)
  3. Allow Unicode character in variable or function names, e.g. φ = x and φ(x).
  4. Allow Unicode math symbol character in identifiers (variable or function name), e.g. ⊕(v1, v2).
  5. Allow defining new operators e.g. x +++ y.
  6. Allow defining new operators using unicode symbol e.g. Mv.

Here is a table showing support of unicode in names and operators.

Unicode in Function Name and Operator
languageallow unicode φ in namesallow math symbol ⊕ in namesallow new operatorallow math symbol ⊕ in operator
Emacs Lispnono
Wolfram Lang

What Characters Are Unicode Letter

Many languages do not allow math symbols e.g. Unicode: Math Symbols π² ∞ ∫ in names. e.g. JavaScript, python, golang, java.

Why Define Operators?


Python 2

Python 2.x does not support Unicode char for identifier names.

Python 2.x's Unicode support is not very good. But does work for processing Unicode in string.

Python 3



Ruby has robust support of Unicode, starting with version 1.9. (2007)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ruby

🐞 = "🐞"

def λ n
  n + "美"

p (λ 🐞)
# "🐞美"


Emacs Lisp

;; -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; copy and paste this to a file

(defun xx-🐞 ()
  "Inserts 🐞 愛 ☯ at cursor position."
  (let (α)
    (setq α "🐞 愛 ☯")
    (insert α)))

;; then Alt-x eval-buffer
;; then Alt-x then type xx-🐞
;; press tab for completion


C Lang

Allow math symbols in identifier names.

/* 2024-12-11
testing unicode in identifier.
author: steve, on xah lee discord.
valid when compile it with gcc -std=c99
but -std=c89 fails.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  double π = 3.14159;
  printf("π = %f\n", π);

  const char * = "xah";
  printf("杀 ≈ %s\n", 杀);

  const char *xah = "杀";
  printf("xah = %s\n", xah);

  const char* 😍 = "😍";
  printf("😍 = %s\n", 😍);


Allow math symbols in identifier names.

// // 2024-12-11                         //
// // testing unicode in identifier.     //
// // author: steve, on xah lee discord. //

#include <print>

auto main(int argc, char *argv[]) -> int {
  auto π = 3.14159;
  std::println("π ≈ {}", π);

  auto  = "xah";
  std::println("杀 ≈ {}", 杀);

  auto xah = "杀";
  std::println("xah ≈ {}", xah);

  auto 😍 = "😍";
  std::println("😍 = {}", 😍);


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

	var α = 3

	// var t⊕ = 4
	// syntax error
	// invalid identifier character U+2295 '⊕'

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", α)


// 2024-12-12
// testing unicode char in function names
// author: jamesni

pub fn demo() {
    println!("Golden ratio {}", φ());
    //println!("1 ⊕ 0 = {}", f⊕(1, 0));

fn φ() -> f64 {
    let φ = 1.618;

//fn f⊕(a: isize, b: isize) -> isize {
//    a ^ b

// unknown start of token: \u{2295}

// Rust has a list of overridable operators
// see []


Ocaml does not allow any non-ascii character in names.

Ocaml can define operators, but operators can only be some ASCII chars.

ocaml identifier allowed chars 2019-06-21 fmxgy
ocaml identifier allowed chars 2019-06-21


ocaml operator allowed chars 2019-06-21 pnbsv
ocaml operator allowed chars 2019-06-21
ocaml operator allowed chars 2019-06-21 8wy5n
ocaml operator allowed chars 2019-06-21


Haskell allows non-ascii char in identifier names. but it must be Unicode letter char. Math symbol not allowed.

Haskell can define operator, and the operator can be any unicode character in the category of symbol or punctuation.

Summary: identifier names must be unicode letter, and operator must be unicode symbol.

haskell lex 2019-06-21 8shnc
haskell lex 2019-06-21


haskell operator unicode 2019-06-21 mfyyv
haskell operator unicode 2019-06-21

Here is haskell user defined operators in action:

haskell snowman operator h5m4n
Haskell snowman and mountain operators 〔image source


Julia allow Unicode math symbols variable names and also allow defining operators with math symbols.

julia unicode symbol name 2019-06-20 y2j8g

Wolfram Language

Wolfram Language unicode 2021-07-21
Wolfram Language unicode 2021-07-21

Technically, Mathematica source code is ASCII. Characters in Unicode or Mathematica's own set of math symbols are represented by a markup, much like HTML entities. However, Mathematica editor (the Front End) displays it rendered, and there's robust system for user to input math symbols.

Linden Scripting Language (Second Life)

Supports Unicode in variable name and function name.

string a∑♥ = "variable with Unicode char in name";

string t∑♥() { return "function with Unicode char in name";}

        llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");

    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        llSay(0, (string) t∑♥() + "; " + (string) a∑♥);



APL etc

APL is well-known for its use of math symbols. 〔see APL Symbols Meaning and Code Example〕 but am not sure if it allows unicode symbol in identifiers or defining operator.

For other programing language language's support of unicode in names, see Note: that page does not discuss if math symbol character can be used.

Why Use Unicode in Variable Names?

Languages and Unicode Support History

thanks to boostjam on perl

thanks to Hleb Valoshka on ruby.

Programing Language Operators