Emacs: Bind Number Pad Keys

See that large useless number pad on your keyboard? It's your best friend. It adds 17 programable keys!
For example, key to List Buffers, open bookmark.
;; bind number pad keys (global-set-key (kbd "<kp-1>") 'bookmark-bmenu-list) (global-set-key (kbd "<kp-2>") 'ibuffer)
To use, be sure the number lock is on.
Note: On the Mac, defining keys for the numeric keypad will not work. You need to use some keymap tool first to make them send numpad key signals. 〔see Mac: Keyboard Software Guide〕
If you run emacs in terminal, numberpad may not work.
More examples:
;; number pad keys (global-set-key (kbd "<kp-decimal>") 'other-window) (global-set-key (kbd "<kp-0>") 'delete-window) (global-set-key (kbd "<kp-1>") 'delete-other-windows) (global-set-key (kbd "<kp-2>") 'split-window-below) (global-set-key (kbd "<kp-3>") 'xah-open-file-at-cursor) (global-set-key (kbd "<kp-subtract>") 'xah-close-current-buffer) (global-set-key (kbd "<kp-divide>") 'xah-previous-user-buffer) (global-set-key (kbd "<kp-multiply>") 'xah-next-user-buffer) ;; with control key down (global-set-key (kbd "<C-kp-divide>") 'xah-previous-emacs-buffer) (global-set-key (kbd "<C-kp-multiply>") 'xah-next-emacs-buffer)
You can also use the numberpad keys for outside of emacs. See: