Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-04

SVG tutorial: SVG: viewBox, User Coordinate

Allowed Characters in Identifier (added explanation of what's “Unicode Letter”)

Google Chrome still doesn't support CSS animation. What year is this? CSS: Animation

Facebook Scam

Google Chrome browser is the worst in supporting Unicode, since 2010. See bug 361986 https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=361986

CSS: Media Query

Complete. This list of DOM methods: JS: DOM Methods, is pretty much all you need, that covers practically 90% of what you use DOM for.

JS: Add, Remove Event Handler (updated)

Browser Info, Navigator Object (updated)

JS: Create and Insert HTML Element (updated)


Digital Clock (modernized)

CSS: font-size (updated)

CSS: OverFlow, Scrollbar (updated)

JS: Floating Box Following Scroll (updated)

Fade a Element Using CSS Transition (updated)

JS: Change Element's Content (updated)

JS: Set Element's Attribute Value (updated)

JS: Get Element's Attribute Value (updated)

JS: Change CSS (updated)

emoticon cat faces Twitter 2014-04-08

Emoticons on Social Network: Facebook, Twitter, Sina Weibo (updated)

HTML/CSS Case Sensitivity (minor update)

HTML: Class Attribute (minor update)

DOM: Node vs Element, NodeList vs HTMLCollection (minor update)

JS: Get Element by ID, Name, Class etc (updated)

JS: What is Node, Node Type, Element (updated)

JS: DOM Methods (minor update)

news. Just today, Twitter started to show emoticons as images.

emoticon smiley twitter 2014-04-02
emoticon on Twitter as of 2014-04-02

updated at Emoticons on Social Network: Facebook, Twitter, Sina Weibo