JS: Set Element's Attribute Value

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

setAttribute method

The setAttribute is generic, works in both HTML and XML.

node.setAttribute(AttributeName, value)
  • set a node/element's attribute.
  • Return undefined.
  • If the attribute does not exist, it will be created.

The node is a HTML/XML node.

AttributeName and value should be string.

const tt = document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
tt.setAttribute("href", "http://example.com");

As of 2012-04-26, this works in all major browsers.

Set Attributes by Properties: id, class, href, width

If working in HTML (not XML), you can use a property directly for standard HTML attributes.

element.class = value
set class value. (must be a string)

When working with the class attribute, there are more convenient methods. [see JS: List, Add, Remove Class Attribute]

element.id = value
set id value. (must be a string)
LinkElement.href = value
set href value. (must be a string)
ImgElement.width = value
set width value. (must be a string)


x.href = "http://example.com";

is same as

x.setAttribute("href", "http://example.com");

When working with XML, such as SVG, you should use setAttribute, because it is more general. [see JS: Get Element's Attribute Value]

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