JS: Function Constructor

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

The Keyword: Function

The keyword Function (capital F) lets you construct a function from strings.

The advantage of using Function to define a function is that it lets you create function at run-time. Though, this is rarely needed.

Function(param1, param2, etc, body)

Return a function with specified params and body. The arguments should all be strings.

new Function ()

same as Function ()


const f = Function("a", "b", "return a + b;");

// function with no parameter
const h1 = new Function ("return 3;");
console.log( h1() );              // 3
// function with 1 parameter
const h2 = new Function("a", "return a;");
console.log(h2(4));             // 4
// function with 2 parameters
const h3 = new Function("a", "b", "return a + b;");
console.log(h3(3,4));           // 7

Using new Function() is similar to the use of eval(), and you should be careful to not eval user generated input. Otherwise, it's a security risk.

JavaScript, Function

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